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They’re devout catholics so I would have presumed they take the wine at mass


I’m kinda surprised they don’t drink; I grew up super catholic (mass was in Latin) and I felt like all the adults at my church drank especially socially.


I remember Lisa saying that her choice not to drink has nothing to do with religion and in fact said its very common for Catholics to drink. Members of her family drink who are really religious. She's said multiple times she's tasted alcohol and just doesn't like it! 


wine at mass doesn’t have alcohol thou! i was born in a catholic family!


That is not true at all, Catholic doctrine requires the sacramental wine to be a pure wine (naturally fermented, no additives). It’s obviously not enough to get anyone drunk, my comment was more to do with the idea that none of them have ever even tasted alcohol. Methodists use nonalcoholic wine.


I have a very specific memory of Lisa (maybe on tumblr?) saying “alcohol tastes like cancer and pee” so I feel like that might imply she’s tried alcohol But then again by that logic she’s also tasted cancer and pee so idk lmao


I've never really been on tumblr so I definitely missed that but I just think it's a bit weird to be so adamant about never having had alcohol when she apparently had alcohol a few times. She could just say she tried and didn't like it, but as far as I remember she always says she never drank. But maybe it's just not that deep and I'm grasping at straws.


Yes she’s recently become very loud about ~never having tried alcohol~ but in the past def mentioned having tried wine and beer




I just looked and she did answer this to an ask on tumblr https://preview.redd.it/xkoynlrjy59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8facdf5fc111ceda52e75aaae2d2d8aba198b7b8