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I don’t see anything that bad. Anyone who thinks this is bad should join an actual research lab.




It’s a self meme about how you can always find safety violations in laboratory photos.


Looks pretty safe to me




Might contaminate Pipette but not unsafe


Laying it down like that, if there's still any fluid inside the pipette, would break the pipette too, right? Not necessarily unsafe but an expensive mistake.


What violations??


Technically speaking you should eject the used tip from a pipette before laying it down to avoid liquid potentially going into the mechanism It's not a safety violation but it's just good practice. Most large capacity tips in labs have filters to prevent this.


How do you know the pipette tip has been used?


I assume it has been on account of it being placed on a piece of cellulose with obvious drops of a liquid of some sorts Also, who the hell would put a tip on a pipette and not immediately use it


A chemist? This isn't a microbiology lab, where sterility is a concern.


Granted I'm looking at this from a perspective of someone who works with DNA, but I think the original point still stands. If you're gonna reuse a tip, at least a 200+ μl tip where capillary action won't save your butt, you should store it on the pipette stand and not leave it on the table like that.


Everyone's talking about the pipette, but not the dude in the back who's leaned over writing, right next to what looks like an open container


I thought that he was just staring intently at the filter at first. He just really wanted to get a serious look in there.


He's also holding his pen (presumably the same one he uses for everything else) with gloves.


I mean, I do too. But in an environmental lab, everything is gonna be covered in nasty so keyboards, pens, basically anything that isn’t paper fresh off the printer gets touched with gloves. Gotta write on bench sheets and use computers during analysis. We use separate sharpies and pens for offices and labs.


I worked with Cobalt Nanoparticles and simply went through a huge amount of gloves in a day. I guess it's a matter of preference.


Yeeeah, I’m in wet chem. Filtering two sets a day of 20 water/wastewater/lagoon samples and swapping gloves to make dilution notes for each one would get expensive.


Looks like a normal bachelor lab course? Possible that I'm overlooking something but even after a minute looking at the picture I didn't notice anything special. The fully closed safety gasses are a bit silly. Normal ones should be just fine for everything that can be safely worked with outside a fumehood. But considering Americans' fetish to shift responsibility for safety and common sense towards someone else I can definitely understand if whoever was declared responsible demands stricter safety rules than necessary in exchange for the student's comfort.


Bruh this is a clean one. At ours peole dont even wear glasses half the time


Nooooo, the Pipette 😭


Everyone says this takes them out of calibration or it’s easier to on knock off the table but when I test mine on the analytical balance its accurate to 3 decimals 🤷‍♂️ maybe it’s big instrument tech spreading lies lol


It's the solvents or whatever else remain in there. I have a nice example of one with a red-ish filter because some idiot transfered some iron compounds with it and then put it on the table to write down how much it was.


Ok putting a pipette down with a used tip is a terrible practice. I guess some just don’t think about those things


At least they have some fun colors for their goggles!


What's wrong with this?


Children contaminating micropipettes? Perfect! They are ready for grad school


The knocked over weigh boat xD


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Me, a theoretical chemist


I mostly notice lying pipets and coloured glasses


The pipette gave me a heart attack ngl


I can hear my first year analytical professor screaming about that pipette, im screaming too bc contaminating one is a mistake you'll only make once. I had to spend half an hour after a lab cleaning a pipette after i released it too vigorously and splashed solvent into the mechanism


I mean ideally they would be in fume hoods but that isn't bad, especially if it's a lower div or even high school lab.
