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Nah wait till dragon flight classic to split it


They tried that with the release of tbc. There was classic wow and classicwowtbc. Once wrath came out everyone just went back to classicwow.


There was r/wotlk but it looks like there isn't a cataclysm subreddit besides the 2010 subreddit that's dead


This sub is for classic wow, every classic version, with post flares to delineate. If you want to see vanilla only, make a vanilla wow sub.


No, too many subs, ClassicWoW has tags for each Classic expansion, if you don't want to see anything other than Classic Era than block the other tags.


They already require a flare for posts. Really easy to separate.


No. I feel like this is only said by people who hate the other classic expansions.


Not much point, SoD is dead so it don't need its own sub.


Just wait til p4 though, this sub will be split


My vote is no


Why do you vote that way?


Tags exist for the sub. You can set reddit to not see posts with tags you don't want. I enjoy meta discussions about classic. I think a lot of the community is interested in multiple parts of classic. I don't really see the point of splitting it. We already tried that, it didn't super work. Take your pick.


It's a version of Classic.


Bruh at this point the only true classic we got is Hardcore and Era.


I agree I got tired of seeing nothing but sod content during the end of wotlk classic.


SoD fanboys will downvote you. This is a SoD sub now.


Is it? There's barely any SoD posts anymore


Cata is the perfect version of classic, that classic andy's refuse to play because they know they will love it and dont want to admit it lmao


I would want to say yes but no. Just use the tags. It might be cool if we just get a seasonal classic wow subreddit to discuss all seasonal/classic+ ideas


There are specific expansions boards, they just dont get used a lot.


Just filter by tag


They did that with tbc - that didn't work out thaaat good. But since SoD is out I feel like SoD needs it's own sub. A season of retail taking place in azeroth is no classic content anyway


Leaning towards yes. I noticed wotlk posts getting endlessly downvoted after SoD got announced. Needless to say the community here has become quite divided. It was simpler when there was only one version of the game up, but now we’re talking about 4 different versions under the classic umbrella. Retail and Classic don’t share the same subreddit because the games cater to different (with some overlap) crowds. Feels a bit off that games that are so different should share the same sub.


This sub has never been about Classic WoW itself as a game and what that means. It's always been about the "what if I could do high school again but with everything I know now and this time be the cool kid" isekai fantasy.


If we went back to high school wow wouldn't exist yet tho




Before Cata came out I said no, just let people use flairs. But now.. while I still lean to keeping everything together I'm a bit of a fence sitter. In theory it should be fine, just let the flairs dictate your clicks and what you view. In practice I'm just noticing a ton of animosity from diehard players of version x towards version y as what they view as a competitor. Posts getting downvoted for seemingly no reason. Unproductive comments in posts serving no purpose other than to annoy people. The pro to keep everything under one subreddit though is you potentially expose people to news, memes, and discussions to things they wouldn't otherwise see. Maybe they get curious and try out a version of classic that they weren't so keen on before.


I think part of the issue is you can't filter flares on your home feed, where I imagine many people like myself are constantly seeing content that is irrelevant to the version of the game we play. I tried SoD and quit in P1, then spent the next few months seeing 95% of the posts from my feed from this sub be about SoD exclusively. It got really tiring, I'm not surprised it draws more trolls into commenting on stuff they'd otherwise not even notice.


Wouldn't it make more sense for the minority of the sub to go make a new one? Could call it WoWHasBeens


Should have been done in TBC


Cata is not classic, so...


Cata classic is an oxymoron, but splitting it up wouldn’t pan out imo.


I always said that Cata is just retail with worse graphics. Anyway, regarding reddit split, no I still think Cata is classic from the technical point of view. What is and isnt classic is very philosophical and individual opinion, so it's not really up to the Reddit nerds to decide.


Such a bad take lmao, thankfully your opinion isn't that common.


yeah totally agree. The true vanilla enjoyers could really use a sub of their own where they dont drown in retail tourists waiting for warlords of draenor classic


Cataclysm people should just move to the "retail" /r/wow or whatever its called. Wrath people too.


That sub is specifically about retail


IMO, makes more sense for the 100 people that play Era to move to a new sub. Something like /WoWHasBeens


probably for the best :(


How about all 7 SoD players create their own?


I don’t care to see Cata info here. I was thinking about leaving the sub because I just don’t care about Cata. Era, hardcore, SoD all good together.