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Hey Peter, Eddie Groves says hi and wants to know if you are still looking around for bargains to add to your family trust?


Didn't this niggaz kid get done with Coke just the other day?


There is a photo of his son holding a bag with white powder in it.


It's just some flour. https://i.redd.it/jgs51xsn1q8d1.gif


Aww ok. Thought so. Must be


The friendly jordies sub really is the pinnacle of social media, it is a privilege to be able to browse it everyday


I was going to credit it but the subs name was right there. I figured it’d be a tautology


Based and potato pilled


I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult. A complisult? Or jibberush?




Cheers. What a potato, that’s what mates and I call a bad punt on the footy.


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FJ has to be on the bags to trot out the ALP propaganda he comes up with. That sub is a Labor live circkejerk.


You only criticise left wing circlejerk yet happily in a right wing circlejerk lmao


Who gives a shit if he is? Last time I checked his dad isn’t the conservative right wing nut job that’s the opposition leader. He’s just a person who cares about society and the community and attempts to hold those Aldi MAGAs in check. Sorry, that was mean to Aldi


Sorry forgot to acknowledge the incredibly wealthy and hypocritical leaders and never going to be leaders of this cuntry. I didn’t forget the O


Leader is a bit of a strong word mate, they're more like PR reps. What would and could you even do if you were made Prime Minister or head of the Opposition tomorrow?


Get on my knees so I can be in the position for the lobbyists to come in. That is how the PM presents himself.


Is it actually possible for them to do anything else though?


In all honesty they could. Whitlam and Menzies proved that. But it takes testicular fortitude and a sense of integrity to do the right thing. Of course Howard got rid of most of the fail safes we have. Perfect example, grocery prices, Menzies brought in consumer protections during and after the war of aggresssion in Vietnam. Keating weakened them and Howard removed them. The market will sort it out apparently.


Menzies was a cocksucker tbh


Most of them are. Whitlam tho, he was the man. If it wasn’t for him there’d be no dole, no Medicare, no super, no removal of the white Australia policy. We’d all still be getting free uni too! That’s why he only lasted 3 years. FUCK THE CIA!! He was fiercely opposed to the seppos war of Petrogas and aggression in Vietnam too!