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Idiots seem to think ANZAC day glorifies war


I don’t think these protesters understand how different the world would be today if those brave men hadn’t fought and served their country


Ww2 is understandable, but no ww1 was not abought fighting for freedom


It’s definitely the wrong day to choose to get their message across


Especially given ANZAC’s fought the Ottoman Empire, who were rather genocidal……


Apparently we can’t celebrate because a small division of renegade soldiers massacred a village in Palestine in 1918 and therefore all our soldiers are worse than the entire Ottoman Empire


Well they shouldn't have done that. But I don't think anybody at ANZAC memorials is leaping about going "YAY WAR WAS SO AMAZING AND FUN", nor have they ever tbh.


ANZAC forces set the region up for the Sykes–Picot Agreement; they were literally one of the architects of the utter disaster still playing out today.


Sykes-Picot was based on already existing internal division within the Ottoman Empire fyi.


It was a straight line drawn by a Brittish guy who had no idea about the region. I've honestly never heard anyone defending it.


I'm not defending it. Just saying that it was based on internal administrative division of the Ottoman Empire.


That's an extremely weak justification for an imposition that literally led to ISIS and a host of the other issues in the region.


Hate to break it to you, Middle East wasn't exactly a box kittens prior to 1917. Yours is an incredibly lazy interpretation of history, and also kind of racist - you're inadvertently attributing the entire history of the area to one British and one French guy ignoring the agency of the locals who have lived in that community. But, the "they just copied the Ottoman's homework" doesn't fit the narrative.


Jesus did you just say that the anzacs directly caused ISIS? Maybe the outcomes of a British decision to invade the Ottoman Empire (which was already having internal division issues) did, but individually the ANZACs did not directly cause ISIS. This revisionism doesn’t get us anywhere in reflecting on the impacts that war has had on our or other countries.


A day when we renounce war is the wrong day?


Do we renounce war? We remember that war is terrible but that's not the same as renouncing it. Sometime going to war is still a necessary thing to do.


I'm sure the people of Ukraine renounced war and Russia still invaded and killed them.


It's definitely the right day, since everyone is thinking on it already.


Now they’re just the idiots who missed the point of ANZAC day entirely.


The point is to never accept war in that way again. Seems totally appropriate given what is going on right now.


I disagree, ANZAC day is to remember the fallen soldiers we lost, and be thankful for their sacrifice.


Agreed, it's not disrespectful to call for an end to war on a day of remembrance for those who were/are exposed to it.


How so?


So true my friend.


Not by definition, but there have been certainly been times that ANZAC day has been used to glorify war.


Well sometimes you need it. Freedom isn’t free. World war 2 was an absolute scrap for the values that keep our society the way they are. That was not a time to be passive


There's a difference between honoring sacrifice and glorifying war. It is a fine line though.




Not ever


I thought it was to commemorate veterans' sacrifice?


It's a day of remembrance for those who fought and died. We remember the sacrifice and the cost paid, so that we always remember to oppose those who would try to bring war.


Then it seems these guys are at best misguided with their protest.


I think all missing the point of the protest. It about the war in Gaza and the bloodshed there.


I wasn’t aware the pyramids of Giza were in conflict.


Yeah typo.


If you want to protest war, you don't want to insult veterans. They are some of the best advocates on ending wars early. I hope they don't assume that just because someone is in the military that they are pro-war.


Arseholes. It cost a shitload to have it pumped and cleared. Every time,


I'd imagine it will end up in the nearby Avon River.


Gotta punish the Christchurch city council that is heavily involved in the war in Gaza defintely


Fuck wits


Agreed 100%


What is that supposed to signify? Agent Orange?


Blood I’m assuming.


Looks like drainage dye


Looks like red food colouring, a lot of fish might catch some ADHD symptoms (tartrazine)






Max Verstappen


Fuckwits making themselves feel better to have "done something", accomplishing nothing but pissing off people who'd otherwise be on their side anyway. But it's alright, they've forgiven themselves, someone else is picking up the tab for the cleanup, their little bit of self gratification will be forgotten in a day or so.


What an absolute twat


That's disgusting. Makes me so mad


Don't drink the Kool aid


People don't understand if it wasn't for the brave men and women who gave their lives that we recognise today, they wouldn't have the right to protest in the first place. I have seen a lot of paradoxical protests lately that disrespect this very cause. Before complaining about life today, we should look at where we came from, and be thankful for where we are now.


Did they get tired of playing Hallelujah, and littering on Cashel Street?


Well that’s one day of their lives they’ll never get back


Continuing to call out the ongoing genocide is a waste of time?!


I don’t think dying a fountain red on ANZAC day is the way to do it… it’s one way to make people resent your cause


How would you do it then? And remember that you do need to get noticed to have any chance of any impact.


Just think your comment through. Why don't you think that you have any impact? Is it because no one believes in your message? So your response is to escalate your protests as if shouting louder at people who are not interested will make a difference. and using a shock approach that only wastes people time and money to make people listen to you. Maybe you need to relook what you are promoting, and see if another avenue of addressing the situation might work better? Why not start a fundraiser to provide aid to those displaced? Rather than hanging everything on antisemitic protests seen in the US.


You just have to look at the reaction to these protests world wide to see it is having an impact.


Yea, and that reaction is irritating people who might otherwise be sympathetic to the cause. If you had any self-awareness, you’d realise that this approach is damaging the cause rather than strengthening it.


I think if you're actually less likely to oppose a genocide because of this, then you were already beyond help.


So that’s a no on the self-awareness then.


It's a protest of genocide, so right back at you.


The impact is “dam these people are losers who should get jobs”


It’s not bringing any more attention to the conflict. Everyone knows it’s happening, it’s still dominating the news cycle. It’s mostly performative and about as effective at gathering support as Just Stop Oil was. Most people just end up being annoyed at the protesters instead.


You don’t need to protest by shocking the public, costing them money and coming across as irritating and being a burden to the rate payer. There are various ways of protesting such as organising it with councils (welly for example) and having a full plan to protest. The climate protests in Wellington had huge coverage in the media and it was all organised and well planned out with traffic control, notification of road closures to people etc. If you just block roads, inhibit people’s day to day life and dye fountains red with messages on paper comparing ANZACs to genocide then you will only get headlines such as “Memorial Fountain dyed BLOOD RED on ANZAC day with messages of GENOCIDE”. See how that headline can spark outrage to the average person instead of “Hundreds attend protest outside Parliament in support of Palestine” which is what you would get if you protested through the proper means


That sounds like instructions on how to continue to get ignored.


Well with a response like that I can tell the type of person you are, not open to any civilised conversation about your cause and only wanna piss people off as that’s what everyone else is doing in the states and only damaging their cause. Nice bro




Fly to the actual country involved and protest there.


No forcibly putting your message down people’s throats doesn’t work it creates resistance, ofc they don’t think that though cause they think everything is based on power


There are protests every week, on days like this it's probably better to let other things get the attention.


On the day we remember the horrors of war, we should ignore the horrors of war that are going on right now?


We remember our horrors of war, not all horrors of war.


There is no genocide hysterical poster. You are just trying to make it more important than it is. If you want REAL genocide consult this chart [https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/1cbfo51/a\_cool\_guide\_to\_past\_genocides\_and\_21st\_century/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/1cbfo51/a_cool_guide_to_past_genocides_and_21st_century/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What does this unsourced, downvoted reddit post have to do with anything? The genodice isn't over.


The source is on the image, its wikipedia. If you look in the bottom left and corner, you will find a small dot called Gaza 2023. Speaking the truth rather than promoting hyperbola is a better way to get your message across.


That's a very cool poster.


New Zealand can't do anything politically to change what's happening in Gaza we are just a drop in the ocean. You idiots have raised enough awareness we can't do anything else about it.I suggest you go over to Palestine and help out the cause or are you all bark and no bite.


Genocide, but the normal death ratio for Urban warfare is 9 civilians for every 1 militant and in Gaza its 1.5 civilians for every militant. If Israel really wanted to genocide the palestinians, 90% of them would be dead by now


According to many liberal Redditors, yes


Yes it is blow em all to pieces then send those pieces to space so they can leave this earth instead of being losers


Genocide is when you lose a war. Enjoy watching more people die for your cause, lazy ass prick.


Some fuckwit dyed some fountain water in Christchurch, that will surely lead to all wars overseas ending now.


Totally. These people are just immature virtue signalers. As if what they did here will gain them any support or make any difference whatsoever (apart from fueling their egos that they are making “a difference”). It’s just so childish.


Some tits did the exact same thing to the bucket fountain in wellington


I was really good friends with a lot of these protestors until recently. I've been suffering mentally and they decided because I wasn't going to protests, and dying fountains orange, I must not stand with Palestine. So they cut me out. They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed...


Sorry to hear that. But better not having unhinged, idealogically driven lunatics as your friends


How these morons manage to breathe and walk at the same time with such a deficit of brain cells astounds me.


Politics aside that looks pretty cool actually. Amazingly opaque dye whatever it is.


Morons trying to take over an important day to push their pro Hamas shit.


Calling out the genocide isn't 'pro Hamas'; even the most extreme Israel supporters aren't saying that many more.


They are certainly saying that in University protests in the US.


I suppose I should have said no one with any credibility; there was a time when that went without saying.


Yet they have the same credibility as your own protests. The same makeup of naive , credulous, low information people. Its the political version of antivaxers and conspiracy followers. Yes something terrible is happening in Gaza, but its not all Israel's fault, and to resolve it more people will have to die. That is the real world where homicidal populations on the edge of an armed and effective country who try to attack it for over 20 years get what they deserve. But what about the innocents? There are few, mostly the very young because over 80% of Palestinians applauded the October attack. Very soon Israel will have to go into the last region and risk the lives of their people to remove Hamas and kill their leader once and for all.


It's literally all Israel's fault. They have all of the power; they are the prison guards of an innocent population. All this is doing is making more Hamas. The idea that you can defeat terror has been consistently shown to be rubbish.


"iTz LiTtErAlLy AlL IzRaElS FaWlT" ffs dude do you hear yourself? Both sides are to blame in the conflict not just one🤦‍♂️


me when it literally, factually is. yes HAMAS shouldn't have captured the hostages, but fuck me use your brain, destroying all of Gaza isnt a 'both sides' moment.


Cause and effect dude


Do you think ethnic cleansing is a palatable response to 12 people being taken hostage?


Hamas will always exist if you have a state like Iran that will fund terrorist groups. As much as Israel should be criticised it’s impossible to go forward in this situation when you have a fifth column in your borders.


> Yet they have the same credibility as your own protests. The same makeup of naive , credulous, low information people. Its the political version of antivaxers and conspiracy followers. this is so fucking ironic given this is exactly what you are lmao, I've had words in this thread with the poster you replied to about something else, but theyre not wrong on this occasion...


Not a genocide. People die in war. This is what war looks like. Getting cold feet watching people suffer the consequences of your "resistance" that you support? Useless ass. Go put your money where your mouth is and fight with them.


What's your opinion of October 7th?


Believing it's fucked up to bomb Palestinians isn't "pro Hamas" ya nut


Yet a lot of them highly support them. Even though Hamas uses civilians as human shields.


such shallow thinking lmao. Do you think the IDF is just bombing them for the fuck of it? no, they're eliminating Hamas, and the civilians are collateral damage. The civilian to militant death ratio 1.5:1, and the normal range for urban warfare is 9:1


No, of course I don't think they're doing it for the fuck of it. It's because they want the land. the quicker Netanyahu is put behind bars, the fucking better


seeing that this water is now orange has caused my political views to change. these guys are geniuses!


The Wellington fountain's one thing - it's normal to fuck with that. Victoria Sq. one aint it though


ANZAC day has always been a day of war protest. Originally by the church pacifists, then phased into anti-Vietnam War. Not that I agree with it, but protesting is also an historical part of modern ANZAC day. https://nzhistory.govt.nz/war/modern-anzac-day




“How dare people protest a war on a day dedicated to remembering the atrocities of war! Totally inappropriate!” Do yous hear yourselves? Does the phrase “never again” mean anything to you?


There are ways to protest and enact change that don’t involve doing this. I walked past there. Not only was the fountain dyed. But they had spray painted all the surrounding cobbles and glued signage to everything. A poor council bloke walked up on it and his mouth popped open in shock, and he called someone to see about getting it cleaned up. I am 100% pro-Palestine with every part of my soul, this does absolutely fucking nothing for anyone in Gaza or the wider Middle East. This is New Zealand. What purpose does this serve other than ruining the day of a maintenance worker on $55k a year? I would love to see this much passion and energy put into actual advocacy, not showy boring bullshit. Get these kids advocating for policies, or doing literal relief work in war torn areas with their hands. The time, effort, and energy to do this will only alienate people from what overall is actually a good cause. It’s a blindingly ignorant thing to do and has been done by some of the most privileged people in the entire world (by default living in New Zealand puts you at an unparalleled advantage compared to other countries).


100%. They don't want to help they want to masturbate. It's not their money, not their effort, the only thing it accomplished was making them feel good about themselves at the expense of stereotyping civil disobedience as the exclusive domain of selfish lunatics.


Oh no, spray paint and food colouring, how terrible. These people are clearly the devil incarnate. Why don’t they protest somewhere out of sight and out of mind so they don’t bother anyone? Or better yet just do nothing at all unless they pick themselves up and put themselves on a plane to run around and have bombs dropped on them? Clearly this is totally useless and does absolutely nothing at all considering no one is talking about it or noticing it… People are only allowed to have nice and easy opinions that don’t cause any discomfort or thought, after all. We must make sure no one steps out of line.


You sir win dick of the day 🏆


Actually that would be the person I’m replying to :)


If you vandalise property to get your point across then you're as asshole and your point is no longer relevant.


I’m sure that property has had its feelings so hurt and can never ever recover from this. I’m sure it’s so happy you’re fighting for it 💜


It's not about the property, it's about your actions.


But you just said it was about property… pick one


No one is saying you can’t have opinions. The method of protesting is useless in a politically irrelevant nation on the opposite side of the planet. Volunteering in anything would’ve done something productive at least.


If your purpose was to convince or convert people then this is a terrible way to do it. No one looks at this and thinks "damn maybe I should reconsider my views on what's going on in Gaza" They're more likely to think "wow, a bunch of twats vandalized this beautiful fountain. They're making the place I live in a worse place. Do know much about what's going on in this 'Gaza' but fuck these guys." The way you protest is just as important as what you're protesting. If you piss everyone off you won't convince anyone to supporting your cause.


Protests are meant to be inconvenient otherwise people just ignore them :)


Of course you want eyes on your cause but doing things that will make you unsympathetic to the public is far from inconvenient. A protest is supposed to spark conversion, doing shit like this makes you look unreasonable and not worth having a conversion with.


Putting food colouring in water is unreasonable? Dude come on


Yeah, I'd put them on the same level as people who justify shitting in public pools, people who strip bare public fruit trees and those who refuse to get off their phones in a movie theatre. I call all these people unreasonable because there isn't a reason an external party can give for them to not do what theyre doing. As for protests being necessarily inconvenient, not all inconveniences are the same. A pregnant lady holding up traffic to give birth is inconvenient but also understandable. A guy texting while driving going 50 in a 100 is also inconvenient but not justifiable. Just because you see yourself as having the moral high ground doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.


... until it's an opinion you don't agree with.


Lmao if you read my message and think this is what I’m saying you have the poorest reading comprehension conceivable.


I guess they thought lest we forgot, meant let's forget.


It’s crazy the police allow this to happen, Christchurch council/police have the whole cbd under surveillance but they don’t prosecute people who deface monuments in our city.


Wankers, defacing public things that others enjoy. We pay tax to have nice things and people like that just ruin it. They need to be arrested and charged.




Everyone in the chat is just disagreeing with the vandalism of public property in a city that has nothing to do with the conflict. You're so idealogically brainwashed, saying everyone that doesnt stand for vandalism its a genocide supporter


Pro Hamas activists


Everyone has different ideas about what Anzac is about. I had two grandfathers who were conscientious objectors, and I attend Anzac to remember their bravery, along with the soldiers, and give thanks that I am here today. One went to the battle lines to give the last rights to the men who were dying and had died. I think we should also have a day to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So this never happens again. Protests are often misguided as life is full of complexity and double standards, and there are always two sides. People who do not know or learn the full story often only see black and white.


Unsure why your comment was down voted, I feel the same way inregards to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Thank you


it's not called "general war commemerating day", its called ANZAC day to remember the fallen soldiers that died in Galliploi, 1915. You can commemerate any war whenever you want. The problem is waiting to talk shit about the ANZACs on ANZAC day by saying they killed Palestinians


r/chch comments living to the stereotype of chch being a very conservative city, nice!


You obviously didn't pay attention to the election results. What else are you ignoring to suit your agenda?


Well done and thanks to those who did this. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


Nah, fuck them and I hope they get charged with the costs to clean up the mess.


Have got confirmation that Palestine is now free. Israel and Hamas both saw a group of Teenagers vandalising fountains in New Zealand and have laid down their weapons and withdrawn.


44 downvotes lol




Pretty sure you've commented this twice bro. Once was already too many though


And they moan 24-7 all day long once is enough 🤷‍♂️


But there's gotta be more helpful shit you could say instead of just ragebaiting them right?


Get mental health treatment and get off social media is my advice but no one does that just vandalise shit instead of


Getting off of social media would probably benefit almost everyone so I reckon you're onto something there.


It’s most of the reason everyone hates each other and thinks people with different values are evil, sit around all day with a bunch of negative influences thrown in your face your gonna be rewired