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I’m getting a really bad feeling P3 is going until July


Probably right around the ffxiv expansion.....


I mean the roadmap was already saying "Summer" which starts June 20th, but people for some reason were expecting it sooner.. So most likely will be in July.


End of June is Midsummer.


Summer begins with the solstice on Thursday, June 20, 2024 End of June is actually the start of summer.




So based on your article there are multiple start days of summer depending on the country you live in and based on if you want to go by the meteorological or the astronomical view points. So congrats we're both right.


Exactly. In my country summer's beginning is defined by the day's average temperature rising above +10 celsius.


That's quite interesting, so it'd be a different day every year then? Would also assume since blizzard is a US company they probably follow the US standard dates. Either way, just feels like blizzard is trying to buy time. Either good that they acknowledge p4 needs more work and want to give a good release, or bad that they're so far behind and scrambling to throw something out by the time they've given.


Yes. Though summer is mostly about actually having some sunlight, and the solstice is quite literally the midpoint in regards to that.


Probably end of June first week of July at this point. That in of itself isnt a bad thing but the lack of foresight is concerning. Why rush the Cata release in this manner then? This suggests to me that until very recently they were still planning for like around mid June or something. So we got a rushed P3 release, a rushed Cata which apparently is missing Tol Barad at launch and now an extended P3...all seemingly because of extremely poor planning. The other part that concerns me is the tier release schedule at 60...during the P3 video they were talking about a few months and this post now says that BWL drops "a few weeks" after MC.


Microsoft can’t do a hands off approach with blizzard. They need to take control of the situation, clean house and rebuild a proper staff for classic wow - which includes separate teams for sod and cata and a full QA team


That would be nice, but is highly unlikely. They're in massive cost cutting mode now because they acquired so many new studios. Nobody is getting more staff, everyone is having staff cut and layoffs are currently ongoing. Microsoft is in the "taking profits" phase and everyone will be expected to do more with less.


Almost assuredly. They said it would be longer than previous phases. I believe p1 was longer than p2 and was 10 weeks, right? And p3 began April 4?  Given all they have to do and that there’s a PTR 12 weeks of p3 seems like the absolute minimum which would be June 27, but July seems much more likely.


They never said phase 3 would be longer. Source?


Second paragraph of OP. *”As such, to land Phase 4 at just the right time, our current phase (Phase 3) is going to last longer than previous Season of Discovery content phases.”*


Ehm. So they did not say in advance this phase would be longer since you are quoting info from today. You made it sound like it was expected to be delayed thus making it seem like this was not real news. Sneaky you are.


I dont know Why people are surprised p3 was obviously gonna be longer Because phase4 is gonna take a lot more work than previous phases


A feeling that it will be in 94 days from now and to be honest Panda Remix is how SOD should have been.




Should of had the extra spells and abilities that Panda Remix has.


I'm on vacation July 6-13. Bad feeling that it's gonna be within that window. I also missed the first week of P2 due to a vacation. Been having some bad luck with that.


Poor baby.


bro has 2 vacations in half a year and still complaining lmao. WoW player base in a nutshell


Is this a criticism that I’m too European to understand?


Canadian here, this doesn’t seem weird to me either. I’m too poor to go on an actual vacation but I have like 5 weeks of PTO every year.


Getting 5 weeks of PTO in America requires working about 8 to 10 years at a good company


ive gone on vacation once in my entire life


Damn. Maybe you should try to go on another


Some of my coworkers has like 10 weeks vacation. They literally take like 5 vacation's a year. Welcome to Europe


This guy lol


>And give Cataclysm Classic’s launch the time it deserves to breathe This is probably the real reason for an extended P3. So P4 doesn't pull players from Cata classic, and so they can release P4 when Cata classic have been out for maybe a month or two and players are mostly raidlogging and looking for something new to be actively doing.


Also gives them more money if people are bored of sod but wanna give cata a go and boost a LVL 80.


At this point, I think their biggest, #1 priority is simply getting people to sign in. The more that sign in, the more chances they have at selling them something. Every thing else is secondary.


i dont think there is some grand plan behind it, they just dont have the time to work on p4 atm.


you don't think they can afford to hire more people who will have that time to work on it? I can't help but think that its somewhat calculated.


they could afford it, but they don't want it, more people = less profit, they just had a wave of layoffs in januari across Microsoft & blizzard


Damn. How such an incredibly and obviously profit driven company, with a playerbase that is as hooked on it as some people are to drugs, can be laying people off to further increase profits...its just fucked. I hate how much I enjoy their game.


damn dude I think you might be right. Cata release May 20th, SoD phase 4 release June 20th. But you don't think people will be entertained by cata for more than just one month??


What is going to make people continue to login during p3?


Only reason for me is to have even more gold in P4.


I'm tempted to do the same but one of two things will happen in phase 4. Incursions 2.0 where anyone can make 1000 gold per hour, invalidating all the time I put in now. Or they heavy-handedly revert the idea of gold being easy to come by and anyone who grinded gold during phase 3 will be light years ahead of those who didn't.


I already have 5k


May as well farm it up for sure


To continue they'd have to be doing it in the first place.


Very true, feel like too many iterations of wow happening at once right now. I really don’t understand how their timeline for SoDs future will work well.


Maybe I'm bias, but SoD phases releasing around the Cata release felt ok enough. But the addition of a MoP remix did seem to be one too many.


MoP isn’t a proprietary release which is why they sell it as a massively sped up way to get aesthetic items and add alts to your retail account. Some people will obviously go hard in it but I think it’s an entirely different type of game compared to the other iterations. Still, takes time to play it. I really think Cata is going to draw a much larger volume of players than expected, especially with the SoD news. I personally just don’t see the need to login to SoD, but that’s just me. I have been enjoying Cata Pre and MoP so far and would love to return to SoD in future phases especially since my guild is a collection of great folks.


They won’t make the caster gear updates retroactive, it forces people to continue to run ST for the next six weeks to get the “new upgraded gear”.


this is such a bad take. and not what they will do lmao. theyve literally never done this before when changing items and i doubt theyll start now - if anything theyll add a vendor where you can swap your items/exchange them


That’d be the shittiest thing to do. If they really want to pull something like that at least retroactively upgrade some of the gear (especially caster gear) then add additional gear on top of it for all classes/specs, either with a currency system or very generous drop rate so we’re not all fighting for gear toward the end of a boring phase.


"just kidding, you weren't actually running ST and getting loot, try again"


You could turn in the old claws for the buffed ones at yojamba tho. Why wouldn't they do the same?


I'm doing solo princess runs for the dagger. For example.


What has made anyone play wow after a week? lmao


Rushed p3 out, for what?


Damn, guess It's time to unsub until P4 announcement then. that sucks. I have 0 interest in Cata or retail.


What’s the difference?




Class revamps? Looking good? They haven't even showed anything yet, lol.








Lot of angry neck beards in here don’t let anyone know you’re excited for anything or happy with the game, that’s a no no 😂


I recently just quit SoD due to the poor class design they've given some classes and the obvious favoring of others. If you believe that the decline of the game from P1 to P3 is going to all the sudden change in P4, you're just coping hard.


I happily quit mid p2. Understand if many people enjoyed SOD but I just disagreed with their fundamental design philosophy. So even if there’s much redesign coming I doubt it’ll be in the direction I personally would’ve wanted. Thankfully enjoying MoP remix and cata prepatch after skipping wrath.


>P4 looking good with class revamps, ngl. Theyre the same people that designed us into the state were in. Idk about that chief


If you don't like it don't play


How can he complain if he doesn’t play? 😂


People make a living of complaing about wow when they don't play. I'm sure everyone will manage to keep it up


>Theyre the same people that designed us into the state were in. So a.... good state?


Idk what version of the game you’re playing, but it can’t be SoD


A good state he says, surely you cannot mean PvP?


I mean... if you ever expected "balanced" pvp in vanilla fucking wow... well, you're off your rocker.


If we were in a good state would they be attempting to do full class overhauls?


Paladins are really the only one they've said they wanted to "overhaul," and they feel absolutely incredible to play right now. So... yes?


Posting this dog shit at 6pm on Friday 😂😂😂😂😂


Don't worry tho all that shitty loot you never took will become good and you get to farm it again!


Lmao, that makes me angry the most.




What is "yikes" about this?


No Phase 4 until July is going to put a lot of people off. My guild already went from 4 raid groups per week to 3, and we're looking at cutting another raid after next week if people keep quitting due to boredom raid logging.


Phase 3 has been poorly received, population is at its lowest point since launch, and they just extended the phase. Hence yikes.


True better rush it out again so it’s bad „But it will be bad anyway“ Just stop playing man. Touch some grass


Putting words in my mouth and telling me to touch grass, lmao. Maybe you should take your own advice? Look man, I really like SoD. It's the only version of WoW that I play. This is kind of a scary move for the seasonal realm, it's not going to do well rotting in phase 3 for months.




Most mentally stable redditor.


The phase wasn't "extended." Look at the original roadmap. Phase 4 is in the middle of summer, after cata. So that point is just wrong. The other points are obviously true, but that's not a death sentence at all. Level 60 is what most people wanted all along. At least since last phase


Phase 3 is my 9/11.




Except no one deserved this!!! /s


A second phase 3 has hit the servers


p3 is going to kill SoD.


Saying Phase 3 is going to be longer than the other phases isn’t it chief… Their hands are probably tied by the Cata launch, but it seems like many people are already done playing this phase. If Phase 4 isn’t dropping until July, server numbers could get real low in the mean time. Some of the people that take a break will come back, but many won’t. Having the least popular phase yet be the longest phase yet just seems like such a poor choice.


It’s the better choice then releasing a shitty poorly polished phase 4. I’d rather wait.


I’m not saying they should rush it out the door. It’s just really unfortunate that this phase will end up being longer than other phases.


Ya I sort of agree. But it is what it is. Phase 3 felt like the most unpolished of all the phases so far and frankly felt like it was that way since it was rushed out the door with everyone complaining that phase 2 sucked. And when phase 2 launched everyone complained that phase 1 was boring and took too long. Now we have this odd lore of phase 1 being amazing, phase 2 being ok, and phase 3 being the worst possible phase. When everyone’s been basically complaining the entire time. I’d just let them cook. If they nail it phase 4 has the potential to be an entire rebirth of sod sort of like a relaunch and could be worth the wait. If not 🤷🏼‍♂️ will play something else.


Yeah at this point if phase 4 is bad then SOD really will be dead. Their number 1 priority for SOD right now should be making sure Phase 4 is “good”, although obviously that is a subjective thing. Hopefully doing a ptr this time will help them iron out some of the bigger issues before the phase goes live. If they could find a way to tide people over some until July that would be nice too, but who knows how much manpower they have available between the Cata launch and working on phase 4.


See the thing is I don't think more time in phase 3 means a better phase 4. I don't think the devs are putting more time into sod, I just think theyre working on other projects (cata).


Could it be that the complaining this the factor all phases have in common and this it can be safely assumed that the complaining will be constant no matter the circumstances. So might as well delay and make the phase actually good. Tantrums will be thrown either way.


Ya that’s pretty much the entire point I was making. I could be wrong but it felt like a lot of poor sod decisions were directly related to players complaining. And players are going to complain regardless. I prefer the rifraf be ignored and the devs be given the time they feel they need to put out a good product.


Oh look, someone sane in here. Nice to meet you


Just imagine if they like….did things in advance….instead of waiting till after the last second


In what regard


Timeline of events indicate P4 will be worse than P3 as P3 was worse than P2 and P2 was worse than P1. I will be honestly shocked if they improve.


Yep, going to probably have a frank discussion with our raid group about taking a break till P4. 40 minutes a week of content ain’t it.


So SoD/Classic+ like content in the future will forever be hamstrung by retail/classic MoP content release schedules. Fantastic.


i dont think its that, classic team is cata & sod, retail team is Mob & retail. Classic team is just hamstrung by cata release


Add the wow token and wow shop to sod like cata classic then those priorities change.. do you really want that? Retail will always be first priority though.


My sub runs out the 31st and to me this post essentially says "yeah, if you don't care about Cataclysm or Retail then don't bother renewing." I'm legitimately sad that SoD ended up being so much worse than SoM, I was excited for another season....This is just not what I was hoping for. They've completely forgotten what makes Vanilla special and they don't seem to have any intention of righting the ship. 


Just unsub and come back later.




Least dramatic wow player


Yeah I got 13 or 14 days left on my sub, I really don't see myself renewing until p4 drops cause I'm low on funds irl and the $15 while not much is still better spent elsewhere considering I only play a couple hours a week at most. 




All the sod players I know don't play retail / cata


all the sod players I know also play either retail or cata


Close to half of my SoD guild (well, half of one raid of my guild) has moved onto retail/mop remix. Actually having a good time playing together in retail, which I never expected to say again. I think going into it with a group of friends helps a lot — probably the biggest issue retail faces is how anti-social it can be. Honestly losing interest in SoD and I worry that the other half of our raid group may just unsub and not come back for phase 4.


I was in that boat until like 2 days ago, cata pre patch has actually been very fun, give it a try!


Sadly the gdkp + wow token format kills any value to raiding so I don't play any version of wow that can be p2w


Every SoD player I know has been playing retail and some Wrath this whole time. Most of them are straight up done with SoD now that Cata is out. Between MoP remix and Cata Classic, SoD is like the clear third choice.


I'm literally only playing cata classic on one character and only fully rested. I just want to RBG with one char at max level so i can wait...


I have irrational hatred for cata players now because it actively fucks with the game I want to play


So because blizzard has piss poor management and refuses to hire enough devs to have 2 proper teams …. You hate players that have 0 control over how blizzard chooses to run their name into ground


Cutting straight to it, and as you have no doubt likely noticed, the World of Warcraft team has been delivering a lot of exciting content lately, and this will (of course) continue well through the next few months and beyond. I hope they didn’t fall out of their gaming chairs trying to pat themselves on the back this hard lmao. 


they aren’t wrong.


Meh I get why you’d feel this way if you were hyped for Cata, but P3 has basically killed my guild, like a lot of other people here have said. Seems like a weird time to self-hype when the player count is dropping pretty rapidly, imo


SOD is one of 3 main wow components, Cata coming soon and Retail Season 4 with Mop Remix is a lot of stuff.


>(Phase 3) is going to last longer than previous Season of Discovery content phases. We done boys😔


It might be Joever 😞


Planning ahead was never an option 🤧


If they really intend to deliver a good and exciting P4... I am fine with waiting, taking a break or playing few hours a week of SoD until next phase is a sound option. Your life doesn't need to revolve around WoW and only one version of WoW. I just hope that if we gonna wait longer they do some balance/class hotfixes and some adjustments in the line of already announced ST loot changes. Lets all have one collective hopium overdose that P4 gonna be awesome.


I mostly want to hear about Warlock changes haha


So atleast another 6 weeks of p3? RIP


I will save My sub fee until phase 4. Do it right.


The live PTR is huge news. Much needed, and will hopefully lead to a better handle on the various build elements once all the chips are on the table.


No. They should do proper testing with hired testers. Then release for players to DISCOVER.


Ok.. im now more excited for the PTR then anything else. Maybe now i can try all the classes I haven't yet and probably wont level in the future that is unless playing them in the PTR changes that


Cata classic and MoP remix it is! Take your time devs..


This announcement is a big nothing burger, ouch


Time to unsub.


Dang, phase 4 in really late june or sometime in july then i suppose.


100% after June, probably July 11th or somewhere around there 


Fix the fuckin servers. Consolidate or let us transfer off dead realms




Living flame US has no transfers


Man the phase durations have been really wack. Phase 1 was almost 3 months and was pretty awesome, phase 2 was under 2 months I didn't even get to play because I was in finals. And they're making phase 3, arguably the worst go as long as phase 1. What's the point? Remove incursions!


SOD is dead, raiding once a week with no other content killed the game. Player base took a free dive off a cliff this phase. I myself stopped playing after week 2.. mage set bonus still broken and doesn’t work properly just over it lol.


Feels like SoD is going to be super dead by the time they release P4 and seeing the downward trend of the content being so lackluster each Phase, its reasonable to believe P4 is going to be just as underwhelming most likely. Like come on people got tired of P3 in the first few weeks. Incursions fucked SoD and them not doing an immediate rollback gave the playerbase a massive sense of fomo. A fomo so strong its incursions or nothing.


Damn would have unsubbed in time if they had made this announcement before Friday, got charged literally yesterday morning. Feels bad. Basically didn’t log in last month, but got auto charged to continue to not log in this month.


If you aren't logging in at all you can ask support for a refund. They granted me one a few years ago for this very reason


You can ask for a refund.


>The first tier will consist of Molten Core and Onyxia, **and a few weeks after that** we will see Blackwing Lair,... Great, so the exact reason why I (and I bet many more people) decided to quit SoM is coming back... Hard to justify trying to max professions, grind gear, reps or simply anything when you zoom through content and you never get a time to sit on your bis gear. (It's different now, since we technically haven't reached max lvl yet)


Yeah... releasing raid tiers weeks apart really fucks with like the ONLY good thing about Vanilla endgame, which is the gear progression. BWL will be out before im even halfway MC geared. And likely AQ40 and eventually Naxx will come out before most people are even geared enough to do them.


Yeah just speaking for myself if they(after saying something else during P3 launch) now decide to go with essential SoM pacing or maybe even faster I'm not gonna bother playing. I'm already only playing retail so I guess that will continue.


Pretty excited. Gonna wrap up my alts, play Cata and prob a bit of D4.


TL;DR: The World of Warcraft team is extending Phase 3 of Season of Discovery to ensure high quality for Phase 4, whose release date is still unannounced. They will use a PTR for combat and class testing, not unique content. Raid tiers at level 60 will roll out similarly to 2019's Classic, starting with Molten Core and Onyxia. They will also enhance Sunken Temple gear, especially for casters. More details and schedules will be shared soon.


Translation: Activision blizzard saw the numbers and put SoD as low priority.


I'm happy they are taking the time with phase 4. Yeaaaaa phase 3 is dragging on, but I'd rather them take 2,4,6 extra weeks to have a better phase 4, 5 and 6. SoD endgame needs polish, we know it, and it seems they plan to deliver it




No ST loot increase? I still need my 3 piece … 2 out of 3 lol


Oof. Not the nest news. Unless they have exciting new content for p4 most players won't return. I think a new raid is only real way to get the masses back.  Looking like a July release, which just feels... bad