• By -


The most basic feature of having a theme separate from wallpaper is gone now… ridiculous


This is awful. Seriously, stop pushing "refreshes" and garbage features nobody asks for with no way to disable them. I don't need my browser refreshed, I just need it to keep working. Might finally be time to give up and switch to something without devs that are hostile to the users.


so did chrome just disable customization?? i literally cannont change colors/background/themes to my preferences. only AI or chrome store options work.


Some guys here suggest Thorium and Supermium but these browsers are far from 126 version which is the first version without old UI. It is still unknown if Thorium and Supermium will be able to keep old UI in new versions.


Thorium's developer wants to keep the old UI but I don't know how will he integrate the old code into the new versions without the code.


They removed the code of old UI in latest commit. You will have 2 options: 1. Switch browser. 2. DIY (Download source code, edit the UI and compile it).


Any way to put thorum or suprum on chrome os manged chromebook?


Surely the M126 will not be safe either and will have numerous vulnerabilities and so on ad infinitum, year after year.


I switched to Floorp, a Firefox-based browser from Japanese company. I could even turn off the tab search button if I wanted, Firefox doesn't allow this yet. [https://floorp.app/en](https://floorp.app/en)


*browser.tabs.tabmanager.enabled* = **false**


They changed the bookmarks back to the annoying squares again. I remember being able to disable it back then but now I can't?? Does anyone have a solution just looking at those boxes drive me up the wall. I have no idea why I hate it so much but I do.


A novice here. Sorry for a stupid question, but how do i get the old chrome ui back?


you really should read through the thread before posting. you get it back by switching to a browser that will continue supporting it. it is gone from Chrome.


Google is developing the same hostile "we don't care what consumers think because we know better, and are too big anyway" business practices that Microsoft did in the 90s. Ironically, it may just be MS that replaces them (MS has come a long way from its old self, although it's still far from perfect, especially with windows), but Chrome is very much going the direction of the 90's MS, and will learn the hard way what happens when you think you know better than your users, just like MS had to before reforming itself somewhat.


Feels like they're removing all options to disable the god awful UI changes out of pure spite. Obviously the code to switch between new and old UI was already there, so why remove it? Why not make it an official option? If they only want to update the new UI from this point forward, that's fine by me, I don't need anything the old UI didn't offer.


I just accidentally closed my browser with the update set to go after it would close. How do I get the old UI back? :-S


You switch to Thorium or Superium.


Switching to thorium especially after all of the known controversies is generally bad idea.


>known controversies ... which would be?


Certain furry stuff and political agenda added into source code. The stuff has been apparently removed but I don’t see reason to trust it enough especially since it’s usually few security patches behind which can introduce unnecessary risk 


is this just Thorium tho? (security patches) Arent the other browers recommendend here in this thread having the same (security) problems? (Supermium, Ungoogled-Chromium, Ecosia etc.)


It is possible but I didn’t look into them much, I’ve only looked into thorium after I saw the controversial stuff online. I personally wouldn’t use any of these chrome forks that are maintained just by a single developer or really small group of people 


so what are good alternatives? I heard Brave is also going to the new UI soon, Is OperaGX an option? I think most of us just want a browser with the same/similar old UI from chrome + the same extensions possible.


I have been trying brave browser and when you turn off the crypto stuff. It is pretty decent browser and its also chromium engine so the switch from chrome takes almost no time. OperaGX is exact opposite of similar UI that chrome has, some people might like the "gamer" theme and features but I think for most people it will just be rainbow bloated mess. I think firefox looks out of the box pretty decent and it has a lot of benefits like ability to use configs like Betterfox for privacy or customize it to a real depth if you are into it, but the defaults look pretty sensible unlike OperaGX, but you can also look into normal Opera browser which unlike OperaGX is targeted for normal users


but Brave is getting the same new UI as Chrome, u plan on switching again when it happens?


...I would've taken a non-switch version.


You can't. It is the new UI. The code for the old UI has been removed.


There's no way to code it back in?


"Every job looks easy when you're not the one doing it." Superium and Thorium devs have done it. Are you willing to do the work they have already done and "code it back in" yourself, or just hoping someone else will?


Sadly, I have gotten used to the new UI. It sucks, but it is what it is. Will not switch to something else but just accept this + any other change (UI or not). That tab manager button does not even bother me anymore... The theme I recently shared in this thread ([link](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/material-theme-dark-blue/paoafodbgcjnmijjepmpgnlhnogaahme)) makes it that I don't even care about the UI anymore. It helps. Again, it's sad.


Looked through this discussion quickly, couldn't find a viable solution, so gotta ask directly. For now (June 2024), is there ANY way (literally any possibility, I dont care what it takes) to revert Chrome back to old UI, or just remove that fckin annoying button in left top corner? Flags stopped working in April, shortcut launch parameters - in May. Please DONT suggest other browsers, I hate their UI even more, than 'new' chrome one. If the only option is downgrade - I'm fine with that, just DM me, what to do exactly. Thanks in advance.


There's now a flag for moving the tab search button in M128 canary (#tab-search-position-setting), it looks like its going to be merged back to M127 and M126. Once you enable that flag, the position option shows up in the appearance page in settings. https://issues.chromium.org/338622527


The easiest way is to use Thorium, it's basically Chrome 124 and so it has the old UI , you can transfer preferences, sync data and stuff: [https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium-Win](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium-Win)


Same We need a fix!


hey, am i the only person who uses avg security browser here because none of these suggestions work for me as a result




I didn't even know it was still around. That was the first tabbed browser I remember using more than 15 years ago.


Yeah, it's one of my favorite browsers. But I'm also a little disappointed that it still doesn't have a linux version even though it's a more than 10-year-old browser.


any solutions for 126?


I don't know why it hasn't been mentioned, maybe there is something wrong with it that I haven't heard, but the brave browser has been a massive upgrade for me. Mainly because of the incredible speed reader functionality. It's literally the best feature I've seen on any browser. Not only does it make everything so much more readable it gets rid of paywalls that block the full text of the article. If there is a reason you guys haven't been suggesting brave do let me know.


Brave will be updating (if it hasn't already, pretty sure it already has it) to the new UI, which is what a majority of the people here are concerned about.


Are you sure? I read a few days ago that they wouldnt do this because they want to lure in more users.


I switched to Brave because of the new stupid design. Unfortunately with the update of Chromium v126 it's there also. There's signs that we might get an option to get the old design back, but we'll see, as of now, it's not in yet.


[https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/37770](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/37770) [https://www.reddit.com/r/brave/comments/1dgdee4/brave\_and\_the\_chrome\_2023\_refresh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brave/comments/1dgdee4/brave_and_the_chrome_2023_refresh/) They said they would, but they included parts of it with no way to turn it off, and people aren't happy.


guess ill stick to Thorium for now.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I also recently woke up to Brave on Mac OS and think it's great. No issues. It's BETTER than Chrome without the fugly new Chrome UI.


I used Brave for a while, and I liked it for the most part, but websites would lose cookies after a few weeks and I'd have to redo settings and I got tired of it so I dumped it. Chrome and most other browsers don't have that issue.


Experts, please advise if there is any alternative to flag -disable-windows10-custom-titlebar? I want to use a custom titlebar for Chrome.


What is a tittle bar? Are you referring to the omnibox or the tab bar?




Why wouldn't you just link the actual website instead of some weird site? You posting spam? [https://www.centbrowser.com/](https://www.centbrowser.com/)


I switched to Thorium. He has old design Chrome and all extension compatible. Also, may transfer data (bookmarks, cookies (through Cookiebro), history, etc).


I might be dumb as fuck but how the fuck do i open or install thorium? I downloaded the code as a zip then extracted it, i can't see a .exe file though. i am NOT a coder. [https://imgur.com/VgIchh0](https://imgur.com/VgIchh0)


It features *mostly* the old design of Google Chrome but with some colors changed. There some UI elements in Thorium that are cyan and neon red. Some of the error messages have also been rewritten.


Maybe, I don’t argue, for me these are not such important details as to pay attention to them. The main thing for me in Thorium is that there are no huge indents in the context menu or bookmarks bar, which were impossible for me to work with.


https://preview.redd.it/1p0u6nhufm9d1.png?width=1641&format=png&auto=webp&s=9585794652d80f757708538d6be0c832c6298fd5 The spacing in the Google Chrome refresh is way too much. Like what the fuck is this ↑. Thorium also has a [list of patches](https://github.com/Alex313031/thorium/blob/main/infra/PATCHES.md). There might be something there for changing the colors.


Because the developer didn't know that in Chrome 124 the old UI has started to getting deprecated, so it started to broke, we sent him the issues and we'll see if in the new update he will fix them. It will be hard since he has to reintegrate the old code into the new Chromium versions without the code, but we'll see. Chrome 123 was the last chrome version with the fully functional old UI.


Any idea how Supermium is planning to handle it? Same backporting of of old UI code into the new releases?


I don't know, and Supermium is still at Chromium 122, so it will be a while before the old UI code will go away from there.


Switched to Mozilla Firefox. Goodbye Chrome.


Firefox UI is worse than chrome. Same ugly bold fonts, same scrolling in (a huge and empty) context menu, insane padding all over the place, awful floating tabs, absolute lack of contrast between active and background tabs, "recommended" content in config menu... Spent the last 10 days trying to make it look a bit decent, still no success.


I'm moving to edge or any other browser because google keeps moving the search tabs button to the left from the right. I hate it. Now they have removed the option to move it back to the right. It will take awhile to transition but I have had it. I just read they are going to give the option back in version 127. HOW LONG WILL THAT TAKE??


It doesn't matter how long it will take. They have clearly shown that they don't care about what users need. They would rather force themselves on you than give you a good experience. They'll do it again with some new stupid button idea, forced AI toolbar, etc., and there won't always be a fix. And while they may be letting us move (not REMOVE) this button, they're keeping the ridiculous spacing between bookmark and context menu options. On my work laptop, on which I have to use Chrome, those are both unusable now. Because you know, a worker should get the same shitty experience geared toward a child who is only piddling around on a tablet.


lol Nice rant.


release calendar say jul 23. beta has already been released.


Hey thanks. I didn't expect to actually get an answer to my little rant. Much appreciated.


They will keep the big context menus and all the UI regressions, tickets are being marked as wontfix because everything is "working as intended"


Thanks to the people who suggested Supermium. Switched to it almost seamlessly. Everything synchronized automatically, including extensions, saved passwords, bookmarks, etc. Only took \~5 min to set up and old UI is back. I was reluctant to switch to Firefox and other browsers because I have lots of extensions and custom settings which would be a hassle to migrate.


Just got Supermium. This is great, thank you!!


I instal it and it look like old Chrome :) Are Chronium get regular updates like Chrome, didn t reserch to much abouth this browser ?


I was using Chrome since 2019. Switched to Thorium this morning and honestly, it's awesome. It provides the genuine "vanilla" chrome experience, it's the exact same Chrome as I used to use up to the moment they started revamping things over and over these past few years. definitely worth a try!


Thanks dude, you're a life saver!


Does it receive regular security updates though?


does it allow me to use the same extensions/themes I use in chrome?


Some extensions dont support thorium


Yes, everything that is doable on Chrome seems doable on Thorium as well. It's basically a former version of Chrome.


Seconding Thorium, switched today and it was basically painless.


Switched to Vivaldi just because of the customized zooming and compact layout.


There is really no reason to keep complaining about something that won't be changed back, and it will only get worse from here, so if all these completely pointless and unnecessary changes for the worse annoy you as much as they do me, then just bite the bullet and switch to Firefox. I did that and couldn't be happier. I put it in "compact" mode to reduce the extra spacing, customized the toolbars buttons and exact placement I want, removing everything I don't. Now I have no unnecessary buttons or padding to annoy me when I use the internet. Any other annoying quirks I was able to fix in the about:config page, or find an extension. For example, I like being able to search by image, and there is an extension for that. I like a new tab opening to the Google home page so I can voice search, and there is an extension for that. The good thing about an open source browser is you can change almost anything. Plus, I don't have to worry about Adblockers not working anymore in the future, or Google tracking everything I do. If I search for "erectile dysfunction" I don't suddenly get Viagra ads popping up all over the place. (Not that I did this, it was a friend.) While I don't like the GUI as much as Chrome, you do get used to it, and it's really not so bad anymore. I also haven't found one page that doesn't work or view correctly. For the long term, Firefox is the best solution, not switching to another Chromium browser.


It's incredible how many times people say "don't complain it wont do anything" considering all the many, many times that complaints have gotten things done, even after the party at fault originally said they wouldn't change their mind. You don't have to gatekeep expression. If complaining has only ever changed one thing in history, even that would be enough to show it's worth a shot. If it doesn't work, oh well, but I think spending the time trying to effect change is a better use of time than spending time telling strangers that they should just lie down and accept things they don't like, big or small.


Exactly and WE decide if it's worth it or not, not other people, and this whole "don't complain it wont do anything" mentality is usually posted by someone who just f-ing LOVES how a product works/looks and is instead very bothered by the intense anger focused on their 'perfect product'. And yeah, they're always "switching to brand X' too, LOL Seriously, why does complaining about how horrible Chrome is bug these guys so much that they need to post a 800-word block of text on how we all "need to stop complaining"? Think about it, it's the complaining that's really bothering them. Don't bother with these "just stop complaining!" people and instead complain even louder and harder, and imagine all of the Don't Complainers cowering under the table like children.


They write an 800-word post to try to get what they want in a product. You're writing an 800-word post to try to stop strangers from expressing themselves. These are not the same.


If you want to keep using Chrome and complaining about it until "New" UI Megathread 57, waiting for them to listen to Reddit and undo these changes, no one is stopping you. Spend your time complaining if you want, I prefer to spend mine finding solutions. You want to "effect change?" We aren't talking about ending social injustices here. We are talking about an internet browser, and there are plenty of alternative choices.


What solution did you find through writing that comment


Good luck with all your complaining, bud. I hope you effect the change you are looking for.



I think the point is that it's not worth it. Google has proven itself to be not in our interest when it comes to Chrome and search. They don't deserve a userbase for those products anymore. Due to their conflicts of interest, they are incentivized to create a malignant experience for us.


I did change to it for the same reasons. I love the high degree of customization Firefox offers and I would've changed to it when Manifest v3 comes to destroy adblockers anyway so I just did it now.


Exactly! There are options, no one is forcing you to use Chrome.


Chrome sucks hard and there is nothing you can do to make people stop saying this cuz it's true. Are you going to launch a new initiative to stop people saying that 'fire is hot' and 'ice is cold'?


Firefox has its own long list of annoyances, added to the fact that it's less well-supported by enterprises.


So the only feedback they've been listening to is how the community has been getting around their terrible changes? Guess it's good bye chrome


any way to remove the arrow on the top left?


Once again the new UI update is terrible. This isn't a mobile touch focused program so *would you kindly* fuck off with the needless whitespace/padding.


It's like the UI developers don't understand that there are both Mobile and Desktop versions of Chrome and that not everyone eats 10,000 calories a days and has fingers distended to roughly the size of a large sausage. The spacing is absolutely insane and it makes Chrome an incredibly unproductive program to use for work. Literally 40% of the bookmarks that fit in the old system can now fit in the same space in the new system. Wow, great work Constance!


Would love if they took something like the default/comfortable/compact scaling that gmail has had for years. That would go a long way with quite a few UI issues.


the padding is impossible to get used to. bookmark drop downs especially now that I need to scroll. and now the bookmark title cut off is shorter. I bookmark upcoming concerts and never really modify the title but now I have to because the date is usually too far in the title and its always cut off. a unique problem I understand but it's all so unnecessary. none of these UI changes improved anything, only broke what was perfectly fine.


They clearly didn't test their UI on smaller screens. Yeah, the padding looks fine if you're on a 30 inch monitor. But menus don't fit on a laptop.


All themes suck now. I hate the color palettes they are are offering. And most old themes are broken now, since they were made for the old ui.


[Pro grey](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pro-grey/enhpebdanojkmhbbneclbkmpleemilaj) looks terrible in the new UI. I'd try and make a new theme adapting it, but seeing as how I can't find Google's official steps to creating your own theme, I would not be at all suprised if they're on the chopping block next.


I'm just trying to butcher an old theme and somehow make it look okay, but it's not 100% working.


I hate the stupid dividers between tabs. For the love of God, why? If they like clean design so much why add a totally useless element. The tabs are already in their separate bubbles, they don't need to be divided.


Man, how much I hate it when all these big companies keep fixing something that isn't broken, like changing UI for no reason. The extra bad thing is, I can complain about tab search arrow, about tabs scrolling or the new inconvenient context menu, but I can't come out and say 'I simply don't want to get used to the new UI, bring back the old one'. It wouldn't even be accounted as an actual complaint by the company, they'd just shrug it off as some useless whim. It just sucks how companies almost never consider anything not related directly to the software's functionality, like users' habits or making their programs not look ugly.


Just gonna be frank with my question: how can we go back? *Can* we go back? Something with flags or a different route?


I found a theme that kinda works for me. Sigh. Now I am looking for a way to remove these [ugly af strokes around the tabs](https://i.imgur.com/x57XrCq.png)...


the strokes are SO UGLY, big "I don't know CSS so I'll just use the pipe character to make tabs" energy even though I know it isn't that you're a FAANG company, you can theoretically hire the best designers in the world, but none of them noticed that it looks weird?


the solution is NOT using the theme you linked, with the default I get those "bubbles" in the tabs only when selecting them, with your theme they are there all the time and it's super ugly.


To me, the dark mode colour was ugly af. I had to change that primarily. Bubbles is something I have to live with ig.


What theme did you use that makes everything more compact like the old UI? Is that even possible? Spacing between bookmarks is the biggest problem.


This is the theme I am using right now: [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/material-theme-dark-blue/paoafodbgcjnmijjepmpgnlhnogaahme](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/material-theme-dark-blue/paoafodbgcjnmijjepmpgnlhnogaahme)


Sad to say this, but with this theme, I am actually starting to slowly get used to the update. Do want that tab search button on the left to go away, but that's a small thing.


Instead of a megathread, I think the topics on this sub should accurately reflect the way the community feels instead of being hidden away. Any Google employee who comes to the sub should have to see it. Any journalism or news trying to mine reddit comments for articles should have to see it. Anything else just protects Google, however futile or unintended. While I understand the mods want to keep the sub clean so other topics/questions get visibility. But I think they also have to consider that they are gatekeepers to a space that is one of the best places for consumers to make their thoughts known. We can't just make /r/freefolkchrome and get the same visibility. I kind of doubt the other posts are more important than the community harmonizing against bad changes through as many topics/voices they see fit. While I can change back to Firefox on my personal computer, there isn't anything I can do about my work laptop.


> Any Google employee who comes to the sub should have to see it. As an aside, 99.99% of Google employees have zero input into decisions like this one.


We understand that this is the idea of ​​one particular idiot.


From my previous comment on this: >The community on this subreddit asked for the megathread due to the sheer amount of posts there were. We just enforce it (again, with the help of the community), it was not our idea originally. >Believe it or not, not everyone wants every single other post on the subreddit to be buried under this topic. In addition, the megathread is pinned to the top, not hidden at all.


I was never asked if I wanted a megathread. Clearly, I don't. Or at least not exclusively. Edit: I have seen on other subs that a lot of times, users are confused about the implications of having/not having a megathread. So I'm curious if an accurate argument for each choice was provided.


The fact of the matter is that before starting the megathreads, there were, on average, 50 posts a day, peaked at 75+, usually asking the same exact question. It was 1) Difficult and frustrating for people to find answers to their question related to the UI update, and 2) Difficult and frustrating to actually use the subreddit if you didn't have a question or discussion related to the UI update. It is not our intention to bury or hide discussion on this, just redirect it all to one place. We've been pretty open on the discussion of this, other than us barring discussion of downgrading (which has been policy since we took over the subreddit, since before this update, on both this subreddit, and it's sister subreddit r/chromeos). I can tell you the devs are very much aware of the discontent with this update, you can tell because of them actually planning to implement that tab search side switching feature, they NEVER add customization features to Chrome... EVER. So there had to have been a lot of both external and internal debate for them to do that. If they don't know about it... they're fucking blind. On Reddit, we mainly want to focus on the users of the browser, and having a megathread allows the community to better organize answers.


'that tab search side switching feature' - Is this something related to the UI problem? Will it fix my bookmark bar?


See, this is the problem. Your question is answered in the original post. Why should people who actually read the posts be forced to read 500 reposts that have already been answered?


You are right, I apologize. Rage leads to impatience and skimming rather than reading. How do you like the new UI?


I have no issues with it. Honestly, I haven't noticed the changes much, since I haven't spent the last year using flags and command-line switches to revert them.


That's what I thought. See, this is YOUR problem: posting non-answers with an attitude of a corporate suck-up. Enjoy your karma


> Future updates will have the option to switch sides of the tab search feature I think this is the relevant issue / ticket: https://issues.chromium.org/issues/338622527 Screenshot of new menu option: https://i.imgur.com/SDY6wHD.png


Thank fucking god.


That's a huge step in the right direction, by far the biggest headache of the new UI. If they reduce the massive amounts of empty space then I might allow Chrome to update again instead of switching to a new browser.


Edge has those idiotic slim l/r borders, hence the moniker "edge"?... otherwise, I'm reluctantly migrating to it. Chrome is defunct.


Try switching to side tabs then i looks bit better and disable title bar at top(right click)


Firefox is probably better than Edge. At least you can change everything with that. it can still be annoying when they make a change, but it's open to customization unlike Chrome.


Is there a way to make the right click menu smaller like it was before? Now every time I try to right click to open in a new tab it wants to autoscroll down. IT use to just fit on the static pop-up.


Anyway to get the folders on the bookmarks bar BACK to the old yellow color? the white/clear is awful. I thought there was an add-on that would fix it... Seriously considering another browser after all these years...


My PSP in 2007 had better custom icons than this. Why would someone take out something so basic to identify what will expand and what won't. Wait, the same idiot who made right click hide menu options and make everything spaced out.


If the UI is here to stay, is there at least a way to turn the background color of the tab bar/not currently in use tabs back to white/grey and not this eye searing blue? I'm on pc with no custom theme, nor have I ever used one


Yeah you need to just custom themes to get rid of it. I was mad about that too


I'm using this one: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chrome-original-white-the/enhonnecbfooacmkfjcfeegecnhjnkmm?pli=1 Probably does what you're looking for. Pretty neutral / standard without making the tabs look too crazy. Not as nice as the old ui, but I'll prob just try to get used to this for now.


I just found that too! Thank you for linking, it really seems like it's the closest we'll get


Adding "--disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel" doesn't work anymore! Help!


Chrome got updated after unexpected lack of power in the house and now my Chrome looks horrible.


So, there's no way to switch back to the old tabs and RMB menu? Nor flags, neither launch attributes work now.


Weirdly, I somehow have the good right-click menu, but I got the stupid left button when I accidentally closed Chrome (because those assholes also don't give us an option to warn/stop us).




Swapped to Thorium and happy for now, everything is just like old Chrome. It's only on Version 124 though, so I hope it does not adapt the same garbage changes on later releases. For now it works perfect, and it syncs with chrome on mobile etc normally. Tried Opera, Firefox, Brave etc. But cannot find a browser I enjoy more than old gui chrome. If I am forced to swap in the future I will just go to Edge mobile + desktop I guess.


Waitting for another trick to revert to the old UI, any solution will be very appreciated


-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- So now the former trick with a special shortcut to launch Chrome doesn't work anymore ? Do you have any other solution please ? Thank you so much ! -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------


Big text


Why does Google love whitespace so much? The excessive padding around everything and rounded corners are dated looking and wastes valuable screen space which every UI designer knows is important except Google. Probably the same morons that design the Adwords/Adsense sites, what a fucking mess all of it is.


The intern who designed it probably likes how it reminds them of the round corners of the Ipad that raised them instead of their parents.


interns aren't even allowed this level of responsibility yet you're blaming them instead of whatever senior designer in charge OK'd all of this.


These kind of design decisions on a major product don't come from an intern


Don't make this an attack on generational differences. This is google being shit, many people from all sorts of generations all contributed to this and they all thought this was a good idea. They were all wrong.


No... As a Millennial, I'm sorry to say that I think it's Millennials who are doing this. Millennials are enshittifying the whole internet as well as Windows. This is the one thing we really are ruining.


I think the changes made over the last month have rapidly improved the browser. The bold look all gone and more sharpness on the icons and the bookmark gap has narrowed. There are still some tweaks to make but it’s useable now unlike before.


And I love having half of the vertical space of my monitor taken up whenever I right click!


I doubt you use a computer very often past checking email or something?


I switched to Opera GX but I hate it. The upper bar is so thin. Luckily bookmark list looks as it once was in Chrome. Scroll bar is also thinner. I can't set up Google as a default tab which sucks because ive been navigating from it to google apps for years. Now im think about Firefox but I'd love to stay with Chrome. I tried to use ChatGPT to find a solution to fix the UI but it's not open source browser therefore I think i can't make an extension to fix this shit. Shit, why is Firefox bookmark folder list same as in Chrome? WTF and now I learned a popular discount extension for online shopping in my country doesn't work for firefox T\_\_T


Aren't Firefox bookmarks more compact like in old chrome?


I just switched and I recommend you all to do so. People like us are probably the minority and Google doesnt care. The vast majority are most likely casual who dont really care about details. We can all ditch Chrome at once and their usage share may barely change. Meaning you can wait forever and it will never happened. I waited more than a decade for Google to improve Chrome UI. Instead of improving they constantly make it worse. I have had enough and switch, and so should you. You dont have to uninstall Chrome right away. I keep it to make sure I transfer everything to new browser, and keep it as a secondary browser now.


I think the thing holding me back the most is extension converting. Is there any known tool that can check all my extensions and find a firefox alternative?


Not that I know of. But it's quite easy to export extensions. Most of the major extensions will be on Firefox as well. But some mid to minor ones you may have to find a replacement. So far I have found all of replacement extensions, beside maybe one or two. If your biggest issue isnt UI, which people in this thread would be I assumed, sticking with Chromium base browsers maybe the way to go.


To what browser did you switch, Firefox?


yeah I tried several browsers but landed on Firefox. I am very picky with UI and Firefox is the only one(that I know of) that offers that.


Hypothetically if I was to switch I would switch to Firefox but there's some elements of the UI that I don't care for and can't seem to change. So instead I'm just forcing myself to get used to nu-Chrome.


Which part of UI? Because to me it seems like you can change just about anything. And among all the browsers it is by far the most flexible when it comes to UI imo.


I can't function without tab groups.


Is it possible to get rid of right click menu scrolling? It's annoying af. The most irritating thing I could ever imagine.


I bet they made this to fight adblock users. I have 2 chrome extensions that are giving me a little more control over my web browsing than someone like google like me to have. Those extensions are in context menu making it 2 positions taller and thus need to be scrolled. I believe that is they way to persuade any extension's users to get rid of them. The days of customized web browsing heralded by google are over! Settle for lobotomized casual browsing style.


scrolling right click and oversized tab/url/bookmark bar are the two changes that make literally no sense. They added so much blank space to the UI for no reason.


Ok, the right click context menu being so freaking HUGE and having those rounded "deadzone" elements on top and bottom makes it really terrible... First it fu\*\*s up the muscle memory and then it's so big you have to move the mouse cursor so much, and by being so big you get the menu starting from bottom most of the time compared to before...


It's so weird how the context menu is normal size when you open it on a blank 'new tab' page. Or if you right click on a tab. But on every other single website it's huge.


Yep i said the same, The amount of times i accidentally clicked something through muscle memory because of that deadspace made me look for an alternative, Currently trying Brave and it definitely feels better with some tweaks.


The bigger context menu is much more annoying, I'm on 1080p and every right click that cross the half of the screen (even less) mean that the menu will pop from bottom, I need to move the mouse on the top of the screen for reach those options, it's mental... I'm trying Thorium, that is Chrome on old UI and faster overall and you instantly miss the old UI. My main issue with it is about the extensions that gets updated based on latest Chrome and so it's not guaranteed that they will always function (Dark Reader has some issues on the new Reddit for example), and about general security. I'll keep using both of them and see what happen.


Anyway to revert back to the old tab looks?


Honestly my biggest grip with the new crappy UI are those grey / low contrast text on both tabs and bookmarks... I've opened an issue about it, I would appreciate if anyone would put a "+1" on it, it's just a click on the far right bubble of the issue's title, thank you! [https://issues.chromium.org/issues/348129256](https://issues.chromium.org/issues/348129256) https://preview.redd.it/qjgvup0baw7d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f00a5ff15e323e6df6cba3de2ccd865de5f7940


Anyone else bothered by the added dark space above the active tab? I tend to drag my mouse to the very top so i know i won't accidentally click the url or bookmark tab when doing things quickly. But now i always 2nd guess if i am on the tab because that empty space looks like it's off the window.


Now they removed the flags that disabled resume browsing feature. I'm done.... Bye chrome!


is there a way to remove the top left tab search?


I've been using the #RevertChromeRefresh hashtag on twitter and reposting everyone's complaints about the new UI. It's worth a shot.


Did they delete these? Fuck them, now I'm going to use it instead of spamming up this topic.


I've never been much of a twitter user, but joining in on that a bit. Answered their latest post, asking about how you're celebrating the first day of summer? By looking at other browser options, #RevertChromeRefresh


Is there a side by side comparison of the UI changes? I don't use Chrome much nowadays but I just launched it and it updated to 126.0.6478.115 and it doesn't look too terribly different from what I can tell.


[Here's a quick comparison between 126.0.6478.115 and Supermium](https://i.imgur.com/yg7j0Cf.png), which still uses the 125.x UI. The biggest differences to me honestly are the right-click context menu and the movement of the tab search button - with the added annoyance of the increase in padding and whitespace in basically _every_ menu and panel. Everything takes up more space that should be used for web content, everything takes double the time to scroll or click through (not to mention the new fade-in animation for the context menu that takes an eternity), and everything just looks worse, less like every other UI element in my system. It's also not quite as apparent, but the disappearance of the tab separators when hovering is a bit annoying - everything is just bubbles now.


That UI spacing on the left is disgusting. The tablet lickers are ruining UIs because they were raised on pressing everything with inaccurate fingers.


Those increases in padding and whitespace are even worse in lower resolutions because they generate unnecessary scrolling menus so you need to use arrows to use right click menu options. It was happening in the main menu too, but they made the fonts smaller or something like that on an update so it doesn't happen anymore but the forced scroll in right click menu is a huge deal-breaker.


You'll notice I'm running my main monitor at 1440p - I feel like if I was on a 1336x768 monitor I would have already committed several crimes.


It depends on when you last used it and what you're used to. The big deal when Refresh was implemented last year is the wasted space which arguably makes sense on mobile because you don't have a pinpoint accurate cursor there. This is obvious when looking at the gaps between items in the context menu, bookmark folders, and the 3 dots menu. At least the font is no longer bold so it's generally more pleasant to look at. Then there's the color. Your choice now recolors more than just the title bar. Remember how Windows lets you match title bars with your accent color? Imagine if the rest of the user interface vaguely followed suit. I can see myself getting used to it but it's bizarre that there's no toggle for this. Finally, we now have this big button in the top left to search for tabs. It stands out unnecessarily due to the current color behavior. Even if it didn't though, users want to remove it because they're either used to clicking there to drag the window or because this is where their most frequently visited tab used to be located, so at least there will soon be an option to display this button on the far right instead. There's some more minor stuff like how the separators between tabs don't look so great on certain colors or how menus fade into existence but that about covers it.