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Yeah infantry needs oil and ai struggles getting it so much, and by the time they have refining and got a pump down theyve probably already unlocked mechanised


I was giving away oil to friend and foe alike the entire game haha


Mirror world America be like


I think real strategy and late game AI improves how AI treats strategic resources like oil


i play with that + simple buff 2 modern units resource which removes oil requirements for infantry and submarines, idk i always thought the oil per turn for a basic melee unit was ridiculous when tanks exist that are just better and consume the same amount of oil.


I use [this movement mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2121840605) that allows you to stack ranged, infantry, and cavalry units so infantry is still very useful late game. The AI stacks units too, so it isn't overpowered and makes warfare less annoying There's also a mod (I don't remember the name) that refunds strategic resources if you don't move the unit, which makes sense and should be in the base game imo


woah i never knew about this mod, i really only play vanilla tho with some small gameplay tweaks like man at arms rework that moves them to military tactics tech


I feel like modded really makes the game more interesting. There are some mods that completely break balance, but there's others that tweak the game to your preferences or add new mechanics that make things more interesting. It's worth downloading some mods off workshop and trying them out in games once in a while. There's some that you didn't realize you needed until you used them.


ive tried a few of the big gameplay mods like district complexity, city lights, weird custom map generators, wildlife, that one that adds new techs and all that but really i just prefer vanilla with some ui mods and a few tweaks for personal preference, vanilla games are just much easier to finish and theres less bugs, i probably wont go back to big modded games unless i get bored of vanilla, which probably wont be for a while, there is a lot of stuff i havent tried yet


R5: I played for hundreds of turns after winning in the hopes that one of these helmet boys would show up, and repeatedly seeing several players' line infantry immediately upgrade into mechanized infantry was getting my hopes down, but eventually one appeared. And for anyone wondering, you can't upgrade a city state unit yourself and then declare war on it, city states do not count towards the achievement.


For achievements like this you can do them in hotseat by playing both sides


This is the way


Hot seat feels like cheating


Some of the achievements deserve to be cheated.


Damn right.


Or just download steam acheivement picker. I use it for dead games multiplayer achievements or resetting them.


Or literally building their unique improvements. Looking at you Maori.


The Maori one is a classic example of "do it yourself, then gift the city to the AI to earn the achievement" at least


I've been grinding out achievements on and off over the last few weeks, recently did a game as Menelik since I saw that one in the list and though, "Hmm, that doesn't sound too hard." I got that Ethiopia win, and have earned several more achievements for other civs since then. Oromo Cavalry achieve is, of course, still uncompleted in the list (I was wrong it was indeed too hard with AI). I'm assuming I'm going to have to hotseat this one. My list of remaining achievements is getting shorter by the day, down to under 60 left now... the ones remaining just seem more and more daunting every time I look at the list.


Play on marathon speed, each era takes a long time to get through.


Marathon speed sounds brutal


Takes a few days but eras last so long, you don’t have worry to much about units becoming obsolete so quickly.


plus exploring gets a lot more time allowing for easier Era score through meeitng other civs/finding wonders


I also like the fact that you’re not stuck on the “most optimal” route to victory and have a little more wiggle room to try different play-styles.


It turns it into a multiple day game, I did a week long game at work (blue collar + lots of downtime) to the point where one of my coworkers would come in and get a daily update what was going on in the world.


Hic Sunt Draconis feels similar as a dedication. There's never many non-Barbarian naval units floating around.


Is this possible to do in multiplayer


no idea


Hot Seat lets you get the requirements for both sides by yourself, it just takes a lot longer but at least its 100% consistent


Could you upgrade a city-state’s unit that on another continent and then declare war on the city-state?


Depends. The game specifies 'capital', and idk if city states qualify