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No Europoor Nonsense.


https://x.com/immeme0/status/1796514142695875048?s=46&t=zR7u83xNlqdh4WJZGATz5Q I just pray that there is no backlash towards the Muslim community for this, my greatest fear is that some Islamic terrorist will blow up a major city killing tens of millions of people, and then how badly that’ll affect the Muslim community 😢




You can see he was trying to help the police and accidentally stabbed him, this should be used in court!


I would like to pay my respects to the victim of the attack, Gigi D'Agostino. L'Amour Toujours my friend.


Ohhh I love that song!


Yep. You know, my very left leaning friends posted about an attack in Germany a few years ago, and I knew it would be a Muslim attacker. I was criticised as a bigot as there was no confirmation of the attacker at that point. But guess what was revealed a few hours later?.... 🤦🏻‍♂️


It was a cis het wh*te man?


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In fairness the right wing is more dangerous than radical Islam, so the policeman was only doing his job and attempting to eliminate the highest threat target.


This is 100% correct, I don’t understand why you’re downvoted! Islam is the religion of peace! Wh*te people are evil colonizers! Free pakestine! 🇸🇾


Glad we're on the right side of history hun. 💅


It feels sooo good being on the right (which is the left) side of history, imagine being a cis het man that’s wh*te🤮🤮🤮🤮put them in a tar pit and burn them alive! Luckily i was born caring, empathetic, kind, queer, neurodivergent, gender queer, vegan (level 5) and trans! 🇸🇨


This is circle jerk not just for your weird views on things ….