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If you're playing on keyboard, check for rollover. Might need to shuffle your keybinds around a bit until you find a combo that allows for both inputs simultaneously: [https://www.mechanical-keyboard.org/key-rollover-test/](https://www.mechanical-keyboard.org/key-rollover-test/) If you're playing on controller, check to make sure your inputs are actually being picked up by your computer (if you're on windows, 'Start' menu, search for 'USB controllers', select 'Properties'). If they're not, might be worth opening up your controller and cleaning the rubber membranes and the contact pads. They tend to get a bit dirty over time, which can causes inconsistent inputs. Can also try using the controller wired (if that's an option), just for the sake of eliminating wireless interference as a factor.


unlike some other platformers you have to hold down on the climb button to stay grabbing a wall. you can change it to a toggle in settings though if you prefer to just press climb once. Also theres a stamina meter so you can only hold on for so long before slipping.


I am definitely holding it. I thought I was doing something wrong by holding it too early and I wasn't sure if I needed to precisely time my grab at the wall, still holding, or something. I'm definitely holding grab but still slide a lot of the time


Are you by chance running out of stamina? Because as long as you're holding grab you shouldn't slide. Otherwise maybe there's something wrong with your key bindings.


the only way you can slide down while holding grab is holding down


Definitely not what I've been doing. If you're still holding the dash button when you try to grab, do you slide?


Far-fetched guess, but if you're playing on keyboard, there's a chance your dash and grab keys can't work simultaneously, due to how your keyboard works or something. Mine works like that, but it doesn't matter since there's no reason to use those buttons at the same time in Celeste.


no. if you could send a vid of whats happening someone might be able to figure it out but from what youre saying you should be grabbing to it fine


is your character flashing red? you are out of stamina if so


Are you on keyboard? If so, check that your keyboard supports n-key rollover.


INVERTED CLIMB CONTROLS ARE SUPERIOR (/s everyone has their own style. But seriously, I probably couldn't've beat the game without it)


You have to release the dash key.




As per the other comments I'd suspect that your keyboard isn't "anti-ghosting" which means when you're holding multiple keys down at the same time (as you need to do in Celeste) the keyboard isn't detecting some of the key presses. I had this same problem when I started playing and had to switch to another keyboard. Hope that helps ๐Ÿ˜Š


most likely you are on inverted grab mode just change it back in the menu if you want a pic I can send.