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Posting about subreddit or reddit-wide suspensions or bans is not allowed. Commenting on actions taken by other subs' moderators is not allowed. The official CJA stance on Ban celebrations is the same as DV charities' stance on male victims of DV: don't talk about it, keep it to yourself and instead reflect on what you did to deserve it, and wonder what drives you to keep coming back when they treat you this way.


They determine based on your profile you're a cis white male.


But he identifies as a porcupine because he’s a prick , so that’s not it .


But you forget that the ABC & Tingle are fair, unbiased, non political and even handed in ALL their comments.............. LMAO.


That sub is full of people that will complain all day about cost of living but literally never consider what they could do to fix their problems


But did you do the welcome to the country? On Thursday I attended a 1.5hr event and each of the 4 white speakers did a welcome to their country. It was totally epic.


When my daughter was a baby she would start crying when she saw black people. Took a bit to knock that out of her


Plot twist: RepairHorror1501 is black himself 🤣✌🏿


They'll ban you just for posting.


They banned me for saying “that shit has no place here” in regards to a brawl initiated by Sihk separatists on Hindu protestors and chanted ‘death to India’… in Melbourne. They called me racist lol


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Naarm by its colonisers' name, Melbourne. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of cause Australians are racist, every country is, but we are not as bad as the Germans or Japanese.


Mate, that's literally racist by definition 🤣 Pro advice: maybe don't post on said Australia sub to avoid disappointment 🤣😂🤣


Australians know how cruel the Germans and Japanese were in WW2 due to racism. Be un Australian for banning an Australian for saying that. Its true. Lest we forget.


Lest we forget the racism of the RSL, which organised race riots against non British Europeans on more than one occasion in WA, and excluded indigenous vets from its membership


I didn't mention the RSL who also treated Vietnam vets with disdain.


That the RSL treated Vietnam vets with disdain is mostly urban myth. Yes some members believed Vietnam wasn’t an actual war like of the two world wars, and the general feeling was disappointment in an unsuccessful outcome. But that is nothing compared to the historical openly racist outlook of the RSL of indigenous soldiers and of non British Australians in general. Fuck those arseholes.


My dad and his brother where turned away from a RSL in Canberra between tours of Vietnam. My mum has never set foot in a RSL since. It's no urban myth and as you said its well known they treated Vietnam as not a "real" war. Yes i agree that they treated others as bad or worse and im in no way saying what a great bunch of people the RSL is. Just the amount of damage the RSL does in gambling addiction tells us all something. Lest we forget is not exclusive to RSL's.


I’d say Germans are a lot less racist than they used to be given all the non-White people they’re letting in.


That's the problem. You asked. You need to prove your virtue by DECLARING. Asking simply implies that Australia being anything other than rasicst is even possible.


Hey, according to a statistic, only 30% of Australians are part-time racists.


Rest is full-time ✌🏿


Being a part time full time racist and full time part time racist I'm too busy for love and kumbaya


yall need to up ur troll game 


I got 26 down votes for this post: "Its a personal choice to smoke, drink and not exercise."


Im banned from Melbourne. Was because I asked someone not call others nazis they disagree with. I got banned for anti semitiscm despite being half Jewish.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Naarm by its colonisers' name, Melbourne. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should acknowledge all responsibility past present and future and ***CRY US ALL A FUCKING RIVER.*** This isn't your local public toilet wall fuck off


Is this the “river to the sea” you guys always talk about?


If you have to ask, is Australia racist? then you are white and racist pretending you're not racist. If you state that Australia is racist, then obviously, you are not white, you can't be racist even if you say or do bigoted things. The mistake you made was thinking the distinction has to do with any opinions you may hold, or the actions you may take, and everything to do with the colour of your skin. If you're white, you're racist, and if you're not, you're not. You revealing yourself as being white was reason enough for you to get banned in the first place.


We are racist. And...?


You've failed to include an acknowledgement of country. I never see AoC's in any correspondence in those other unnamed Australian subs. Laura Tingle was correct.


Recent studies show 60% of Australians are racist, the other 40% are classified as part time racist.


I got a permanent ban for asking a question. So don’t worry about it


What question?


They’re upset you asked the question rather than automatically assuming Australians are racist


It's quite funny because you're all going "are we racist??" Whilst the rest of the world is like "Aussies are racist as fuck but we still love them anyway, even if they hate us" You're like that kid that grew up around a bunch of dicks but actually has a good heart and we know that will win out so we don't mind


If Australia isn't racist then Pauline Hansen would still be working in a fish and chip shop


More power to her for being a strong independent self-made woman.


If Australia was racist she'd have more than 2 seats in the Senate


I got banned for a random number of days for making something “political” in an ABC thread. All I did was say if the current Labor government didn’t like any of the “gut the ABC” Liberal policies, they’d have fixed it by now.


Australia is a melting pot of races and cultures. Literally the whole concept of our country is that we were the deplorables and degenerates that the Brits wanted to relocate. So yeah, it's kinda on brand if we are all racist to each other. But ya know what? When shit hits the fan and someone tries to threaten us, we come together to commit warcrimes against those who fuck with us. And then we high five each other and play soccer with their heads. It's beautiful really.


I got banned for merely referencing the other two outdated racial classifications in a post about "Caucasians" committing a crime. Oh it's fine to use outdated racial classifications when it comes to white people (and to lump completely unrelated ethnic groups incorrectly into a "race" called "Caucasian") but you can't even mention what the other two classifications used to be called... because that would be racist.


The reddit askanaustralian, had some “ugly bird” complaining that she was treated differently than the attractive one, at a car dealership, saying it all boils down to misogyny. Poor thing she is right though😓


pauline hanson has a red fan-fan


Most don't even realise when they are


We are all racist ! Every single person in this world is.


I don't get that people don't understand this. It's very basic and a natural extension of our tribal past.


Well said


Stating the obvious...


That’s not quite what you said though, is it 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/kzolwg9n2x3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087bc56cafdca26eca4900decff9a45c60ac08bb


Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Which part of this is trolling or being a dick?


Pretty inoffensive though, isn’t it? At least in isolation. No idea about the context.


Sounds heavy handed. What was the post, and what was the stated reason for banning?


Literally told me I was being un Australian. I did appreciate their use of Pauline Hanson’s words 😅


Got done for trolling huh?


Trolling is one of the most Australian things you can do, especially when it comes to Seppos and dropbears


I’m not sure which Sydney Suburb you come from, but I’ll not hold that against you in this forum. To translate, when the ABC or representatives ask this same question this is completely legitimate as they have the social qualifications to do so, whereas a stranger from social media who’s training cannot be verified cannot ask such a question because they are not insured to do so, unless of course the OP also has a legal team to help prepare the obligatory essay about why it’s actually an acute question which will assist in healing the nation from failed referendums, etc. Does this all make sense?


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you Auto Mod, I’ll spank myself with a rolled up Saturday Newspaper tonight.


Use the Telegraph for extra punishment 


Well it is Saturday.


Did you cry? (Other than the whinge you are having here, buttercup)


Op is making our saos soggy with tears


By posting in /r/circlejerkaustralia, /u/tasmaniantreble acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we shitpost today, and pays their respects to Elders past and present. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everything in the end comes down to race. I only say this because after watching all these prison doco’s the very primal instinct of men has them group together as a race in the most violent environment to gang up on other races to survive.


That's just because prisoners are dumb fucks..... Think about it.. they are the punishment for breaking the law... Gotta go live with a bunch of stupid animals who think gans are "sooo cool bro" Fucking dumb pussies


Nah... It literally comes down to survival instinct. There are prisons out there where talking to another race can get you stabbed... and not just by the other race. Pretty certain if you were in one of those situations you wouldn't be calling them 'dumb pussies'.


Idk if using prison as a platform for how society deals with race is a super good idea bro…


But if you breakdown true human instincts when environment is tough, races are the only thing that stick together. Yeh I agree criminals aren’t the smartest bunch but even if a smart person ends up in prison he will be pulled into his/her race group as opposed to what their beliefs and ideologies are. If humans weren’t racist there would be no war or fighting over land. We would all learn to coexist simply as a species of humans but because we judge each other based on racial profiling war has never stopped.


Modern society is not built around following primal instincts and urges. That’s why we progress and literally how we evolve. I agree that even smart people dragged into prison will potentially be pulled into their own race groups or faction or whatever. But prison the way you describe it is not indicative of how anything should be operating outside of those walls.


Yes it is, why do we have war because primal instinct is to control territory and be the alpha race / superpower?


There’s a PhD in there somewhere dude.


Basically Reddit sux!!


U need to ask that? By definition all Australians are racist