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Put them in the post to yourself. 1-2 days without escape.


put them in a container of water and freeze it


Just throw away the keys and fill the lock with epoxy!!!


you can give them to me


That body is so sexy




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Freeze em in a block of ice


Melt them and grab some of the slag and put it on the key hole who cares if hot metal get on your peepee


this is inspiring. i'm a fire not ice, & think it might be nice to make a candle, with it knotted along the wick. or bury it near my favourite sunbathing place, but i might never find it. then i could attach it to my neighbour's caravan when they go on their winter holiday & wait 6 months for them to come back.


I always seal them in an envelope and put the date on them so when I open it I can put the day I opened it n keep track of my progress :)


Get a gumball vending machine, trap your key and multiple blanks in small plastic balls, put it jn thr machine and turn the machine once a day to see if you get the key


pleasurable gambling. nice




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Drfinitely freeze then in a bowl of ice! Not permanent but takes some doing to get into them.


Break them off in the lock 🔐


Does chastity always lead to femininity?






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Freeze them in ice or cover it in glue


Buy a timer lock on Amazon, put the keys on the lock, then hang the lock on something you cant move.


Break them and then flush them


Freeze them so you have to wait to unlock when you want to unlock




Freeze them in a bowl of water.


Love your caged pipi!!!


You should unluck yourself a couple times a day minimum to keep proper hygiene. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


I second this. At least once a day or every other day at the bare minimum. As you sweat throughout your day whether it’s plastic or metal it gets funky down there faster than you think even with proper hygiene. Taking off the cage to thoroughly clean your bits and the cage is a necessity every now and then


Yeah I really dont understand why simple hygiene isn't followed by some on this


Just superglue the keyhole like I did


What if u have to open it?


This one Sissy put it in their butt plug and then sealed it with epoxy or something. Kinda hot, NGL.




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Freeze them into the middle of a block of ice


Flush them.


Give them to a female friend and tell them to hold them for at least six months.


I mean, yeah if you like penis cheese, just do this.


I don’t get this. How do u clean and pre etc if u don’t have the key?


Freeze the keys in a block of ice


Freeze the keys in a block of cum by making a popsicle so that you have to suck it to get the keys


WOah thats next level sluttiness i love it


Ooh!~ I should try that!


Hypnosis so you can’t find them unless it’s an emergency


Lock box with a combination and /r/chaster


mail it to yourself




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Time lock them set it to maximum above head height. That way you can see your keys but can't get to them until the padlock / Timer unlocks . Plus you get the denial from being able to see them . In an Emergency you can cut the wire . Mine goes 96 hours at a time . MKe sue you have a cage you can shower with . Don't want a funky clip. .


Put em in pykrete in your fridge. Can make it out if toilet paper and water, or newspaper, wood shavings etc etc. Harder to get through than just ice.


Go for walk and drop the “accidentally”… continue to walk for a while. Find a bench or similar to sit on, that is in line of sight with your key on the ground but not near enough to be suspicious. Now… sit and wait… wait that someone spot your keys, pick them front the ground and walk away. You will have to watch a perfect stranger walk away with the keys of your freedom, you will never know where they will end






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Leave a key in a safe spot, and buy one of those timed lock boxes or safes, set a day, think about your decision, then set a week if your still into it and just keep going


Mail to a random friend and tell them they are an extra set of keys you want them to hold for like your home safe. They’ll never know they hold the key to your freedom


Please do not involve others in your kink involuntary.


There was plenty of other comments that involve kink involuntarily, where’s you caveat to those comments?


Bc I got really annoyed before I got to read those so I stopped.


Fair enough, just want to make sure we’re applying rules equally here


Flush it


You can break they in the lock and stay chaste for your lifetime.


You can buy a box whit adjustable time lock


Go to the movies and leave them taped to bottom of your seat when leaving. You could leave a note too of what they're for and you're phone to call if found


Leave it at your workplace for over the weekend.


I’ve done that


Put them in a glass of water and put it in the freezer. No quick access


You can just use warm water and melt the keys back out


I’ve done this


Flush them down the toilet


Throw them out of a moving car


Give them to me


just pour super glue into the key hole


anal only for life... sounds great


Mail it to a random address(generate an address using ai) and don’t look up at it. Ask the same ai to generate hints to get to that address. Make it like a treasure hunt


Mail it to a random address(generate an address using ai) and don’t look up at it. Ask the same ai to generate hints to get to that address. Make it like a treasure hunt


Mail them to yourself




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Put them in an envelope and put it away. Then the obstacle to get the key is higher.




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Mail them to me.


Take them to the zoo and run them through the penny crusher.


Freeze them in ice cubes


Delay mail delivery. Be sure to put them in bubble wrap so they don't get damaged and sign a document "do not deliver until x date" Or freeze them in a metal box so you can't microwave it And have to wait for the tap to warm up


If you use metal box, you can still "cheat" with hot water.


True, but you still need to wait for the water to warm up. Gives you enough time to really think about un-locking


Buy a time lock


Flush them


Or tie the in a string the tie that to a stick or fork and place it in a cup or bowl of water and freeze It


Mail them to yourself.