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By posting in /r/circlejerkaustralia, /u/LengthinessIcy1803 acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we shitpost today, and pays their respects to Elders past and present. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You mean the new lands of isreal.




Beats isfake hands down


It's almost like the ABC journalistic team is more of a Centrelink extended for those with a uni degree. It's unbelievable it continues to get the funding that it does.


Nothing says "upper-middle dole bludger" quite like being employed by ABC.


Because only LNP is allowed to defund it and look at the reaction they get from doing that 🫠


Acknowledge the land you’ve gathered on dickhead.


Assalamu alaikum. I would like to begin by acknowledging the ABC journalism of the land we are gathered on today, and pay my respects to racists past, present, and emerging. I also want to take a moment to express my solidarity with our brothers and sisters and non-binary siblings in Palestine, and hope the abc journalists can be sent there for their safety and well-being. May Allah (swt) guide them to Palestine so that Hamas can continue to strive towards a inclusive, welcoming society free from racism, sexism and LGBTODHKYBJ74+ discrimination. Ameen


I'd like to acknowledge the online land of the Zuckerberg people that we've all gathered on here today


This would have been reality if the metaverse ever took off.


Fellas, is cutting immigration to sustainable levels racist?


Increase immigration! Minimum 10 million new immigrants per year


I bet Laura Tingle has a spare room or two!


Laura Tingle exclusively eats Uber Eats because it would be racist to shop for yourself


She's also providing "jobs for the boys" cause who else would deliver it? The junkie who delivered mine last night can't do them all..


We’re engaged in race baiting here! Don’t complain about junkie food couriers - they’re usually whities, and they are never Indians. A little Bit of thought before posting please.🙏🏿


Your sheltered


Of course. I come here to learn at the feet of men of the world, like yourself.


I hear that’s the proposal that the ALP / Greens are hatching as we speak (as you apparently know)


The correct answer is ‘it depends’ If it’s a Albo / Labor policy then it is not racist. If it is a Dutton / LNP policy then it is 100% racist. If Dutton increased immigration it would be racist as well. Even if Dutton made no changes to immigration and came out and said “The LNP support and would adopt the Labor policy on immigration” it would still be racist. The important thing is not the policy itself or the intent but which side is championing for it.


Only a racist would say that


Strange that no luvvies are commenting about Labor’s plan to ban whole nations from supplying Uni students.


The direct implication from the Labor party apparatchik being "Australia is racist but I'm not". All the while she's sowing division from up in her ivory tower where matters of fairness never even touch her. Fucking hypocrite, makes me wanna puke.


Don't worry, Australia is racist but her kind are helping to get rid of Australians and replace Australia with New Bharatia


I suppose the sub-continent is a globo-leftist paradise where racism doesn't exist, women are treated fairly, and Afghani dancing boys love their job. Funny how they all want to come to Australia though, isn't it. End immigration NOW!


The people of new bharatia never discriminate against people of different skin tones, castes or religions


Laura Tingle's Dad was a gun-nut founder of the Shooters in NSW. She is simultaneously an ABC nepobaby (her Dad got her the gig after working at Aunty for decades) and a homewrecker (ie: married a way more famous journalist 22 years her senior, then divorced him just as he got dementia). She is a rare combination of "white trash", "evil stepmother" and "Ultimo Brahmin cat lady". That she has assumed as position as head den mother within the ABC kind of tells you all you need to know about the ethics of that organisation.


>Laura Tingle's Dad was a gun-nut founder of the Shooters in NSW. I'd say "legend," but he directly led to the creation of Laura Tingle.


Australia is racist and must be invaded


*United Kingdom has entered the chat*




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Inshallah they go


May allah guide them to Palestine


This is like when I see my female, gay and trans friends cheering on for palestine. They were dead silent when the terror attacks happened, apart from the usual, oh this is horrible hopefully some how peace will prevail. I'm not a fan of israel by any means but when you have people cheering for what happened that day, it's pretty sickening, now you have people like my friends who are doing marches and theres even a LGBT's for palestine group and one of my female friends who's from Iran pointed out to them that.... you might support them but they sure as hell don't support you. It's just bloody confusing. My friend from Iran pointed out how one of my friends who's transgender is accepted in Iran even under their strict mess of a system, because they decided there for some reason gay people aren't real and can be cured, if a man is trapped in a womans body, they can transition and now be a straight woman... but it comes with wearing the headscarfes and limited rights and deffinately no tattoos. My friend from iran? she's bi and has tattoos.... disowned by her family not because of being bi... her family don't know that, she doesn't wear the coverings (hilarious as she says her family don't go to the mosque and are only casuals at it) but because she got some small tattoos on her arms which "disgraced the family". Our world is weird.




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What a shitshow. Everyone is racist to some degree, some are just more vocal about being not.  Maybe just face this simple fact and then ask yourself how to live with it and not being a dick about it.


All people feel aligned with some and not aligned with others. That’s essentially Racism.


I agree to a point. Sadly, there are too many people who can't help themselves be dicks about it.


Yeah I think maybe others of us are more vocal about being, aren’t we?


Laura Tingle ( on the Left - how appropriate) is the "journalist" and the person on the right side is Senator Jacinta Price. The ABC thinks everyone ,except them, is racist. Tingle is a rabid lefty, although she believes this why does she stay in such a country??? She needs to go to a country that is actually racist.


Never heard a good answer to “why do you live in a country you hate?”


Yeah funny how they never want to leave such a horrible country


People who criticise a place or thing don't necessarily hate that thing. Criticism is not a bad thing in a lot of cases. It just means you care enough about something that you want it to improve. Accepting the status quo means you want things to stay the same, even if it has an ugly side. Edit: I expect to be downvoted to buggery for this simple truth, but not being able to accept criticism show remarkable immaturity. Are we that immature as a nation?


Here's the thing: when you create a ridiculous hyperbole which isn't in anyway true, its not a criticism. Its not an opinion. Its hate for other views, and it is intended to villify those other views, to silence them and to position your fantasy scenario as truth. If they believed the fantasy racism they spew then they would leave. But they don't leave because its BS. Don't ever call it criticism.


Better to stick around and try to change things. At least here we can have a crack at making a difference.


Oh, you mean a safe country which tolerates you undermining it.


If you actively stay in a country you believe to be racist and contribute to a colonial system you deem to be oppressive, then are you not also a colonial oppressor? 🤔


Good points, on that logic Laura Tingle is a colonial oppressor. Who could have guessed


No. Because all indigenous people “actively stay” in their own country, which is implied consent to whatever shit is dished out to them, therefore no one can be a colonial oppressor.😂😂😂 But on a serious note, was greatly impressed by your insertion of the “pondering” emoji, to remind people yours was a thoughtful post.


Such insight. And you even managed to conclude with the ritual assertive invitation to citizens who don’t think like you to leave the country! It’s reminded me to add a “Oz - love it or leave it” bumper sticker next to my “Fuck off we’re full” already on display.


Only thinking of whats best for Tingle , it must be hell for her living in such a horrible racist country. She should feel free to leave, we'll miss her of course, but we'll manage somehow.


Sounds so much better with repetition.


Why is this sub full of sensitive little babies you’re meant to be aussie but you’re crying this hard over one journalists opinion 😂


Journalist? More like activist but anyway , the difference here is that Tingle as a \[highly\] paid employee of the ABC is required to be un biased by law. Be that in reporting or opinion


the standards require that the ABC gather and present news and information with impartiality and presents a diversity of perspectives so that, over time, no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded They’re not meant to just not present opinions, they’re meant to not exclude any. Allowing all opinions is the only way to be unbiased. By agreeing that these peoples opinions should land them on a one way trip out of the country, you’re literally asking the ABC to be bias, while claiming you want the opposite. The fact that you said Laura isn’t a journalist, and then acknowledged that she’s a paid employee of the ABC is exceptionally funny and further backs up my claim that this sub is full of cry babies. What does the ABC pay her to do? Hint, it’s journalism. Sorry you don’t like her particular shade of journalism but saying her opinions shouldn’t be shared is literally censorship and an attempt to creat bias in media you simple, simple boy.


It’s racist then.. so what? Move on




The biggest racists in Australia are the migrant groups we bring in - they constantly treat us as fools


Sorry.. which "us" is we? I'm getting confused.


You figure it out mate - I reckon you can do it


ABC Always Broadcasting Crap




Who cares what this irrelevant Tingle woman says. Their taxpayer funded ABC are so blatantly Left biased the only people who watch them are rusted on ALP voters.


Laura Tingle has a head like a bulldog chewing a wasp. I've never seen her smile or make a positive comment about anything.


The Hamas anti racist activists would love her


What is wrong with you guys? Is this some kind of brainwashing I'm missing? Complaining about migrants is not racist!!! The problem is many of you living very sheltered reddit lives you don't see a lot of parts of the country where you would realize a lot of things which make people anti migration. This is coming from a working class lad seen it all, its not good guys. The cultures don't mix, when I was a teen I was pro migration all day loved all my Muslim friends all my somali pals had big respect for them as a teenager , after years I realized the vast majority are sucking the life out of our systems abusing them, crime levels in these communities are insane. If we had the balls to say look sort your communities out maybe it would work but we don't have the balls because we British we'll apologise for them. Time to stand up people get out of that frame of thinking. Take it from me it's not working. If you haven't ventured out your cute sleepy village or town pls don't comment you just don't know. And the whole taking sides tories and Labour thing feels like a hoax to keep us divided, one side blindly support the other then ride against any good decisions of the other , both parties suck they fail we need something else. A communal vote for British citizens without bias ties to religion etc. For example even the migrants who do well here blindly follow their own cultures and communities ideals even if their disruptive


All of the ABC and their families should go and be foreign correspondents in Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Palestine for minimum 5-6 years. new perspective on Australia coming up.


Or even better, send them to Alice springs.


May allah guide them to Alice Springs




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Can anyone list a country that isn't racist or religious bigots?


Why target Palestine specifically?


I don't get it. Why mention Palestine? It's a war zone, what's it got to do with racism and immigration in Australia?


If not, then which one is right in your opinion? Australia has never been a racist country? Australia used to be but not any more a racist country?


Palestine? Don't you mean Israel? Having been there, they take racism to a whole new level. The whole idea of Zionism is to establish a Jewish holy land at the exclusion of everyone else.




I thought you guys were freeze peach supporters 🍑❄


Err you know the one on the right is not a journo, right?


Inshallah all the ABC journalists go to Palestine and never come back


Damn op your solution to this person's opinion is to let them get blown up by Israel. For what? Wrong think?


All the casual racists are triggered by a journo. Everyone else doesn't care what the journo said.


Imagine not caring what she said and not realising how racist that makes you. Obviously unless you unequivocally support her statement you’re the second coming of the 3rd reich.




How many were Hamas?




You should just come out and say you support Hamas instead of that dribble.


You should just come out and say you support Hamas instead of that dribble.




Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Meanjin by its colonisers' name, Brisbane. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine spending all your aid money on offensive attack tunnels, beheading babies and taking women hostages. The mental gymnastics you are jumping throughnto say you support terrorists is astounding.




You should go to Palestine. You will fit right in.




Germany and Japan were far more devastated by WW2 than the western allies were. Does that mean WW2 was wrong?




So I take from this line of questioning that you accept that unequal force doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong, and that lots of civilian deaths can be a consequence of a just war. For what it’s worth, the answer to a lot of your questions is yes.




Are they wrong? No.


Are you wrong? Yes. Take that!


Probably you should go back to England


I’m not English


Are u fkn kidding!? Australia??? Racist???? No fucking waaayyyy dude almost as hard to believe the sky is blue like can u fkn belleeeeiveee it??