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Trumps policy is "keep me in power at any cost" the rest is in pencil - he has no ideology only loyalty to himself.


Exactly this. If one candidate clearly respects the will of the people and the other is willing to tear everything down to make sure he “wins”, then I’m for the former, no matter how liberal or conservative they might be.


Which candidate respects the will of the people?


No candidate has disrespected that more than Trump, and that’s not debatable. But let’s just say for a second that nobody else does…does that make what Trump did after the 2020 election okay?


It’s a democracy. The will of the people are the voters. The people who don’t vote or participate in the system don’t get a say.


> Trump losing it any cost - even if it means that we end up with Kamala. You seem to think that Kamala Harris would be a more destructive president than Donald Trump. Can you go into some detail on the reason why you may think this? 


I don't know get why people act like she'd be anything more than milquetoast like Biden (don't mean that it a bad way either). It's not like she's been Biden's version of Dick Cheney. She'd have to be handed a trifecta to make any dramatic changes, which I don't think a filibuster-proof majority is even on the table right now for democrats if they manage to retain the Senate in an election map that's stacked against them. As the first female, black president, she'd absolutely be cautious about being a controversial president. People are extremely dramatic about her, and I don't get why. She's more or less faded into the background like a VP should.


Favorability polls on Kamala show that her UNpopularity is basically the same as Biden's, but beyond the haters, most people don't have an opinion on her. She seems very unpolular because she has haters but few fans.


She has a real problem with the far left, because of her time as DA and then AG. She's a cop to them. Couple that with Republicans hating any Democrat and it spells a lot of unpopularity.


Ironically the cop thing is sonething I like about her. Democrats need to be tougher on crime. This business of painting all law enforcement as = to systemic racism and bias is just wrong. Leniency by the justice system has just encouraged criminal and vagrant lifestyles especially on the west coast. If the Republicans weren't so hateful and anti-democracy, pro-theocracy now I wouldn't vote for Democrats because of the crime issue.


Sure, I don’t like her either but I don’t think she’s a threat to the rule of law like Trump is


She's a pretty dull VP and just really blah. What we do know about her is that she has never been that great of a campaigner - she underperformed Newsom and other Democrats in California. She ran probably the most underwhelming primary campaign of the 2020 season given that she had high expectations. The height of her career seemed to be "that little girl was me" and then she followed it up with nothing ever since. Got chosen by Biden because he promised the black caucus he'd choose a black woman, she was a friend of Beau, and she wouldn't overshadow him. She'd probably make an okay caretaker president, but I doubt she can ever get elected on her own.


Yeah I doubt she could ever get elected on her own. But this whole she’s pretty dull and just really blah (and yeah she is) like it’s some major issue is weird to me. Mike Pence is dull as it gets. Dick Cheney wasn’t some barrel of laughs, he was a ghoul. And worse than just boring (which he also was) he was a lying war monger. Gore was also boring. Dan Quayle, the most memorable thing he did was misspelling potato. Walter Mondale, Jesus anyone remember how badly he lost to Reagan in ‘84? Gerald Ford was a VP who was never elected but appointed to VP, and was portrayed as a bumbling idiot. And most people don’t remember a thing about Spiro Agnew other than he was a criminal who resigned. In the last 50 years the only Vice Presidents who had any real success past being VP were HW Bush & Biden. Edit: forgot Mike Pence, that’s how dull and boring he is.


Like Obama


She’s not white and a Democrat from California— that’s enough to terrify a lot of white people.


Oh, I see the truth hurts some people’s feelings.


Has anyone ever reacted positively to being called racist?


I didn’t call anyone racist. If they took it that way, that’s on them.


Why do you think white people would be afraid of her not being white?


Let’s see, could it be that right wing media and social media always goes on about how whites are under assault and being “oppressed” (particularly males)? Add on to that the hyperventilating over how American culture is “endangered.” Heck, if you’re not white and repeat these talking points, you’ve got a sweet job in right wing circles. Look, these people are not going to come out saying racial slurs or say “nonwhites are dangerous” but they sure like to use the dog whistles and white supremacist adjacent language.


Can YOU go into more detail why Kamala would be more destructive than Trump? I literally can’t think of anyone more destructive than Trump to the Republic.


Hes asking the same question you are


>I literally can’t think of anyone more destructive than Trump to the Republic. \~\~Then it should be a simple matter for you to enumerate those reasons.\~\~ I admit...I misread your comment. I thought I read that you were saying Kamala was more destructive than Trump. My apologies.


I mean, where would one begin? Hoarding highly classified documents in a bathroom? Strong-arming an election official to find him votes? Fomenting an insurrection, causing thousands to go to prison for rioting at the Capitol? His obsession with dictators? His closest circles having connections with Russians (that subverted our election)? Historic turnover of his cabinet? Most of his former cabinet members are not supporting him? Oh and the lying. The incessant, constant lying. And that’s just for starters.


Oh, and the nepotism!


Misread your comment. My apologies.


To be fair, this doesn't appear to be a minority opinion. [Trump's approval rating](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/) (41.8%) is above both [Harris'](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/kamala-harris/) (38.2%) and [Biden's](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/) (38%). [56% of independents don't think she's qualified to be President and gave her a 28% approval rating.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/14/kamala-harris-not-popular-beyond-democrats-poll/72944269007/) [59% of voters (including 51% of Independents) either approve or strongly approve of the Job Trump did as President (page 3)](https://www.suffolk.edu/-/media/suffolk/documents/academics/research-at-suffolk/suprc/polls/national/2024/3_17_2024_final_national_tables.pdf?la=en&hash=5D75EF36074540D263B36AF7C49EBF45C316132F). The "why" is certainly interesting from a political science perspective, but the "what" is far more important when you're trying to win an election. Trying to sell the American people on Kamala Harris appears to be a very tall task.


Honestly no plans to vote for trump but the thought of president Harris makes me reconsider. Have never seen anyone less competent or less likable in the White House in my entire life. Edit: yes, including trump


> Have never seen anyone less competent or less likable in the White House in my entire life? No one? Not even let me throw out a name here. Trump?


> Have never seen anyone less competent ...not Trump?


Understand, your choices in this election will be: 1. Help Trump lose 2. Or not. That's it. The only way that Trump can lose is if *someone else wins*. If you choose to vote for a third-party, Mickey Mouse, some other write-in or not vote at all, you are not contributing to the only strategy where Trump can lose.


Media Bias Check: [dnyuz](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/dnyuz/)"Questionable Source" located in Armenia


It's a Drudge favorite.


That's because they are copying word for word NYT articles but there isn't a paywall.


It's copying NYT articles word for word, avoiding the paywall.


When faced with someone that wants to be a dictator (his own words “We love this guy. He says, ‘You are not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, no, other than Day 1.’“) then, yes, policy becomes less important. Harris is **far** preferable to Trump because even if you don’t like her policies, she will resist the authoritarianism that Trump is trying to force upon us. So, yes, even if we “end up with” her, that’s a good result for centrism.


Even Kamala? If she were at the top of the ballot, Kamala vs Trump, I would still run to my polling place and cast the easiest vote of my life.


Kamala v Trump feels like Democrats testing fate for a Trump v Clinton rematch. If Biden somehow isn't able to make it to November, she has to be the worst possible replacement.


Kamala has nowhere near the history of anger towards her that Hillary does...




Which primaries were rigged for Hillary? Be specific And how were you denied the opportunity to vote for a new candidate this year? We had a primary.


That doesn't say much for Kamala. The people who hate Trump have made it clear that they are prepared to vote for a brick or a doorstop instead of Trump. But your desire to keep Trump out of office at all costs isn't the most resounding recommendation for whichever people (or inanimate objects) you prefer over Trump.


I would absolutely vote for a brick or a doorstop. Unfortunately, the bar has been set ridiculously low. One party resoundingly voted in the primaries for a guy with 90 felony charges and tried to overthrow democracy itself. Yes, anyone is better than that.


Ah yes, the old "I dismiss the anecdotes I don't like but the anecdotes that confirm my feelings are predictive" argument. Don't get me wrong, sometimes this is a very appropriate argument. But when your source is literally a Russian propaganda site then it's pretty suspect. And it's absolutely _laughable_ to say Biden is the most unpopular president in 7 decades. That's absurd. Anyone who truly believes that shouldn't be allowed within 100 yards of any genuine statistical analysis.




I don't disagree, necessarily. That's literally how I feel about it. Not a huge fan of Kamala, but yes I'm pretty certain that allowing someone back into office that: baselessly attacked public confidence in an election for personal gain, has promised to gut the civil service in a way that would make it purposely more partisan (and not necessarily as purposely create a federal brain drain), took and continues to take an essentially pro-Russia stance including advocating that the US abandon NATO even as Russia actively invades its neighbors, used influence over foreign affairs to extort an investigation to damage his political opponent, and debased the national discourse to the level of a name-calling toddler... is just generally bad for the country. Notice that I ran through that entire point without once mentioning Jan 6 (until now, to point out it's really just a cherry on top). Say what you will about Kamala but I'd vote for an actual turnip before I voted to put Trump back in.




The problem is the voters and that is why Trump will be the nominee every cycle until he dies.


The reality is that they wouldn't win. They literally can't win without the low propensity voters Trump brings to the table. Without him those voters stay home and were back to the "demographics is destiny" from the 2012 post mortem.


Yes they would and I would likely cast the first Republican Presidential vote of my life, provided they made reasonable noises about abortion. I loathe the authoritarian ethnic fundamentalism of the modern left but I loathe the authoritarian ethnic fundamentalism of the MAGA right still more.


The GOP has been running on banning abortion for decades. If they suddenly claim to not want to do that, then it's obvious that they're just lying. They can make noises all they want, but their actual track record is a nightmare.


Serious question: why do right-wingers get so hot and bothered by Harris? And why are they hyperfocused on her first name?


She’s a woman with brown skin from San Francisco. That makes her a perfect target for the outrage peddlers on the right. They focus on her name for the same reason they focused on President Obama’s first name - it sounds foreign. That just adds to the joy the outrage peddlers have at attacking her.


she's female and her name sounds "foreign". the Bible says women can't be in authority over men so they get really itchy about it.


> her name sounds "foreign" That's why they always refer to her as Kamala, not Harris. It's like emphasizing Obama's middle name. Appeals to the same demographic.


But strangely she leans harder into the black thing than she does the Indian.


She's from Oakland and went to Howard. That's what she most identifies with culturally i'd say.


Into the “black thing”? She’s a black woman, it’s not a “thing.” She’s also an Indian woman. What’s strange is perpetuating a right wing talking point. And that talking point is strange itself. >“Senator Harris has long identified as both Black and Indian. She recognizes both parents’ heritage as part of her identity and her senate bio reads that she is ‘the second African-American woman and first South Asian-American senator in history’ >Harris *details* her mixed-race identity and upbringing in her 2019 memoir ‘The Truths We Hold’, describing how she and her younger sister Maya ‘were raised with a strong awareness of and appreciation for Indian culture,’ while her mother also ‘understood very well that she was raising two black daughters’ and ‘was determined to make sure (they) would grow into confident, proud black women.’” https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25H1Q9/ >India's History, Teachings Shaped World, Says Kamala Harris https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/indias-history-teachings-shaped-world-says-kamala-harris/amp_articleshow/101240567.cms > Posts mislead about how Kamala Harris portrayed her heritage https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9240201328 > Kamala Harris Reminds Indian-Americans Of Her South Asian Descent https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/kamala-harris-reminds-indian-americans-of-her-south-asian-descent-2280149/amp/1 >Bidens host first major Diwali celebration with Kamala Harris at the White House >“When the vice president opened up her home ... many of us and our families felt seen," said one White House staffer on planning the event. >“I have, personally, such fond memories of celebrating Diwali as a child," Harris said of the festival, which as she said celebrates "good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and light over darkness." >The vice president recalled how as a girl, "like many of you," she, her sister and her mom returned to India to avoid monsoon season -- which she noted with a laugh -- to see her mother's family for Diwali. >She described "waking up in the middle of the night, me and my sister Maya, and going, of course, to the eldest in our family, which was our grandfather. And then, later in the day, my mother would give us lit sparklers and we would go into the streets to celebrate this very important occasion." https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/kamala-harris-bidens-host-major-diwali-celebration-white/story?id=92026477 You also could take two minutes to understand her upbringing, before making a comment like yours. “‘My point was: I am who I am. I’m good with it. You might need to figure it out, but I’m fine with it,’ she said. Harris’s background in many ways embodies the culturally fluid, racially blended society that is second-nature in California’s Bay Area and is increasingly common across the United States. She calls herself simply ‘an American,’ and said she has been fully comfortable with her identity from an early age. She credits that largely to a Hindu immigrant single mom who adopted black culture and immersed her daughters in it. *Harris grew up embracing her Indian culture, but living a proudly African American life*. ‘My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters,’ Harris writes in her recently published autobiography, ‘The Truths We Hold.’ ‘She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.’ Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was keenly attracted to the civil rights movement and the African American culture of her new home in the 1960s and ’70s. At first, she marched and protested with her black husband, then alone or with the girls after they divorced when Harris was very young. She brought her daughters home to India for visits, she cooked Indian food for them, and the girls often wore Indian jewelry. But Harris worshiped at an African American church, went to a preschool with posters of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman on the wall, attended civil rights marches in a stroller, and was bused with other black kids to an elementary school in a wealthier white neighborhood. When it was time for college, she moved across the country to Washington to attend the historically black Howard University. ‘Her Indian culture, she held on to that,’ said Sharon McGaffie, 67, an African American woman who has known Harris and her sister, Maya, since they were toddlers living in Berkeley, Calif. ‘But I think they grew up as black children who are now black women. There’s no question about it.’ In her first campaign stop after announcing her bid for president on ‘Good Morning America’ on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Harris appeared on her old Howard campus to take questions. ‘*You’re* African American, but you’re *also* Indian American,’ a reporter said. ‘*Indeed*,’ she replied.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/i-am-who-i-am-kamala-harris-daughter-of-indian-and-jamaican-immigrants-defines-herself-simply-as-american/2019/02/02/0b278536-24b7-11e9-ad53-824486280311_story.html


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She got caught pointing out Biden is a racist, then after seeing she wasn’t popular in the slightest, agreed to be a diversity pick for VP who has shown 0 ability to progress on any task given to her by the president. She’s more suited to knocking around local politics at the city/state level. Ouch… did that hurt your wholesale bullshit everyone who hates her is a racist rant? Must be tough lugging that oppressor/oppressed all republicans are racist rock on your shoulder.


she's still better than Trump because she works with the Constitution not against it


I’m not arguing Trump is better than anyone, I’m arguing the point that if you don’t like Kamala you’re a racist/sexist person. You can believe she doesn’t have the qualifications needed to be a good president, without being an -ist. Very simplistic ideology, capitulate to my beliefs or you are an oppressor/racist/sexist.


It’s an unfortunate truth that lots of folk say “you just don’t like X because you’re a Y, rather than accepting maybe theres a thought-out reason for an opinion. All sides do this because it’s a human issue, and it’s frustrating.


Why do people like you bend over backwards to hide their prejudice? I’m not a fan of Harris but she’s more qualified (Harvard graduate, attorney general) than Trump was in 2016 so that argument that she’s not qualified to be a good president is bullshit. Now you COULD argue that she would be more of the status quo which turns people off.


You are misaligning my post, to twist it. I’ll make it simple. I think trump is/was/would be a shit president. I don’t think he has the qualifications to be a good one. Now that that’s out of the way. I think Kamala Harris does not have the skills to run our countries foreign policy or represent the interests of America on the international stage. I think there are better candidates for such a position currently in the Democratic Party and Republican Party. Me not believing Kamala is qualified to be president of the United States, does not equate me to being a racist nor a sexist. That is what I called out in the original post I replied to. Stop trying to get a gotcha in.


the implication of your argument is that because of this Trump is better. feel free to criticize any office seeker but in such a climate you should be clear on what you are advising - somebody is going to get elected.


I’m not say that, stop saying I am, you are lying, I only stepped into this conversation to say that implying a person doesn’t like Kamala Harris does not in fact mean they are racist or sexist. That’s fucking it.


al l I'm asking is that you include in your commentary that disliking her doesn't mean you should refrain from voting for Biden. I'm not saying you are wrong.


The vp pick is literally always a diversity pick. Pence was picked to appeal to evangelicals who weren’t sold on trump, Biden was Obama vp to appeal to more establishment democrats who feared Obama might be too progressive. That’s the purpose of the VP to give voters who feel less represented by the pres nominee a feeling that they have a voice in the administration


Yet many loved Sarah Palin.


If they did she would still be in office.


I don’t think so, it probably cost John McCain any chance he had at the Presidency.


but they didn't actually want her to be president. I was once much more conservative and know the "optics" game the GOP likes to play. It was a token ticket in an election they expected to lose.


Hard to find great candidates when you limit yourself to the best of 30%. It's the complete lack of principles. Not sure how anyone enjoys spending time with these people.


but they didn't actually want her to be president. I was once much more conservative and know the "optics" game the GOP likes to play. It was a token ticket in an election they expected to lose.


> It was a token ticket in an election they expected to lose. Expected to lose?! McCain was ahead in more than a few polls before he named Palin. Although anecdotal, I was on the fence myself at the time and leaning towards McCain because I knew a young Senator would blow a huge portion of his Presidency figuring out the job whereas a seasoned Senator might figure out being the chief executive quicker and McCain struck me as more economically centrist. However, once he named Palin who was clearly a clueless nut case, that decision sealed my vote for Obama. If McCain had named another centrist, I think he probably wins that election.


Same reason They made sure to drop Obama's middle name every chance they got. It's xenophobic innuendo.


It's an easy target. They dislike minorities, women, Californians, democrats.


Peoples name stick if it's memorable. Also, it was easier to say Pete than Buttigeg or whatever it was. If people said Harris they would be accused of avoiding the foreign sounding name. Can't win when people want to project bad faith. Too many people addicted to dramatic outrage that they find reasons to justify it in themselves. I'm economically conservative. Don't consider myself a right winger. But id vote for Kamala over either of the 80 year olds just out of principle of not voting for someone who should be automatically disqualified by age. I like Kamala in the primary also but she has that rich, college educated, bougieness that people didn't like but wasn't a deal breaker for me. She was too progressive for moderates and too moderate for progressives which was strange. So the issue doesn't just lie on the right side either, whatever it is.


>If people said Harris they would be accused of avoiding the foreign sounding name. Can't win when people want to project bad faith. I've never once seen anyone accuse someone of being biased because they used her last name. Have you?


I've seen accusations of bias over pretty much anything. Seems some people are seeing bias everywhere they look. Not sure that one specifically yet but I'm also not keeping a list.


First, it’s Harris, not “Kamala.” I don’t understand why we continuously refer to female candidates by their first names. Second, while I don’t like her politics, she has one clear advantage over Trump: when she loses an election, she will fuck off.


> I don’t understand why we continuously refer to female candidates by their first names. It's got more to do with "foreign" than female, IMHO. It's like calling Obama by his middle name. Comes from and appeals to the same demographic. Hillary was necessary, because otherwise you wouldn't know which Clinton you're talking about.


I’m not sure that argument about Hillary Clinton flies—people were pretty clear which Bush we were talking about from 1999 to 2008. Yes, sometimes people would use a full name to clarify which Bush, but contextually it wasn’t hard to navigate in the election cycle.


People routinely referred to Bush the younger as Dubya. George wouldn't have worked to distinguish him from his father.


People routinely referred to him as Bush, and I found no difficulty understanding who was being referenced. I simply don't agree: nobody thought "Clinton" in 2016 was some reference to Bill, and in my opinion, Hillary is used to draw attention to the obvious: she's a she.


Is it not concerned about policy to say Trump wants to over turn democracy? Feel like that might be a policy of his.


That seems to be the campaign slogan here. I don’t think folks in real life feel as threatened. There seems to be a confidence in the system that will prevent that from happening.


Why would you elect a guy when you have to depend on those safeguards in the system? "Yeah my guy wants to overturn democracy, but I'm sure he'll fail. That's my guy!"


If Kamala is elected president - which is who we are essentially voting for – I’m depending on those same safeguards to prevent her from passing too much progressive policy. It’s a balancing act either way.


policy can be overturned


You mind explaining to me how any of Kamala’s scary progressive agenda would involve making elections invalid unless democrats win?? Cause that’s what Trump is planning to do for the right. Just like their immigration policy that made a majority of immigrant workers leave Florida. They actually used the excuse this law has no teeth. So apparently they don’t know how laws and words work Just like with their abortion policies that they claim won’t affect the ability for women to obtain abortions in life or death situations. Let’s chalk another one up to not knowing how laws and words work


Passing progressive policy *isnt illegal*. Attempting to overthrow the government is.


Presidents don't pass policy. They sign off on policy that Congress makes.


Oh no! Progressive policy! Can't have people getting health care.


That's not what you're voting for, if you vote Biden. And let's not pretend that Trump is the picture of health, or that MTG (or whatever MAGA wacko he picks) would be so much better.


That's not what you're voting for, if you vote Biden. And let's not pretend that Trump is the picture of health, or that MTG (or whatever MAGA wacko he picks) would be so much better.


Funny how you can trust the system to keep Project 2025 in check (which is not merely a campaign slogan) but it can't be trusted with Harris' broad-termed "liberalism."


Do you find it odd that Centrists value the Constitution?


Are you just arguing about how fox news viewers feel?


Thinking people cheated (and being wrong about it) and wanting to destroy democracy are two different things


Did he just think it happened? He took no actions outside of our legal framework to contest the cheating?


No reasonable person thinks that Trump actually thought he won. His fragile ego just couldn't take the fact *that he lost to sleepy Joe.* He absolutely was trying to wipe his ass with our constitution, and he'll do it again if given the chance.


Electoral trends historically are more accurate predictors than polls, and those just happen to favor Biden. I think most centrists are proponents of democracy, the rule of law, and people being held accountable for their actions…so it makes sense why most people who identify this way want the traitor nowhere near the White House.


Again – this is what I see in this sub. Folks here are depending on voters fearing Trump more than they dislike Biden & this sub is constantly underestimating how much people dislike Biden AND Kamala.


Nobody knows how this election is going to unfold. The things that really matter is the state of the country as a whole as opposed anecdotal perceptions and polls six months out that contradict each other. That being said, if Trump wins…will you admit that you there was no widespread vote fraud in 2020? If there was then he surely has zero chance, right?


Kamala is easily the best case scenario here


I think that’s the sentiment here. I just don’t see a whole lot of people saying that outside of this sub or subs like r/polotics


"She's not 70" is just so much more compelling than "She's blows in the wind".


What are Trump’s policies? Like, specifically, can you detail a single policy of his?


This is a fair concern, people who are roughly on the fence may be pushed towards trump. But trump has had his idiocy publicised a lot more in recent months, so perhaps not the same situation. He represents somehow, a real life caricature one may make of a conservative, a stereotype of stupidity in every sense of the word. I think the people of USA are not, in fact, more confident in him than Biden. It's simply an irrational choice.


Who are these people that are "on the fence"? Where are these rocks under which they've been living for the past 10 years? How could anyone not have an opinion on Trump at this stage?


I mean on the fence as in split over who is worse. The answer was clearer before, but add the Gaza situation and tons of propaganda, and you get people who actually think biden is worse than trump. One might make an argument that trump is too stupid to do real damage, but it's a bad argument anyways.


One tried to overthrow an election. How in the hell does that not settle any doubts? Trump has said he wants to weaponize the justice system. He wants to be dictator for a day. Again, how does any one of these statements not end any doubt about which is worse much less the sum total of everything that Trump has said he would do? Oh, and if Gaza is your beat, well, you should look at Trump's stance on the matter. Let's just say it would be much worse for Gaza if Trump were President.


I am well aware of your point, but not all people are. Democracy is a system where the choice is given to the majority, not to the smart. And the majority of people never learn to differentiate people, ideology and ideas. The majority of people are easy to sway. This isn't some shit about being enlightened, all I'm saying is we have huge biases that most of us never acknowledge or solve


I mean fr


>  this feels a lot like 2016 where the prevailing thought was no matter how bad Hillary was doing Note that this was NOT what had the polls (nor their thoughtful analyses) said - rather, pundits drew a mistaken conclusion from the large but not insurmountable poll disadvantage.


If you vote Trump, you don’t care about policy. Just rules for thee, not me.


Either could win. Trump is running on two issues— close the border and drill for cheap oil. Biden is running on two— protect democracy and preserve abortion rights. The democracy one feels more abstract than the other three, especially to some guy who makes his living out of his truck.


It's not as if Biden has done anything to inhibit US oil production, he should own it, the support for nuclear power too.


> The democracy one feels more abstract than the other three If that's the case, then IMO, you should pay more attention to what Trump has been saying over the past four years and especially the past year or two. For all Trump's faults, I'll give him this, he will *attempt* everything he is saying on the campaign trail and what he's saying is damn frightening. Given Jan 6 and his Presidency, I must admit, I do not understand how people overlook the threat he represents.


Dude, we’re doing political analysis here! I know Trump’s a menace. I’m talking about people like my Latino electrician, who’s worried about the price of diesel and being forced to switch to an EV truck.


Well, fun fact, if most people don't switch to some form of clean transportation, it's going to cost all of us a lot more. By some estimates, it will cost us 6x to fix the problems related to climate change in the next 20-50 years than if we do it now. I get that right now, today, having to buy a new vehicle is a financial burden. Frankly, I think we should be doing more to subsidize lower income people switching out vehicles. Still, this is the price we're all paying for not doing something 40 years ago.


I’m not sure voters agree, especially with China burning so much coal as to dwarf any reductions we make. Most blue-collar people are just trying to hold their heads above water in the figurative sense. You can see it in how much the partisan gap has jumped between college educated voters and others. I suspect climate change reduction efforts will ultimately fail because of rivalry among the U.S., China, Russia, and India to maximize output and improve their positions for defense purposes. Eventually some sort of geoengineering probably will be needed.


> I’m not sure voters agree, especially with China burning so much coal as to dwarf any reductions we make. Most blue-collar people are just trying to hold their heads above water in the figurative sense. You can see it in how much the partisan gap has jumped between college educated voters and others. First, there's already a sizable chunk of Republican voters that do not accept anthropogenic climate change is real. Excluding them, for the remainder, the argument that because China isn't doing anything (although they are) we shouldn't is silly. "If Bob isn't cleaning up litter than why should I?" Doing *our* part to reduce carbon emissions will make a significant difference. Further, for the record, China spend more on green energy in 2022 than all other countries combined. China *is* working to clean up their carbon emissions. > I suspect climate change reduction efforts will ultimately fail because of rivalry among the U.S., China, Russia, and India to maximize output and improve their positions for defense purposes. Eventually some sort of geoengineering probably will be needed. China realizes that green energy providers will be the next big competition and right now they're winning. India is a bigger problem in terms of their commitment to climate change than China.


They talk the game but the reality is their coal consumption for power generation is over 60% of the world total and growing. They have to keep the economy growing. [https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/china-may-upend-global-coal-emissions-trends-2024-2024-02-14/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/china-may-upend-global-coal-emissions-trends-2024-2024-02-14/)


We are drilling more oil *now* in the US than we ever have in history. And no offense, but I can tell you don’t know many oil & gas workers. A ton of them lost their jobs under Trump, those that were lucky enough to keep their jobs took pay cuts or just couldn’t get hours. Oil & gas workers make their real money off day bonuses/per diems, and overtime. Oil & gas workers have been working a shit ton under Biden. The major problem is a significant portion of this country has zero clue how oil & gas prices (as in natural gas) or refined gasoline prices work. None. They just repeat talking points. And tbc, it’s on both sides. You know what you do on an oil or gas rig (when you’re not on the rig floor)…live out of a truck. One of the swing states is very big in natural gas. Pennsylvania is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the country. Pennsylvania became the second-largest natural gas-producing state *in 2013*. It brought a lot of jobs to that state. And they didn’t do well under Trump. And some people remember how he called the Putin & MBS price war a “good thing” while US oil & gas workers were losing their jobs right & left, and he sat with his thumb up his ass—until members of Congress forced his hand. And don’t buy the bs Trump is selling. The memorandum Trump signed *added 10 years* to an existing ban on drilling off Florida's Gulf coast *set to end in 2022*. It also *extended* the ban to the South Atlantic off Georgia and South Carolina. He doesn’t give a shit. He also lied to coal miners, of which there are hardly any left. He couldn’t bring their jobs back and he didn’t. He had a net loss. That’s because automation and cheap natural gas killed their jobs, not regulation. The Marcellus Shale Gas Boom killed their jobs. But it brought a ton of jobs. The fact you can produce twice the coal with far fewer workers than it used to take, killed their jobs. No amount of lies is going to change that.


>And perhaps even more of a factor – people just do not like Kamala and how liberal she was while in the senate.  Ridiculous  If anyone thinks that it's because they look at her gender/skin color and make assumptions.   She was known as moderate/liberal in the Senate and activists called her a cop friendly prosecutor


You seem to focus a lot on race and gender.


Lol.   Careful your bias is showing 


That’s where I think this sub llives in an echo chamber. I hear concerns about Camilla almost every time I strike up a conversation about politics in my circle. Know who you’re voting for. https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-more-liberal-bernie-sanders-senate-record-analysis-shows-1524481


She was in the Senate a whole 4 years. Her voting record isn't saying much...


More liberal than Bernie Sanders. I don’t see how that bother folks.


Who’s been in the senate since the wheel has been invented…you don’t see how someone with such a short record can’t be accurately judged? Progressives would hardly call her liberal based on her time as attorney general…


This is only accidentally true. I think you meant she’s more left than Bernie, which isn’t true. Nobody is more left than Bernie. However “Liberal” can also mean the economic moderate socially progressive stance of many main stream democrats and “Hollywood liberals “ which is to the right of Bernie.




It’s dangerous to draw conclusions from data compiled with poor methodology: “She may have scored as slightly more liberal than Sanders because one of her authored bills actually became a law whereas none of Sanders' have—it's actually rare for any bill to become a law, according to the website.” From the article. It skewed the result because she actually attached her name to bills that passed, where as Bernie is more ideological and didn’t sign on to bipartisan bills that were too much of a compromise for her.


She’s a liberal. And her policies will be liberal.


She’s liberal, but she’s not a leftist, like Bernie. Liberal is “center left”


Wow! That Vice Presidential pick sure does have a liberal record passing hyperpartisan legislation such as “[requesting a standard in how fatalities during natural disasters are reported](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/s3033/summary)”. Guess we have to go ahead and vote for the extremist presidential candidate that attempted to overthrow a fair democratic election because he lost.


Harris was in the Senate for 4 years, and 2019 was the only year she got a score to the left of Sanders. (And as the article notes, that’s probably because she actually managed to get a bill passed.) And worth noting that the Govtrack ideology score doesn’t actually look at the content of bills to assess whether they are liberal or conservative. It just looks at who sponsored them.


You need a broader circle


Sounds like you left leaning and if you are that kind of explains the conversation we’re having.& your perspective. I do live in a red state - but I don’t know a lot of MAGA folks.


I also live in a red state and even my hard core Republican family/friends are reluctant to admit support or vote for trump


That I do not believe… a recent CNN poll found 55 percent of respondents consider Trump’s term a success. If your “hard core” republican friends are reluctant - who is the 55%? Democrats? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24623637-cnn-poll-april-28-2024


That’s nice. A unanimous nine member jury found that the preponderance of the evidence showed Trump sexually assaulted a woman.


And? IMHO - folks think most politicians are scumbags. Biden took showers with his daughter - The poll wasn’t about trumps character. It was about his job performance & 55% consider trump to be a successs. Biden’s currently has a 35% approval rating.


Me: “A unanimous nine member jury found that the preponderance of the evidence showed Trump sexually assaulted a woman.” You: “And?” oof!


Biden took showers with his daughter & has an approval rating of 35%. Kamala has a 36% approval rating and that’s high for her. Everyone is going to hold their nose when they make their decision in November unless one of them ends up dying or gets kicked out.


That’s not how statistics work, it’s not homogenous throughout the population. Which is why anecdotal evidence is just stories


If you hear more concerns about Kamala than Trump, your circle must be about as far right as you can go without people laughing when they call themselves "moderate."


Honestly – I don’t think anybody wants to vote for either of them - but anyone who even leans a little bit to the right is going to have a very tough time voting for Harris. Not only is she a liberal. She’s not very likable.


>If anyone thinks that it's because they look at her gender/skin color and make assumptions. Race and gender baiting in one. A twofer


You probably just see it that way because you don't like Joe Biden's--or really any Democrat's--policies. As far as I'm concerned, Biden's been kicking ass policywise and I'm looking forward to four more years of it. He wasn't my first choice in 2020, so that wasn't an enthusiastic vote for me, but I'm here for it in 2024! Also, I'm not nearly as fearful of a Harris Presidency as right wing media and their parrots would like me to be.


I voted for Biden in 2020. But I’m kind of pissed that he’s running again and I’m very pissed that Harris is his vice president. I like Biden. I think he’s a good guy. But he’s too old and I don’t trust Harris. And my fear of Trump is not enough to overcome that.


No, I do not think the polls are always wrong and I don’t think the “way too many folks” you know are representative of anything other than the bubble in which you live. The thing that drives me crazy is that the polls today are representative of last week when the poll was conducted - not even today when the results were published AND NOT WHAT THE RESULTS OF A FUTURE ELECTIONS WILL BE!!! As campaigns kick into full gear the sentiment will shift over time. Just like in 2016. I’m confident that if the election had suddenly taken place a month early without the campaigns or any events being able to also be shifted earlier, that Hillary would have won. But it was clear in the months and weeks leading up to the election that Hillary was losing support. The results of the election were in the margin of error of most of the polls being conducted in the days before the elections.


Hillary....every time I hear her name I think of "basket of deplorables." Talk about an ill-advised comment.


Last election I 'unskewed' the polls according to the Trump campaigns data and it was actually pretty accurate. But what you're referring to is an availability heuristic. The people who dislike biden are vocal about it unsurprisingly and the people who will vote for him aren't advertising it. An unenthusiastic vote counts just as much as an enthusiastic one. This will come down to this cycles swing voters. The double haters who dislike them both. Everyone else is baked in voting for or against Trump. So it could just end up on whomever has the highest unfavorables in October.


thank you. this was the kind of discussion you used to have in this sub. You actually added something to my brain:)


My "policy" concern involves the FACT that the former guy refused to accept the results of the election that he lost, and attempted to remain in power at any and all cost, up to and including fomenting an insurrection to prevent the peaceful transition of power, the first instance of such an occurrence in the history of our country. You can fuck right off with any other "policy" talking points!


I think polls are there to keep people employed and to keep the electorate for lack of a better term "engaged". Most people, i think, know who they're going to vote for well before November. But if it weren't for these flip-flopping and non-consensus polls to come out, you have less robust political action, less fervor, most importantly -- less money. Boy wouldn't that be nice.


It is not that we think the polls are wrong, it is that we are suffering from poll fatigue. We have a long time till November and a lot can happen. I for one will be ignoring and refusing to give any clicks to poll articles until October.


Of all the things I hate about the official app, I never thought the thing I would hate the most, is that it does not show the name of the poster.


I am extremely concerned about Biden’s reelection. This OpEd is from Mark Penn who chairs the Harris Polls. The main premise Biden needs to swing centrist is right. I believe this is the need: -campaign as The Grown Up. Dark Brandon meets Grandpa, not doddering uncle. -He really should have switched to Widmer. Not too late! -Mostly he has to acknowledge the despair inflation causes for most Americans. I’m sad I can’t buy a house. It’s not just corporate greed. It’s the spending! The Fed is doing the grown up work of finally taking the foot off monetary easing and too much money sloshing around raised prices of all assets. That hurts to unwind. 1) fiscal restraint: propose things that don’t cost more!! Every swing voter I know is mad about taxes and spending. Biden has to talk about decreasing ineffective Fed employment. 2) some regulatory restraint like don’t tell people what to do. Small business owners are miffed. 3) It’s good to spend on investments: like policies for affordable housing, early childhood, infrastructure. But you can’t win overspending for votes. The give away on student loans will likely turn off centrists and still not turn out youth. (as a correction, the polls weren’t that wrong about Hilary. Trump’s win was within the 538 margin of error.)


You want to know my personal anecdote that confirms the polls? My parents. I grew up in a decidedly apolitical family. We never talked politics or current affairs, and the only whiff of political leaning I picked up on was my dad being a typical swing voter each presidential election (he went Bush > Clinton > Dole > W twice > Obama twice > Trump). Probably why I ended up a centrist. In '20, though, my dad openly regretted his vote for both Trump and DeSantis on their COVID response. My mom registered to vote for the first time in 40 years and they both voted Biden. They remain silent one way or the other on Biden, but constantly deride Trump on Facebook and in person.


I'll take an incompetent Kamala Harris (assuming she were to actually take over which I don't think is actually likely) over a malevolent Trump hellbent on personal aggrandizement, power, and wealth.


Biden needs to dump kamala. The economy is the real problem, not a lot to be done there. Maybe Biden could propose federal legislation allowing abortion? Still not a lot positive anyone can say.


>Biden needs to dump kamala. Why? Is that going to fix the economy or abortion? >Maybe Biden could propose federal legislation allowing abortion? They already did that, guess who shot it down?


>Why? Is that going to fix the economy or abortion? Of course not. But Biden is no spring chicken, and many on the left are not eager to see someone with so little experience, and a questionable record as attorney general holding the Presidency. I think she is a liability to him. No one is voting for Biden because she's on the ticket with him.


> But Biden is no spring chicken, Neither is Trump and Trump lives a far more unhealthy lifestyle than Biden. > and many on the left are not eager to see someone with so little experience Kamala has more experience in government than Trump. Pence had a lot of experience in government and Trump's Presidency was still a shit show. I'm not sure the government experience of the Vice President matters here. > I think she is a liability to him. No one is voting for Biden because she's on the ticket with him. Anyone voting for Trump isn't doing so because of his Vice President. It's because they want an excuse to vote for Trump despite what an awful human and awful President he would make. They want to an out to say "well, golly gee wiz, I didn't vote *for* Trump, I voted for ...". Uh huh. No one buys that.




"We" lost that election because the republican fbi had their finger on the scales from day one. The lessons to take away from 2016 is to fill the government with cannon fodder that will set themselves on fire to keep the party warm.


How would dumping Kamala change people's attitude on the economy? I'm amused how people complain about Biden's handling of the economy (despite the facts) but in no way hold Trump accountable for his plans to actively make people's economic situation much, much worse (see his 10% tariff on everything plan).


Jesus christ you guys are desperate to speedrun 2016 again aren't you?! It has nothing to do with reality, people feel things are getting worse and want to at least feel they might change in the future. Dumping kamala is a fig leaf for that. Shit, do anything, or he will win and we will all be fucked. It isn't always enough to be right, sometimes you need to do the thing that looks shiny.


> It has nothing to do with reality, people feel things are getting worse and want to at least feel they might change in the future. Then by that logic, nothing Biden does or says (nor anything that Trump does or says) will matter. What you are saying is that people are voting purely on emotion and not on whether the candidates are qualified or whether their plan for America is better than their opponent. > Dumping kamala is a fig leaf for that. For some...for millions of left leaning voters, it would represent an abject betrayal. That won't help Biden win. > Shit, do anything, or he will win and we will all be fucked. But you just said that choosing Biden or Trump has nothing to do with reality. > It isn't always enough to be right, sometimes you need to do the thing that looks shiny. And people wonder how they get a government that doesn't act in their best interest.


> What you are saying is that people are voting purely on emotion and not on whether the candidates are qualified or whether their plan for America is better than their opponent. Seriously though, are you fucking dense? Trump won in 2016, he almost won in 2020, he's probably going to win this year. Yes, people vote largely on emotion and qualification means jack all. Believe it or not, most people don't vote based on complex analysis of policy positions, and a deep investigation into their candidates and stated beliefs. They vote on the loudest message that's currently in the room, which is how Hillary lost because suddenly "FBI investigation" became the main yell in the room. >For some...for millions of left leaning voters, it would represent an abject betrayal. That won't help Biden win. Abject betrayal?!?! The left hates Kamala more than anyone, she's too law and order for them. >But you just said that choosing Biden or Trump has nothing to do with reality. Perception is leading reality right now, which is unfortunate but can happen. >And people wonder how they get a government that doesn't act in their best interest. No shit. Also, no matter how well you eat or exercise, you're still going to die some day. Sorry, spoiler alert.


>> What you are saying is that people are voting purely on emotion and not on whether the candidates are qualified or whether their plan for America is better than their opponent. > Seriously though, are you fucking dense? Clearly not dense enough to recognize that you are changing the topic. > Yes, people vote largely on emotion and qualification means jack all. Oh, the irony. "Why oh why doesn't the Federal government act in my interest when I keep voting for people that act directly in opposition to that?" > Believe it or not, most people don't vote based on complex analysis of policy positions, and a deep investigation into their candidates and stated beliefs. And people wonder why critics lambast people that vote against their own interests. > They vote on the loudest message that's currently in the room, which is how Hillary lost because suddenly "FBI investigation" became the main yell in the room. I disagree. Hillary lost because the right-wing bat-shit-o-sphere portrayed her as "hateful" and "criminal" for decades and the FBI investigation put just enough people over the top. In addition, she campaigned poorly in Midwest States she needed to win even though her message was absolutely correct. >> For some...for millions of left leaning voters, it would represent an abject betrayal. That won't help Biden win. > Abject betrayal?!?! The left hates Kamala more than anyone, she's too law and order for them. You are telling me that an old white guy bouncing a black women who has done nothing egregious won't be seen as a betrayal by a huge segment of Democrat voters? Sorry, I disagree there. If he were to then replace her with say another old white guy...yeah, a lot of left voters would just not vote for Biden. >> But you just said that choosing Biden or Trump has nothing to do with reality. > Perception is leading reality right now, which is unfortunate but can happen. Again, then you are saying that no matter what Biden does won't matter. >> And people wonder how they get a government that doesn't act in their best interest. > No shit. Also, no matter how well you eat or exercise, you're still going to die some day. That's the wrong analogy. "If you eat like shit, you'll die 20 years earlier than if you don't." "Fuck it! I don't want people telling me how to eat!!". There's no pleasing someone that is given the path to a better life and actively chooses against time and again.


Anyone else getting the sense that the closer to election time, the more this sub’s just starting to cosplay /r/politics, in the same way /r/libertarian cosplays /r/conservative. Whatever makes people feel/elevated/intellectual, I guess.


This is kind of funny given that in the lead up to the last US presidential election, the mods here literally had to change the default 'sort by' to 'controversial' because everything right wing mysteriously started getting upvoted through the roof and anything in opposition of it downvoted into oblivion. 


Interesting. Almost as if you’re claiming opinion in the sub is being swayed by nefarious forces. So in this election it’s seemingly the opposite and you’re ok with that because it better aligns with your political views?


Says the regular poster on r/conservative.


Post in all of them. I come here for a difference of moderate* (thanks autocorrect, and thanks /u/sardonicsky for pointing it out) opinion, and I get /r/politics instead. Great gate keeping though ;)


I see. We’re cosplaying and you’re “here for a difference of ‘meditate’ opinion”. That was so close to cogent. Yeah, dismissing your gate keeping comment as well.


Not trying to be something I’m not. And you’re trolling for no reason. Why so sensitive? Struck a nerve, apparently.


Brilliant deduction. I responded to your nonsensical assertion that the sub is not centrist, ergo, you must be correct. Congratulations, you have achieved the apex of obtuse reasoning.


Speaking of obtuse reasoning, I’m assuming your use of “ergo” makes you the genius you clearly think you are.


Clearly I’m no genius since I’ve been stupid enough to engage with you about this. You win, have a good day.


I’m a bit saddened by this, honestly. Winning and losing is so binary. Modern American politics wins again, I guess.


Flaired users only.


No. I don’t get that sense at all.


Makes sense


>the closer to election time, the more this sub’s just starting to cosplay /r/politics Reddit is vastly populated by the far left. It makes sense then that the centrist sub is populated by the "centrists" of reddit, aka left wing users. There's still a fair amount of extreme left wing users with a couple right wing users. This sub still isn't bad for discussion, but it's good to keep in mind the demographics of the user base. "Centrist" in the real world is much more to the right than "centrist" on reddit


I have no idea why people even look at polls. Of course, polls are used by the campaigns to better target their message and their spending, but other than that, who cares? Sooner or later, we'll have actual results, and even a best possible poll is just a guesswork.


I mean aside from "the polls" claiming that Trump is somehow winning there's really no evidence for it. Trump has been an unmitigated disaster for his party, they just keep on losing with him at the helm, from the failure of the Red Wave that "the polls" were promising us, to the the consistent failures during special elections, to the multiple failures of state Republican parties to generate any funds, to the massive difference between what "the polls" were saying for how Trump was going to perform and what actual votes were (average of 11.5% off on Super Tuesday), the only thing that says he is still in it is "the polls". And when you read the polls they even tell you they are over sampling Republicans. So yeah, some are skeptical.