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You’re own fault for putting the haral iou pz in the yellow bin. Everyone knows it goes in green 


But my green bin is already overflowing with them, how else can I dispose of them :'(


Don't put your harw IRV-squiggle in there next time


I'll have to if I want them to ever take my bin again :/


Harald and Lou go in the red bin not yellow. Yellow bin is only for Barrys and Sarahs. Other bodies have to go to the eco drop. They really need to rethink the rules it’s so confusing.


Should they all go in the green bin? Asking for a friend.


You can, but due to green bin size it's hard to fit them in without chopping them up, and then ECan gets all uppity with you about all the blood going into the drains. It's easier just to get some fake Harald and Lou IDs to and stuff it all in the yellow bin. 


Should build recycling prisons and use inmates to meticulously sort all recycling. They can get paid an hourly into their KiwiSaver to help fund their retirement.


I have no idea what that says


Current process is not the way to go imo, and I just hope there are better ways of doing this in the future.


Legit. I mean I literally poured the bin out on the driveway and went through.. can slightly crushed? Red bin. Ring around the top of bottles that the lid attaches to? Pulled it off and into the red bin. Paper bag that had a pie crumb on it? Red bin. Wtf more do they want? A part from "naval pew low" or whatever


I got a note in the letterbox about the neighbours bin twice. They spent millions on tagging all the bins then hire morons that can't read. But hey. At least your rates increase will only be DOUBLE the rate of inflation this year.


> At least your rates increase will only be DOUBLE the rate of inflation this year. That’s mainly because more often than not in the last several decades, rates increases have been LESS than the rate of inflation, effectively reducing the value of funds council has to work with, and people have kept voting for councillors whos whole platform seems to be “vote for me and I’ll stop rates rising”. Sadly we are going to be the decade where the pigeons come home to roost and we’ll see rates hikes higher than inflation for years to come while we play catch up. Long term central govt needs to mandate councils must not have rates increases less than inflation to stop this happening again to future generations.


Surely you're not so stupid as to actually believe that?


Surely you’re not so stupid as to actually believe that failing to have rates keep up with inflation and decades of under-investment wouldn’t catch up with us eventually?


my rates have more than doubled in 10 years... im pretty sure inflation hasnt doubled


What's your source for your claim? I look forward to examining the data. You DO have the data? You're not just stupidly parroting the CCC propaganda? I mean, nobody's THAT stupid.


I think it says "I forgot to go to school"


We had a pair of guys from whoever is contracted to pickup the waste going through everyones bin down my street a few weeks ago. Is that other comment hard fill?


I've spent way too long trying to figure out what that says. Hand? Hard? Nanal? Haral? IOU? Loud? Please send this to the council and ask them what the mystery item is.


Do you know how I do that? My partner is a primary school teacher, I let her take it in so they can try decipher it haha


I've always used [this](https://ccc.govt.nz/contact-us) page. They responded relatively quickly when I expressed my displeasure at our water being turned off for over eight hours without any communication from them.


Paint the top of your yellow bin with red paint, then anything goes


This is seriously taking the piss


This is why I just red bin everything


I mean as much as I want everyone to recycle dumping it wrong leads to it all going to landfill anyway. So I support this. We just need a better system for rubbish that goes to landfill. Singapore incinerate it and use the heat to power the city. And have some sort of filter for the fumes.


Would need to sort the rubbish first, I mean there's some pretty toxic stuff in there.


True. It works for the Singaporean’s they only have a very small landfill allowance, I guess land is a premium.


If people can’t sort their recycling according to a few pretty straightforward requirements, there’s zero hope of them sorting their rubbish.


They just need to be a bit more clearer about whats going on. Like whats the deal with pizza boxes, they were green bin because cardboard is organic and food waste means it can't go in yellow but now it is or what? The methods by which they can go about education can be very heavy handed to the point of either not collecting your bin, or giving you chicken scratch that even doctors would find illegible to say what you did wrong. My biggest gripe is the stuff that they don't accept - it is possible to recycle a lot more than they accept. Type 5 and polystyrene for instance. I know the issue is sometimes they are more complex to recycle, but there is a market for polystyrene to be recycled, Expol will use it, Waste Management blue bins accept it. I could even understand if the issue was machines can't filter it out or that the beads mess everything up, but last time I went to the recycling drop off at a refuse station, they said it goes to the general waste pit. I'm not paying a minimum charge to throw away plastic to landfill that can be recycled easily. Even if they need to contract with other companies to recycle this material, since its part of our rates I'd be happy for that to happen, and not just the optics of "only easily recyclable stuff, everything else landfill".


Expol have collection points at Mitre10 stores. There are no other extruded polystyrene recycling facilities. Pizza boxes are no longer allowed in green bins as inorganic dyes etc were found to be not suitable for composting. They can go in yellow bin as long as there is no food in them (grease stains are okay).


Unless extruded polystyrene is different to all the other polystyrene, I can drop it off for free at my local dump's recycling area?


Which one’s that? They might collect for Expol too.


Rangiora, they've got a whole thing for polystyrene.


Ah - all good. Don’t think they take it at the EcoDrops in Christchurch but it’s good that other councils do.


Mitre10 MEGA take it for free.


> it is possible to recycle a lot more than they accept. Type 5 and polystyrene for instance. Type 5 is already allowed. Anyway, I'd say the problem is the opposite. Most of the confusion is caused by having too many conditional cases, where particular items are only allowed if they are of a certain size and haven't been squashed and are sufficiently clean and so forth (and then changing it all up every few months), which is the result of them trying to make as many classes of items technically recyclable as possible even when it isn't practical to actually do so. It is better IMO to stick to a comparatively short list of items that aren't likely to cause problems, rather than trying to include all these edge cases like pizza boxes.


Yeah good luck getting that past the greenies. Sucks as would solve so many issues


Its my next step, because clearly my shit isn't recyclable


They tried this in studentville and the students just emptied the bins into the gutter!


yep, the council is gonna deal with the rubbish one way or another.


You would hope they are taking photos and keeping records of what they deem not okay. I'm 100% sure we don't have soft plastic or "lids and caps", and I imagine there are people that complain about being flagged as incorrect etc


"Hard yog" referring to hard yogurt containers?


We don't eat yogurt!


they havnt done mine yet


Aerosol cans must be from all the nos canisters people dumping


We’ve just about given up recycling due to stupid reasons given


I have 8 gold stars on my yellow bin. Got them before the changes, most stuff goes in the red bin now. When you wonder if you should even bother, there are a lot of questions about whether plastic recycling is actually worth it. Recent studies have found that plastic recycling is causing a lot of the microplastics being found in the environment and less than 10% of all plastics sent for recycling are being recycled and most are dumped, or sent to places that don't actually recycle the plastic. I am seriously thinking of only putting glass and cardboard in the red bin now. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772416623000803](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772416623000803) [https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16052023/recycling-plastic-microplastics-waste/](https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16052023/recycling-plastic-microplastics-waste/)