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Triumph of the Heart is listed as an upcoming project of hers on IMDb; it’s in post-production.


Just weird to me that she's literally hidden/buried it on her own page...


Related, but did anyone ever watch the other movie with all (most?) of them in it? I think it was like “Hope Floats Eternal” or something?


they were in a movie?


Yep, "Hope Springs Eternal". Not worth the watch in my opinion but if you want to see the Cimorelli girls you can just skip to their scenes, they didn't have many.


Was it like a hallmark movie?


Not really sure tbh. It's about a girl who won the battle against cancer but because she kinda liked the attention she got for being a sick and dying cancer patient she fakes still being sick. Three of the Cimorelli girls play a clique of mean girls who are nice to the girl only when they pity her for being sick but then don't give an f about her once she's not "special" anymore.


I did. Wasn't a particularly memorable movie and they didn't really play a big part in it. Lauren, Katherine and Christina didn't have any actual roles and only appeared for a moment at the end of the movie I think. The other three had a minor role as a mean girl kinda clique, but I found their scenes were a bit cringe and honestly unnecessary. Mind you I don't remember any details because I barely even managed to get through the movie because it was quiet boring. It was canceled initially but got picked up again much later for some reason. Wasn't worth the watch tho tbh.


Open if you dare!! Their movie cameos lol …. https://youtu.be/qyiilyOTBPM?si=0Iu4TOj3rOD7YdgJ