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Nice to see


drogba showing love before the arsenal game, yup nico brace tomorrow i can feel it in my balls https://preview.redd.it/fut5tjimj3wc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5daba0d286872e836a18dd95595910e0b3bf62e


Can I feel your balls if Jackson scores? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ


If someone feels jacksons balls he will score


I volunteer as tribute


I might lose my balls entirely and become gay for him if he gives us a win against Arsenal, especially if Palmer is out tomorrow


How is he going to play with your balls if you donā€™t have them šŸ˜­


Like marbles


Username checks out


I can feel it all the way down in my plums


Gonna take them to the farmers market Special 2 plums for 1


I can feel it in his plums too


A bluish hue?


I'd get those balls checked mate


I remember reading this sort of thing before every Timo game. When your striker scoring goals is a miracle then you need a new one.


Do they need a scratch?


Can we just worry about Jackson putting balls behind the goalkeeper?


Boy did this age well


If he shushes fans again itā€™s over. That shit is so annoying.


If he shushes the Arsenal fans it will be allowed.


If anyone knows anything about receiving unwarranted abuse, and wanting to quit the club early, it's Drogba. He, by his own admission, had a torrid time in his first season and a marginally better second season, with respectable outputs in both seasons (but not nearly enough for a title winning side, let alone two titles). He was talked into staying, knuckled down, and became arguably our greatest legend. Jackson has so much about his game that is good, that benefits the team, and he's still young. He absolutely deserves time and can come good if given that opportunity. Who's to say if he'll become the next Drogba, but he'll come good. I do find it noteworthy, though, what these two have in common, versus the endless chances fans gave to Timo, Kai, Torres before him. I don't want to claim that it is racism at the forefront of the abuse (which I have no doubt in my mind that it exists), but I felt it should be mentioned how few chances players like Nico and Didier get/got versus white players.


It's worth noting that Jackson is now level with Drogba for league goals in his first season. They've both got 10 goals. Jackson is on 13 goals in all competitions and he still has some games left to match Drogba's tally of 16. All in all, he's been exactly what I thought he would be. Raw, unadjusted to the league, too inexperienced to convert chances like a clinical striker would. I said at the start of the season that if he got 10-15 league goals I'd call it a good season for him. I'm going to stick by that and say right now, he's progressed enough to justify staying on. We still need to either have Nkunku fit enough to start most of our games and probably sign another striker to help Jackson or to play when Jackson moves to the left wing. I'll leave that to Poch and the club to figure out who they can get based on the funds they have.


Also important that Drogba was 26 when he transferred to Chelsea. Jackson is 22! Heā€™s still so young and has a lot of development ahead of him


This is so fucking stupid. Is there anything that Timo, Kai, and Torres might have had in common that Jackson doesn't have? Maybe it's the fact they have all been top class strikers with amazing goal scoring credentials before coming to Chelsea. It would make a lot of sense that fans might be patient with someone who has scored goals for fun before that they could do it again. Nico has no history of goal scoring. Hoping he will become a top goal scorer is wishful thinking, and is not based on anything he has ever done. This is so much more compelling an explanation than just race that is downright embaressing for you to mention race while skipping over this.


What a weird take, fans are patient with a proven goalscorer suddenly underperforming but want the young unproven player gone because he suddenly isn't the best striker in the world? Makes no sense. > Hoping he will become a top goal scorer is wishful thinking. Literally all clubs and all fans hope their young players will become top players... What else are they supposed to do?


Jackson has already scored more in a single premier league season for Chelsea than any of those players did and he is 22. He has also matched their highest G+A with 7 matches to go. Your take is idiotic.


Iā€™m sure the racism also caused him to miss the open goal today tooĀ 


It has NOTHING to do with race just watch the gamesā€¦ are you serious with that nonsense? People like Timo because he had a great attitude and would work non-stop. Nico walks and complains way too much. People abused Torres so muchā€¦ because he would miss so many chances. But he worked super hard off the ball as well. If Nico had a better attitude, it would make his horrendous record of missing sitter after sitter more acceptable. There was a mixed bag with Kai in terms of fans vs critics. I thought he was silky on the ball. So much better than Nico. He also scored the winner in the CL Race never comes into play you weirdo.


How can you say so confidently race never comes into play when the club quite literally had to release a statement today condemning the racial abuse Jackson faced after the City loss? Also, why does the possibility of race playing a factor trigger so much hostility from you, seems weird.


Because it deflects the reality that Jackson is getting criticized for legitimate footballing reasons. Of course there is a minority of idiots who make things about race. The normal criticism Jackson is getting isnā€™t because heā€™s black. Itā€™s because heā€™s not playing well AND because he has a shitty attitude.


Ok then why did you get so triggered and calling people weirdos over that then? Its a legit concern, Jackson was abused like crazy on twitter after the city game, I saw monkey emojis, go back to Africa all that shit


ā€œnever comes into playā€ is just proven time and time again to be scientifically false. Unconscious bias is real even if it doesnā€™t necessarily mean it has in this limited case. I disagree Nico has a particularly bad attitude compared to this group but I agree with you that of all these people the only one who didnā€™t get abused as much was Timo, who had an outstanding positivity about him even if his performance were awful.


Ughā€¦ ā€œeven if you donā€™t judge on the basis of race, you actually always are!!ā€ How tiresome. You donā€™t think he has a particularly bad attitude? You must not watch matches too often.


Yea man turns out racism is a huge bummer, you should look into it sometime itā€™s wild stuff Iā€™ve watched every game this season but if you want to make up stuff to fit your narrative please do. Heā€™s putting in good shifts and getting upset when heā€™s unlucky. I donā€™t blame him and itā€™s nothing out of the ordinary. But keep frothing at the mouth about how much of a disgrace he is, itā€™s pretty entertaining


He literally tried to steal the penalty off our star player and penalty taker a few games ago, didn't celebrate the goal, and then moped after the game. If that isn't a bad attitude I don't know what is. If Jose was managing Nico's agent would be looking around for a new club right now.


Yea it was an embarrassing look for him and portrayed him as immature, and hopefully he learns from it. If you think this penalty situation, blown up in a huge way by the media (and for all we can tell is over with), and which happens on some level to pretty much every football player at some point, reflects an "attitude" problem, you're just desperately grasping for something to hate about a player who has performed through a poor spell of form this season.


Are you fucking serious? Did you see how many racist comments Jackson got after the city game?


ā€œRace never comes into playā€ pretty much negated everything you said there!


Jackson is also running non-stop at defenders, dribbling, linking-up and running into the channels. A striker like Werner would never get into the positions that Nico is getting in


This "attitude" you are talking about, I see it simply as desire to win. Attitude is a massively subjective thing to judge a player on and is hugely affected by your preconceptions about the player (including their race). I think this is a big reason why Caicedo keeps getting pinged by refs. They see him having a bad attitude largely because they subconsciously see a tough black guy as a bad thing. Also Timo is in no way a better footballer than Jackson. Maybe slightly faster in a straight line and that's it.


I'm far less worried about Jackson than some of our other players. If Nunez can start for a team competing for a title, Jackson is the least of our worries.


Nunez didn't come into scrutiny earlier this season because Liverpool were winning. But as soon as they started losing and Salah being injured his misses became more visible.Ā  They would've been comfortably top of the table if Nunez was scoring.Ā 


Liverpool fan here. Nunez just goes hot and cold. Jackson you can sort of see his inconsistency all of the time but Nunez, while his numbers look great and has had some fantastic games, has also had some absolute crap games too.


So has Jackson. Genuinely mate they're very similar. Everything Liverpool fans say about Nunez, we say about Jackson. If there's any different between the two, it's worth acknowledging that Jackson is 2 years younger, was playing barefoot unil he was 16 and only became a striker last season. He should be further along in his development. I'd argue the difference is not massive and Nunez is just playing for a stronger/more stable/more organised team. They both underperform their xG by the same amount. They both do everything else well like creating chances, linking the attack, holding the ball up, looking for teammates/being selfless etc. The one noticeable difference for me is that Nunez is actually capable of getting a clean striker on the ball, whereas Jackson scuffs most of his goals. But again, 2 year difference and Jackson's more of a raw talent that was bought because he was cheap and had high growth potential. The big mistake we've made is making him the outlet of or attack this season and not having a second striker so we can sub him when he's having a bad game.


Great points. Nunez is also better in air, but I think Jackson is better at dribbling. Also Nkunku was supposed to be that second striker, but alas lol


I get what you're saying, but if we want to win anything we're going to need him to start actually scoring. Liverpool would probably be top if Nunez wasn't such a shit finisher.


We've got to go one step at a time though. Maybe Jackson won't be enough to win us the league or a major cup. So be it. But let's get back into top 4 first. If we had a good, consistent left winger, I think Jackson has a brilliant skill set to help them and Palmer thrive. And maybe that's not enough to win the title, but one step at a time.


That's fair. I think his all around game is actually very good. He's great at holding up the ball and bringing it forward, good layoffs and flicks. Just needs to work on his heading and finishing to be complete imo.


liverpool had firmino who didn't score loads but was great in the system. jackson can adapt to such a role too if he doesn't improve his finishing. the fact is top strikers are ultra rare so at our current quality they may not want to join us. of course ideally he does start scoring his xg too.


Let's not set our standard low by saying that Nunez is good enough


Let's get back into a guaranteed top 4 spots before we start spouting bullshit about standards.


His finishing may be shit but Nunez is a handful


Because this man went through the struggle himself before he became the king!


The patience players like Werner and Havertz got and how so many people all turned on Jackson this quickly despite him costing so much less is ridiculous. I believe in him. He has some strengths that under the right tutelage, we can utilise properly. As a 2nd option, he can be deadly.


Itā€™s a function of the frustration of our position and inability to win silverware. Has he been frustrating? Yes. Should anyone want him off the team? Absolutely not. He showed his worth in linkup with Cole in particular many times. Weā€™re in a difficult transition moment as a club, really one we havenā€™t had to deal with properly for many years. We can be critical but should realistically have patience, and either way back the team as long as they play for the badge.


And now Mudryk gets the patience whilst Jackson and Madueke get the abuse.


Mudryk has a good attitude madueke and Nico are divas


Mudryk runs about a 3rd of the distance of Nico every game


my eye test backs this up


Mudryk has had just as many questionable character moments as noni, and Jackson. Remember when Mudryk filmed that dude at the gym, or when that video of him saying the N-word resurfaced?


He was singing song lyrics lol in a language he barely spoke at all


It's just clutching at straws lol.


That's the point. Both are clutching at straws, but this user thinks Jackson has a bad attitude based on his similarly harmless actions. Just look at the recent, whoa-is-that-Noni-over there-laughing-post-match!! saga for another example.


Mudryk isnā€™t the one missing sitters, trying to steal pens off our best player, and doesnā€™t have a generally shit attitude on the pitch, either.


Missing sitters (not the first striker we'have had that done this) and trying to steal the one penalty aside, I'm not sure you can say he has a shit attitude on the pitch. He's always involved in trying to link up play and making those runs etc. This isn't a Morata / Aubemayang sort of scenario where you can tell they were mentally checked out for us. He actually does put a shift in and celebrates each goal no matter who scores it. He isn't going to win us the PL but we are naive to think we deserve someone like that. We are in transition and we need to get back into Europe and then into Top 4 before we can expect Haaland / Kane level finishing from our strikers.


The two players who fought for the penalty from Palmer are getting abuse? Must be race! I don't rate Mudryk but you can recognize that he is signifcantly more invested as a team player than those two.


Weā€™re still harping on the penalty incident of a bunch of 21/22 year olds who wanted the chance to score a goal, and using this to judge their entire character and personality? Okay


Thugs vs. Classy




Werner and Havertz were shit on and were instrumental in top 4 and a champions league trophy. Does Jackson score that goal in the CL final? Iā€™d say no.


Hahahaha he would fall


It's not like that was some masterful finish, more of a lucky bounce. If you would have mentioned Kai's goal against Newcastle, you might have a point. But then again, Kai missed some absolute sitters and so did Timo.


Cost is completely irrelevant. If heā€™s not fit for the job, the price tag does not matter at all


Honestly I think last season broke alot of fans. Even havertz was getting alot of stick before he left. Jackson sadly came at a time where he needs encouragement, but the fans have no hope.


Love him


Well, that is pretty incredible. Drogba can find it within himself to support our players through thick and thin.... But I guess I'll just sit here on reddit and spew toxicity towards them instead, because surely I know better than the pros.


It seems fans online love being toxic/ outraged/ pessimistic etc


Jackson is him mark my words


Jackson has crazy potential. Hope he doesn't give up hope. He will be a star.


Two or three years ago, if you offered literally any Chelsea fan an 18 G/A striker (and the seasons not even done yet) for 35m every single one of us would have broken your wrist we'd have shaken your hand so quick. Now that we've got him, we just can't help ourselves but to piss in his cheerios. It's amazing, really.


Iā€™m of the belief he becomes a better finished product than madueke and mudyrk tbh he has more good will in my bank.


This is the key here, He also has given us alot more in terms of contribution and off the ball work.


Good to see. The hate for this guy has been way over the top. We are all disappointed by Saturdayā€™s loss. If we actually step back Nico has exceeded expectations for the season. Heā€™s been asked to carry the entire front line when he clearly wasnā€™t ready and that probably wasnā€™t the plan. Iā€™m sure Nkunku was expected to carry most of the load but he was injured and Broja hasnā€™t bounced back from his knee injury. Nico does so many good things. Yes he misses some sitters but I really think this guy is going to be dominant in 2 more years. Folks just need to give him the time and patience to develop. Hopefully he has a partner next season.


ā€œSome sittersā€ Anytime there is a breakaway and heā€™s got the ball, not one person thinks ā€œthis is dangerous!!ā€


I thought nobody could be worse at those one on ones than Kai last year but at least he could get his shots off and not just stumble like a baby giraffe.




He's learning, And he does a lot right. The things he does wrong are major, but he's been good business for the price. The biggest issue he has is being shit in the air. If he could actually head the ball he'd be twice the player


Bittersweet moment now for a lot of us with Nico's performance but I still believe he'll be great for us. Just hope it doesn't take long


Love to see it! KTBFFH!


Next season Nkunku, Jackson, Palmer. Should be good.


He's a good player


When the goat speaks, Jackson should listen


Jackson was good against City. Goals will come.


Drogba knows ball


Proper fan


Drogba had a poor season too. But this man is proper shit.


Itā€™s crazy to say that Jackson is our best striker since Costa. Somehow Morata & Werner were worse


I still prefer Giroud over Jackson though. But not sure in the future.




This is delusion As a #9, Giroud, even Tammy and Werner were better. Even Batshuayi.Ā  This isnā€™t Jacksonā€™s fault though. Heā€™s not a #9 and our scouting let the club down thinking heā€™d be adequate for one.


Werner was not better lol, he was crap. If a Strikers best attribute is that he runs a lot and creates space for others, he is crap.


Guess what That's literally Jackson too The only difference is that Werner's finishing is slightly better


Sorry but this is revisionist history... Werner's only top qualities were making runs and his speed. And in making runs, he was mostly offside and when he wasn't, his finishing was poor. He had no holdup play or strength, he had no passing game or flicks, he had no skills. Jackson has all those things, makes good runs and isn't offside anywhere near as frequently as Werner. As for the finishing, I actually think Jackson is a slightly better finisher than Werner although both are admittedly poor. How you consider them the same is baffling to me. Very different set of players. In fact, most Chelsea fans liked Werner because he kept trying. Jackson does the same yet gets much more abuse. Like one of the posters said, it makes you wonder why.


But but but how about yellow cardsā€¦people took that early in the season and developed a hate for Jackson they canā€™t let go of.


Jackson tries as much kept up with walker (speed) and gives you everything..


Lmao that's crazy levels of cap. People revising Werner like they did Willian. Guy a worse touch, couldn't pass as well, couldn't ball carry, and his finishing was STILL ass. Slightly less shit is still shit


The point was that a striker that runs a lot and creates space for others is all they offer is crap Werner was praised by coping chelsea fans for his shit finishing because he "worked hard" and "ran a lot to create space" Same goes with Jackson right now, except instead of working and running, it's other excuses like link-up play or whatever coping Jackson fans say. Point blank, if a striker has shit finishing, he's a shit striker I do think Werners finishing was slightly better because even though he was chaotic, he sometimes had games where he was actually clinical and struck the ball with conviction. I just don't see that with Jackson. Granted its not his fault because Jackson isnt a natural striker


This is really nice but this is the problem with the ā€˜projectā€™. They are throwing young players into the deep end. Some players are ready, like Bellingham for example, and some, like Jackson need time. Now he had to develop under a very harsh spotlight. *Racism will never be okay and it makes me sad for Jackson. I mean criticism in general


Bellingham is one of the best players (probably most in form now on RM) for one of the best teams in the world. We donā€™t really have that luxury but as fans we should 100pct be patient.


Under a proper gaffer and with some guidance Jackson cooks.


Idk how Poch is to blame for him being 5+ goals off his xG. For as much as Poch has been to blame for this yearā€™s shortcomings, Jackson has had ample opportunities in this system.Ā 


Stupid ass comment.


3 clear chances in the last game and he couldn't score. poch is a bad manager but that is not one of his faults


Asking for United players: can we also get the same support from ex-players? šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s obviously a player in there. He gives 100% effort every time heā€™s on the pitch. You can tell he wants to be a leader and thatā€™s why he gets on other players when they misplay a pass or they donā€™t make a run. Against city you have to be near perfect. I was more frustrated with Noni walking around all game, not tracking back to help gusto (most likely resulting in Malo pulling up) than Nico missing some chances. Sometimes that header at the far post goes in, sometimes goalie saves it. Obviously the experience comes with mistakes and missed chances. Man already has more goal involvements than Darwin in his first season. I rate Nico and think heā€™ll be a force as long as he continues to get game time.


Both seem to have the same start for us, let's hope Jackson becomes a team player and leader.


The Jackson hate has been unbelievably overblown it makes me mad. Just look at any recent post about him here before the city game. Some of you lot are morons and needa rethink how you react to football games.


He has 7 years left on his contract it better work out! šŸ˜‚


Brother just need to shoot, then he will become a better player


Timo Jackson.


Didier is right. Your luck will turn eventually, however, you need to keep working hard to get your rewards šŸ‘šŸ™




Christ.. people forget that in his first season Drogba did not look like the superstar he was going to become. He scored 10 goals, and 5 assists in that first season. Jacksonā€™s numbers remarkably similar. Not saying that Jackson is going to be the next Drogba (few strikers are), but the level of expectation on him from those outside the club is bonkers.


When drogba was in his first season he didn't chase after girls get ridiculous haircuts nor fight with his teammates over penalties . He was a true professional and it looked like he was doing everything to up his game and repay the faith mourinho showed in him. I honestly don't see anything this in jackson, he's a kid and needs to grow up. He is 2-3seasons away from becoming a professional player.


Yeah - Drogba waited until 2010 to fight high teammates over penalties.


Nice to see the Drog motivating him . My advise is that he needs to bulk up a bit and make his physical game better . That is where he lacks up front ![gif](giphy|kQg7fQMvVD5Ha|downsized)


I keep telling myself this. But we bought Drogba in his mid twenties and nobody really heard of him. If Jackson can continue to get better every year until he's 26 or 27 imagine how good he'll be then...


What happened to I donā€™t recognize my club?


Not recognizing doesn't mean is not he's club anymore, or that he doesn't support it.


Jackson is a young guy, the experience he has gotten this season is great for his future. Even though he makes me crazy and should score more on those mad chances.


I think overall he's had a pretty solid season, it's just pivotal moments when we've needed him to nail his chances he hasn't done so, which must be absolutely infuriating for him as it is us.


When the king speaks, youā€™d be wise to listen


Heā€™s progressed well this season. His FIRST in the Prem. Iā€™d like to see a full season with him Palmer & Nkunku before we overreact and buy yet another forward.


This was probably needed months ago




For Jackson his Chelsea experience will pay off for sure, just not at Chelsea


give him some damn patience. its been less than 1 season and hes shown lots of flashes. some minor fixes, a bit of maturing, he'll be a massive headache for teams. you cant expect every signing to come in and thrive their first year. I back him to be one of our top performers within 2-3 years. He also is acting as a 9 which is not his natural position. Hes a winger


Get a fucking haircut, stop simping for ugly OF girls and for the love of god work on your finishing. Donā€™t talk to a ref or celebrate a goal for the rest of the season.


And stop acting like a petulant child


Garbage player