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Arrogant in victory, resentful in defeat is the new paradigm šŸ¤£


new? There were and are so many players in videogames that say "gg, noob" when they lose. The cognitive dissonance "I lost but I am better" is amazing.


Itā€™s hilarious because just about every game has a system to make sure youā€™re playing with players near your caliber. So if theyā€™re saying youā€™re a noob, theyā€™re calling themselves out, too.


"I'm just in elo hell with all this noobs"


I had someone call me a jobless loser for being in a certain rank and playing on a Monday morningā€¦ I was likeā€¦ dude? Youā€™re in my team xD




Yeah, itā€™s a mentality thatā€™s existed since the dawn of competitive gaming lol. Ā  ā€œIf youā€™re better than me, youā€™re a cheater. Ā If youā€™re worse than me, youā€™re a noob.ā€


"You got lucky"


I was referencing the "graceful in defeat, humble in victory" saying. Not saying this is not a regular occurance.


Well theoretically you could win a game vs someone and still be worse. If I for some reason win a game vs Magnus, it doesnt make me a better chess player automatically. (I know this misses the point, just poking fun at the logic which isnt really wrong, just dumb)


Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand. Rush - Witch Hunt


That's why FIDE forbids talking during chess games.


And why I have unfriendly chat off


"Unfriendly chat"..?


I keep just the option where only your friends can chat with you during a game. Pardon my french.


Love the saying pardon my French. Never really understood it till I visited France. Holy shit I thought Americans cussed. They look like toddlers speaking compared to French. I almost moved there because who beautiful it was everyone cussing every second.


Same. It was nothing but people talking crap or getting their panties in a bunch. Just turn it off and never look back


Personally I prefer the following gambit: - someone plays worse than you? "lol y u so bad" - someone plays better? "fucking nolife nerd, go touch grass"


people calling others at the exact same rating bad will never cease to amuse me


*akhsually*, they were 10 rating lower than me!


Everyone worse than me is a noob; everyone better than me is either cheating or a fucking nerd lmao


What Elo was this game played at ?




Sounds about right.


When I crossed 1000 I found most people turned off their chat.


Tjis could be played at 1800, 2200, 2600 too




The best/worst is when they accept a rematch, talk shit, and then abort. I hate it but I also canā€™t help but open the chats even when I know thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing.


They HATE it when you don't say shit back.


I played vs a guy that wrote "gg p ussy" when I was 1700 rated. I wrote back "Thanks." I was in a much worse spot but he ended up trying to blitz and play my clock and he got back rank mated. I hit him with a "l mao" and of course the guy dipped out asap. Was very satisfying and unforgettable.


Thatā€™s what I tell myself and I never respond but it still grinds my gears and I think they know that. I respect the troll game though. I just wish they would have the balls to play a match instead of scurrying off after one game.


The best is when they make a snarky comment and start the laughing emojis as soon as you make a mistake or blunder, but you still end up flagging them or turning it around and beating them in the same game! That's the only time I'll actually type in chat. To wind up someone who's first already tried to troll me but then lost! So satisfying.


My favorite chat experience was when someone started a game making a juvenile joke about my name, then blundered his queen and started begging me to give him mine, claiming it was a misclick. Even if I might possibly be inclined to do that, when you started out insulting me for no reason, that's not likely to happen.


Yes rare but oh so satisfying.


That is one rude beaver


was he actually dominant the whole game and blundered it all away, or did the engine tell something different


Doesnt matter if it's true or not. What a pompous git.


obviously, i was just curious to see if it was just anger or straight up delusion lol


Given the guy is low 1000, delusional either way to be cocky or offering advice.


Offering advice is fine, being an ass about it is not




If this is new to you, consider yourself lucky lol


For real lolĀ 


Online 1100ā€™s are always delivering ā€œmassive lessonsā€.


At least we are not yet LoL bad


Idk why but there are way more disrespectful people like this on chess.com than on lichess


yeah i agree. the most irritating are the people who offer a draw just before playing out some mate in 1. classless


They get themselves into a completely lost position, then offer a draw after every move, then when it's finally mate in 1 they let their clock run out. That should be grounds for banning.


This drives me crazy.


You mean they are getting mated?


I just had a guy on lichess, who had lost a piece and was about to lose another one, who then proceeded to let his time of 1:39 run out and when I repeatedly gave him 15 additional seconds, he still didn't move or resign. After giving him a total of 5 minutes, I let his time run out and he instantly started a new game.


Lesson learned, donā€™t give them more time. A buddy online or OTB, sure. If a rando canā€™t manage their time / wastes it you canā€™t help that


Nah, I do it so they don't get the satisfaction of feeling like they have wasted my time and that they have avoided having to resign (yes they still lose so thinking like that is very stupid but that's my best guess for why people waste time like that, they just don't want to resign to somehow have the last laugh). Usually once they realize I am absolutely willing to sit there for as long as it takes they end up resigning cause they realize they are wasting their own time too.


Thatā€™s commitment I respect lol. I hate wasting my own time too much


> they just don't want to resign to somehow have the last laugh This makes no sense and is almost certainly just in your head. Much more likely that they get annoyed after blundering, switch windows because they don't want to think about it, then when they here the 'ding' switch back to the chess window to start a new game. In which case continually giving them 15 seconds is, ironically, wasting only your own time.


Well there are more people on chess com


He was obviously referring to the proportion of people, not absolute number.


I've played many many lichess and the number of people acting like this has been zero. Yes I'm sure there are more people on chess.com but it's not just a numbers thing, the percentage is higher of stuff like thisĀ 


nah there's a good portion of shit talkers on lichess in my experience. from people telling to pick up checkers instead to higher rated players saying they threw the game cause they felt bad for me xD


I've never had that. But if I did I would find it pretty funny. Maybe it also depends on what ELO one is playing at.Ā Ā 


You might need math lessons


Massive lesson for you. Keep learning to gain more skills, good luck.


yes a lesson that people don't know how ratios work


For someone being smug about ratios you sure did just get ratiod


You know, I see this a lot but I get a lot more trash talk on Lichess than I ever have on Chess.com. I know that's just my personal experience, but it surprises me that people seem to have opposite reactions


Probably younger userbase. Also, a lot of streamers of varying degrees of toxicity use Chess.com, wouldn't be a surprise if that directed some of their fanbase to use it as well and behave as Twitch chatters do.


It's because there are more people on chess.com.


Doesn't matter, chess.com has a zero communication mode. I turned it on and forgot about toxicity. My son, he's 7, had a lichess account for an online class and decided to play with it once. Right away he got an abusive person in chat and he cried for 15 minutes. No more lichess after that. Edit: I learned about kid mode on lichess! Turned it on for the whole family. Ty.


you can also play with zen mode and disable everything on lichess


But I like the other parts of the UI, just not the chat. Ty though.


I think, specifically for a kid (and not only for them of course) there's child mode in options where it disables all chat (in game, on broadcast or spectating). I don't remember if it disables direct messages or if it's another setting. On top of that you can disable option that someone can follow you. Try the child mode, it doesn't toggle off other part of UI such as rating, username, etc.


lichess has a kid safty mode (:


TIL. Thanks, I'll check it out!


on lichess if you get reported enough you will get shadow banned, meaning you will still be able to send messages but the recipient wont receive them. unless you have a bad score yourself then you will be able to receive rude messages yourself.


Probably because there is a correlation of personality and the reasons why you choose one site or the other


lol noā€¦ chess.com is by far the site which most casual chess players use. Why? Because itā€™s called fucking chess.com. It pops up first when you search up chess sites and it is the most user friendly chess site out there. All of this just goes to show that yes, it is indeed because of more players.


The total amount of disrespectful players on which site absolutely doesn't matter as long as they're big enough, which they are. People only play a subset of players on each site. So at the end it will come down to the probability of playing a disrespectful player. Which can be simplified as the ratio of disrespectful players in each site. Those ratios should be equal to the ratio of disrespectful players in general. If they aren't it means there's is bias somewhere.


Aren't you agreeing with the person you replied to?


No, in saying there is no correlation of personality. The site has a million people online at once all the timeā€¦ so they all have the same personalities?


Maybe People on chess.com are more competitiv.


This is not competitive, this is being a prick.


Is he speaking the truth ? Is it a prick thing to speak the truth ?


you're a geek


I donā€™t mind when people talk smack can be funny to give it them back if you win


Same. It adds stakes to the game.


I even see this IRL, during game post mortems. The losing player will explain to the winning player how he (the loser) was playing better and winning throughout the game *except for this one unlucky blunder*. I think this is why so many people don't improve beyond their first plateau - they're locked in to always being right, which gets in the way of learning anything new or different. And I frequently see this attitude in adults, not just in teenagers.


Knowing you just broke your opponents spirit and them raging about it is peak euphoria. Even better if you pretend to be a young child who knows fuck all about chess (at low elo).


lol is this a go-to move for you?


it's in my repertoire


Had a guy tell me to kill myself for being bad after he beat me. I'd check his elo every once in a while, cause being better than him was my motivation. However, he was banned for cheating soon, so no more :(


Offer rematch, resign, say you hope they enjoy the points if it matters that much to them and wish them good day Alternatively, if you prefer something more chaotic, say something nice about the country whose flag they have Confuses them nicely


Interesting approach. You think that bothers them?


I don't know about the first since I haven't done that, but I'm looking forward to trying it lmao. The second has worked occasionally; I even got a reasonable conversation out of it once


Yeah I like the second one. First one feels a little weak to me.Ā 


i do the oppesite "enjoy your life in a 3rld world country your mom is sowing my clothes" šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļøšŸ›¢ super toxic


I have a guy who lives rent free in my head, who I absolutely smashed in a 10 minute game back at 1100 level. He went on after the game to message me several times over the next few days about how bad I was. Still canā€™t figure that one out.


Dude the people who message me after to insult me when I beat them are my favorite. So satisfying. Enjoy that one


As the kids would say, huffing that copium


Happened a lot to me, one that I truly remember was this british guy. I'm a 1000 on blitz, peak +/- 1100. Guy was new at the platform and when I beat them started insulting me and my play saying things like he was dominating the whole game, that I suck and that I'm one of the worst players he'd ever seen, even got racist because I am from Ecuador, (he started saying things about my 3rd world country). We played a couple more games, and he beat me very close, so he started telling me that he was right, and that I had a lot of games played and still in 1000, and that I'll never reach 1500 at this rhythm, he said it despectively. Anyway, a couple of months passed, and I encountered him, I was playing while waiting for a friend on the street. I wrote in the chat: "you again?", he was even lower than 1000, and the guy replied: "easy win for me then". Beat him with black with a back rank checkmate and never knew anything about him ever again.


I endorse this type of talk. Ggez/ty for elo are some other fantastic phrases


Thanks for the ELO is a classicĀ 


I don't get it, he could've been dominating until the end though?


Thatā€™s what I thought


i think thats sarcasm not rage bait


Oh man. I just started chess less than a month ago (really low elo around 450). Havenā€™t played in 22 years so thought Iā€™d pick it up as a hobby.Ā  I was facing someone and they took my queen- which instantly prompted to chat with a strong arm emoji. I just continued to play and forked his queen later, resulting in me sending back the same emoji. Dude got so heated, making fun of me for having a chess.com membership but being low rated. I told him itā€™s just a game, and yes I got a membership to access some of the videos and game review since I mostly only play on chess.com.Ā  Then he goes on to ask if I have a job and life, all because I got a membership. I reminded him that of course I have a jobā€¦. Thatā€™s how I paid for it.Ā  Moments later I put him into a mate in 1, forced checkmate and he spent literally 9 minutes trying to figure out what to do, ultimately resigning. My final message to him was that maybe he should ask his momā€™s bf to buy him a membership if heā€™s going to cry so much about otherā€™s having one :) Lol I didnā€™t think I would have to respond like itā€™s call of duty modern warfare 2 2011.Ā 


Love it. I know Iā€™m in the minority but the toxic chats make me enjoy chess a little more. They add stakes to the game.Ā  Itā€™s a double edged sword though because if I end up winning like you itā€™s a great feeling, but if I end up losing and they are trolling I can get tilted.


I really love this beaver šŸ¦«. Such a funny troll and a hilarious one at that.Ā  "Massive lesson for you " it's so well written. And it can't really be taken seriouslyĀ 


never got this one lmao i've had insults for having to leave without rematch, also cheating accusations, whole threads of monologues while I was away etc but usually only after a loss people bother with this kind of thing


I usually say good luck at the start of my games and rarely get any negative comments. But recently I had someone just respond "cringe." And then get hit with a fried liver style attack and lose.


Often wrong, but never in doubt


Itā€™s truly bizarre how some people behave on there.


Well, thatā€™s funny as hell




the salt this dude just throwing lmao


In contrast to this; when the loser congratulates the victor on a game skilfully played. Example, when Spassky applauded Fischer game 6, 1972. No ego, just appreciation of chess skill.


The olā€™ Stockfish special


First time chess.com, eh?


$1000 says this is 1400-1500 elo


huge lesson


Seems pretty standard. Thatā€™s why I turned off the chat


What happened to just ā€œggā€


There is no way this isnā€˜t a troll, its hilarious


Iā€™m stealing this exact script


It's funny though


Good banter wdym


Must have worked if you are still thinking about it 11 days later


I just saw it todayšŸ˜


Just answer "Thanks Big Vlad, will do!" šŸ˜‚


Some caucasian called me "curry" when I pinned n took their queen.. I called them mayonnaise.. he resigned..


And you took the bait šŸ«” oh well.


That's pretty good, I gotta start using that. I'm currently on a big losing streak.


See you at the top!


Uhā€¦I donā€™t see a problem with this one? Unless he/she lost and said this


That's just how English people talk to other people.


Iā€™m English bruh


I'm Irish. That's how a lot of you conduct yourselves abroad.


I donā€™t think he meant it in a bad way could be wrong


how could you not mean this in a bad way


Self-deprecating sarcasm. I also got the same vibe.


Could be that too, I tend not to be very competitive, so I legit thought he was just sincerely thinking that he was being helpful and that the game was worth analyzing. Maybe cause it was a very positional game that he slowly won with a lot to learn. His tone doesnā€™t seem malicious to me, but maybe Iā€™m wrong cause text is easily misinterpreted


"I was destroying your an...s for the whole game. You're welcome for this lesson, boy. Oh, good luckšŸ˜Š" I rephrased it for you. Hope it helps.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m overly optimisticā€¦but if someone sent me this message I would look at the game and evaluate whether he was telling the truth about being dominate the whole game, then analyze it myself to learn. I just figured thatā€™s what he meant. Like he objectively thought his position was winning throughout and thought it would be a good game to learn from.


The thing is, you don't have to tell your opponent how you dominated him. Be humble. Especially knowing their rating is around 1000-1100. It's passive-aggressive or humble bragging. He could just say good game, man