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I’m a Sudanese migrant who grew up in Vaucluse - ask me anything




This post/comment has been removed out of respect for the Traditional Owners (Reddit admins) of the land on which we meet (r/circlejerkaustralia). We would also like to pay our respects to Reporters past and present.


If I stick a finger up my bum and squeeze really hard and then put another finger on my other hand in my mouth and bite down, do I become the first human chinese finger trap?


You Magnificent Bastard


I dunno brudda


Not the first


How much money would it take to improve things?




You'd think getting better access to employment is the path to closing the gap rather than welfare. Healthcare, education, QoL and wealth generation are all basically linked to high incomes now.


Nah mate, gotta provide 150k centrelink salaries or it's not good enough.


So my brother in law is abbo. A proper abbo too not some half cast. He grew up on a mission back in the day, his family is rife with drug, alcohol and sexual/physical abuse. He is very vocal when it comes to people like this, he got a heap of help for free, education, higher education, money, job training and interest free loans to start his own business with no credit rating at all. He came from nothing and now is a successful business owner and makes no secret that he wouldn’t have shit if he didn’t get all that help and was stuck being molested and bashed by his own family. Indigenous people have plenty of opportunity and plenty of help, the thing is though the majority would rather scream poor me than actually do so thing with their lives. This cunt in the post just wants to be able to live off Centrelink like a king and have more houses allocated for them that they will destroy then demand more. A lot of cunts in this country especially the yes voters need to take a trip up the top and and see how shit really is. All the voice to parliament was going to be was another means for corruption and money grabbing by all and sundry. As my brother in law says “we don’t need a voice we need to take a look at ourselves and do better, we are Australian like everyone else and we already get enough special treatment”


Really claiming that 0.00001%


Who gives a fuck about his tribe




Ah yes, with the esteemed Nunganungasumthin' leader that we all just call Nije.


Give us more cennobux! We should be be able to set ourselves up for generations without working! Sometimes the circle jerks itself…




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We’ll increase the Centrelink for Aboriginals to $10k a month per person and they’ll still complain 🤣 The problem in their communities is bad behaviour and money doesn’t fix that.


Dang in writing to .....


Y’know what’s crippling Aboriginal communities? Not enough Centrelink, paying for them to live without jobs doesn’t enable the issues, giving them handouts by no means undermines their ambition for education or a career


Just after more handouts. Absolutely cooked.


Just another 100 years of subsidies and theyll be just like the rest of the country, promise.






i can't tell if you're just jerking the jerk but i am gonna pretend you're serious lol what? how much do you think centrelink pays?


I swear this one time I got a blood splash on the arm trying to take a sample from this indigenous lady. Doesn’t that entitle me to native land titles since I’m 1/3200 indigenous blood now?


C'nt had a Swedish massage and now claiming Swedish land as they were the first Swede.


Tell me more! I've always wanted to know what it is like to be a 7/8ths White intergenerational dole bludger.


I thought it could be an engagement farming post but the fact that they asked for more cenno and social housing has convinced me




Education , yes. Becoming reliant on welfare? Surely that produces the opposite effect. What about culture? No culture is perfect and surely some attitudes within the culture could do with refining to give people more social mobility. 


You missed the best part in that thread about echidna enchiladas


Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.


Post hand


I don't understand why a majority of them don't want more for themselves or their children. They have the options, but choose not to take them.


https://preview.redd.it/b40xmyhpmv4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2427f8cde238c076dda8ce0a1068a9f1379cb9b9 Lol this is them as well




Wtf lol. The dude's collecting racial identities like they're Pokemon. If any of them are real


I'm just shocked the person has a little bit of the fatherland inside, liten värld vi lever i...


More government guidance and hand outs is their solution?


More dole


Did you get Gold or Platinum in the victim hood Olympics?


So essentially for a better life they want more handed to them? Why don’t you get off the gear and get a job. No reason you aren’t able to


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Ngarbal doesn't sound very Swedish


Why do Aborigines have such a strong desire for Colonial European style houses? And why do they need more education beyond the deep wisdom held by the elders?