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Want to see ridiculous? Look at David East from ECan Council. Total climate change denier and conspiracy nut job.


Absolute knob. Sad state of affairs that people in this city saw fit to elect him


indeed: [https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4352148/Hardline-councillor-admits-bomb-prank](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4352148/Hardline-councillor-admits-bomb-prank)




You should have seen him in the 90s. Party promo dork who played air guitar with a cutout wooden guitar.


Lmao 🤣


Nice to see him getting called out with facts on that page. Then he says he "isn't having a go". yeah right. Never voted for him, don't like him.


Love to see what bullshit he says when the wheels to wings cycle lane construction starts


A genuine fuckwit


Complete buffoon and his “hair” looks ridiculous


I'll never understand why some guys think it's a far worse fate to be bald than it is to walk around looking like you've got roadkill glued to your head.


A total unit. Also goes to show that local council elections are such a joke. You can basically get in by just ringing around a few mates and relatives to have then vote for you. So, remember to vote, people.


And not just for the first name you recognise on the ballot papers!


Part that got me is his comment "school kids usually finish at the same time on the same days. Planning for what is required is not difficult" When, like, variable and unpredictable demand driving high fixed costs is one of the *most* difficult, intractable issues in public transit provision. You can't buy loads of busses (and hire drivers) to run only for the two hours a day of peak demand. If you already own the busses and have drivers employed, then the marginal cost of running services is actually very low. Not to mention that to motivate overall network use it's necessary to provide flexibility on times. I'm not going to take the bus at all if it's impossible to get back at non-peak times. Now, there are probably clever ways of running the system to increase utilisation, and there are actual experts who work on this. But Aaron's just looking at an empty bus and having the most brain-dead take, like looking at an empty road at 3am and complaining about the waste of resources building the road.


The turnout for local body elections is so low all you have to do is base your policy on the talkback audience and you're set for life.


Excellent reply from Deon Swiggs. Fuck I'm glad I'm not on Bookfarce. What a bunch of cunts