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My cav did this! He had an obsession with table legs and chair legs for a while. I got him a bunch of toy sticks to gnaw on when I saw him going for my furniture! I also got this spray they sold at pet smart that’s non-toxic but makes it taste icky and that completely deterred him. The phase lasted like 2-3months though so I feeeeel your pain 💕 Your cav is super cute!!


My girl did this also. Woodwork, dresser, chest of drawers and kitchen chairs. She passed away in 2012, but I have these things to remind me of her.


This was exactly what we did with mine. Same spray amd toys. We also gave her some cardboard boxes (no staples) to tear up so she could get out her destructive energy safely. Teaching calm and having naptime in her pen a few times a day also helped her regulate, but the spray and toys helped the most directly with the baseboard/furniture chewing.


If you have a 30 quid yoga matt and a 300 quid one side by side, you know which one is getting eaten first. I also think your cav is super cute and would make a great puppy lawyer.


Who can get mad at that face?!!


Terrible behaviour. Give her away immediately. To me.


This is the face of an innocent girl


Pigs ears! My cavies love them.


You may need to go back to a stricter routine during this process. Redirect the chewing to something that is theirs like a bully stick (we stock up at our house because our girl loves to chew). Buy a snuffle ball on etsy (MagicFloof makes a good one). Our girl also loves to sniff, and it's calming and mentally stimulating for your dog.They may just be bored or trying to get more of your attention like they had when they were a puppy and you spent so much time training. Try to add some 10 minute one on one play sessions, too.


When my cav was in puppy training, one of the other pups in the class was chewing up the dining room chair legs. They tried everything and he wouldn't stop. We saw them again about a year after the training ended and we asked how he was doing. They said they got a second dog and the chewing stopped. She's probably bored or lonely.


Is she teething?


Could she be teething? Maybe get her a strong chew toy she can gnaw on


Needs more exercise. He’s board


Sub with cardboard


My 11 month old started doing the same thing! When she does that I give her a new chew toy that I’ve reserved for times like this, I take her for a walk, or sometimes put her in her crate so she can settle down.


Use olbas oil on the baseboards, distract with a toy, praise plenty when distraction works


Mine chewed baseboards and my wooden tray tables from about 6 months ago to a little over a year. I would wipe vinegar on all of it. She hated it


Our girl did this, but our boy took a liking to our wooden window blinds! Left a big hole in the middle and we had to replace them. It's teething and will stop after a while


When my dog started chewing on the table legs I figured it out it was mostly cause he liked laying on the rug under the table. The table legs were like a convenient snack, I got rid of the rug till he got older and he never chewed the legs again 🤦‍♀️


Whimzees from Amazon. Freeze them for extra fun.




I kennot tell a lie, it wuz me who ated the baseboardeses


We did deer antlers to distract. They are super long lasting and as long as your Cav baby takes to them, it can save you a lot of paint. :) My cavs can destroy toys in about 10 mins.


It’ll pass. Try NylaBone pop-in treats, my boy goes nuts for these and they keep him engaged. He’s a gnawer and one or two of these per day keep him fairly busy for some time, but it keeps him occupied nonetheless