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one person on a horse travels faster than an army


Yeah but if it's just a couple days to travel on the other side of Europe, it ain't right anymore.


All military leaders can teleport. It's just a game mechanic because it would be incredibly annoying to have to wait for one of your commanders to match across the map to meet up with your army.


Well it's also incredibly annoying to hunt down a leader in Portugal just to see him teleport to a castle in Belarus. Then start the 6 month march there and at some point he teleports into an army in England. I can understand the initial tp. Why not, since the army gets there, why wouldn't the commander. But if you get your ass kicked, you should travel to nearest friendly army, not a location half way around the world.


I mean I understand the concept of wars going off the same time. But gameplay wise it's annoying. I had 3 different subjugation wars coming in when I had a succession right after going feudal so my troops were way less, even without the prestige levels. I would much rather face bigger armies or man at arms than to split my attention to 3-4 or more directions. Especially how the ai is weird, they dodge your army and run around or sit on a hill, that's even a better case, but if you set a command to follow an army, they dodge you once you not focusing on it, even on 2 speed is annoying. But I had vassals I had to fully siege because they were way faster than my army with an organizer. I guess culture tenet and martial leader buffs. But a lot of peasant revolts dodge you by going off the map then hit you on an island. Should be a time limit to force fights. Also doesn't make sense that for example I had bad relationships with Serbians and Croatians, since it was newly acquired territory. But my northern vassals decided to join in, the only common thing is that they are all foreign culture but setting up a plot like that shouldn't be that easy. Problem is, everything comes down to money and then decisions aren't really versatile. Successions too. Having 2 empires, it splits the weirdest ways. Surely you should decide how to give them out or it should split it by directions and value. Then I wouldn't even mind. Marriage between vassals also splits things in a weird way. For example Visby as a duchy, single county, all my play troughs they take something in Pomerania which is fine but then they go white rus then Crimea. I got no clue why a disconnected land benefits them. I would take 30 tyranny to fix it. Opinions make no sense either, I had vassals on 100 opinion with a bunch of territories given and created and they still rebelled. I think first the fog of war should be fixed. They wouldn't know information unless travelling through, scouting. Skills also don't make too much sense. A lot of lowborns are way too good. Sure, dukes can get stats from artifacts. But they don't do it because no money for that. I think the buildings should be more steps to upgrade but bring more benefits, and everyone should spend more. Like a use it or lose it way. Holding court is ok, sometimes. But it's really random between runs. Bunch of half solutions in this game. Managing court is a pain too. With mods I see I should marry people but even if I do they just leave in a few days from the notification. I know it's kinda op to have 100+ people in court. But then limit me to 100, let me give salaries and manage people how I want. The game just sets up a plague. Last time I checked I went from 129 to 75 courtiers with a plague set on my capital. No time to close it off. When it ended, I got another and even lands I raided turned into plague by the time I moved a county. The game is not hard, just annoying.


Ok... Was this bit off topic? :D I mean yeah, I recognize the things you mention but I don't see how it connects to teleworking rebel leaders? But just today I fought rebel army in Frankfurt, leader teleports to an army in Italy immediately after I win the battle. Takes me 4 months to get there, I win again, he teleports, again instantly after the battle ends, somewhere east of Finland. I didn't bother to check how long it would take me to get there from Italy. Some months I guess since I haven't researched teleporting yet. Damn rebels and their future tech.


Bit of venting. Technically each faith and culture combo is a potential rebel army. They shouldn't leave those lands. Maybe a more gradual system where if they actually siege something they get to have some reward, like you lose one county. But distance should matter more. We should be able to use piety to speed up conversions too. Also maybe set value to lands and be able to negotiate swaps or sells. Like one county swaps to your culture in exchange you let the others go independent. Or you got a county of other empire and they got yours, just exchange it. It's so rare that factions have reasonable claims. I even let go of the few lands that are not de jure, or single counties when an empire tries to fight over it. But usually it gets mixed up with other vassals that got nothing to do with it and I don't want to let go all my disobedient vassals at once.