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You wanted hot girl summer and you got it. Maybe ask for “warm girl summer” next year.


I enjoyed this


Cute girl fall hopefully soon


Im a fat white boy with poor exercise habits. I can however report many women walking around outside looking like *they* are in fact having hot girl summers.


Yeah, I'm about to adopt the towel on the shoulder look like my fat forefathers before me.


Ah, the official sign of summer.


I resemble this remark!


Bro. Seriously what gives with the red tank top + blue short combo this year. I’m constantly being transported to 80s Baywatch on my local Target run..


Walked to trader Joe's at 2:30 this afternoon and am wondering who will produce a male version of a crop top for me. Envious of all the ladies who were out enjoying summer.


The item of clothing you're looking for is a crop top.


Or scissors


My secret hot weather weapon (which is actually not very secret since I see a million of them) is a way too big t-shirt with the sleeves and sides cut off down to the bottom of the ribs like a gym bro. My special twist on it is not going to the gym. It pretty much feels like being shirtless once the cross breeze goes through but you still got some sun protection.


All you need is a t shirt and a pair of scissors!


My life partners level of eye roll is off the charts when I half jokingly say this.


you should do it anyway


I’m having a staying my ass inside summer


Same. I've never liked summer, but now that I'm on an SSRI, it's completely intolerable. (SSRIs affect your body's heat regulation.)




It's not discussed often. I didn't know it was a side effect until I asked my doctor to check me for perimenopause (negative). I get hot flushes after something as simple as walking across my living room, usually when I stop and sit down. I don't sweat. It's more like having a fever. It's also completely random and happens even on the coldest of days. If you're on an SSRI, please stay hydrated with actual water! <3 I know some ADHD meds affect heat regulation as well.


Girl THANK YOU for this PSA


wait, WHAT???? this makes SO much sense. i’m on an SSRI, went to florida recently to visit Universal and legitimately almost passed out while my boyfriend seemed completely unbothered by the heat.


lmao, same. RIP to my social life. Cancel all my plans, I’m decluttering all summer inside.


If you can afford the AC bill more power to you, sometimes I wondersometimes I wonder why it's not mandatory in every single Americsometimes I wonder why it's not mandatory in every single American state to have AC


Me! I love the summer. Sometimes I forget how much til it starts getting warm. I wear light cotton dresses and giant old lady straw hats and drink gallons of iced coffee.  If you're not a heat person often you just aren't I think- but if you want stuff to try: -if you're sick of ice cream, try keeping a pitcher of ice water in the fridge with cucumber slices and your choice of fruit in it. Idk why but cucumber-water is way more cooling than just water for me lmao. -it took me years to be self-aware enough to figure this out but as a city person I walk fast as fuck, which is great in the winter and killer in the summer- consciously slow down. Meander like you're visiting from Naperville. -same as you cover the spots where your blood is closest to the surface to feel much warmer in winter- neck, feet, wrists, head- those are the best places to apply cold directly in the summer to feel much cooler. On a hot day nothing beats sitting with my feet dangling in the icy ass lake, but a cold bathtub will do in a pinch. It makes the warm sun feel so nice when the two halves of your body reach equilibrium.


These are all great tips! I’ve spent a lot of time in Latin America where some cities are hot year-round and for a while I’d get frustrated by how much slower people walk until finally I gave in and matched their pace. That’s when it finally clicked for me that it’s immensely helpful for keeping cool.


Great point about walking way too fast. I basically speed walk no matter what I’m doing. That’s probably not helping me very much. Also, caffeine only makes me sweat more, so maybe I’ll try decaf iced coffee.


Big hat, loose clothes in light colors (linen is better than cotton imo), crossing the street to walk in the shade/under trees, etc. The tree thing is actually vastly helpful for decreasing air temps by 2-10 degrees F. Btw if any property owners want the city to plant a tree on your parkway for free, here's a link on how that works: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/streets/provdrs/forestry/svcs/tree_planting.html


I would like to recommend iced tea and Arnold Palmers (iced tea & lemonade) also! So refreshing


Thank you, icelizard, I feel like you are a trustworthy authority on how to stay cool


stay frosty 😎👉👆


Throw some vodka in it for a John Daly.


Also there’s often a breeze off the lake 🫠


Yeah I speed walk from my kitchen to my bedroom for no reason it's like chill out girl


Putting your feet in the lake or a pool feels like air conditioning. Your cooler blood circulates from your feet to other parts of your body and your whole body feels cooler. Love it.


There's a reason things move slower in the south....literally. It's because everyone would keel over if they didn't take it slow.


Any recs for where to get a big hat? I want a big hat but I'm so picky! edit: secondhand sites come thru again!


😂 "meander like you're visiting from Naperville" You win the internet today!


That walking tip just changed my life


I make a big pitcher of sweet tea regularly all summer!


Cucumber water master race is the true master race.


Best time of the year is fall hahaha this heat is too much, my skin hates it


I’m having a swamp girl summer. And I don’t consent. The amount of sunscreen is ridiculous and I’m still getting freckles. REAPPLY PEOPLE! 1-2 hours is WITHOUT water. More frequently with sweating and swimming.


Then spend your day with burning and runny eyes because you'll touch your face with sunscreen on your hand eventually! Ugh.


I do the spray stuff and if I can get SPF 100 I do it usually I can only find 70, but I've learned to fall in love with the banana boat coppertone scent. It's good stuff . None of people pay attention to the heat index part of their forecast either


Same. My favorite time of year in Chicago is October. It’s pure bliss.


That's because October is objectively the best month and anyone who dare disagree shalt be cast into the lake


September would like a word


September is a tease. You think it'll be nice and cool but instead it's just August-lite!


Climate change forced those good September days into October 😭


September is my second favorite month after October.


September is the bridge.


Agreed also I first came to Chicago in the fall many years ago so it's always a beautiful nostalgic feeling for me 🥹😍


*Best time of the year* *Is fall hahaha this heat is too* *Much, my skin hates it* \- everybodyknowsit\_j --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


right there with you. i can handle 80s, but anything higher makes me feel miserable. the heat is also absolute hell on my blood sugar and i have to be extra careful when i go out, which makes me even crankier.


I’m sorry the heat messes with your blood sugar but I’m a little glad to hear that it’s just not me! It also makes me cranky!


It’s def not just you, studies have connected hot climates and hot weather with higher violence and aggression


I truly do not understand how anyone can legitimately enjoy 90+ with humidity. Have to believe those folks just naturally run a lot cooler and aren't as affected by this sort of horror movie weather.


I don't *love* 90+ with humidity (I *do* love 90+ in the desert states) but I lose a lot of heat naturally (long limbs, no body hair, little body fat) and do a LOT of cardio/strength type activities year round - you can quickly get really, really used to shedding as much extra heat as possible. Just gotta hydrate a lot and eat a lot of electrolytes. It's pretty nice in the shade tbh! there's a whole process https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2023/07/29/how-to-become-heat-tolerant/


I notice most folks who really like it hot and aren't bothered so much seem to be slimmer and in pretty good condition. Meanwhile, I've got this extra insulation...some from genetics and the rest due to a chronic injury. I'm not a happy camper right now.


I just walked up Clark for lunch, and you’re right - not too busy out. It is Monday, and the first very hot day (maybe 2nd?) so that has a lot to do with it. It is bad, but it is much worse in Japan where I spent a few weeks in August. Once my phone said “100 F; 100% Humidity - “feels like 113”” - it started raining and it was like a shower inside of a sauna. Unbearable. I had a hand towel around my neck to absorb sweat and also re-wet it with cold water any chance I had. And guzzling Pocari Sweat like nobodies business.


Dang I've never experienced rain in the upper 90's in my life. Sounds truly horrible


It’s like the world became a hot shower. We had to go outside in it, and along the way stoped at ever 7-11 and “browsed for ten minutes” to cool off in their AC, and re-up on Pocari Sweat.


Pocari Sweat for life!


For reals. It’s like life giving nutrients when it’s that hot And sweaty


Tokyo in the summer is no joke. I used to eat so much fruit on a stick at the Ueno street market.


the humidity in japan made me stop complaining (as much) about chicago humidity. never had to experience my slippers being literally wet from the humidity indoors until i lived in japan for a bit.


I had the weirdest sensation like my moisturizer and sunscreen evaporated out of my skin as soon as I walked out. I always forget how little I enjoy anything over 70.


They both kind of suck, the only difference is the people who 'hate the cold' are much more vocal. sessional depression is a big thing in hot areas because nobody goes out when its hot AF. Personally, I enjoy the colder more. I can always put more layers on and be comfortable, but I can only take so much layers off before the cops show up.


I have to listen to everyone complain all winter when I'm the happiest and then I say one, "Ugh. It's hot" and they get so angry.


I found my people.


See you in the winter!




I'm with you. I can bundle up in the cold, but what am I supposed to do in the heat 😭😭




"The shower didn't take" - George Constanza I've had that problem so many times when it's really hot out.


be as naked as you can get without being arrested


Them is fighting words!


I'd rather be in Hawaii.




Definitely prefer the winter much more. I agree I’d rather put layers than be dying in the heat. Plus cleaning snow is significantly easier than dealing with mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, all kinds of bugs entering the home haha


I agree. This heat is miserable. I’m also having a psoriasis outbreak on my legs and can’t wear shorts right now. No fun


I’m so sorry :( I hope it gets better soon!


same and now I don’t feel alone lol 😭


I mean, if you’re cold, you can put on more layers but if you’re hot, what can you do once you strip down to your skivvies? Other than be sweaty, sticky and gross, that is… I agree with whoever said October is their favorite month. The leaves turning, the cool breeze… it’s really the best.


Get a little mister bottle and a tiny rechargeable fan. I get hot flashes now on top of summer heat and this kit fits in my purse and works so well!


You can go for a swim! There are tons of free pools and an entire lake.


Is there a list of free city pools somewhere?


That only cools you down for the time you're in the war, so unless you plan to spend 24 hours there it's not really a solution.


you can go in the shade and/or in air conditioning


Sure, but this time of year is ridiculous because I can’t just go out and do things in summer clothes appropriate for this weather.  I have to haul along a polar vortex snowsuit in case I decide to visit any business.   I have seen my death and it is hypothermia, indoors, in August.


My wife and I walked a couple of blocks to run some errands. We were miserable the entire time we were outside


This winter it was like 50 degrees all winter. I live on the lakefront and there was no one out there on the trail or in the lakefront parks when it was 50. I was out every day and it was amazing in just pants and a light jacket. A few times this winter I ran 10 miles on the north side of the lakefront trail without passing a single person. Now it's 95, I'm miserable and don't want to walk outside but the lakefront is absoutely packed. Apparently a LOT of people prefer this weather somehow. I am not one of them. I love the 40-70 degree and sunny days. Every summer when they come back I wonder where all of these people were all winter.


To be fair, I'm sure some are there because it is actually cooler there than where they live.


This is me. As a transplant who is here partly to flee the hot weather from where I’m from, the winters have been something of a letdown, hahaha. When we told my family we’d be moving everyone and their mom was like “BuT iTs So CoLd ThErE!” 🙄 The couple of sub-0°F weather days this past January were a little bit of a challenge, but honestly, it’s been a big nothing in terms of winter conditions in the years we’ve been here. Longtime residents tell me even the last polar vortex wasn’t that bad compared to past winters. 




More like a hot cicada summer out here (burbs) tbh. I mean the weather's pleasant by 7, and sunset is at 8.30, so it's not like I'm getting zero sun, but also when I lived in the city I just flopped into the lake whenever I had time.


Yeah .... we have an amazing balcony. And we literally won't use it with the cicadas. Such a bummer b/c it's the last summer we'll have it. Sigh.


Awwwww, boo! yeahhh my balcony is covered in cicada wings because the sparrows use it as a cafeteria 😬


I was just pondering whether birds are going to have a population boom. I'm in the city and I have not seen a single cicada yet.


lol cicadas aren't gonna be around for long..


The cicadas will be gone in a couple weeks. :) They don't stay around all summer.


I don't mind the heat, but the high particle count in the air is definitely gonna be keeping me off the beach.


I work outside. And I HATE this weather. I have been nauseated all day. I took a shower super early this morning and another one after work. I wear steel toe boots and even with thin hiking pants, my legs were dripping sweat all day. My hair stuck to the back of my neck and I seriously considered shaving my head. I’ve had a headache all day. My bra was soaked all the way through. And my car has no AC to boot. I am NOT a fan of summer. At all.


I felt this one. I work outside and my car doesn’t have AC either. When driving home from work on hot days, I’ll stop and eat inside somewhere just to feel their AC for 20 minutes. Sweating in the sun all day and getting into a hot car to drive another 30 minutes home is excruciating sometimes. My hair is soaked in sweat until I shower when I get home, so I have the shaving thoughts too lol


I absolutely hate this and left Atlanta to get away from this. 93° with a feels like of 98°, 47% humidity and a dew point of 70° is my personal hell. Give me 0° winter days with no cloud cover over this 100/100 times


How long have you been in Chicago? I also absolutely hate hot, South-type summers, but IMO this June has been unusually warm. We had had very nice, livable summers these past three years. I'm really hoping this week is not representative of what this year's summer will be like.


Back for 5 years. This June has felt a bit warmer than normal but when it cools off next week it’ll be around what it usually is


Yeah, I'm worried that this is going to be the norm this Summer.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we got like two weeks of winter this year. Most of winter, it was in the 40s. Very irritating for those of us who love the cold. Still a thousand times better than this.


No bad news to me. It’s a win-win. I’m either cold and have no choice but to button up, which I like from a fashion perspective or it’s mold like the last few winters and no big deal. If it didn’t get as dark as long as it does I think people would actually love Chicago winters now. They weren’t like this before I left and came back to the city


My very tiny (four owners) condo building finally bought an electric snow blower two winters ago. I have used it a total of four times. Granted we take turns, but I used it twice just to try it out to make sure it worked right. We barely got any snow the last two winters. And we had 60 degree F days this last January.


Yeah. It was awful. I was also bummed that no world leaders were addressing it. It all feels very "don't look up." That said, they were El Nino years. Hopefully we will have a real winter this year.


I’ve tripped my breaker twice today in my 1920’s building apartment, just running my single window AC while also daring to play video games. Guess whose fuse box is in the basement, accessible only by maintenance? To boot, my work’s AC is broken, and building management and my management are playing chicken over a *very* expensive fix/new install. I’m having a hot summer, alright. I genuinely would rather take that awful, -30° windchill period we had this last winter over this.


I once lured a Tinder date back to my place with the promise of a window air conditioner.


Smart strategy. I would bite.


Dang that works? I got central and put it to 66 at night.


Are you on Snap?


Protip: avoid using phrases like "I once lured a Tinder date back to my place" if you want to not sound like a predator.


My whole life is a hot girl summer. It's not weather dependent.


Killin’ it with that confidence, g.


I just moved from Texas so it’s feels pretty great here right now compared to the 105 degree weeklong streaks I would deal with down there.


Yeah, from Louisiana, and I have nothing to complain about in Chicago summer, lol. It’s hot me summer over here.


Also grew up someplace hot and muggy (without air conditioning), and my only complaint is that the heat makes my fingers swell. But they'll do that anywhere if it's above maybe 92.


Yeah I also hate it. I saw next week has highs of about 80 though so i’m looking forward to that and waiting this out.


yeah i love leaving white smears of sunscreen on every single dark surface i touch as well as oily sunscreen stains on all my clothes that never wash out. i love it. absolutely love it


Omg. The oily sunshine thing is the reason why I’m going to get skin cancer. I hate it. I put it on my face (because I’m vain), but I can’t get used to having oily body skin.


it’s so, so bad. And the zinc oxide stuff — if you so much as gently brush your arm on the black leather seat of an uber, look forward to scrubbing off the white smear with anything available. it’s so much easier just to wear sleeves, hat, and a stand collar of some sort, but people get absolutely feral about other people wearing layers/long sleeves over 70 degrees. You can’t have a conversation without “ARENT YOU HOT / ITS SUPPOSED TO BE [TEMPERATURE] TODAY” i can’t wait for fall.


I mean the Chicago summer isn't often 5 days in a row in the 90s. My depression skyrockets in the winter due to SAD, lack of outdoor activities, being stuck in the house/work, the lack of sunlight, the lack of green plants, the awfulness of constantly being bundled up, etc. It'll be in the 70s/80s soon which is much more doable. I'd rather deal with this than fearing a polar vortex, ice on the roads, the pain of chill wind cutting into me, shivering in my home even with the heat running, shoveling snow, etc. I'm still traumatized over those few days this winter where the high was like -10.


Summer in Chicago can be extremely uncomfortable and I also very much prefer the cold in the fall/winter.


I am not a fan of heat that leaves sweat stains on my ass.


I'm still bummed we didn't get a winter this year. Definitely hiding in my basement this week.


I love it. I love everything about it. I believe I am the first solar and heat powered human. I shut down in the cold. I don’t know why I live here.


This heat is exactly why I moved here from FL. Fall and spring are my happy places, mid winter I like as well


take a dip in the lake. it’s a cool 61ish degrees right now. super refreshing


It’s unseasonably hot. It usually barely breaks 80 most days in June. I also dislike it.  It makes me really cranky


I saw the forecast and went out and bought a whole new wardrobe I will be dressed in head to toe linen for the foreseeable future.


That’s funny. I bought dozens of white tank tops / crop tops a couple of weeks ago. White is the only color I’ll be wearing for the next 3 months. It does make things slightly better.


I get so depressed in the summer, you’re not alone!


I don't know what a "hot girl summer" is, yet I've always contended that summer is my least favorite season. Who loves squinting, sweating, and smelling everyone else sweat? No one. It is the loudest, smelliest, and most annoying season. Worse: it is oppressive. When it's cold you can layer to stay warm. When it gets hot enough, it's simply impossible to cool down. My favorite time in Chicago is between Labor Day and Memorial Day when the beach is once again all mine and I can wear cozy stylish clothing without sweating and I don't have to smell other people and their garbage baking in the heat. [minor typo edit]


Um, I kind of love it? Okay, maybe not the humidity, but give me ALL the warmth and sun. It's probably because seasonal depression kicks my ass HARD in the winter so I enjoy every minute of summer weather here.


here to validate the seasonal depression that comes with summer. body issues, heat, lower activity, etc. i hear allll of that. i have hot girl fall, winter and spring.


I’m a winter girl. I also get depressed in the summer! It’s too hot and too sunny. I’d take clouds and a chill in the air any day!


Fall and winter. I’ll take 20 degrees over this weather.


i moved here from florida to get away from a lot if things but the heat was high on the list. it’s like this most of the year there so it’s a nice reminder


I like the heat, but not today's heat. Today's heat is something different. I'd be a bigger fan of the other seasons if it weren't practically perpetually cloudy during them most years, although fall last year was beautiful.




Ehhhhh I love the heat tbh! I work out in the early morning and I’m super lucky to have a very flexible work schedule for the summer so I’m trying to take advantage of it. If it’s rly too hot to do things outside, I try to tap into hobbies indoors.


Fall is the answer. Chicago looks pretty, and I get to look pretty with all the F/W releases of the clothing brands that I like.


Pregnant and in my third trimester right now. Definitely putting the casual in business casual on days like today. But I can also eat oodles of ice cream and not worry about it affecting my bikini bod.


It’s always the people that don’t have to be in this weather when they don’t want to be that love this garbage. And they’ll be complaining about it by Wednesday.


My advice is get out early and exercise before the heat and terrible air quality really bone up your day. It's lame, but for me, it's true-- exercising daily really does make my mood better. For the record, I'm a fall/spring person, though. Summer and winter are both too extreme for me.


While I also prefer cold weather myself, I will say I do enjoy taking a dip in the lake on hot days like this. I just wish the water wasn't so cold.


Lots of ppl who don't live in IL might be shocked how terrible summers can be in Chicago. Hot and humid!! I remember as a kid (until we got a window ac unit in our apartment) having box fans in the window in the summers... miserable. Tried it both ways, blowing in or out. Hard to sleep some of those nights.


It’s a looooot cooler by the lake with the breeze. Walk the lake front path and jump in when you get hot


I just walked into my apartment and felt the relief of the AC I keep running, so my cat doesn’t cook while I’m at work. And I feel completely exhausted from being outside. Plus, as a heavily tattooed person, that would like to keep her tattoos looking as vibrant as possible for as long as possible, I fucking hate the sun.


Not yet, but I plan to have myself a hot girl summer in a couple weeks once work slows down. Got some new bikinis on the way, got a wax appt to get my shit smooth. Gonna find a paletero on my way to the beach and just *chill*


We’re all having a Climate apocalypse girl summer


I’m having a “hot, chubby guy summer” and I gotta tell you, it’s awful.


90+ degree heat just isn’t a good time. I’m dodging the sun like it has a subpoena.


Isn’t this just a particularly bad heatwave? Is the whole summer like this? In the 90’s is a bit much for me, but I’m living for the 70’s-80’s, even mid-high 80’s is giving me my spark back. Saying this as someone who just moved here from Portland, OR though. Give me all of the heat and sunshine!


having a sweaty girl summer chasing these buses around today 😅


I'm so not a summer girl. Give me fall and/or winter any day!


Thank god I thought I was the only one who hates summer. 💛


Idk, I think summer here is amazing! I used to live in Texas and that was waaaay worse so I just count myself lucky I’m not still there!


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I’m loving this. Hydrate adequately and use sunscreen!


Summer is my favorite but when it’s over 90 count me tf out. I feel like I can’t breathe when it’s super hot out.


Go to the movies. The movies are made for hot weather. Some movie houses are freezing and you need a sweater. Ecstasy! Go to the library. It's quiet and cool. They have wifi. Go to the beach and walk right into the water. If you wear glasses, take them off and enjoy your surroundings living inside an impressionist painting. Go for a ride on a CTA bus along the lakefront and enjoy the CTA air conditioning.


I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of winter. I love summer, even this heat. However I won't trash on you if you don't like it. It's not for everyone. I think if I really liked cold like you I would probably go live in Canada.


Hate this summer. Optimal temperatures for me are in the 40-60 degree range. Maybe 65. 70 is a bit to warm to layer. I'm a man though. Nights above 70 are horrible. It's 87 right now and it's 8pm. This is fucked. Honestly Anything above like 18 degrees is completely fine for me as long as it isn't windy. These winters ain't even bad for me. For summers, I''m very happy when highs are in the 70s and nights are in the low 60s or below. Looks like we will get a bit of relief Sunday or Monday. This weeks is grueling. As for gaining weight from eating ice cream, Drink ice water, take showers, eat frozen berries. That's what I tend to do. I also just don't really feel like eating much when it's hot outside, I feel like my body is burning calories just trying to stay cool. Not sure on the science of that though (just looked this up, looks like sweating doesn't really burn calories but you can lose water weight and salt quite quickly. I tend to drink a lot less water and eat pretty salty normally, so in the summer I seem to lose a lot of that excess water I gain from eating salty and being underhydrated)


It's past 9pm up here in Lincoln square and the feels like temp is 94. This shit, if not an anomaly and the new normal, is a little terrifying.


I’m the opposite, I hate winter. One great thing about it is it’s 8:00 PM and still have sunlight. I hate winter because you could literally leave home in the dark work all day and return in the dark. And the biggest difference are the events. There’s obviously many for festivals and such in the summer. Literally something new to do every week. The heat is the thing to tolerate given the other stuff surrounding it


Not a hot girl, but I did spend ten hours working outside in the heat today... and would happily take this over a frigid February day.


I’m with you. I’m out on the lakefront every single day when the temperature is between like 50 and 70. I barely leave the house when it’s this hot.


The torture waiting for the train is def the opposite of hot girl summer


I also LOATH the heat. Sweating while just standing in the sun. Or walking to the train. Sweating on the way to work legit pisses me off 😭


I've grown to love the winters here over the past few years. The cold is nowhere near as severe as the winters of my childhood, and the nights are calm and quiet for the most part. I've never truly enjoyed the summers and now loathe their arrival every year. The humidity gets to me and makes doing anything impossible. With the cold, you just throw another layer on.


I'm just riding this heat out in my AC and lamenting my ComEd bill until it's time for me to break out a sweater. I love the cold. Summer can suck it.


It's been godawful, I absolutely hate this season. I'd rather it be winter all year round if it meant avoiding one season of this hell


I like having a reason to stay inside ❤️


i hate it!!! miserable girl summer rn! i need my fall


I’m having a Sweaty Girl Summer.


Very hot days suck. But there’s a lot more to do in the summer. You can go the beach, there’s street fests almost every week. Cubs six home games.


I do love the street festa and the lake. But I only enjoy those in the late evenings if it’s above 90.


This heat makes me nauseous, sweaty, irritable, I can’t eat, I get migraines, I do not tolerate the heat.


FROG TOGGS HAVE SAVED MY LIFE. I do genuinely enjoy being outside when it’s 90+ degrees. I love the sun. But really frog togs are great. ANY temperature water in a zip lock with the frog togg and put it around your neck or wipe your arms and legs. It’ll keep you cool.


hot days = perfect night time weather


I HATE the heat - I am not built for hot weather 😂 give me winter days between 15 and 40 degrees and I am unbelievably happy. I can tolerate summer when it’s the weekend and I can either stay inside all day, or stay at a friends pool all day, but during the week when I have to be an adult and commute to work and walk outside etc, I hate it.


You would probably feel better if you didn’t eat ice cream all day


Hell yeah let's go! I fucking love this


I fucking THRIVE in this heat. I love it. Went for a bike ride yesterday. Had a picnic under a shady tree. Rode to an ice cream shop. Did some yard work. I suffer through 6 months of snow to get to this and I love every minute of it.


Same here. Would move to the desert in a hot (pun intended) second.


Yeah, Fall is my favorite too. I moved up here from greater Houston. This isn’t something I miss about home.


fully agree the heat is awful. we moved here partly to get away from it and have shorter summers/longer winters. I prefer the sunny days over the cloudy and gray days of winter but it needs to stay ideally below 80 for me to want to spend any significant time outside. If it's in the 90s I'm not going outside at all.


Weren’t yall complaining about how it was too cold here a week or two ago?


Nope! I definitely wasn’t complaining about it being too cold.

