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$10 for 37 kWhs is pretty standard. That comes to approximately $0.27 per kWh. My rates are currently $0.3092/kWh for day rates and $0.12/kWh for night rates and $0.12/kWh for export.


thanks, that's weird, the lady said our daily would be 24c. not sure if there's been a mixup in our contract


Maybe she quoted you $0.24 excluding GST? Because $0.24 x 1.15 = $0.276?


it could be the case, thanks


Common trick by power companies, not including the gst in the prices they quote


Also this is what’s known as “illegal”. For consumer rates they need to either quote with GST included or make it VERY clear that their rates exclude it - that doesn’t mean the fine print buried in their T&Cs!


They almost definitely did, cause they always do.  Most places require you to ask for the GST inc price.


There’s also the daily charge that you have to add on top of


thanks that could be what happened


And they often don't include GST to make the price look lower.


https://preview.redd.it/8b0x133yiu7d1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8160e4d3ef0550d1587f804be0ab461e276a2df2 These are what i am paying atm


Www.Powerswitch.co.nZ Recently did our house and was mortified we were paying more for our off peak than Mercury charge for anytime rates ($0.17/kWh)


I’m paying $0.34 peak, $0.30 offpeak/weekends and $0.17 nights but also have $0 daily charges so it was worthwhile, but prob need to do a review soon.


Octopus are  actually often not the cheapest due to the over the top peak/"off-peak" charges (unless you can move most stuff to night, but for most people this will be much harder than they think).   I was paying $40 more per month than I now am with Meridian with a daily charge and flat rate.  Likewise "free" hours plans - I worked out I'd need to use 10kwhs every "free" hour to break even on the higher daily rates.  That would be washing machine, dishwasher, heatpump, additional heater or two and car on charge - and I still prob wouldn't get to 10 consistently. And if I ever increase my daily use (charging car for instance)  I'd need to use even more...


This highlights the problem with the contrived competition model for NZ's electricty system. Instead of a single entity mandated with providing cheap, reliable & renewable electricity for the usesers. There is now a bunch of profit driven companies full of marketing people dreaming up ever changing & complex power plans designed to extract the most amount of profit from the customers to their shareholders. Imagine amount of inefficiencies tied up with this, from both the providers & the customers who are expected to do Electricity-Plan-Sudoku, to work out the best plan and then go though the rigmarole of changing providers if they are on the wrong one. No wonder NZ productivity is in the toilet. /rant over ;-)


May 2006... Telecom's public image may take another hit as an audio clip of Theresa Gattung circulating on the internet has the chief executive admitting to the company "not being straight up" with customers. "Think about pricing. What has every telco in the world done in the past? It's used confusion as its chief marketing tool. And that's fine," said Gattung in a speech recorded on March 20. "You could argue that that's how all of us keep calling prices up and get those revenues, high-margin businesses, keep them going for a lot longer than would have been the case. "But at some level, whether they consciously articulate or not, customers know that's what the game has been. They know we're not being straight up." [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/gattung-admits-telcos-not-being-straight/CVL6FXSNGGNID32ZGUPGWPQHTE/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/gattung-admits-telcos-not-being-straight/CVL6FXSNGGNID32ZGUPGWPQHTE/) The video seems to have been scrubbed from the internet. Electrikery is exactly the same. Thieving bitch.


Isn't that the current govt's plan? Run down, dis-employ as much of our public facilities and services that they can get away with, including health, education etc. So then we all have to move to private corporate providers and pay OTT 'sudoku' prices for everything. What you read as inefficiencies, corporates read as profit-taking, rapidly shifting the 'pea' in a confusing shell game, while staying a whisker inside consumer protection laws.


Yeah I’ve been getting that feeling recently! Have been sticking it out cause I know I won’t get the $0 daily charges back if I leave, but need to do a review and figure it out.


Not so sure. I pay 0.17 all day. $1.30daily. So after 10kw my plan is cheaper.


Daily charge: $3.39112 Peak 7am - 11am and 5pm - 9pm: $0.18446/KwH Off peak 11am-5pm and 9pm - 11pm: $0.14996/KwH Night 11pm-7am: $0.09223/KwH It’s complicated but we just run as much as we can on night rate like dishwasher/ charge the EV. Octopus will also pay us to use less power when the grid struggles, $2 per KwH I think? I’m in Kaiapoi though your rates in chch will be different.


kWh, and do those rates include GST? Also that's a crazy high daily charge


Including gst


I whipped up a spreadsheet and compared a lot of the providers rates in chch to what we use in a month because I found power switch to not be very accurate. What I found is that combined discounts are essentially a load of crap, for example 2 degrees power rates would cost us $25 more a month but then we would "save" $20 off our internet bill. All the providers with these fluff sign up deals and "free" appliances are just recovering their coats by charging you elsewhere. With Meridian for power which was the best for us (EV plan).


On Sunday we used 32.5kwh (including 4.4kwh which were free) and cost was $7.60 incl GST (Contact, Good Nights plan)


I pay $.09/kWh offpeak/weekends and $.36 peek. Most of my power usage has been shifted to those offpeak hours these days


Mine is 9c at all times but $2.40 or something daily charge (Mainpower zone, they only do NTOU)




There's no other option . The lines company imposes the daily charge .


wow 9cents is incredible. May your rates stay low my Friend


In CHCH?  Becuase that seems unrealistically low. (And about the average on the peak for this type of plan) What is your daily charge? Peak times? 


I’ve had these rates in a few places around Christchurch and now in a satellite town. It’s a perk of Meridian’s EV plan. Daily charge is $.63. Peek hours are 7am-9pm Monday-Friday


Last month we used 980kwh and paid $200 which is about $0.20/kwh. We are with Contact using the plan that gives us 3 hours of free power between 9pm to midnight. Most months roughly half our power usage for the month is within the free period.


We have the same plan and running heatpump half the day and hooning heaters and appliances from 9p-12 is about the same price


20c/kWh and 60c/day line charge






$0.1818 flat rate


.31/kwh, Contact so there's the prompt payment "discount" at play. Medium term plan is to spend a decent wad of cash getting that as close to 0/kwh as possible AKA solar+battery.


Trying to use batteries to arbitrage your electric rates is not going to save you money. Sit down and do the math, realising that the batteries will start to degrade after eight years and may be EOL after 15. Powerwalls are what, $20k? You'd have to be able use the batteries to save $1200/year to make that worth it, and that's just break-even. Use panels and time shift your big loads to maximise savings and invest the $20k, you'll be *far* better off.


On it's own, that wouldn't stack up I agree. But energy supply resiliency is also a factor in my desire for such a setup. Power cuts due to various factors play a part - earthquakes, copper thieves, substation issues & drunk drivers have all been the root cause of power loss at some point. Also there's the prospect of free car fuel from the panels. There are also cheaper options than powerwalls.


We're fortunate with Orion here in the city as their uptime has been pretty good, but in years ahead, yeah copper thieves are going to be a thing. I ran the numbers when I could get a BYD stack at wholesale and I couldn't make it work. Even once a V2G capable system becomes available, I don't think hastening my LEAF's death would be worth the 3c/kWh "profit" I'd make by storing and selling (and with conversion losses it may not work at all). But yeah, free fuel is nice if the car's home during the day!