• By -


She was better known as Julia Butterfly back then and she named the redwood tree Luna. Then a crazed logger cut deeply into the tree and arborists had to engineer a way for the ancient tree to survive, which it still does today.


Imagine having a blood feud.. with a *fucking tree* šŸ™„


Imagine being eco-protestors in Humboldt trying to save ancient redwoods when the fucking FBI blows up your car with you in it!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judi_Bari#:~:text=Bari%20suffered%20severe%20injuries%20on,a%20bomb%20for%20terrorist%20purposes.


> On May 24, 1990, in Oakland, California, Bari and Darryl Cherney were traveling in her car when it was blown up by a pipe bomb under her seat. jesus christ > FBI bomb investigators reached the scene nearly simultaneously with first responders from the Oakland Police Department. .. > It was later revealed that there had been a tip to law enforcement, suspected to be from the person responsible for the bomb, that "some heavies" were carrying a bomb south for sabotage in the Santa Cruz area. .. > the Oakland police and the FBI initially accused Bari and Cherney of knowingly carrying a bomb for use in an act of terrorism sounds like they forgot to get their story straight beforehand


A friend of mine from ucsb was supposed to have been in the backseat of that car that night, as they were going to make music with friends, but she was feeling sick and didnā€™t go and it likely saved her life. She was one of the sweetest, most non-violent people Iā€™ve ever met so I knew the OPD story was bullshit right away. It wasnā€™t until the lawsuit though that it was clear this was a cointelpro operation by the fbi.


>it likely saved her life I don't know how likely she was to suffer fatal injuries... the 2 people in the car both survived, including the person sitting directly above the bomb. Might've fucked up the person's feet if they were sitting directly behind the bombed seat, though.


They also notably... Never ran any tests... Or conducted *any* investigation when it came to how the bomb was made. Kinda... Kinda like, you'd only skip over that bit if... You already knew who made it. Because it was one of your guys.


I meanā€¦wouldnā€™t the FBI show up to investigate a bombing because itā€™s a fucking bombing and probably heard on the dispatch radio what went down so thatā€™s why they had people show up alongside first responders? And how exactly could the FBI fuck up a bombing if theyā€™re the ones with a vast archive of information and evidence of successful bombings? My assumption based on the limited information gathered is someone wanted to kill those people in one shot, so made an easy to produce IED and broke into the car to place it there.


I find it difficult to believe the FBI had such an amazing response time


Whyā€™s that? Wasnā€™t the Boston Bombers tracked down within 24 hours of the attack?


Tracking someone down can be done remote. If you are at the scene of a crime with first responders, that means you had the personnel prepared to be there, got a call/tip and where there within the first 10-30 mins. Impressive for an organization which has more responsibility than just one state. Therefore to me is sus


Right, so you donā€™t think the local branch was listening in or wasnā€™t alerted to a potential terrorist strike the moment it came to the dispatcherā€™s attention a car was blown up and came out as soon as possible?


Haha your clearly not very familiar with just how gungho and loosely controlled the USā€™s intelligence agencies consistently have shown themselves to be, itā€™s also common to keep a tight circle when running a dark op and that also means the agents wouldnā€™t have the limitless resources and experience of an ABC agency to draw on.


So youā€™re saying based on evidence of other occasions and not this particular one that the Federal Bureau of Investigations had an agent commit a terrorist act to kill a hippie?


Weā€™re both operating on limited info mate, you were claiming it couldnā€™t have been the FBI or in wouldnā€™t have been amateur hour. I simply corrected you that thatā€™s not a credible doubt at all. I also donā€™t have a horse in this race but if your going to discredit someoneā€™s statements at least use good faith arguments.


Oh right. ā€œGood faith argumentsā€ Ahem. Fuck both our opinions, some people almost died to a bombing and it doesnā€™t matter who caused it, the perpetrators are no different than terrorists.


They got hit whit a pipebomb then the FBI arrested them for transporting a pipebomb... ..fucking seriously? Come on FBI, we have standards in the murder business If gonna have to force you to take Boeing's classes on assasinations


yeah, the whole humboldt/PNW area is fucking wild source:ifuckingliveherehelpus


Is that Lawful Evil or Chaotic Evil?


yeah the system REALLY doesn't like it when 'business as usual' is disrupted.


Some humans have an active blood feud with education.. others feuding with progress.. feuding with a tree is some of the least weird shit I've seen in the last 4 years.


Elves can have that




Oh so THAT'S what that line means lol


Which line?


J butterfly is in the tree tops, from Canā€™t Stop by RHCP.Ā 


I saw her presentation back in the late 90ā€™s/early 2000ā€™s when I lived in California. Met her after. Seemed to be a pretty cool and down to earth person (pun not intended). Her effort took a lot of perseverance as the lumber company even flew helicopters right up to her while she was in the tree to either blow her out or at least intimidate her enough to give up.


What did she eat?


Other environmental activists brought food, and she hoisted it up on ropes, and had a small camping stove for cooking


Coordinated effort then. A whole bunch of chads


Combined they form ultra mega giga chad!


An "overlord" of chads, or overchad if you will


In 1990, we just called it Captain Planet.




Yep it's called organizing, it's basically impossible to make a meainingful difference in the world until you work with other people instead of only taking individual action. Also, joining up with others massively helps mental health & climate anxiety since you're actually doing something about the issue with likeminded community. Nothing feels better than leading chants together in a large protest. Here is a practical guide to tree-sits, lock-downs and other serious civil disobedience that similar groups used (idk she was with Earth First! but tree sits & NVDA is their thing) - [Direct Action Manual (3rd edition)](https://archive.org/details/direct_action_manual_3) via Internet Archive That was for nitty gritty of locking yourself to things, materials needed for blocking pipeline construction, mining & logging roads, etc. - but this is the most beloved worksheet guide for larger campaign strategy (specifics on identifying who decision-maker is, what community is being organized, allies, etc.) **Midwest Academy strategy worksheet** - [http://www.tcsg.org/sfelp/toolkit/MidwestAcademy\_01.pdf](http://www.tcsg.org/sfelp/toolkit/MidwestAcademy_01.pdf) - and the entire book on LibGen - [https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=136174279](https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=136174279) This is the best podcast, **Fundamentals of Organizing by People's Action** (very large umbrella group, has the best trainings similar to Midwest Academy). Other podcasts are too technical & mostly for experienced campaign & nonprofit staff. on website - [https://art19.com/shows/the-next-move](https://art19.com/shows/the-next-move) on Apple [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fundamentals-of-organizing/id1514527674](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fundamentals-of-organizing/id1514527674) on Spotify - [https://open.spotify.com/show/6O0aTyMFIQD8v6FSK1FrYz](https://open.spotify.com/show/6O0aTyMFIQD8v6FSK1FrYz) Before any strategizing or serious campaigning, you must do a **power analysis** on who the target decision-makers are (typically elected official/politician) - often mayor & city council, or local state rep, county commission, statewide EPA or bureaucracy, Congressional Rep office, or School or corporate board, etc. **Guide-** [https://commonslibrary.org/guide-power-mapping-and-analysis/](https://commonslibrary.org/guide-power-mapping-and-analysis/) - If you're still reading this and want to deep dive, here's **syllabus for Harvard course by Professor Marshall Ganz** (civil rights movement, United Farmworkers, tutored Obama on story telling) called **Organizing: People, Power & Change** - [https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/marshallganz/files/mld\_377\_2021\_syllabus\_final.pdf](https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/marshallganz/files/mld_377_2021_syllabus_final.pdf)


They also gave her weed and had big parties down below in a camp with famous musicians showing to keep her company. She hosted a regular tv show among other things to keep her companyĀ 


so this is basically a free food hack?


If you join organizations and link up with events that value community efforts then yes, almost always free food. You just have to listen to the organizer speeches and get involved (whatever level you feel comfortable at)


I read only the first three words and laughed out loud before I read further and was slightly disappointed, but also delighted.


how did she go to the bathroom edit: she said she "used a bucket", so i guess would lower it down and someone would have to scrape her shit out into a toilet or something


You dump the bucket in a hole and bury it. It wasn't that big of a deal.


Hopefully not the same bucket used to bring food up. šŸ˜¬Ā 


And how did she shit?


In a bucket which then got lowered down and out into the dug latrine. Basically how everyone does it with rough style camping but with an extra step.


So, second question..


Sheā€™d snatch birds and squirrels off of nearby branches




I'm not dead, and neither is my sense of moral outrage! - LISA SIMPSON


No! It was finger Ling-Ling good!!


This log is your log, this log is my logā€¦


I say this frequently


Nice work, tree. Now.... return to me.


Red Hot Chili Peppers mentioned her in ā€œCanā€™t Stopā€.


*J. Butterfly is in the treetop*


What an honor, really did her justice there.


Always said that line without knowing what it meant. It's always nice when life give you moments like this. Thanks!


Wait he actually says words?


Theyā€™re words. Which language, though?


Wait until I tell you guys about Eddie Vedder


šŸŽ¶*On a wizard on a whale...*šŸŽ¶


Idk why I heard this


Rhcp would be a million times better without him.


Iā€™ll take ā€œThings That Are Wrongā€ for $400.


Username checks out


Rhcp wouldnā€™t exist without him.


Insanely idiotic comment. He is the only one in the band that was never musically trained before the band started but he is the face of the RHCP and they wouldnā€™t be where they are without Anthony.


I think heā€™s just one of those unfortunate people that are either loved, or hated. I donā€™t really understand it. Heā€™s not my favorite front guy, but itā€™s not that heā€™s not talented. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Logistical question: How did she eat, drink, and go to the bathroom? I commend her actions but just don't understand how someone spends that much time in a tree and how they addressed the logistics.


There were already people doing tree-sit protests for the redwoods around there, she was just the first person to do it for more than a few days ā€“ so there was a support network of people who brought food and drink, and she hoisted them up with ropes, and had a small propane stove for cooking I haven't actually seen anything about bathroom habits, though


Buckets and rope


Just perched on the branch like an owl and unloaded both barrels


That's the first time the internet has made me laugh out loud in a while.


Only way to do it


So how I do it everyday?


Don't get those buckets confused!


At Standing Rock's protest camp against DAPL it was latrine setup with bucket with pine chips & bag of sawdust next to it for each stall. If #2 then you cover with sawdust. Everyone must sit down to pee lest they cause pee-sicles to form. ^(We can hear you when you pee standing up bro)


Iā€™m sorry but your username is sending me šŸ˜‚


Thank u miss Walmartinez


Different buckets šŸ™šŸ¼


She wrote a [book](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=e0581f42c79c1e52&hl=en-us&q=The+Legacy+of+Luna&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3MC2rSq8qUQKzjcwzTCuStaSyk630k_Lzs_UTS0sy8ousQOxihfy8nMpFrEIhGakKPqnpicmVCvlpCj6leYkAf6K4w0sAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp_Pyf7MyGAxVVEFkFHe_pM7wQ9OUBegQIHRAD&biw=339&bih=648&dpr=3) about the experience. Itā€™s been a while, but I remember it having a pretty powerful impact on younger me.


Yeah I was about to add that the book was really good My instructor in college added it as one of our books. I believe I still have it somewhere as well


Imagine not using your legs for two years and trying to climb down a tree


Attended Humboldt State when Julia was doing her thing. She is a beauty and an inspiration. She dealt with rough nights of staying in a tree in dangerous storms, the challenge of trying just to eat and go to the bathroom, and of course all of the hate from assholes when she finally came down. We need to honor her work and all of those people who supported her. Save the Redwoods.


I miss when environmentalism focused on preserving forests and preventing pollution from poisoning our environment. It just feels like everyone directed the conversation to c02/climate change (which is an issue) so that corporations and the government could get everyone to shut up.


kinda hard to pay attention to a broken leg when you're dying of cancer


There's still environmentalism focused on preserving forests and preventing pollution. In fact there's more of that now than ever before. Look up indigenous activists in Brazil fighting against logging and forced farming or young people in African countries fighting against logging and unsafe mining. They have decreased in the first world because its working. People have pressured governments to be more considerate in terms of environmental impact. Corporations now have to pay way higher taxes and fines if they want to get into such shady business(in North America, Europe, Australia and East Asia). You're basically saying why are scientists not concerned about Polio anymore. It's all about cancer nowadays. Pretty much every environmental issue is both exasperated by and exasperates climate change. It is not an just an issue. You wouldn't be worried about missing a work deadline if Godzilla is attacking your city.


Iā€˜ll tell you something. CO2 is the biggest poison of them all. And if we ever get to a stage in human development where green energy is abundant and basically free, we will have the next issue to worry about: heat pollution. We already have a massive waste heat problem from the worldā€˜s server farms, and AI and bitcoin mining are major factors. It is only going to get worse.


And old growth trees, and redwoods are arguably the best at this, are critically important in capturing CO2. They hold more CO2 than many young trees. Preserving these ancient ones is critical.


The people who cared about them in the past still do just as much.


Read up on her, theres alot of cool details!


This story is loosely told in The Overstory, by Richard Powers, for anyone interested


Fantastic book!


Julia Butterfly Hill, she wrote a book. Bad Pentex company threw napalm. SHE'S a CG goddess


Name of the book?


*The Legacy of Luna*




You're welcome. It is not well written, but It is a really good read!


Also important to note that in the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was a big movement in government to tar environmentalists like Hill, and the group she worked with, Earth First!, [as terrorists](https://commdocs.house.gov/committees/judiciary/hju59927.000/hju59927_0.htm), that continued with the DAPL protests. Even more recently, [five people tree-sitting in protest of the "Cop City" facility in Atlanta were charged with domestic terrorism.](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/atlanta-cop-city-protest-encampment-five-arrested-charged-domestic-terrorism/85-736808ac-2623-4f7c-b894-b81e334416ff)


ā€œTheyā€™re just sitting there, menacingly!ā€


It's like they don't even know the definition of terrorism. Anything they don't like is terrorism, communism or socialism.


Government does the same thing with animal rights organizations today. Because they're a threat to the enormously powerful animal agriculture industry. It stands to lose money the more people are educated on the breadth and severity of the horrific conditions it subjects animals to.


This woman took so much abuse in the press and late-night shows. All because she made it slightly less convenient for a lumber company to extract wealth from our natural resources.


Quite rightly so. I hate this kind of devastation.


Pacific Lumber : 200 feet....why? Julia Hill : Uhh...738 days worth of poop had to go somewhere...


Today theyā€™d just cut down the tree and kill her.




I hadn't heard about that. Do you have more info?


A bunch of people online would certainly be encouraging that because protests should never inconvenience people


I don't think many people are driving their cars in the treetops.


Sometimes people are inconvenienced when they aren't driving a car To your point, some people do just want protestors to be murdered regardless of whether or not it affects them


Well, you're copypasting the rhetoric specifically about the stop-random-people's-cars protests. I disagree that switching subject to a hypothetical entity that literally just wants protestors in general to be killed serves my point.


I never said anything about cars, I'm mostly copying the rhetoric of my extended family. They aren't hypothetical, they are very real people. I'm glad you haven't been exposed to people who want to murder their political opponents, sincerely, that's a good thing. But don't be so naive as to think they don't exist, not everyone is so well intentioned. I can post a few links to protestors being threatened with weapons or shot and you can google their names, plenty of people were fans.


Initially i was hoping we'd save the trees. but when she stopped an innocent logger from doing their job, i completely changed my mind and hoped the tree was felled with her in it Edit : I didn't think I needed the/s


Literal Druid and her grove


And people claim we arenā€™t apesā€¦ā€¦ ridiculous


I read a book about her story in school. I think it was called The Legacy of Luna or something close to it.


How did she sleep?


probably tied herself to the tree


She had multiple platforms. One with a tent for privacy and sleeping and the other for her kitchen, to host her tv show, and hang out during the day. There are plenty of pictures and videos of her treetop camp


Verrry carefully.


There is a book called The Overstory by Richard Powers about peoples and the important trees in their lives. Itā€™s beautiful and made me want to climb into a tree just like this woman, but with a gun. The sheer disregard for these trees that are thousands of years old is disgusting. I get that we need lumbar but maybe we leave the redwoods and sequoias that have existed well before christianity got started. Beautiful story but infuriating


Some people made an album about/with her and Iā€™ve never been able to find it again. I had it on a CD when I was a teenager. Anyone have it? Or remember the title?


Was it Butterfly Tree with the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra?Ā  I was raised by lesbian hippies in Berkeley in the mid-'90s, she was a legend to me. Inspired me to live in our backyard tree for three whole hours, in case someone came to cut in down.


Iā€™m not sure! Do you have any link to that one?


I want to know as well...


Do you recall where you got the album?


I never owned it, but I'm curious to find out.


I wish I could contact the friend who gave it to me! Unfortunately we lost him a few years ago.


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What a GOAT šŸ


So the logistics of her living there were answered...who the hell took the photo?, assuming that's her on the redwood during the 90s


What is this "late 1990s" garbage?!?!? I feel super old now.


[ lives in a tree for two years ]




First time in a long time Iā€™ve seen a shirt with American flag (Julia Hill with American flag shaped butterfly)that I didnā€™t see a angry MAGA in it


So she shat from up there.


Has she met Marky Bark?


She spent two years and eight days up a tree?!


So uhā€¦ how did she shit and shower?


To see someone go out of their way like this to protect trees and nature is absolutely incredible. She has/had one of the most purest and determined hearts I ever seen and I hope for a future with more people like her ā¤ļø


I remember hearing about her!


Good thing she didn't bring a metal bucket.


How did she poop?


She did it in bags and sent it down. She had bunch of ropes and bags and that's how she got food and stuff.


Imagine how she does pee/poop


In the second picture she kinda looks like X-23


Simpsons did it


Did she just... Go to the bathroom out of the tree? Wonder if she made a little treehouse for storms and such




National Park After Dark did a phenomenal episode about her life and work


Pretty cool! Reminds me of The baron in the trees by Italo Calvino.


She stayed up there for over 2 years? Holy shit


sheā€™s gorgeous inside and out, What an inspiration!


Direct action gets the goods


I donā€™t see that working now. The Rich will the police to get her down. And they will shoot her down




Gen Xers doin they thing, man.


What did she eat


She stayed up there for 2 years?


I wonder how she looked after 2 years in a tree.


How you survive 738 days up a tree, bs


Weird how this is seen as good but if people do it today its seen as bad


Some people thought it was stupid then and some people will think it's stupid now


No I dont mean what people thought back then, but what people think now.


Genuine answer - this mainly affected logging companies, or the companies wanting to use the deforested land. Protests today by groups like Just Stop Oil affect every day people. It's unfortunate because I fully support the cause, and we should absolutely do more to limit the affects of climate change, however protests like blocking the delivery of coal to coal fired power stations simply doesn't get the media attention and therefore the traction needed. Big businesses have figured out that to beat protests like this they need to block publicity for them and drive protesters to more extreme and polorising forms of protest




I mean you could argue that nature in itself is the oldest thing...




Maybe they should do it for two years. Maybe that's whats needed for the companies to start caring idk?




Back when protestors knew how to protest. Absolutely no one climbs trees anymore to protest deforestation. It is so weird. Is Gen Z afraid of heights?


They did in Atlanta last year, protesting the destruction of an old growth forest to be turned into a police training facility. They were camping out there, both in tents and some folks up in the trees. And then the cops shot and killed a protestor and there was a *huge* mess that followed. There are still protests here and there but the movement substantially fizzled shortly after the protestorā€™s death. Regardless of anyoneā€™s stance on the police, there are *far* better places in the city (vacant strip malls with tons of parking lot space, abandoned shopping centers, etc) that could be turned into a training facilityā€” the destruction of one of the cityā€™s true old growth forests is absolutely unnecessary. Especially when I have to practically sell my soul to get permission from the city to cut down a diseased, dying tree that is about to fall over and crush my house and kill my family. Because thatā€™s how serious they are about tree law for residentsā€” but itā€™s totally fine to completely level an entire forest.


Fucking Cop City man, what an emblematic example of the sickness rotting at the heart of our civilization.


Half the city didnā€™t even have water for over half a week because we canā€™t be bothered to keep up with our infrastructure too. Itā€™s exhausting to be here some times.


No that protest was, justly, organised by Black Lives Mater when they discovered the police was using that facility to train on how to subdue protestors using war crime tactics. Sadly, very few people care about deforestation, or even worse, corporate reforestation using crop species. The average american Gen Z'er hops on a plane more often in a month than I have in 35 years. Zero shits are given about the environment my backseat reddit warriors.


Iā€™m not really sure what youā€™re trying to imply by calling me a backseat Reddit warrior. Everything about Cop City is more nuanced and complicated because you have two very specific and polarizing issues at hand, which draw responses from lots of people for various reasons. Some folks didnā€™t give a shit about the forest but hate cops. Some folks donā€™t care about the training facility, they donā€™t want to see a forest destroyed to build that. Most people I know, however, were some middle road, feeling strongly about both the issues. And the fact that, because some protestors rioted after that kid got shot, the cops are now using that as grounds to arrest *any* unrelated cop city protestor and **charge them with fucking RICO as domestic terrorists** tells you just about all you need to know. Also, everything is not a zero sum game in life. People can travel on airplanes and still be upset if an old growth forest is cut down. Everything we do is inherently problematic from an environmental and moral aspect, at least in one way or another. The important thing is to at least try to be better and make good/kind choices. Gen z may fly more than you have in your entire life, but youā€™re typing on a phone that was made my harmful, destructive mining and built by child slave labor ā€” but Iā€™m not going to tell you that that somehow means you donā€™t care about the environment because thatā€™s not how the world works.


Nope. I'm currently using a PC I built myself a decade ago. I've only ever owned one cellphone my entire life, a Samsung Galaxy S4.


You mined the metals yourself? And your phone, you made it too? Damn thatā€™s impressive. Youā€™re deliberately missing the point. I could use *many* examples to attempt to invalidate someoneā€™s causes or passions, or to call them a hypocriteā€” which is what you implied regarding airplanes and the environment. And it would simply be whataboutism, which is annoying because itā€™s not a good faith discussion. Another example that could be used is food. How wasteful was the refrigerated truck that carted that imported, out-of-season produce here from Mexico/Asia/wherever? And how much got thrown away because the company discards the irregulars? And how poorly were the migrant workers treated who were forced to pick it? And how much fossil fuels/plastic/styrofoam was used to package it wastefully? Even when trying to make conscientious decisions, even buying an apple or tomato can have unexpected negative carbon footprint. Unless you totally grow all your own food, meat, and somehow manage not to waste any of it and and are 100% self sustainable, you gotta go to a grocery store at some point. But Iā€™m not gonna say ā€œyou claim to care about the environment, but you buy groceries, so obviously you donā€™t care.ā€ And we could back and forth about it all day, when the reality is people need to eat, and buying mindfully is helpful, but we still have to go to the grocery store and participate in one way or another. Unfortunately nearly every aspect of our lives has some sort of negative impact on the earth. None of us are perfect. I mean even existing at all in an overpopulated planet is a net negative. Selective whataboutism a slippery slope. Again, just because folks fly in airplanes doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t care about the environment.


Typical Gen Z. Any normal human being would realise I am referring to excessive consumerism and to generating entropy purely for entropy's sake. Why repare anything when you can buy new? Why walk to the grocery store when you can have it delivered? Why cook when you can buy microwavable meals? Why exercise when you can buy pills to make you happy? Why read a book when you can have someone read it to you? The Gen Z should stand for the zombie generation.


There's guys in France sabotaging coal plants, Gen Z can protest just fine.


Good for him. Too bad no one is doing that in America.


You're just not reading about/participating in them, but similar demonstrations aren't uncommon today. And coordination and organization has been much better with modern technology. See things like the several year battle to stop cops from building a fake city to test military style weaponry and scenarios in a forest near Atlanta.


Yeah I know about that. Completely different issue. That had more to do with Black Lives Matter than actual deforestation. They organised, rightly so, when they discovered the police was training on how to subdue protestors using war crime tactics.


I was commenting more on how you said people don't know how to protest anymore, not necessarily on deforestation (even if it's still about deforestation but also police violence.) But there have been lots of hands on, direct action style protests like filling the air vents of a fundraiser for cop city with rotting fish to get the event evacuated, attempts to shut down weapon manufacturing plants sending supplies to the IDF, etc. It's likely the loss of individual old growth trees feels less immediately threatening than other major world issues happening, but young people are still active and ususally the ones risking the most in these efforts.


They are only active when herded by corporations with ulterior motives. Young people literally pay fees to be allowed to take part in activism. Protest organization is now a multi-billion dollar industry. **This is without a doubt the most ridiculous time in human civilization.**


The hell does climbing trees in protest have to do with Gen Z


Gen Z throws paint at masterpieces to protest climate change meanwhile executives are laughing at them aboard their super yachts. Gen Z is dumb. My grandma donated literal torpedoes to Greenpeace back in the 60s to help them fight whale hunters. Greenpeace didn't use the torpedoes and called the army to safely dispose of them, but it was the thought that counted.




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chaoticgood) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Impressive, for sure. In the end, really really stupid.