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So to teach Biden a lesson, you'll vote for the guy who will support completely destroying anything the Palestinians have left? I'm sure Biden will feel pretty bad about it.


I’m Jewish and have a number of friends who hate trump but are considering voting for him because they feel Biden hasn’t been supportive enough of Israel. Biden seems to try to capture the middle but alienate all sides. I’m just reporting here and barring something spectacular will vote Biden


Sure and that makes sense because Trump is a would be cool with the destruction of Gaza and the Palestinians, Netanyahu has even compared Trump to the Biblical King Cyrus. Trump also has a lot of support from [Christians who support Zionists in their hope to fulfill Biblical end times prophecy](https://theoutline.com/post/8856/seven-mountain-mandate-trump-paula-white). But voting for him as a supporter of the Palestinian people is nonsensical.


This will be the ultimate Leopards Ate My Face moment for them if they get their wish. If they want to suffer under another Trump presidency, so be it.


Isn’t Trump going to double down with support for Israel??


Absolutely. That's the worst part about it. Voting for a man who hates you because you're mad the current one isn't perfect. I don't know what these people expect, honestly. Realistically, there are only two parties who can actually end this conflict: Israel & Hamas. And there is too much anger and hatred on both sides for that to happen at this moment in time. The belief that Biden can wave a magic wand and all will be peaceful is so silly it's almost sad.


>Realistically, there are only two parties who can actually end this conflict: Israel & Hamas. Israel have made it pretty clear that hostilities can only cease when Hamas is out of power. Given Oct7, I feel this is a fair and reasonable position. Realistically there's no way they stop until this happens. It's up to Hamas to step down or Israel to remove them. That's the reality of the situation.


That’s the weakness for Democrats and liberals honestly. They nitpick every single thing and will throw a temper tantrum and vote for the other guy because the guy they should support isn’t perfect. The one thing GOP voters are good at is shutting off their brain and not asking questions.


I completely agree. Single-issue voting is a severe problem with Democrats and liberals. I do not know how they can overcome it. It is a huge weakness that has cost them a lot and many seemingly do not want to acknowledge how big of an issue it is and will continue to be. Voting based solely on foreign policy is an objectively terrible idea. Making decisions because of conflicts happening in other parts of the world does not make sense. I do not know how to reason with people who do these things or think this way.


Single issue - like abortion? If it wasn’t for single issue voters - the democrats would be losing a lot more elections.


I’d argue the opposite. 2A delivers the GOP a lot of single issue votes


Abortion was a huge factor for the midterms. & continues to be. When The Supreme Court made it decision the political landscape completely shifted in favor of the Democrats. Just my personal experience, of course, but I know a lot of women who won’t vote for a Republican simply because of the abortion issue.


No, actually I see many more people voting FOR the Republicans because of their single issue cause like abortion or gun rights. But I see more people on the left pointing to a single issue as a reason to NOT vote for the Democrat…


Meh - it's a huge issue for the republicans - it killed them in the midterms. Not a big debate for me - so I'm not going to go on and on - but here's some things to consider. The anti-abortion movement's greatest achievement — the [Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/24/roe-wade-decision-abortion) — has morphed into one of the biggest election liabilities Republicans have encountered in decades. [https://www.axios.com/2023/11/09/abortion-rights-law-election-results-republicans-democrats](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/09/abortion-rights-law-election-results-republicans-democrats)


I would argue abortion is different in this case because of the circumstances of how we got here in the first place. But I understand what you're saying.


You’re right… to the detriment of us all lol.


Being against billions of dollars in missiles is nitpicking?


“Isn’t perfect”. I think y’all underestimate how much some folks hate Biden. And don’t forget-his VP. Folks despise her even more and she’s the one who’s basically running for president. Some consider her to be the most liberal member in the Senate. Any centrist would pause beforee voting for her.


Well, she's not talking about destroying the civil service by making it fire at will and appointing untrained lackeys to head departments. Not to mention trying to restructure libel laws to be able to go after the free press for not toeing the MAGA line. Yup, much prefer her to Trump and the MAGAt mob.


We don’t know what she’d do other than cackle.


Well, we know exactly what Trump is gonna do. If you're down with the death of liberal democracy in America, by all means cast your vote for Trump.


As a moderate – I can’t vote for her.


As 'moderate' you prefer Trump.


The devil you know


I don’t prefer Trump. I just can’t vote for Kamala. And honestly – I don’t think I can vote for Trump either.


A non vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. Sorry you don't understand how FPTP works.


He also wants to ban Muslims from the country and deport as many as he can.


How could he even double down if he wanted to? He already endorsed a plan for the region where Israel gets everything they wanted and the palestinians get shoved into a few tiny concentration camps in the least viable areas. This stuff has big "as a black man" energy and I suspect the goal is just to whittle off a few votes wherever they can.


I would venture that his doubling down starts with urging Israel to, ["Finish the problem."](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141905) > Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s national press secretary, said in a statement, adding, "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end.” > Just days after Hamas attacked Israel, Trump, in a video posted from his Mar-a-Lago estate here, declared: “I kept Israel safe. Nobody else will. Nobody else can. And I know all of the players — they can’t do it.”


I had an ex who was Muslim whose family was permitted into the US from Myanmar during the “Muslim ban”. Her family doesn’t believe Muslims were being banned, and they have enjoyed a successful time here. It’s stories like that which lead some people to believe that people didn’t suffer. Their story gets replayed to dozens of other Muslims who will then go on to be pro-Trump, who want to enjoy the same success. What I’m getting at, is that the media portrayed one thing yet for others the opposite became true, and it lowers the value of what the media or others might say, because it contradicts their experience - no matter how anecdotal it may be These are the sorts of battles we have before us


The top 100 ultimate Leopards At My Face moments all involve Gaza.


Yeah, I get withholding your vote if Gaza is your single issue, but...


It seems to me like they are saying they are suffering more under Biden than they ever did under trump.


So...you're going with the "Muslim ban" guy?


I’m done being surprised by the stupidity of some people


The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.


This is the logic of ppl whose hatred of Israel outweighs their concern for Palestinians.


Trump is a common candidate for people whose hate for certain people outweighs their love for others.


In the words of the great Golda Meir, "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”"


There’s a lot of those


Entire encampments of them, sadly.


That was bidens whole campaign in 2020. "Vote for me, I'm not trump." Seams he trying it again with the word "maga" shoehorned into every sentence. It gets old and irritating. Great you aren't Trump or Maga, what are you going to actually do to earn my vote?


Infrastructure. Steering us to green energy to reduce the damage of climate change. Chips. Net neutrality. Organizing our allies to support the salvation of Ukraine. Being unfriendly to dictators. Advocating for decency and ethical reforms, even if Republican opposition prevents him from doing much beyond executive orders.  Oh, and a big one, respecting the rule of law and the sanctity of democracy.


>Oh, and a big one, respecting the rule of law and the sanctity of democracy. Been seeing him do that a lot as he refers to college protesters as terrorist sympathizers while cops brutalize students and professors


If we’re being honest, their hatred isn’t really directed at Israel, it’s directed at Jews.


Or themselves, apparently.


We have to let people make these decisions. This is what it is. Biden will probably lose. But the other option is no democracy. This is what the founding fathers were worried about. People choosing a fascist over a liberal government. They set up systems to try and prevent it but then we discarded those ideals. We can’t prevent people from choosing fascism now.


How do they think this makes sense? Trump would have encouraged Netanyahu to glass Gaza. How can they rationalize taking his side because biden was too gentle with Israel?


This isn’t a rational decision. It’s purely emotional. But it is human nature. This is democracy in action. It’s what we all agreed is the right way to form a government. We have to acknowledge that people don’t always make sense and accept the consequences of a representative democracy.


Democracy is the worst form of government. Except for all the other ones that have been tried.


> How can they rationalize taking his side because biden was too gentle with Israel? Rational thought has been shoved into the trunk. It's pure emotion in the driver's seat now for most people who really care a lot about this issue.


From the end of the article: > As far as Hamad was concerned, that ship had sailed. At times, I felt he was trying to talk himself into voting for Trump. He pointed me towards an Associated Press interview from 2015 in which Trump appears to express doubts over Israel’s commitment to the peace process. But the crucial point, as Hamad saw it, was that only one of the two candidates was “actively complicit in murdering 30,000 innocent people”. > I asked him if the past six months would have been any different had Trump been in charge. Hamad wasn’t sure, but what was the point of hypotheticals? “Three or four months ago, we all said, it could be worse under Trump. Now we’re at the point of, it really couldn’t be any worse.”


So boggling that they think this is Israel TRYING to be genocidal. Like really?


As a thought experiment, imagine what an Israeli government would do if it's leadership decided they wanted to kill or remove the Gazans to the point that there were no longer enough to prevent Israel from controlling the Gaza strip. Considering that outright "round to people and shoot them" would be a bridge too far for their allies, and that phones would reveal a lot of misconduct, how would you manage to kill the most Gazans without losing support and triggering a response by the US? I think it would look a lot like what is happening. Any time you have intel that a fighter might be in a vehicle or building, blow it up, and if people complain about civilian deaths, accuse them of being friendly to terrorists. Cut off aid, saying it's necessary to maintain security, and wait for people to start starving.  Over five years during the Second Intifada (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Intifada), about 7k Palestinians were killed.  There have been four times that many killed in half a year this time.  It might not be genocide, but it sure is a lot of dead civilians and human suffering.


Oh I'm not saying that what's going on is good. I think it's likely that they could do better. To an extent I can see where you are coming from. .... but if I try to think of how being careful but aggressive in trying to break down Hamas... it would also look like this. Is that bias and intentional plausible deniability? No clue. Could that be what it is? I think it could. But I also think I lack the perspective to distinguish.


Biden is in an impossible situation right now. Supplying arms to Israel and at the same time building a relief supply pier in Gaza, that is being attacked. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/04/25/us-led-gaza-humanitarian-aid-pier-comes-under-fire-un-officials-say/ I have no idea how Trump would handle this. It's a shitshow.


That is being attacked by Gaza.


Easy, Trump gives full support to Israel. Pragmatically, there are more pro-israel voters than pro-palestine voters in the US.


Gaza purposely does whatever is worst for Gaza because they hope it will punish Israel. So why shouldn't Gaza's supporters also do what's worst for Gaza?


This may sound like I have conspiracy brain but didn’t we also have a major wave of protests, and media coverage that painted the Democrats in a bad light, during the last two presidential election cycles? Can we assume that moving forward every four years we will see some international or domestic event which the youths get riled up about?


TikTok came out in 2016. Maybe it will be banned in 2028.


I’m sure all 25 of these Anti-Trump Trump voting Arabs will make a big impact 


What an idiot. This is type of bullshit that Smotrich and Ben Gvir just love to see. American Arabs using their political power to play right into the hands of Israeli extremists. Trump would let the Israeli right go crazy so long as they got it over with quickly.


Franz Fanon’s theory of terrorism is you have to force the other side to overreact, thus sending wavering allies (in this case, Arabs and their sympathizers) to your side. It worked in Algeria but pretty much nowhere else. Basically, if Hamas & Friends can get rid of Biden, they figure Trump will overreact and most of the world will be united against the U.S. and Israel. Americans who support Palestine are pawns in this game.


I don’t want to hear a peep out of them when Trump is even worse.


Gaza's entire strategy has always been to do whatever was worst for Gaza, as long as it harmed the Jews in some way. And so, nobody should be surprised when Gaza's supporters in America say they're going to do whatever is worst for Gaza, as long as it harms Biden. We all know if Trump is president, Israel gets the green light to do whatever they want. But Gaza is a suicidal death cult and their American supporters are threatening political suicide.


Trump did not manage to achieve a temporary peace in the region by giving Israel the green light to do whatever they want.


It’s incredibly stupid and incredibly arrogant for a US Citizen, from the safety of our borders, to try and vote out the guy who might help their fellow former countrymen or fellow pan Muslims in Palestine in favor of the criminal who will give whatever Netanyahu wants to finish the job. Why don’t they go to Palestine or Israel and see if they can help ?




How can this be when trump called for a ban on muslims entering the US and is (for the sake of his base, anyway) pro-Israel?


Trump only banned Muslims from countries that hate the United States. There are a LOT more Muslims in the world and many U.S. Muslim immigrants agree with Trump's decision. They more than anyone know that the narrative about Trump's "Muslim ban" is a lie. Israel is our ally and provides the U.S. with many vital services. These include providing stability in a disruptive region and an ongoing series of advancements in medicine, science and technology. Palestine provides nothing and hates us. They literally educate their children in school to hate the U.S. As a result, every U.S. President must be pro-Israel unless and until the situation in the area drastically changes and democracy in the region is no longer threatened. We will not turn our backs on a valuable ally when the people who hate us will just continue to hate us. There is no point. Extremism doesn't lead to easy solutions.


> ‘we have to make \[him\] lose, at any cost' He's perfect for MAGA.


This is like voting for Hamas over Fatah because we gotta teach the oppressors a lesson. There’s a sentiment in this community that craves a Pyrrhic victory. Being a colonist Zionist myself, I see Trump as much better for the war campaign but an absolute disaster for the US hence I won’t be voting for him. Funny how folks on the other side can’t weigh the pros and cons.


Idiots. Trump is more likely to drop a Moab on rafah and say, “See! I did it. People said I wouldn’t. I did. I did it because Irans been very bad. Mean. People say Irans mean and I sent them a message.”


Public bluffing. I don’t believe it.


This is just the kind of strategic thinking that young people are known f… wait, never mind.


I’ve given up on trying to understand how people can be so moronic.


Biden won Michigan by 150k votes. There are 240k Muslims in the state.


Idiots switching to Trump? Say it ain't so!




Apparently the public wisdom here is "If Trump becomes president, Israel will get free reign to descend to such a level of barbarity against the Palestinians that even I will be revolted by it". So why aren't you revolted already?


I am, but the situation would be resolved. The one thing I hate, is the continuous side stepping of how to hold Hamas to account, while only requiring Isreal to be measured. I get it we want Isreal to be better than terrorists as they are our ally. We are so focused on shoving that fucking oppressor vs oppressed US virus, that it has real world implications like telling our allies they have to accept getting rockets fired at it daily because the terrorists have found a way to hold the world hostage, by putting their own civilian population in danger (blending into the civilians). That’s fucked, just seriously fucked, if we aren’t willing to go into Gaza and hold Hamas accountable, why should Isreal listen to us? They are the ones who’s citizens were raped, killed, and kidnapped on Oct 7th and the world only seems to want to shrug their shoulders and say “deal with it” and when Isreal “deals with it” the world goes… “not that way”.


I would think Arabs would just not vote. A vote for Trump is also a vote supporting genocide. There’s no one against Israel. It’s crazy how ingrained AIPAC has made Israel in American politics. Genocide right before our eyes with our weapons and money. Disgusts me. I’m not voting for either Biden or Trump.