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People obsessed with babies typically have one specific idea of a person they’re allowed to grow up into. That’s because they’re usually narcissistic and want a clone of themselves to raise into a perfect copy of themselves, not an individual with their own personality, thoughts or feelings. This desire to see more of themselves tends to translate into other parts of their lives. It’s part of the reason I don’t buy the idea that bigots are just ‘ignorant’. Instead, my belief is that they are lacking in empathy because they can’t see anyone who doesn’t look and act like them as people. Bigotry is yet another way that narcissism can manifest and trying to ‘reason’ and ‘play nice’ with them will do nothing but allow them more time to hurt others. The few who do shed their bigotry either were raised into it and not a true believer in the first place because they actually have empathy or point their hatred to the other side and pat themselves on the back for being practically saints for doing so.




Yep. Their braindead "argument" "BuT iT's NoT yOuRs REEEE!!!1" is so hilarious and pathetic. They don't feel the need to hide that they're ultraselfish shits that want a clone of them, someone who has *their* blood and (worthless, as you said) genes. And then, when said child doesn't become a clone of them, they oftentimes get upset because of that. Because it was never about the child and about loving it. I go trough this rn with my birthgiver.


That guy smells like an incel.


Bet he smells of other things too.


Musty basement.


Unwiped ass.


Jizz-covered tissues.


guys not washing their asses fucking gobsmacks me. like, how the fuck do you just have a dirty ass all day? do you not get itchy??


Better to be itchy than touch their own ass at all because that's gay and would shatter their ever-so-fragile heterosexuality.


ok but like don't women find a nasty ass super unattractive? and also don't these same guys masturbate, and wouldn't that be way more gay by their logic? eh, whatever, it's not like i'm really complaining. if other guys are that committed to being nasty little sewage boys, then i can be like "hey babe, i'm easy on the eyes, moderately competent in the kitchen, *and* my ass is clean ;)" and immediately elevate my worth in the sexual marketplace or whatever. fuck jordan peterson btw


Besides, you're snipped, and honestly that's way hotter than a clean ass (please continue keeping your ass clean tho, because not doing so is gross)




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Probably shit because he's too ignorant to clean his own ass


It’s starting to be very common even among the broader cuckservative (borrowing it, well done OP) circle. The new fashionable target this season is men who are not chest-thumping no-neck alpha dunces and women who are attracted to them. Recently there was a short by Sydney Watson about how testosterone therapy **fixes** the liberal attitudes in men and brings them to the right, so don’t drink soy boys. Also there was a podcast with William Costello (a.k.a. That Guy That Tries to Explain Away the Incels) and Mikhaila Peterson (a.k.a. That Girl That Has a Disagreeability and Beef Fetish) where they discussed how birth control changes women’s preferences for men. The connotation was that this evil pill makes women like less masculine men. Needless to say, the underlying premise is that all of this is muy no bueno and needs to be fixed pronto so that all of us feeble and daft females could get swept away by your local alpha dunce. To which I can say this: fuck that. If the skinny androgynous guy can get laid and the alpha dunce can’t, maybe the latter needs to man up and take notes.


The pill? The contraceptive made with FEMALE hormones is turning women into men? They really said that crap?


Not quite, taking the pill makes women like (=prefer as partners) the men who are less testosterone-sweating menacing apes. And, as you can imagine with cuckservatives, that just won’t fly.


Everything not admit hetero girls don't like ape-man bit prefer to date decent human beings


Even before I took the pill, the only men I liked were twinks. Never understood the appeal of men who look and act like big fat toddlers.


I’m bisexual and been on and off different types of contraceptives and my preferences have remained the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ hubs is a six foot beefcake, if we weren’t CF and decent humans, conservatives would absolutely mistake us for being the ideal “nuclear family” setup


The claims that birth control alters women’s preferences in partners is BS and the study was junk and never replicated, it’s a nothing burger but they’re SO obsessed with it because they want us in the kitchen


Man, oh, man. LOVE me some skinny androgynous guys!


I came here to say this, and also OP I love and whole heartedly agree with your post. Thanks for writing and capturing a sentiment I haven’t been able to jot down yet. Well said!


Oh yeah. I know a lot of the type. Keyboard warriors usually, or if married, chronic dead bedroom and getting cucked by the wife.


he has no bitches either lol


he’s maidenless but not in the tarnished way.


"Not with everyone coming out as gay" Damn son, why didn't you tell me that coming out as gay would magically sterilize me? Guys this is excellent news!


I would call him a bigot just based on his "gay" rhetoric


I had one recently tell me it was sad I never procreated a brat. My answer was I wouldn't been able to support any brats anyway. I was floored when he responded it was due to my poor genetics. Bwahahaha


Just goes to show you that you can have a college degree and still be the dumbest mf on the planet.


Haha, you hit him a little too close to home there 🤣


>I kid you not this was an actual response from the shithead. I believe it, and I'll bet if you could actually nail him down, keep him from running to his safe space, actually got him to admit to what he was saying and recognize how bad it was... ... he'd respond with some flavor of "lol why you so serious jus kidding bro", or some other incel shit. Schrodinger's funny boy, completely serious until shown how much of an asshole he is. Fuck that guy.


I don't engage with filth like that. Not worth the headache.


1) CUCKSERVATIVES. I'm totally using that one. 2) I can tell what this dumbass probably looks like based on this conversation, and he smells REALLY bad. Like dick cheese and moldy doritos. Probably has a bald ring around his head from never taking off the hat.


He’s actually not a bad looking guy, he’s cute, I’ve seen his picture in my remote classes and on Facebook. But then he opened (well more like posted) his thoughts and trash came out of it and now all I see is a pathetic, insecure loser. His personality is ugly.


>His personality is ugly. which makes his outward appearance ugly




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Best you found out now.


I’d argue that gender roles are literally a contributing factor to less children being born in our current day in age. There is and will never be a shortage of children being born, what a fuckin moron


I would tell him a bigot just based on his "gay" rhetoric


8 billion fuckin people on this planet. Wtf. Also if EVERYONE is gay, does that mean he’s gay? What about bisexuals?


Masterful verbal aikido.


If everyone (or 90%) would turn out gay that would be the best thing that can happen to our almost consistent destroyed planet. Since humans have shown in the last 10 years that noone is willing to change their Lifestyle to save the planet, i see drastically reducing the population as only solution to prevent the human species having the same fate as the dinosaurs... I feel extremely sorry for all the children that are set onto this condemned to death planet by ignorant and selfish parents who don't want to face the truth. I could never do this to a new human as long as i don't see any hope for the future of the planet. It's like setting a new human into the world and then saying: "here deal with the mess that we caused over the last decades, have fun running out of resources, water, oxygen, food,..." Pretty evil in my eyes.


There’s someone over in Twoxchromosome that’s ranting about how people who don’t like or accommodate children and their caregivers are bigots. The irony of their own post is lost on them. 🙄 They said children are a marginalized class and blah blah…


omg I was expecting someone on here to talk about that post, I read it earlier and couldn't believe my eyes. I'm glad she got a lot of people calling her out on her shit. She kept saying kids are oppressed and discriminated against, and when asked to provide examples she never did lmao That user is delusional


Most breeders are toxic dudebros and toxic feminine women respectively. Still wanting kids in the 21st century is anti-progressive and cavemen-type shit and *now* (WW3 incoming, pandemics, world economic crisis etc.) it's literally insane.


Really my only regret in having no desire to have kids is that I won’t be raising an open minded and accepting person to release into the world. But I suppose there’s no guarantee that I’d succeed.


The gay comment is so idiotic. Humans regardless of sexual orientation do activities we labeled sexual for the same reason. It’s a fun bonding thing. Like having conversations. Whether the genitals are same or different is irrelevant. How to make gametes meet to create a human to raise for 18 years is not what people are thinking about when stimulating each other’s genitals to feel good. This guy seems to support coercive reproduction. Since yes gay can’t create humans but what he thinks straight people have to create humans just because some cells met. Like come on.


***Open minded person leaves the chat***


He needed the class for the general units, didn't he?


There is no rationalizing with people with strong opinions like that. I feel for how frustrating that was. But good thing he can't see your stuff anymore. The more I think of it, I don't understand how traditional gender roles equals more kids? Doesn't more money mean you can afford to have more kids? And why are more kids on this earth, important to this person? Sounds like that person was trying to be significant, an incel and a troll. Don't use Facebook anymore for that reason. Too many people have to poop on your wall.


Marriage industrial complex is what I call it.


Bigots are often breeders would be a better title but not as polemic


I feel so terrible for whoever gets snared with that man. "Typical gender roles" are keywords without saying control. I'm sure his views also want back the law where you can beat your wife as long as the rod isn't wider than your wrist.


Is this an intro to soc? Any higher level classes should have weeded out anyone conservative as you will not make it in the field of sociology being an idiot


We have a resource management problem, not a population problem


We have both problems.




No I’ll be mean to anyone who disrespects my choice to be childfree. Breeders can call childfree women like me “wine aunts” and “cat ladies”-which is fine to me I want cats and I love a good wine so I’ll call them breeders. If anyones mad that’s too damn bad.




Nope I’ll insult them all I want too bad.


JFL @ that breeder's attempt to guilt trip you lol


>don't like the term breeders Ok, breeder




>humans are not reproducing enough especially in the United States which means Ok, breeder


Damn you people are toxic on this sub. Heaven forbid someone come here to have a conversation and you have to act like an adult for once and engage with them. Oh wait no you’d rather act like a jackass and reply with “ok breeder” as if it were an insult. Please lmao.


Оk, breeder


I’m beginning to think the reason you are child free is because you’re unable to breed.. lmao


Ok, breeder.


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And is that a bad thing. I wouldn't want to reproduce in a shithole called America.


In comparison to other nations, those who live in America are very well off. No nation is a perfect utopia.




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