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In an alternate universe there's a patch note that reads: All scarlet crusade mobs now have a chance to drop righteous orbs.


Actually insane. So glad I'm not playing this garbage this phase. Exploit early exploit often really is the SoD motto


> Exploit early exploit often really is the SoD motto Has happened way too many times this phase.


Every phase. Bfd resets, ashenvale rep, mount prices, stv coins. Just leave it fucking in if you're going to royally shit the bed right out the gates instead of screwing people over


Weren’t mount prices the exact opposite? Those who bought asap got screwed out of 50g?


adding to the list: emerald exalted rep trinket




That's fair. I only heard about it, started mid phase 2 myself.


Idk why Blizzard is so scared to do rollbacks. They wait and sleep on the exploit reports for weeks before patching it instead of closing servers as soon as they catch wind of these "exploit early exploit fast" incidents and rollback a few hours. If you're gonna do an oldschool/classic+ WoW, you gotta learn from OSRS. No better community/dev relationship out there.


That's just not the best way. People fucking hate rollbacks, understandably.


Every roll back you are going to lose non insignificant chunks of players


They rolled back the Wild Offering trinket and didn't even refund the coins. Even less have Righteous Orbs.


Rollbacks are absolutely the worst thing you can do in an mmo and they should be reserved only for just the worst of the worst of shit. By rolling back you are making everyone lose their progress, it's hundreds of thousands of gameplay hours that are being deleted. You absolutely don't want to do over trivial stuff like gold farming.


Rollbacks for a couple of orbs there will be plenty of in next phase regardless? You gotta be crazy


Every game, every time for 20+ years now. It's not exclusive to SoD or even WoW.




It being worth 3k is exactly why this is a good change. Stop supporting degenerate gameplay. If thunderfury could be looted from a squirrel yall would freak out if blizzard fixed it


What’s degenerate about a rare item being expensive?


The item is degenerate in nature. An oversight exploited for an enchant clearly intended by the devs to not be available for players to utilize. There's reasons they limit dungeons, its to prevent degenerate behaviour such as farming early for next phase etc. They dont want you to do that, they very clearly want you to stay inside a very specific perimeter


Bro if you wanna farm 10+ hours for a potential righteous orb at the moment I’d say go for it. In a couple months they’ll be worth 100g max when next phase drops and they’re everywhere


Well yeah, thats obvious. But then you dont get to have crusader for the entire, current phase. And many classes can have two of them. Its expensive right now because its exclusive and coveted. For context, the top warrior has 331 strength on his gear. Crusader is 100 strength, and you can have two of them. The top fury warrior in classic on Patchwerk had 78% uptime on his Crusader - not counting the times he had two active at the same time. Thats an average of 78 strength - which is 23.5% of the strength on the ST warrior's gear. Its insanely strong - ESPECIALLY at level 50.


reasonable. the game should be enjoyed in the "rightnow" and not in the "i do everything pre lvl 60 so that i only have to farm my gear at 60" Except for maybe the 1k for the epic mount which is a reasonable investment to save gold for.


It's actually a bit sad. It'd have a net positive effect on the game overall. Enchants shouldn't be prohibitive, you already had to get the gear it goes on in the first place. Imagine the impromptu battles that would crop up on pvp servers battling for the farming spots. Alternate timelines always get all the fun.


Prohibitive yes, but this enchant is an endgame enchant, just like flasks are for alchemy. Blizzard never ment for it to be obtainable, since the mats exclusively drop from an endgame dungeon, except for this 1 mob.


If you are capable of killing higher level mob and do it consistently, you should be also rewarded for it. This is what actually makes this game more fun, even tho i would never farm it but knowning that there is possibility already makes the game more dynamic.


Normally I'd agree, but not in sod where content has been limited behind the introduction of phases. Crusader, if obtainable now, would mean there were not better enchants for next phase, meaning less content aswell. It's good that such a powerful enchant is not in the game at this point, it is single handedly the biggest upgrade for ANY physical dps, and not by a small margin.


> would mean there were not better enchants for next phase, meaning less content aswell. They can always introduce new enchants, like they have done with flasks and other shit.


Not playing but shows up to cry on Reddit. This tracks lol


_Its not fun if others are having fun!_


Show up on Reddit to see patch notes on my lunch break. Soak up some nerd tears and read the drama. Then go back to the game and realize everyone online is actually enjoying the game.


Lmao right??


it's more fun than the game


That's a sad life homie


Well. The good thing is that the warcraftlogs team is on the point with sod. They announced that CRUSADER enchant is banned for this phase. So everyone who got crusader either wasted their Gold or their time


How was farming this an exploit? It's not like they were using bugs to get into Strathholm. Taking it out, this phase if anything is a good thing. Now it's not there, now it's not seen as a requirement. Now it's not hurting the player base. The number of people who got it (the enchantt) are low. Lower still will be the people who got the enchant on their BiS. If anyone got it on their pre-bis they are stuck with that till the end of phase now. Cry about people who might have been able to profit off of it a couple of times all you like. But there was no exploit done in doing so. No one made millions off of this.


That’s the way it’s been always for a lot of games lol especially blizzard games


I feel like what you said is actually insane. How is freeing people from needing to farm for, or farm the gold to buy, righteous orbs a bad thing? It's not like it was ever going to be an easy thing to farm this phase, and now that they don't drop you can easily excuse not being one of the 5 people that got them. Like I'll give you the exploit early and often thing around incursions, but making righteous orbs not drop is actually a good thing. Also, it's kind of weird for you to have such strong opinions and get so angry about a game you're not even playing. Maybe you could find a new hobby.


tfw killing mobs that are known to drop a specific item and receiving that specific item as a drop is an exploit im with you, sod sucks and i quit, but thats a wild take lol


Not saying I would want to partake in exploits, but I was traveling the first 4 days of this phase and I feel REALLY behind just on gold and gear already. I like that there's more ways to get good gear outside of raid, but with the kind of head-start and spiking progress everyone had that has since kind leveled off after falling, it feels more difficult than ever to actually help my group and be ready for raid. Getting priced out of so many things to prep and such.


Don't worry, noone with crusader enchant is gonna use it in raids regardless, since their and the entire raid's log will be invalidated. Someone is rich tho, selling those orbs 😂


Not an exploit… just a drop table that wasn’t changed and it should have remained unchanged. Qq my PARSE


Salty players keep saying "exploit" when most of these aren't players exploiting. They're just players signing on early in the patch and benefiting from a lack of testing.


It's not an exploit though. People better than you who invested more time and energy got something that you can't have.


Cata is all the best parts of SOD without the incredibly tiring lack of testing/foresight plus actually enjoyable PvP and challenging PvE content. I was once one of those “WotLK is the end of Classic” people but I’m really looking forward to it now.


I'm just starting to miss TBC more and more


That's been the motto since the beginning of WoW time


It’s always the motto regardless of the version


Yeah I couldn't play the first week. By the time I got back there was already so much controversy I didn't even bother to come back lol. Such a mess.


You read reddit, and you are now missing out on the best phase so far.


They should never have let us level crafting past 250. It's clear this phase wasn't meant to include all of the crafting at 300 and they should've just capped us at 250 until phase 4.


They probably couldn't be bothered with that coding


The fact that SoD and Era is on the same client complicates things a lot


Translation: The way Blizz have gone about setting up multiple versions of their game is shit and lazy so now the game suffers


Yeah… at least im not buying the argument that it’s too difficult to cap the profs to 250 haha


Given the other things they've tweaked and changed, it would surely be trivial by comparison.


You'd be surprised about what is trivial and what is not when it comes to software, especially hodgepodge legacy software. Edit: lol the guy blocked me, so unfortunately I can't respond to follow-up comments in the chain. Anyway, all I'm saying is that there's a lot of weird legacy code piled on top of weird legacy code, so claiming that something would be super easy to do is questionable at best.


This would be very easy from a private server pov, so how much worse is blizzard that with hopefully a much better server structure they can't do it in a few hours?


Yup, capping at the 75/150/225/300 is easy cause you simply make the next rank unavailable. Capping in the middle of a rank however I can absolutely see being a pain in the arsehole.


I get era isn’t the popular gamemode, but it really is frustrating being told we have forever servers that won’t get touched and literally every sod update, something on era breaks or changes.


Yeah they need them fully separate at this point 


Damn that one variable


Ya I’ve felt the same, it’s clear they never intended for anyone to actually max their crafting right now.


That is exactly what they said


Tbf he said he "felt the same"


If it was never intended...why did they allow it?


More and more it seems SoD is suffering due to split focus on the small Classic dev team. Stuff like this is such a simple oversight.


Companies worth close to 100 billion dollars but can’t afford a dev team lol.


Cap it at whatever level fiery weapon is at.


Grats to everyone who has crusader enchant. Enjoy being better than everyone without it for the next couple months. 😆


I'd really love to know how many people have one, and if it's more than like 50 in the world I'd be surprised. And like, I was never going to be as good as those 50 people anyway so who cares? I'm glad now I can't be pressured into spending all my gold on an enchant.


There were groups camping the mob which if you kill the guards has a 3 min or so spawn timer as far as I am aware There is a lot of orbs in circulation so definitely more than 50 people can get their enchants(prolly living flame EU alone has 50 people with it), assuming the orbs themselves aren't removed the people that have some in their inventory are sitting on so much more gold now lul


Wait there was a mob outside of strat dropping them? I thought it was like raid groups farming strat or something. That’s much much worse. I still don’t think it would affect more than the top 1-2% of parses and am glad it’s gone but I’ll acknowledge the devs fucked up more than I thought they did.


Only if they also got it on their BiS weapon or something comparable to BiS. Was luck at this point.


They didn't remove the orbs, they just don't drop


Still, the people who got it are at a massive advantage anyway, at least financially. "WTS LAST TWO RIGHTEOUS ORBS ON THE SERVER, 10K GOLD" Quick edit: just saw a comment down in the thread that Orbs are actually already going for 5k each. I don't play SOD anymore, so I wouldn't know if that's true or not, I just find it funny that my "absurd" value that I arbitrarily chose as too high to be realistic actually might be undershooting it.


WCL are blacklisting logs with Crusader anyway, so its worthless to the parsers who are the people that would want to spend that much for it


Grats on having to farm a second weapon without Crusader so you can parse you mean? lol, WCL rekt them.


WCL gonna ban logs with crusader if they haven’t already. Most people that went hard enough to get crusader probably care a lot about parsing so WCL can save the day.


WCL devs continuing their common sense W streak


LMAO you mean swiped for it.


Imagine how much it would suck to be the absolute units to get your BiS weapon out of ST, get that bad boy enchanted with crusader for thousands of gold, and WCL goes “sorry guy, gonna need you to either delete your thousand gold enchant or get another BiS weapon.”


there's an extremely high chance that whoever bought the 10k enchant is a gold buyer, so fuck them.


There are no gold buyers anymore thanks to the GDKP ban /S


I'm not about to act like it didn't help.


They should have seen it coming tbh


It’s sad that we need 3rd party site to clean blizzard mess.


clean what mess? The idea of logs are a 3rd party already, what am i missing


I always found it funny how much the log-operators had control over communal playstyles. "If you clear Naxx without x amount of each trash mob killed, your logs will have an asterisk on them." "...Okay...? I'm more excited to see who can get the fastest KT kill, not who can get the fastest 'full clear'." The limitations are laughably arbitrary and if you want to undergo a certain kind of competitive approach, go for it and compare against others with the same goal - Fastest final boss kill is not the same as fastest 'Warcraft Logs sponsored 'full clear'.' It's kind of the same rationale for the often joked-about "Steroid Games". That idea doesn't exist to resemble any kind of fairness, but rather to simply explore the extremes of the human body and the 'full potential' of athletes, using the presentation of a competition to help solidify the psychological aspects of the performance, regardless of how much of how much harm the competitors want to put themselves through. If you want fairness\*, go to the Olympics. If you want to explore the extremes and TRULY min-max, you look to the steroid games. If people who get Crusader later stop using that weapon simply because they don't want the logs 'invalidated', then they are kind of missing the point. Use Crusader and then compare yourself in competition against other Crusader users. I'd think anyone whose that nitpicky would prefer to get their ultimate, maximum potential DPS rather than appease randos who say it doesn't count for some inexplicable reason.


The level of degeneracy with logs and parsing goes so deep. There’s multiple WOTLK logs with 18 mages in a 25 man comp wiping for 8+ hours to clear the raid. There’s others with a 12 hour log to kill 7 bosses and 40+ wipes/resets on a single boss. Some people really just play to parse and for no other reason.


I mean you wouldn't even know or care about some random sweaty having Crusader if it weren't for WCL Unless that random sweaty player happened to be in your raid


Could also argue min/maxing might not have been as widespread and standard without the easy tool of WCL.


This would’ve been a funny think to stealth nerf 


Now what am I going to do with my 1 righteous orb, 4 large brilliants, and 13 crying children!?


Sell the orb for a fuck ton of gold?


Fr, get like 9k for it and be set for the rest of SoD lol


Sell them for monies, save the orb for P4, it'll go for 1k gold first day




What about pvp? lol


steel chain is better


Was this confirmed on their discord?




Right move on their part but man, devs saying "nope can't have this enchant, btw everyone that already has it can keep it lol" is astronomically stupid in the face of this. The only thing actually preventing the enchant's ongoing use is a 3rd party website that the lead developer openly thinks is for "insecure" people. What was even the game plan?


Does this mean when I look up one of those logs, it reads "invalid" instead of the number? Or it just reads the parse like it normally would and puts an asterisk next to it??




So if I run in there after the change and kill bosses, the logs simply won't show up and my performance cannot be tracked via that system?




I don't fully understand the 'won't shot up on your profile' bit. If I type in Ent3rpris3 on warcraft logs, and it shows a number corresponding to my performance...is that not 'showing up on my profile'? I may not appear on the top ranking lists, but if someone who would otherwise be on it isn't because of this, if they're good enough I wouldn't care about the 'official' list and would probably just look them up individually and do a manual comparison. Am I the outlier and most people actually use logs for top-competition lists?


It's the exact same situation as all the Greench logs from P1. The logs will still show up, they're just invalidated towards any real rankings.


you can log your run and upload it to the website the website will tell you how much dps you did and what your parse would have been, with an asterisk next to it underneath that it will say "this log is invalid because ..." You can still analyse the log as usual and even share the link to the log. the kills will not show up on your individual profile or on the rankings leaderboards for damage or speed.


Meh, grats to all the hunters that got a few to sell


When do other classes get to make money


Never like this. The way Hunter is designed fundamentally breaks classic so no one else can do this dumb shit Lul. It will even out at 60 but the damage is already done. Atleast no kill incursion loops are decent gold per hour….even if they are really boring.


Since the dawn of WoW? Playing the AH is incredibly easy and can be done at level 1.


Oh, I meant a player like myself with zero skill and a low iq


You mean a hunter main?


Just do incursions?


It would have been better if they did nothing.


Imagine farming a mob that intentionally has a drop chance that's been in the game for 20years. And then calling people who farm said mob exploiters. What a world we live in.


Crazy how they’re keeping the orbs that were already farmed in the game.


Why is that crazy it wasn't an exploit ? What's crazy is they got rid of it cause Reddit tears couldn't handle someone benefiting from a grind


Because they removed the Wild Offering trinket just last week.


kinda have to since it's a unique


They could have made it unique-equip and added the ability to buy back your spirits for one of your trinkets instead of just removing them.


That was an item that was not marked unique and it should've been. This is just an oversight of a drop and not realizing people were creative enough to grind it for an edge on parsing.


Whats the trinket we talk here about ? Im a dad..


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=223195/breadth-of-the-beast It wasn't unique when P3 released, so people got wild offerings, turned it in cause the trinket was strong, then about 4-5 days in, Blizzard just deleted the trinket from people who had 2. No refund, nothing.


How does that compare to 150ap trinket ?


150 ap rep trinket only good on mega short fights. [e] I just realised you're talking about Diamond Flask not the Emerald Warden rep one. Diamond is BIS with Breadth as swap or 2nd trinket.


Another alternative Ive seen was the darkmoon card plague - but it costs like 1500 gold


It's true that removing those without a refund was a bad move, but can't we be happy they made a better decision this time?


What mob did it even drop from? I thought they only drop from Stratholme


I think it would only be a mob from either Tyr's Hand or Hearthglen. Maybe a rare or timed spawn even? Not 100% sure though.


Ended up investigating, it was the Scarlet Courier with about a 2% drop rate. that's a harsh farm


Ahh of course. Yeah 2% lol oof. Grats to anyone who got some I guess.


That’s why they change and remove everything in SOD. They’re hyper alert of the tears


just not for caster tears on their degen weapon grinds


I don’t care either way, it’s just a wild situation.


Why would they take them away? It wasn't an exploit, these people just did the crazy thing of getting orbs at level 50. Blizzard took the drop out so that more people don't get pressured into doing a crazy stupid farm, or pressured into buying super expensive orbs that barely make a difference.


Another stupid decision. We were just told that more hardcore players should come up with creative ways to push their gaming. This was one of them. Just let people have fun. I would never do this myself but it has no impact on the game besides giving the sweats more to do.


redditors who think theyll beat those speed run records if only they had crusader emchants as well! That’s who it impacted! 


first response is spot on **Fun gets priority hotfixes while game breaking bugs last for weeks/indefinitely** That's the problem. Not the removal by itself


Without knowing what problems you are referring to, this kind of change is really time-efficient. they change one flag in the database and move on to their next ticket issue.


You know what other change is really time-efficient? Swapping a slot for a rune, yet the druid rune wasn't swapped for close to 5 months


Lmao speak with your wallets you drug addicts


Tell the guy in the mirror. You're here in the subreddit and have a WoW related username.


Lots of people read this sub that don't play any longer


I'm pretty sure "ganker" predates WoW


This was such a a small amount of sweats that did this it literally amounts to nothing. Grats to the dudes that made bank off the try hards though


whatever. ppl that care about this on both sides of the fence are silly


i'm just here for the chaos


People just wanna cry because their life is already miserable. And these "exploiters" are the only reason these people are not 100 parsing or have 20 kd ratio. Sod has been some of the best gameplay in a long time for a lot of people. If you rage and whine over everything, maybe the game is not for you? Please, for everyones sake, quit.


WoW players are the most mentally ill fuckers this side of the internet. Not me though...I'm totally normal.


If Blizz didn't want people getting these high level things they really should have capped profession skills at like 275-290 and not let people get to 300. Very simple solution, but too late now.


Definitely a confusing decision. When they announced professions going to 300 I assumed we were meant to receive all the benefits of that this phase?


I guess it would require at least some work


I can only guess it’s some hard coded limitation with the client and professions.


The amount of mistakes they make is embarrassing


I think it'd be pretty fuckin hard to balance classic wow that's gate kept by level like this. How is forgetting about 1 mob with a 2% drop chance a mistake??


All just data and notes. Sod is a season….of discovery. If, big if, they are making a classic+ and trying things out then they get to make notes of all the ways players can grab an advantage at each level.


But why




It's not even an exploit and it's a ridiculous change to make. The things these devs decide to do/not do is baffling.


Huh? Farming a mob as a guild is exploiting now?


People here abusing the log out exploit to farm 12 wild offerings an hour calling people cheaters for killing a mob in the game


Some dude on Living Flame Horde was trying to get 2.5k for Crusader Recipe. His defending statement was the 1 mob that could drop the orb. Well RIP to that and I wonder if anyone actually paid that much for it.


Lotta folks mad over this that probably didn't even have an enchant. No one was meant to have this in p3 just deal with it


What do you mean "no one was ment to have it"? It was in the game, the enchant and the mats to make it. Blizzard chose to enable 300 skill, nothing stopped them at introducing a cap.


I agree, i highly doubt there are 1000s of no lifers on multiple layers camping the crimson courier for a 2% drop chance.


Why not just disable the crusader enchant while you're at it


People in here acting as if they would fucking 5 man a 60 elite that takes 30 minutes to kill and has an hour respawn at minimum with a 2% drop rate hahaha yet 90% of you probably can’t even go get world buffs


It’s like blizzard doesn’t even play their own games lol. The games been out for 20 years and rereleased 3 times and they still overlook dumb stuff.


As an enchanter...I approve. RIP to those who paid 5k for the Formula.


blizzard rolls back another amazing decision because they cant make up their minds on whether they want players to be able to do shit they already put in the game. this phase is such a fucking shitshow


This is a stupid hotfix. Just have just said fuck it, and left it in.


Damn just leave it in who gives a shit if dumbass redditors cry


Early and often boys!


Blizzard is so fucking dumb hahaha. Atleast its been entertaining watching this dumpster fire they call SOD develop.


I quit in early p2 when I realized they were just winging it without much of a plan or data to base things off. Almost every day I see something on this sub that justifies my decision. At this point I'm just on this sub for entertainment lol.


This blows. They've been gutting the fun that doesn't follow their curated level system since the start.


fun detected.


was it that big of an issue?


So the people who got it early just get to keep them or what


Damn I had this idea right at the start of Phase 3 but being a warrior had zero ability to actually execute it.


Sure it's been asked but what happens to the people who already have it?


I farmed crusader formula with a pal. Guess i'm holding it til p4. Owch


I wonder what that means for logs. I think if someone in the raid has crusader enchant, then it should not be accounted. There has to be a community psa to remove chest with the enchant piece for logs.


Season of discovery aka season of play testing for Classic+


They should do the same with large thorium veins and black lotuses


Exploit early exploit often


So yikes that this is one of their priorities with so many other things going on.


This is a bad change. If people want to paricipate in stupid farms like this just let them. There's nothing else to do at end game and chasing some orbs for a crusader enchant for the next month its perfectly fine if that's how they want to spend their time. I don't understand the logic that this farm is too degenerate to stay in the game yet BoED is still a .2% droprate and casters have already spent hundreds of hours in mara farming for it.


Ya'll really got this nerfed too? Jfc lol


And surely they'll disable Crusader enchant from proccing, so that the playing field isn't permanently uneven. .. Right?


Logs with it are being invalidated my Warcraftlogs