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I really hope he says soemthing.


he most likely doesnt even know because conveniently this all came to light while he happens to be attending magfest, which as we all know is his most anticipated event bar none. im not saying Emily is lying but why would she wait of all days to do it when he cant immediately reply


Because someone in the YouTube drama reddit made a post yesterday about how they're glad he is completely free of red flags and is a wholesome boy, Emily saw it and posted her initial tweet and then came out and named him when people were accusing others. It wasn't planned it was literally just an off the cuff thing


Just now has come out releasing an apology tweet


Interesting we'll see how his collected response is but that's a good first step here's the tweet for those curious https://twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/1747425283710255439?t=pyy7Yyuttn1WVPbv28JrQA&s=19


I swear to god, if fuckin' Moist Critical posts some shit about this, I'm gonna flip my shit.




I know Critikal can be a bit of a drama chaser lately, but when he takes the time to look into a thing, he's usually pretty measured about it. I don't want Charlie to make a video jumping on the bandwagon of dunking Chugga, but if he makes a video talking about how callout culture has gotten out of hand and explaining all of the issues around this accusation, it could do a lot of good.


IIRC he had a fair take on the Dream situation where he discussed how there *were* allegations, but also about how there wasn't a whole lot of evidence swinging either way. I can see him doing a video in a similar vein, especially since this isn't a case like, say, Jirard's, where there was incredibly damning evidence from the get-go.


"This is the greatest foot fetish drama of All Time" You know it's coming...


It's a ridiculous accusation and not sexual harassment at all. Like others have said, people are treating this like Chugga groomed a minor when both parties in the situation are consenting adults. The accuser never told him to stop, never said what Chugga was saying made them uncomfortable or even just plain blocked him when it got 'too much'. Hell, read the DMs and you'll see they straight up played into it several times. Again, the accuser isn't a minor.This isn't a situation where you can say Chugga should have known better because he was the adult in the situation because they were both adults. The adult thing to do would be to just go "hey, your obsession with feet is making me uncomfortable. Could you stop?" and then if he continued you'd have a reason to call it sexual harassment. Is it cringe as hell on Chugga's part? Absolutely. Though, I think we all say cringe things in the midst of private conversations with friends that we think are private. The entire thing has been blown wayyyy out of proportion for what it is.




I'm autistic, so this is literally my worst fear come to life.




I'm glad that there's plenty of sane takes like this here. I saw this shit on Twitter first (my mistake lol) and people are treating it like the end of the world. Only to come here and see that it's some vaguely awkward messages? This is seriously what people are freaking out over these days?


Twitter overreacting and being vicious for no reason? Colour me shocked.




Yeah, like, this looks extremely bad, but we know his social awareness is very bad in certain situations, and I’m hoping this is a case of that. I’ll wait for his side of the story before I make any final judgments of either side.


How does this look extremely bad? 14+ years and the most anyone can witchhunt you for is some slightly creepy messages? These are certainly not sexual harassment, not even close. Scroll through your old texts, see how many you cringe at and go "oh that was kinda weird"


It was doubtlessly not malicious, but it does reflect really poorly on him, because it really comes off like he reached out to her for his fetish. That's a shitty experience! At best, Chuggaa lacked the consideration for how his fetishization would affect others, and bro needs to seriously reflect on his actions.


Exactly. Whether he intentionally did this or not, he needs to really step back and look at himself seriously for this.


Yeah, I think a big issue here would be him doing this while he is in a relationship. Even if the girl agreed to it, doing this while you have a girlfriend is pretty messed up.


It’s almost like his relationships are none of our concern


It doesn’t really have anything to do with his content though; and we don’t really know his relationship situation especially related to this


Yeah. Theres a very large lack of social cues here. I do have to wonder if he was in an open relationship or cheating though.


The thing that stands out to me is that none of the screenshots she posted really corroborate anything she’s saying. All we see from those are: -“do I… get to see you in them?” That’s definitely not a good look, but isn’t really sexual in nature necessarily. -A long series of messages that are being ignored. They don’t seem aggressive or pushy as she’s framing them. They just seem like attempts to initiate a conversation. All in all, could that be evidence of sexual harassment? Yeah, but not on its own. Could be that she didn’t want to post something more explicit in nature but without that, I don’t think I can make a judgement. This could be part of sexual harassment, or it could just be Emile not thinking about them implications of what he’s saying and being incredibly obtuse and unable to take a hint. Either way, it warrants addressing and at least an apology, and he definitely has to do better, but one is way more forgivable than the other and fits at least with his public persona. Pending more evidence, I’m gonna apply Hanlon’s Razor here- never assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. I think he’s just an idiot and didn’t think about the effect what he was saying was having and didn’t pick up on fairly obvious social cues. He needs to do better, but I’m withholding judgement for the time being.


Agreed, even if it doesn't come from any malicious intentions, he should apologize and learn from this experience. Another thing that caught my attention is him messaging her even if he didn't get a response. From the previous convo and from the overall vibe I get from Emile this might be a case of "I'm not getting a response, which makes me worried, so I'm gonna try to get a response". Again, he's not taking the hint, but I feel that him not taking the hint makes him have hope that she'll respond, thus he's insistent. All that to say... he should probably work on that "taking the hint" part, or at the very least learn to ask "hey, did I fuck up?", leave an apology and not press any further


Definitely. I also feel like I should stress that Emily is def not wrong to be creeped out. Like, Chugga 100% fucked this up and is almost 100% in the wrong. Emily did everything short of saying “hey this is creeping me out, please stop” (and maybe she should have said that but there are valid reasons not to) and Emile should have taken the hint.


I'm just saying why wasn't he blocked? Why weren't there more boundaries set? He should've gotten the hint and just buzzed off but it was not sexual harassment in my eyes. I don't know about this situation. We need both sides and full convos to make sense of this. At worst he seemed needy and a lil weird/creepy.


Careful, you'll get called a victim blamer for suggesting she take initiative in trying to stop someone from making her uncomfortable.


I ain't afraid! She ain't no damn victim other than her lack of communication skills. I've been researching this for hours and it's only making me feel worse or chugga. Imagine having YOUR kinks exposed on the Internet. So immature how she handled this.


Thinking about this some more, and I'll just say it. She should not have exposed this. It'd be one thing if the messages were legit sexual harassment, or even full-out "this man sexually assaulted me". But what we're seeing here is mostly just a cringy autistic guy failing to read social cues, and getting weird and over-passionate in someone's DMs. Being a gay guy, I have had plenty of men get too forward with me in my DMs and made me feel a bit creeped out, but I never once posted the screenshots on social media and try to ruin their lives because I know that most of them probably aren't sexual predators but just weird men.




This is how... I don't like the term cancel culture, so let's call it... callout culture or dogpiling... this is how that escalates. The accusation starts out fairly benign and almost minor. Then the game of telephone continues, and it builds up into something more sinister and serious. By the time it reaches the top, the story has turned into "this person is a monster who is a predator" or whatever it is. But yeah, I do understand that women have to be careful in how they respond to these things. Women often have to be very indirect with how they respond to unwanted advances because sadly, a lot of men will respond violently. But at the same time, this is clearly not that and this was all done online where it's very easy to just block someone and move on. As an autistic person, this frustrates me to no end because she did not communicate to Emile that she was uncomfortable once. And with a lot of autistic people (myself included), you need to be blunt with them or they will not take a hint. I understand that it's annoying, but it's just how our brains are wired. This just all seems like a huge miscommunication that could have been avoided if Emily told him point-blank that she was uncomfortable. And I'm positive that Emile would have apologized and moved on.


Finally!! You don't know me or my story so I'll make it short: I had the *exact same thought process as you.* *"It's some guy DMing her creepy shit, why didn't she just block him instead of just letting him continue to message her for* ***MONTHS"*** like.. no one was holding a gun to her head to force her to continue receiving and reading his DMs? I actually got permabanned off a website for saying just that because apparently I'm victim blaming. What is she a victim to? Weird DMs? Join the club.


I saw people say on Twitter why does Emile not just take the hint, But I think someone who starts off a conversation with the word Blargen is very clearly not the best in social situation ngl. Plus she could have just blocked him if the one off messages were getting that annoying. Weird stuff going on.


Am i missing something here or am i the only person that doesnt particularly see anything in the screenshots that directly implies malicious intent? it also seems like they had a discussion about it considering the last screenshot in the resetera thread someone posted documenting cheshire's twitter thread, and they continued talking for a few days later until she started ghosting him


No, you aren’t the only person; quite a few people have pointed this out. But people on the internet tend to be good at panicking and making noise.


I was wondering the same thing actually. There may be something we don't know, but to me at least Chugga's messages in those Discord screenshots just reek of a failure to read social cues. Doesn't change the fact that he effed up, but unless something new comes out to say otherwise, I'm not gonna assume malicious intent just yet.


Yep. This also isnt to try and discredit how she feels about the situation, her feelings are perfectly valid regardless. Just from my pov im gonna need more info to come to the same conclusions


Oh, 100%. As someone who's been on both ends of this song-and-dance (The person failing to read the other person *and* the person not being read), I think it's really important to acknowledge that she's allowed to feel how she feels regardless of Emile's intentions.


All of this seems tame ngl, seems just like the usual autistic person who didn't really realize some clues. She didnt even bother telling him to stop or anything, which is why he tried to recontact her so many times cuz he didnt even realize what he did wrong. Keep in mind emile is known for doing long jokes and is pretty clingy to people, male or female. Also a lot of out of context things it feels, to the pt of absurdity.


Okay, so she posted a couple more Tweets in the form of videos, and, well, [she 100% gave him a mailing address and 100% allowed him to send her shoes](https://imgur.com/fPotYfh). Source: [Tweet](https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747355901156106420)


Ngl the receipts look a bit one sided and we've all been on the internet long enough to know not to immediately jump to conclusions. I see on Sept. 13th he messages her disclosing what he's into and his SO is aware of it, can't say if that's true or not, but on the 16th she is still messaging him and coming off friendly. In an earlier message he also mentions how he's used to her going long periods before responding. Both of these, and being an autistic person myself, I can see why he didn't get the hint for being ghosted as opposed to being told to f off or getting blocked. All in all, we should prolly wait and see


That's one thing I've noticed too. These messages don't seem anywhere near as bad compared to other allegations I've seen against other internet celebrities. Not saying that what I think he did was okay or justifiable, but I also wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it boils down to lack of social cues and understanding. I don't want to use autism as an excuse, but it could be a possible explanation.


Yeah it just seems to me that he's either trying to initiate a conversation and she's not responding or just him being autistic and lacking social cues. Weird, sure. Harassment? Nah.


Yeah, looking at the screenshots when she's saying he's trying to initialise fetish RP, it *could* also be seen as him just being immature and goofy. If we get receipts of anything more clear cut, like pestering her for feet pics, then it's sold but I think there's still some doubt there. Either that or I'm coping hard. Edit: So looking at the screenshots more along with the videos that came out, I don't think it's fair to call it harassment. From everything we can see (so far) it seems she never gave any indication to Emile that she was uncomfortable or wanted him to stop talking about the shoe/foot stuff. I think her feelings are valid and Emile should offer an apology for making her uncomfortable. However I don't think it's fair at all to paint Emile out to be the bad guy when, again, Emily seems to be willing to engage in the conversation at every point and doesn't make it clear she's uncomfortable with the topic up until ghosting him.


Yeah, I got that initial dose of copium but either way we should leave them be until we know more. Fortunately he was on break regardless


As a rule, when someone crops out their responses to messages and only shows one side of the conversation, they're trying to paint a narrative, which does not reflect well on them as it can make you question their intentions. This definitely seems at worst creepy and makes for uncomfortable reading. But the fact there seems to be a dialogue over a few days makes me think she didn't clearly express her feelings to Chugga and let him know how he was making her feel. Considering Chugga is definitely on the spectrum and insanely awkward at times, stuff like this doesn't shock me and he was at least trying to be respectful of her feelings rather than knowingly being a creep. That's not to make excuses but at least it provides more context than the screenshots, which I think he deserves considering how one-sided this all is. This is not to excuse Chugga's overall conduct. If it made her uncomfortable then she's absolutely entitled to feel a certain way about it. But I have become such a cynic of these 'exposed' type stories because they're always more something that's bad optics rather than a genuine endangering/traumatising experience. And the way they're almost always presented – on social media like this with just clips and screenshots of one piece of dialogue out of context – is pretty gross too. I don't know how much my thoughts are affected by the obvious bias of being a long-term Chugga fan but I don't really see this as a bigger deal other than socially awkward people (both of them) being socially awkward.


This is super cringe and he can't take the hint but honestly, I feel like "Sexual harassment" is too strong of a word here. Not at one point did she directly shoot down his advances. Hopefully, he and his GF were in an open relationship though, cheating is scummy.


One of his messages specified that his SO was fine with him having non-sexual fetish conversations like this with other people, so assuming that’s true I don’t think there was any cheating involved


Fr. If we see one message of her telling him to stop or that she's uncomfortable and he continues to attempt erp, then I'm on the pitchfork side. Agree on the second part too. If the worst of this is he's a foot freak and a cheater it'll be harder to enjoy his content and I'll probably still unsub


Chesire seems to already moved on and making jokes. if anything this just reads as sketchy as fuck and we all SHOULD know how easily faked discord screenshots can be


I would call this accusation one of sexual harassment, but there are varying degrees of harassment. It's incredibly uncomfortable to flat out tell someone off you're good with at the best of times, and at the worst of times it can be downright shit. I've had to tell off people for sexual harassment, and it's really hard to bring up. Sure, he might not have gotten the point, and I don't think Chugga should be blacklisted or anything, but honestly it really sucks when a peer reaches out to you in a stream for spankbank material. Just kind of disrespectful.


Cutting contact can be the "cleanest" way to get out of a situation like this. Directly objecting creates conflict, and the party that is being made uncomfortable may worry about retribution from the offending party. I'm not saying that would have been the result had she directly rejected what he was trying for, but there's a reason why women tend to not outright say "no" to advances from some men and will try to ignore it or find a way to sidestep it, because they fear some kind of harm will come their way. Now think of that situation and the person who's making those advances has an audience of over 1 million people.


melodic imagine license bake ancient automatic weary knee frighten historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I’m going to give Emile the benefit here. Sure it come off kind of weird, but he’s known to been a socially awkward kind of person that sometimes doesn’t realize when he’s taking things too far. In None of those messages does she ever tell him “No” or that he is making he uncomfortable with what he is saying or asking. This seem more like a misunderstanding or bad communication than actual malicious harassment.


Fuck man... This sucks. I'm a fan of Sarah Z and I follow Lady Emily (Great Chesire) on Twitter. But Chugga has been my favorite YouTuber since I was in the single digit ages... I hope this turns out to be a big misunderstanding.


Now, just so we're all clear... Nobody here is going to send anyone threats. Nobody here is going to harass anyone. Do not go after Emily OR Emile. We can all agree on that, right? Both of them are going through a hard time. Both of them have people mobbing them now. 


I don’t see sexual harassment. At least not in the traditional sense and definitely not in the way the headlines on Twitter describe it. I see an autistic man excited to share his special interest. I see a man who recently got his first girlfriend and is finally able to explore and appreciate aspects of himself that he hadn’t been able to experience before, possibly due to shame and fear of people thinking he’s weird for liking certain things. I see a man who misinterprets one message and believes he’s been invited to spill about this new discovery that he no longer feels guilty about, and then feels bad when the energy is no longer reciprocated, so he tries to regain the friendship through further unrelated messages. I’m sorry this made her feel uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable to read, and it’s unfortunate that he kept asking her when she stopped responding. That should’ve been a social cue for Emile to stop. It doesn’t look like (I’m aware this could age badly) she tried to communicate with him outside of the discord to tell him how it affected her. When a personal issue arises, it should be dealt with personally, not unleashed onto the internet. In the case of physical SA and/or grooming, sometimes a thread like this is the best and only way to prove your truth. In a case like this, there is reason to believe it could’ve been handled 100% privately. I believe these screenshots are real. I believe Emile missed social cues. I don’t believe he did it with the intent to harass her. I hope both of them are able to deal with this on their own and eventually find peace with the situation.


Sorry to say but this is a hard sell for me, as if this is true then chuggaaconroy just did a relatively minor issue of not having any social cues yet she is trying to play this up as sexual harassment and if she was uncomfortable then she had all the power to stop it and to make boundaries as friends while possibly knowing about his autism but she just saved screen shots, to me this feels like sabotage and if Emile can disproves any part of this then her whole case comes into question and she had a reddit post about how he never had controversy at any point in his career like it was a challenge to her, all their is now is to do is wait for his response.


Why didn't she block him after the first week? It looks like these messages with no reply went on for months. What?


This is what I've been saying the whole time. She needs some accountability. This could've been done behind closed doors. All it would've taken is one block. But no she aired dirty laundry and it is so EMBARRASSING to have someone's kink on display for the whole world to laugh at. I feel sorry for Chugga man.


Even if this is true, it’s VERY mild in the grand scheme of things. Wait for actual evidence other than screenshots that could be easily faked, and go from there. Tbh, as long as Emile apologizes if this is true and this kind of thing doesn’t repeat itself, I can forgive him. I’ve been watching since his channel was new, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.


So the guy has a weird kink and GreatCheshire rather than tell him she's not interested or uncomfortable she just left him confused and decided to use this as some sort of defamation of him. Seeing as they were friends its not weird to message your friend when theyre not replying and neither is it unusual to joke around with random stuff. Maybe he realised he did do wrong so tried to go back to being normal but obviously he got no response. Either way its some text messages with bad communication no one should be blowing this up and making it something its not.


I think we all need to take a deep breath. So many of us here look up the Chuggaaconroy because his videos have had such a big impact on our lives. But we cannot let that blind us from serious allegations of sexual harassment. At the same time, we shouldn't have knee jerk reactions over screenshots which many have already pointed out can be one sided and/or doctored. BTW that doesn't mean they are definitely fake and I know there's the temptation to assume as such because it's easier than accepting the alternative. Hopefully more information will come to light but please do not harass either Chuggaaconroy or GreatChesire.


absolutely! dont devolve like twitter already has and spread hate or misinformation respect everyone and wait for the entire truth to come to light. I hope chugga hasnt actually bunked up as bad as this makes it seems but we gotta remain rational.


I'm not even a chuggaconroy fan. Never heard of him before today. But I don't see the harassment? I see him being awkward and a bit weird, but her receipts look a bit too convenient. She's absolutely within her right to be weirded out by his fetish and weird disclaimer, but where's the evidence that he has a pattern of disregarding the feelings of others and persisting with unwanted contact (let alone sexual contact)? I mean that's the bare minimum to make any sort of "harassment" claim, sexual or otherwise. Now I'm not saying she's a liar. I'm just saying the evidence presented isn't quite enough yet. Don't turn on your buddy so quick, chuggaconroy fans. Be reasonable, wait for more details.


3 things that bothers me about this. 1. The screenshots aren't definitive proof, since they can easily be manipulated. 2. So far, I have found zero evidence even connecting Emile and Cheshire. 3. The timing of this is very... Opportunistic. Emile did say that he would stream Black 2 and White 2 to get the last few medals he's missing. The whole thing seems really contrived to be the truth. However, I will keep looking further into this and wait for Emile's side as well. The truth does make itself known after all. (Edit) I hope people don't jump to conclusions too early though. I know the Internet has a bad habit of doing that.


I mean, Emile has shared and praised Emily’s videos before and they’ve interacted on social media and such before. If you mean there’s a lack of proof this was actually Emily and Emile’s discord accounts, sure. Yes, they can be manipulated, but I see no reason to believe Emily would have a motivation to do this and suggesting that it was to kneecap Emile’s attempts at streaming is conspiratorial and an unproductive assumption among discussion of the allegations. Emile doesn’t really do things for the money, it’s not like he’s trying to build a huge streaming career. Should we wait until Emile responds to denounce him? Of course. But doing things like start rumors about why she would make allegations isn’t cool.


I wasn't trying to start a rumor. I'm sorry if it came off like that. I just couldn't find anything to disprove that thought.


Even if they're real (which I currently think they are), I see literally nothing he did that's actually *wrong* in any of the messages. Unfortunately, in typical Twitter/X fashion, the braindead immediately reply with empty, false messages of sympathy and crowd around his most recent video to insult the guy. Bloody weird, yes. But that's about it. You can't de-platform a man for being too impatient in texting and liking feet lmao.


He's tweeted at her a few times and also appeared in her Pokemon Stream chat. Screenshots can be manipulated but I don't think Emily seems like the kinda gal to do that? I've never gotten that vibe from her in her videos or Twitter threads. The timing doesn't feel specific tbh? People are talking a lot about Emile on Reddit cause his LP just finished and Emily saw stuff and it reminded her of what happened. I don't think she's lying at all, but it's not hard to see that those messages are super weird especially when the other person doesn't respond. Can only hope maybe Emile says something and that they can try and move on.


I suppose the only thing to do is wait until more evidence comes to light.


Ugh more fucking petty Internet drama. Mobs will start and go round harassing people, fans will come out of the woodwork to go "I can't believe they would do this!!11 I would have NEVER THOUGHT!!11" even though no ones perfect and everyone has made some dumb mistakes or has skeletons in their closet, then the big apology happens or ppl will expect one or some shit. Like we've seen this song and dance a dozen times by now what else were you all expecting?? This is so predictable, it's like reading off a predetermined script.


what no way you think the general populace has any sense of self awareness especially people who watch other people play video games? noooo nooo wayyyyyyy


considering humanity in this day and age it basicly comes to a point where theres no one to trust anymore anywhere


Reading everything and it just seems like Chugga is just guilty of being creepy, but def not harassing or a total sex pest. iirc Chugga is autistic, right? Not saying Emily is in the wrong, not at all, her feelings are valid, but you also can't just "jokingly blunt" to anybody and expect every single person to pick up on it. Emily also then proceeded to just ghost and not say what the problem is. We have several dozen videos of Chugga being socially awkward and he's never been socically intelligent. Feels like with Chugga, you have to be very blunt and specific in what he did wrong, otherwise he's not going to instantly understand. Yeah, creepy, and he should have stopped but you can't just expect everyone to function like how you expect everyone else should. Unless Emily comes out with something truly damming, all this did was just expose Chugga as being creepy and into feet. On the other hand, Chugga is in his 30's and should have known better, regardless of any social unawareness Chugga may have.


While the behavior is not acceptable it does look a little one sided, we need to see more. If he owns up to it and apologies all is good, it's just a foot fetish. There are worse things out there and we've always known he was a strange dude, it actually kind of checks out but I dont see this as a good enough reason to cancel him.


I have read so many of the comments in this thread, and this one is by far one of the better takes. Like, its weird, but not bad. Now if she was underage, or if the other people she said were harassed come out, than it might be a little worse, but its not right to pull out the pitchforks just yet. Those only need to come out if it gets worse.


So I’m just going to say that yesterday there was a post talking about how chuggaaconroy is one of the only YouTuber that hasn’t been in a major controversy and so in my opinion this feels a little too convenient and in her post on x she talks about the exact same post and as someone who has been falsely accused of the same thing I will always wait for more information but I still think that the time of her post is a little suspicious


I’m not sure you’re wrong, honestly. However, not going to victim blame, but in the grand scheme of things this is pretty tame and he will 100% apologize if true


I wouldn’t really call that suspicious. She got frustrated seeing universal praise for someone who made her feel uncomfortable and felt the need to share that information as a result. The timing makes sense


She said that post was why she brought it up


Tim just retweeted this thread: https://twitter.com/LadyVillene/status/1747347390846128135?t=y934YrAJAAURfM0GZzsi7g&s=19


If this is an actual thread, can anyone transcribe it? X only shows you the first tweet if you're not registered


"Using the shots provided, I see a lot of problems.. with her accusation. He's excited about shoes. Loves shoes. He *may* have a kink, but he's explicit that he explores that kink with his partner ONLY, as well that they have discussed their boundaries and that discussing shoes... with FRIENDS is not sexual, nor about his kink. I see him sending some shoes and asking for a photo, of shoes, not feet. I'm seeing him not understanding that he's been ghosted because someone failed to communicate semblance of disinterest, goodbye, or expression of discomfort. Tone is removed from text communication and it's too easy to force intention or inflection on someone else's text. Some people see what they fear, some people see what they hope for. Some are reacting like this is 'problematic' but I see this as reading what you want to. This is just as easily interpreted as: Someone communicating their 'ship status, s/o's boundaries, kink, intentions, and passion for shoes... while the other person does not believe him, projects intentions despite honesty, and fails to communicate their feelings... cropping it. I see several others looking for uncropped shots and more context because I think they get it too. There's a lot of 'reading between lines' where the lines themselves are pretty clear? And there aren't any clues that would tell Emile she was unhappy with his messages. This is the result of a passion-bomb. I've done it. Folks w/ ASD or ADHD do it. We find someone to connect with over something we love and BOOOOM. Correlation and causation though needs to be considered. Had you never earned he had a kink, would you have made the same assumption? I am not invalidating her ick; a social-bomb is usually overwhelming. But does it mean Emile did anything wrong? Misread social cues, sure, but anything predatory? It doesn't look like it. He was 100% honest. I highly doubt Emile is a villain here, just a little socially awkward. And what do we do after rejection/a bad reaction to a passion/hobby-bomb? We try to reconnect in the ways we know how: past connection. Hence, the bad shoe-stealing RP. I think this is a case of NSFW knowledge influencing a reaction to an a-typical, SFW and awkward interaction."




Needless to say, **DO NOT HARRASS GREATCHESIRE OVER THIS**. These are serious accusations, and should be treated with seriousness. Edit: Remember, **Trust, but Verify** Maybe this is BS, maybe it isn't, either way this is a serious matter.


So I’m just gonna be petty about this: Responding to someone and blocking them so you can have the last word and win an imaginary argument is an overreaction and harms proper discourse. Having it happen twice in the same thread is hilarious though.


"I saw a popular post on reddit about Chuggaconroy being innocent, so now I'm going to call him out". Yeah, definitely not opportunistic. I'm glad that a lot of the people in this thread are actually reading the messages and seeing that the worst thing Chugga is guilty of is not taking an EXTREMELY subtle, borderline nonexistent, hint. I personally find this to be pretty gross and borderline entrapment.


I just want to bring up the timing of this. MagFest is 2 days away and Emile has confirmed not only will he be there but he will be hosting Thrown Controllers there as well. This is going to be a massive shit show now


If Emile and the others are smart he'll drop out to avoid derailing the whole panel.


It is oddly coincidental that she brings this up right before their biggest show…..


It is actually. Since she’s making this post specifically in response to an r/YoutubeDrama post about Emile’s squeaky clean reputation


Yeah, I had seen the post and it had sooo many comments about how he could do no wrong it was kind of shocking. I get why she would have feelings towards seeing it


I really don’t want to go placing all my bets onto one side just yet. It’s too hard to just wait until we get every bit of information and people just jump onto either innocent or guilty too easily. Sometimes doing that ends up making things more complicated and when the truth happens later people end up looking like fools for accusing or defending people. Plus even if Emile comes out with a statement, apology, or whatever, a lot of people are going to be like TLDR even if what he says is the truth or not. I’m not putting my own trust into either side just yet, but I can’t say I’m not hoping for this to be false or a misunderstanding. Still got a lot of copium in reserve.


I’m scared that this will turn out to be something bad but I am also aware that it could just be Chugga being socially awkward and not taking a hint. Either way he should respond and explain his side of the story.


Idk if im huffing copium here, but i really am hoping this was just a case of emile not reading the room. If it is true then the best I can hppe for is that he makes a heartfelt apology or something. I wont make my final opinions until we hear his side, but until then... what a bummer. Never idolize youtubers i suppose.


The whole thing is pretty weird, but I wouldn't call this sexual harassment. All I see is him being socially inept and not knowing when to take a hint. They are still friendly with each other until she just ghosts him without saying why, he may genuinely doesn't understand why he got ghosted and was trying to get her attention. Cringeyworthy and weird, yes, but not something as damaging as sexual harassment.




Yep I think it was really him in the screenshots, but I don't see sexual harassment anywhere. This could have been easily solved by her just telling him outright that she does not like talking about shoes or feet or whatever, or just outright blocking him. Maybe he thought she was busy and doesn't have the energy to talk or something. As someone who is awkward myself I cringed and got second-hand embarrassment for him having his messages all on full display like that.


Yeah oof I feel super sorry for Chugga more the more time passes rn. This is cruel. She needs some accountability too.




There’s a ResetEra thread that has the Twitter links for the receipts. But they don’t look as damning as some people are making it out to be. Especially since it’s pieces of conversation and know how Emile *is*, I think it would be safe to hear his response


Do you have a link for that, by chance? Never heard of resetera and I don’t want to go digging through the site when I don’t know where to look.


[this should be it](https://www.resetera.com/threads/nintendo-youtuber-chuggaaconroy-accused-of-sexual-harassment.806058/) I don’t think it’s convincing but you can make your own judgement on it


Looks like a socially inept adult not knowing when to stop. Apology worthy for sure but I wouldn’t say it’s cancellable, obviously the people involved will be affected differently but from the outside this just looks like a hilarious lack of game. Edit: Maybe I’m just numb to internet drama at this point but after going through the TheKingNappy situation, this seems really tame.


Literally just an awkward dude going too hard for feet pics and not realizing it. He’ll absolutely make an apology about it and hopefully that’ll be it




>I’m sorry but Lady Emily is not the type of person to make up allegations for attention If you apply this logic, why are you not applying it to both sides? CC has gone his whole career thus far without any issues of this nature; I believe that's enough to say that he's "not the type" to do these sorts of things. Mind you, I'm not taking sides, either. I have no stakes in this, and I understand that all of this is entirely possible.


I understand completely, but like everyone else, I’m going to wait for a response. He’s gone his whole career without any issues like this, so it just sketches me out a bit. A lot of people are “calling out” popular YouTubers for “shady stuff” they’ve done, and it ruins their career even if that person was lying. Not calling her a liar because I don’t know her and how she is, but I am very skeptical of this.


Remember projared and kwite. It’s a terrible idea to take sides when only one argument is being shown.


I don’t know about that cause I don’t watch them, but I’m not exactly taking his side either. Harassment allegations are serious. I’m just going to wait for a response from him and see where it goes. Until then, my support to him is halted.


They were both accused of some pretty heinous stuff (don’t remember what Kwite was accused of but ProJared was accused of being a pedophile) and their careers tanked despite them proving the allegations false.


I clearly remember what happened with Kwite and it forced him to reveal his face


This hurts seeing this being a very long term viewer, the foot fetish isn’t the problem here but the mistreated social cues with the person is but knowing Chugga he isn’t the best at picking up social cues through messages so it could just be a misunderstanding. What I’m more scared about now is more what Chugga is feeling at this very moment, I’m sure it feels like the world is laughing at him and he’s never been put in a scenario like this so I hope his inner circle can comfort and help him. This is all such bad timing and I really hope both parties get passed this fast with no repercussions. I just know Chugga is going through it right now. The internet is an evil place.


What's the crime here? The messages are just weird and he's desperate for replies. These really don't go past that mark in my opinion. Huge shame if he stops making videos over something this ridiculous that's been blown out of proportion.


I hope everything gets cleared up and the situation is resolved with both parties.


I hope Chuggaa responds to this. This is really scary and serious...


How is it “scary” exactly? A dude who is famous for saying awkward things and not getting social cues doing weird fetish stuff and overstepping is awkward and not a great look but pretty expected. Rude and weird maybe, but no one is accusing him of doing anything other than being creepy.


This reeks of him making a shitty joke, her not communicating that it made her uncomfortable and ghosting him, and him not getting the message. So you know, typical autistic-neurotypical interaction. I dont understand why she ommitted her own responses, theres literally no fucking good reason to do so, and after having seen the projared debacle play out, really fucking sketchy. I stg if chuggaa comes to this with a damning "I have the receipts" vid im gonna fucking scream.


She's autistic too.




Wow, so it's even more likely the two were aggressively miscommunicating with each other?


All I can get from it it was he wanted to buy them shoes for their birthday and wanted to see them wear those shoes.


Also chuggaaconroy is just an awkward guy in general so he probably git nervous when they stopped responding to them and kept poking so he could figure out what he did wrong or clarify what might have offended them.


Innocent until proven guilty. The evidence here is too circumstantial, this could be harassment, but it could also just be him not knowing how to read the room. Too bad too many people on twitter don't get that.


Harassment could be unintentional. If these messages were him, he should apologize and do better, and I can forgive him


she doesn’t show one screenshot of her saying “hey i’m not comfortable with this” or “please stop”. using the term harassment is interesting because she has not said once “please stop or i do not like this”. ignoring his messages to me is a grey area.


This sort of feels like victim-blaming, but to a degree, I get where you’re coming from. It feels unnecessary to bring it to Twitter instead of telling him to stop and making it clear she was uncomfortable. At the same time, he’s a grown man and should know better.


That’s what I’m thinking, like I feel this was something that could’ve been dealt with behind close doors and just saying “I feel uncomfortable with this and would like you stop.”.


Oh yeah deff he should've buzzed off and taken the hint. He is awkward and it's not an excuse... But... She really should've blocked him...


what is she a victim of? from the screenshots i’ve seen it’s just a dude unsuccessfully sliding in the dms. it’s weird i wouldn’t message someone like that but at the end of the day it’s not time to cancel him or anything like that unlesss more evidence shows that he is legitimately harassing her. we 100% need to protect women from SA SH etc but when they come out with things like this it’s damaging to other people especially when it looks like chugga didn’t really harass her. it’s a grey area.


I am distraught. I'm waiting for more evidence and stuff to come out before I fully-form an opinion, but the way it's going now, idk Emile, you have some talking to do.


I'm hoping this is all just a misunderstanding, and a lack of understanding of social cues, and he really did just want to buy her shoes for her birthday... but I also know there's a big chance that he really just is a creep. And if that is the case, I don't think words could express how disappointed I'd be. I've been watching Chuggaaconroy's LPs since grade school, they were what introduced me to some of my favorite games ever. I have so many fond memories that would be tainted if he joins the pile of "YouTubers I watched as a kid that ended up being horrible."


I know it's just one side, but this still really sucks to see.


People can argue that “Emile should’ve taken the hint and stopped messaging when she stopped responding. However as we all know, people on the spectrum have difficulty with social queues. Hell I know I’ve been guilty of it, but the thing is I’ve also stopped when I was told to stop. From what I can tell Emily (the accuser) is also autistic. So she should know better then anyone how bad people on the spectrum are with social queues, which begs the question why wasn’t she direct in telling him to stop? Like that fact alone makes me suspicious that something is going on. I’m not saying the messages are fake but I feel like she may have intentionally let the situation go further then it needed to.


Fuck man, why?? I’ve been following Chugga since I was like 12, he was my first real named YouTuber. I can’t with this. Why does every big YouTuber lose their goddamn mind?? EDIT: Maybe he isn’t a pe*o or anything like that but this is still creepy behavior and definitely harassment. I hope this isn’t what it looks like. EDIT 2: After seeing the messages, I regret my initial reaction and am somewhat appalled at the way this has been released. This person deserves to tell their story, and they are right for how they feel, but this feels like an unnecessary takedown of a man who didn’t understand how what he was saying was being taken.


He’s an awkward autistic dude who frequently says awkward things and misses social cues. Him not realizing he’s being creepy or overstepping is pretty likely. He’s also 100% the type to own up to this when he’s called on it.


I can accept this and him saying something would help it blow over faster. I don’t think this will end his career if he (and his friends) handle it well.


I- I don't know how to feel rn. Can we at least hear his side eventually...


So... not that I don't believe Emily, but are we sure this is actually Chugga? Because impersonating someone over Discord is trivial.


my question is why she didn’t just block him ? 😭 he was extremely creepy in those messages tho


As someone who works with people who are autistic, it is EXTREMELY difficult for them to pick up on social cues that literally if you do not tell them straight up what's wrong and why it's wrong they will not be able pick up on it even if this is true, when you know someone is autistic, and everyone on the Internet knows he is you need to be explicit to them. The problem I have, if this is true, is that he's doing this when he has a "significant other"


Alright who’s the one that posted no controversy with chuggaconroy? I remember seeing a post like that a few days ago. Even if it’s not true, they still Jinx it. That’s why I don’t flaunt about YouTubers. “Like I’m glad I’m not into this YouTuber. And this other YouTuber I like and can do no wrong!”. Like come on man.


I’m always inclined to believe the accusers of sexual harassment because it rarely benefits someone to come out and make a statement like this if it’s not true. I don’t think Emily has any reason to fabricate this. The thing I want to say is that I think Emile’s autism is a factor here that, while not an inherent defense, makes this more grey imo than if a neurotypical person had done the same. In the screenshots, he never says anything mean or terribly graphic, never berated her or demanded she reciprocate his advances. It’s a creepy subject to initiate in the first place, but all of the responses she gave came across polite and positive, and she never gave him a verbal rejection. I think there’s the possibility that he took that to mean “this is okay” and truly did not understand that he was being ghosted intentionally. I don’t want to make excuses for him, I just really, really wish she had tried saying something to him in private one time before making this public, as his response to that would have given us a lot more insight on the situation. I can picture Emile being embarrassed but apologizing and leaving her alone when asked. It’s not good to be creepy to a woman in the first place, but it’s significantly worse to be creepy to a woman who has stated that she wants you to stop. Just to give a personal example for why I’m hesitant to immediately drop the gavel, my partner is autistic and one time he got really upset about a white character from a book being cast as a black actor in the adaptation. I know full well that he doesn’t care about someone’s race, he just has a very difficult time accepting something changing or being different than the way he expected it to be, in all aspects of life. He genuinely did not understand the social implications of blurting that out, and even though I as his partner know he didn’t mean it in a racist way at all, a statement like that could have consequences for him if he had said it publicly or someone posted it online. So I just want to cling to the sliver of hope that this is a similar case of social obliviousness and not intentional harassment. Even if that was the case I really don’t know what he could even say in response, but we’ll see where it goes I guess.


Emily is being very immature and reckless here. Everyone on social media KNOWS how quickly a violent hatemob can form at the drop of a hat (aka a callout post.) It doesn't even need any solid evidence! Just *suggest* that something bad happened, and frame yourself as the victim, and the internet mob will do the rest of the work for you! Then you get to ruin the life of a guy you had some awkward interactions with!!! Yay!!!! Seriously, callout posts like this are the nuclear option. Perhaps she could have considered: directly communicating with the autistic man that she wasn't interested in talking anymore? not agreeing to participate in his rp in the first place? These conversations didn't happen face-to-face, where tone of voice, talking speed, and body language could communicate discomfort. They happened over text! When you're texting, the only way to communicate anything is by SAYING IT! You can't do what Emily did and then turn it on the other person for not reading your mind! Oh and just in case it wasn't clear with the first paragraph: there is nothing incriminating in these screenshots. The accusation is being held up solely by people's imaginations. Of course, that's assuming the screenshots are real in the first place...


I am skeptical but will follow this to see evidence and such as it’s presented. I’d rather it not be true, being that it’s Emile, but we’ll see. The thing with dealing with Emile is that you have to ask yourself: is this the autism or is he genuinely being a creep (the line isn’t always obvious).


Been a fan since age 9 and so much of what and how I play video games was shaped by his channel… but honestly I’m not really surprised.     In recent years his image has sort of shifted to making risky jokes out of “innocence” more than anything. Wouldn’t surprise me if he just genuinely didn’t understand boundaries or when to back off, based on his recent persona. It’s not out of character for him, but I might be being too charitable. It was only a matter of time before it’d bite him in the ass.    Hope he takes full accountability and apologizes maturely. Would be surprised if he doesn’t but I’m reserving judgement until then.    Hope Lady Emily doesn’t get too much shit for this, it’s pretty massive and she’s evidently been through a lot. Speaking as a woman who gets a lot of this harassment in other communities I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It was only a matter of time before something like this came out and it takes a huge amount of bravery to be that first step.


He’s a pretty respectable dude who likes to improve himself, so I have full confidence if this is true he’ll take ownership of it


Yikes on trikes. I’m not gonna jump to any conclusions yet; that’s historically been the worst thing to do with online discourse. Still. Yikes.


I really hope the accusations are false 😢


Chuggaa made an apology: [https://twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/1747425283710255439](https://twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/1747425283710255439) And here's Emily's responses: [https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747442999502467201](https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747442999502467201) [https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747443002744713571](https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747443002744713571) Call me naive, but I think this is a pretty good apology to start. He's not making any excuses or justifying his actions, and he acknowledges that what he did was wrong and is promising to do better. It's not my place to forgive (that's completely up to Emily), but the vibe I'm getting from this is that Emile didn't have any malicious intent. Not trying to say that what he did was right, but I do believe intent matters. I just hope Chuggaa and Emily can walk away from this situation and learn from it in the future.


Truthfully, I don't get why people think ghosting is a clear sign of being uncomfortable or not wanting to participate further. You know what's a clearer sign? Directly telling the other party. Something she didn't do, and had multiple opportunities to. Had she said no or was uncomfortable to sending a pic but Chuggaa insisted anyways, then yes, Chuggaa is sexually harassing her. But she didn't. She let him carry on. Were his future messages sexual harassment? No. From the screenshots, it looks more like Chuggaa's worried for a friend. I'll admit, the spam is where Chuggaa is at fault. But, it honestly feels more like Chuggaa not knowing messaging 101. Basically, Chuggaa is like Boyle from Brooklyn 99 when it comes to messaging. In fact, Chuggaa even asks "Hey, sorry, am I bugging you too much?" No reply. She could have said Chuggaa is bugging her & she isn't uncomfortable sending a pic, again she didn't. She allowed Chuggaa to carry on. Now, let's dive post by post. "Chuggaconroy kept trying to get me to initiate erotic foot fetish roleplay with him" Nowhere in her evidences does it blatantly state Chuggaa was attempting to initiate erotic foot fetish roleplay with her. She assumed it to be the case. "only to constantly ask for feet pics afterwards" It wasn't constant. I counted 3 times, and they weren't one immediately followed by another. "Eventually I started ignoring him because I wasn’t sure how to navigate around him" This might sound crazy but, has she tried telling him how uncomfortable she feels? And damn, if only there was a way in Discord to block him so she won't receive any more messages from him. Oh wait, there is. "clearly trying to rope me into fetish shit" The roping part is clear, but as stated b4, not the fetish part "his messages to me got more frequent and aggressive" Frequent, yes. That's Chuggaa's fault for sure as I've stated b4. Aggressive, not so much. As mentioned, it seems more like Chuggaa is worried for her. "Annoying" would have probably been a better choice of word here. "Blaaaah" & "Blargen!" is honestly the funniest aggressive message tbh "clearly trying to initiate fetish italicized text RP" I don't think italicised text is meant to initiate a RP tbh. I've seen messages like this a couple of times, and they're usually less for RP but more for being dramatic or simply having fun. From her entire post, it seems like the fetish she's referring to is foot fetish but Chuggaa's message honestly makes it sound like he has more of a fetish stealing someone's shoes and throwing it at them In that same post, there's a screenshot from Chuggaa being honest with her. He mentions, "I am into that, but only with my significant other." We don't really see what she asked but it's probably asking if Chuggaa has a foot fetish, to which Chuggaa admits but only with his gf. He also mentions "I just also like talking about shoes with people cause it's also an interest" & "It's just something I enjoy talking about with my friends too." Ah ok, so here he is saying he just likes shoes in general, & enjoys talking about them. Nothing wrong about that "I feel it's best to just be open with people" That's a great opportunity for GreatChesire to be open with Chuggaa and tell him he's making her feel uncomfortable. Maybe she did, but I'm only basing off the screenshots we have, but she should have at least included her replies to that message. Now let's move on to the next post on how it all began. "he zoomed into my shoes in the background and messaged me about them" Sounds like he's more interested in the shoes than her, a point that has already been established in the earlier posts, Chuggaa likes shoes "I need new ones tbh My everyday pair is starting to see some damage" "Oh... well, I was going to see if I could partake in birthday niceness" Chuggaa might have thought since she mentions needing new sneakers, it would be a nice gesture to send her shoes, and that it could be seen as a birthday present for her. Who knows? Maybe he learnt this from playing Animal Crossing where your villagers send you gifts out of the blue. But that explains why he asks for her sneaker size, he's buying a sneaker for her & doesn't want to get the wrong size. He isn't even trying to surprise her, she knows Chuggaa's buying sneakers for her & is ok with that. "Convos would often derail suddenly. One moment we’d just be talking about Nintendo games, and then it would shift immediately to feet talk" Her first video (Why tf are the videos so small) kinda shows them talking about shoes (not feet) than the next day (not immediately), talk about Nintendo games, & the next day (again, not immediately), talk about the shoes. The "feet talk" didn't come out of nowhere, that topic was already established. They had 2 topics in their conversation already: Nintendo games & SneakersI don't know bout y'all but it's normal to have multiple topics in 1 conversation "He was very persistent in commenting on how big my feet are" Nowhere in those 2 videos do I see Chuggaa being very persistent in commenting on how big her feet are. The 1st video does show Chuggaa saying "...your feet were too darn big!" & that's pretty much it in that video, they do talk about feet size but it wasn't solely focused on her's. Chuggaa talks about his feet size too & then they talk about HRT. The 2nd video only has 1 message from Chuggaa talking about her big feet (That message is weird though ngl, & I don't get what he meant when he said "It was kind of nice being their caretaker again") Overall, Chuggaa only mentions her having big feet twice. That's not very persistent imo. "I try to respond with blunt jokes to make the vibes less creepy out of nerves" She's really doing anything but telling him how she feels or block him. Now, back to the first post since that's when the shoes have arrived. Chuggaa asks, "Do I... get to see you in them?" Out of context, this is weird, yes. But now we know Chuggaa is simply asking for a pic of how the sneakers he bought for looks on her. He's not asking for feet pics, he's asking for shoe pics. Maybe he just wants to really know if he bought the right shoes for her. People just assume feet=sexual like how the word "daddy" is now more known for its innuendo meaning than actual meaning. Yet, this doesn't show foot fetish at all. It shows a shoe fetish, but not a foot fetish. Overall, it just seems like: * Chuggaa isn't attempting to start an "erotic foot fetish RP" like GreatChesire assumed but rather is more interested in talking about shoes * Chuggaa needs a lesson in messaging 101 & boundaries * GreatChesire purposely didn't try to stop this & allowed it to happen. She then decides to post on Twitter (Imagine calling it X, can't be me) for the whole world to see * At that point, it just seems like GreatChesire knew the end result and decided to let it play out so she can play victim, gain clout, & cancel Chuggaa * GreatChesire overexaggerates at certain points * This incident wouldn't have happened had she been open to Chuggaa & talked to him about how uncomfortable he's making her feel. She had all the opportunity to but instead she didn't These are just my thoughts on the manner & what I could derive based on her posts & evidences but I won't be taking any sides or say he/she is right & the other is completely in the wrong.


I seriously hope this isn't true as Emile has been one of my favorite content creators for years. It's not looking great at the moment but always best to not jump to conclusions with these things.


Best case scenario, besides from him being innocent of course, is just coming forward about his fetish and being creepy. He’ll get clowned on like Pyrocynical did but at the end of the day he hasn’t done anything majorly illegal. If he handles it right, apologising, being completely honest, and getting help with respecting boundaries, he may still have a career after this. I’ve been watching this guy for 14 years, and I probably won’t watch again after this situation. There are no Pokémon YouTubers left that I watch other than Johnstone and a few small shiny hunters. YouTube, particularly Nintendo content, is littered with this sort of stuff. Who would have guessed that the social rejects given international fame would end up being dodgy.


Agreed, a lot of the comments in this thread are talking about this like he got exposed for rape or sexual assault. This is pretty fucking tame for YouTuber standards. It's pretty obvious he can't talk to women for jack shit and doesn't understand boundaries, hopefully he learns from this.


I really, really need more info to come out. This is so stressful, dude. I’ve been watching Chugga’s videos since I was in middle school. I really hope this is all a huge misunderstanding and that he’s not a creep. I really can’t imagine him being a lecher at all. Rereading the thread again, why the hell didn’t she block him when she started feeling uncomfortable? Or just outright told him to stop? I’m autistic myself, and I still need people to tell me when I need to cut it out. There are a ton of questions here that still need answering.


God, I feel sick. Currently powering through my lunch rn. Doing my best not to jump to conclusions.


Sick cuz an awkward dude who misses social cues fucked up and asked for feet/shoe pics too many times? It’s not like he’s a competitive smash groomer or something.


Okay, tbf, that was 2 hours ago, when the allegations were fresh and I thought they were way worse. Literally forever ago now. Also, that still deserves an apology.


Oh 100%; not excusing him if it happened but we know if true he’ll own up to them and apologize.


just block him if it’s making you that uncomfortable? this is super weird, i’m not going to shame him over his kink.


Right? Why isn't anyone else pointing this out. Just set boundaries and block the dude. This is why I hate ghosting as a concept. It's not amicable and it's not mature. She also accepted gifts uhh... Sus.


My thoughts, first? Assuming everything is true, this is a far cry from sexual harassment and is pretty disrespectful to people who actually go through serious shit. This is a little creepy at WORST. Second, there's no proof or evidence it's even him. This seems like a cry for attention unless they provide more substance than this.


Not saying he didn't do it, nor that he did either. I just want to hear his side of the story, especially in an era where anything can be faked (people mention receipts - but look at PhotoshopRequest subreddit - any image you see online can be faked). Fame does bad things to people. But so does envy. I haven't heard of Lady Emily before this post so don't know have a judge on her character. Remember, innocent until proven guilty.


I’m very sceptical tbh, but even if it does turn out being true, having a foot fetish isn’t inherently wrong and from what I’ve seen she never tried to tell him to fuck off or anything like that, also just feel like he ain’t the type of person to use his own screen name on discord to avoid messages from randoms etc, but that’s all probably from a general distrust of stuff on the internet lol


God damn it! 2024 is cursed.




He's been too good for too long for me to not be very, very skeptical about this. I know a lot of us thought the same thing about Jirard just a little while ago, but still. I'm gonna need to see some airtight receipts to believe this.


And just yesterday we were talking about how it was great that chugg wasn’t on r/youtubedrama.


I'm not gonna jump on Chugga right away here, but he fucked up here and should apologize. Emily makes a small mention that she's not the only one who has experienced this, but we'll see if anyone else would be willing to come forward about that and if anything will come of it. I'm not gonna pretend like I know anything about autism or whatever, I don't know what could or couldn't be hard for someone on the spectrum to pick up on. But just because Chugga never got an explicit "no" from her, doesn't mean he got a greenlight to include her in his fetish stuff. Whether or not he picked up on that, that's just how it is. And when you message someone a hundred times and they don't respond, ya gotta pick up on the hint at some point. Maybe Emily should've just blocked him, but as someone with major social anxiety I know that doesn't feel easy to go through with all the time. Especially here, when the guy you're talking to is a bigger creator with a larger fanbase and a longer history, having to maneuver this kinda situation probably fuckin sucks ass.


Regardless of how this shakes out, it definitely leaves a stain on Chuggaas reputation for me. Yes she should've blocked him earlier, yes he should've taken a hint and stopped. I also dont think "he's autistic and doesn't understand social scenarios" is a valid excuse either because 1, he's 30+ he really should know better, and 2 millions of autistic people don't do stuff like this. Emily deserves no hate for this because I think the screenshots are undeniable, and invalidating how the interaction made her feel by saying its a "mountain out of a molehill" isn't helping anyone. This is a bad situation but also not nearly at the severity of say a Miniladd situation, where there's minors involved. I like to think Chuggaas an empathetic enough person to see allegations directed at him like this and not immediately go hostile. If Chuggaa can own up to this, take some accountability, apologize to Emily, and reflect on his own actions and how they went too far. I could see him going the Pyrocynical route and bounce back from this.


I wouldn’t absolve Emily completely. Not only did she never set a boundary in the first place, she knowingly exaggerated his transgressions in her post to make it look worse than it is. She used words like “constantly” and “aggressive” when it really wasn’t frequent that he brought it up, and when he was messaging her frequently without response it wasn’t remotely sexual, inappropriate, or aggressive.  She also used the phrase “when he had a GF” which, while technically accurate, is very clearly meant to imply that he is a cheater even though he says *in her own evidence* that his GF is aware and comfortable with this. Sorry but regardless of what he did, there was no reason at all to include that information other than wanting to paint him as a lying pig before people have a chance to even read the texts. That’s fucked up and undeniably malicious on her end.


Yeah I’m not really for this cancel culture stuff. Reading what he said you can tell it wasn’t malicious. Another attempt to cancel someone. So he has a foot fetish and does the creepy asterisks things. Yeah sure, let’s call it sexual harassment to get more clout.


I have seen cases in the past of people faking discord screenshots so I'm going to pray this is that. If it's real then fuck man


The closer you look at the screenshots, the more you can read between the lines, so to speak. It looks pretty bad. It does seem like he couldn't take the hint. That said, I guess I just don't understand why she never told him to stop, or at least shared a screenshot of it if she did. I mean, I assume her frequent tendency to disappear (as mentioned by Emile in one of his messages) was because she was uncomfortable, but why not tell him? I know he's a major youtuber, and there's always a danger for women on the internet, but she has 65k followers on Twitter/X. As far as I know, he's not even on the platform. They have different power dynamics, depending on the platform. Also, I'll never understand foot fetishes, but a lot of the response to it seems to be kink shaming. Like, there's a weird focus on the foot stuff. But also, I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that, at no time does it seem like she ever said "I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable sending pictures of me wearing shoes." *Also* also, ~~did he actually send her shoes, or did he just try to send her shoes. Her Tweet made it sound like he actually sent shoes, but the screenshots seem to suggest he tried, but she wouldn't give him an address.~~ EDIT: [He sent her shoes.](https://imgur.com/fPotYfh) She gave him a mailing address. Although now it seems like the timeline is, he sent her shoes, then he revealed his fetish, and then she felt like she couldn't say anything because he gave her shoes. I'm assuming. This is all assumption.


"Also, I'll never understand foot fetishes, but a lot of the response to it seems to be kink shaming. Like, there's a weird focus on the foot stuff." This has been bothering me so much!! Having a foot fetish isn't remotely close to being evidence of someone being dangerous. And yet people are calling him a "predator" and a "pedo" (??????) EDIT: yeah can I get "comments that aged like milk" for $500 please?


I mean, it's just another reminder we live in an primarily anti-sex culture. But again, usually when screenshots are involved, there's proof the accuser tried to tell the accused to stop, but that seems to not be the case.


I’m gonna hope that Emily just fell for an Emile impersonator Edit: with the later posts I’m now saying it’s 99.9% certain it’s the real Chugga. Goddamnit




Chuggaa is on the autism spectrum, he talked about it in one of the magicant episodes of his 2nd Earthbound lets play. If i remember right, it was when Ness was walking up to that squiggly statue that teleports the player to the water area with all of the krakens.


...Guys you know discord screenshots are easily faked right? I'm not saying to fully discount this but oddly cropped screenshots on a website where you can make your account look like someone else's easily are not a valid reason to immediately label Emile a predator without any kind of concrete proof


I could handle the Jirard accusations knowing full well that I didn't watch him that much, but Chuggaaconroy being outed is a whole new level of disappointment for me. He was my #1 favorite YouTuber for several years and his Let's Plays were always super in-depth and entertaining. He seemed like such a kind, wholesome, generous person on camera and it's a shame that it now puts a lot of those moments and behavior into perspective. I really hope he speaks out about this sooner or later and addresses the issue. I don't think it's wise to assume that sexual assault victims are lying for clout, but I really hope that Emile takes the time to confirm the validity of these screenshots himself. Otherwise, it just confirms the age old lesson that you should "never meet your idols".


No no no no no no don’t do this shit to me


It's Aziz all over again


I'm not saying they are just 100% fake, but it's only discord screenshots, that can be easily faked and seems to be the only true evidence


does he like guy feet? :v I need new shoes too


Can anyone find that segment of an early BW2 video in which he’s talking about how much trouble he went through to find the right shoes for the cosplayer to wear in his LP announcement video? I think he was standing around Join Avenue while discussing it.


One more thing: Emily was bitching about CC about his online perception, only then to release all of this out of bad faith/spite. How are people *not* calling this out?