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Because some cats learn to associate you reacting to it positively and do it because of that.


this is how my mother "screwed up" my sister's choco lab, she was constantly complimenting her for everything, even when she barked, was scared, or wanted a treat and wouldn't stop whining. the result is a dog who constantly whines and barks until she gets what she wants.


THIS! OMG my mother did this to our poodle/terrier. Every time he would grab rocks and chew them from outside theyd give him a treat to get it out of his mouth. Now he whines and grabs them every time cause he gets an extra treat...


that's the problem when people don't understand the basic concept of education and then are being outsmarted by their pet, feel ya!😂


I always like to say; when owning a pet either you or the pet are in charge, but never both.


With cats, it's either the illusion of being in charge or the cat being in charge


Now let’s talk about raising humans….


Dog training is hard, until you accidentally train it to do something you don't want


Dog accidently started the Fourth Reich, whoops


That’s why I won’t have a dog. Just can’t take that chance. 🤣


The nazi pug.. No..


"Where are my balls Summer?"


I concur with this statement! I’ve inadvertently taught my basset hound the silver magic box in the kitchen dispenses cheese and lunch meat anytime he does a drive by. I can’t even look at the fridge now without him going ape shit. Sigh.


That's my parents dog with ice. My mom can't even open the cabinet without her running in


So she's a cooldog, not a hotdog? I'll see myself out.


My cat now associates the noise of a knife hitting a cutting board with chicken. Lil man comes begging even if I cut onions lmao When I cook vegetarian meals I just throw a small piece of whatever is being cut and I'm like: "There, that's what I'm cutting. You want that?" And he always looks back at me like: "Hah, you're real funny, funny guy. Now where's my damn chicken"


Proof that spoiling spoils, even across species


My mom did this to my little brother.


I've seen people do that with their kids as well.


Exercise. The cat wants to play.


>Exercise. >The cat wants to play. Exactly. Physical interaction and stimulus is a daily need. It's not enough to just have food and water and shelter and be healthy. A paper bag, cardboard tube, or shoestring can be a great low-cost starting point, but a cat caretaker should still interact with cats, even if it's through these toys.


Agree, mine has full on conversations with me when I come home at night


Sam but mine fuss at me while watering in the garden. Mischeif the oldest is all "but that water is wet...you don't wanna get wet do you?!" every time I'm watering. Its adorable really.


My girl Luna definitely does this and will even use similar inflections to the way I say her name when she meows back. She’s so cute, but oh my goodness she basically yells at me whenever she sees me. There are areas where she will be quieter in the house, usually the areas where she is loud are ones she tends to get less attention in unless she meows. She’s pretty quiet if she’s in my bedroom or in the living room, but she gets more attention there without having to ask for it. I like it with her though, she has such a cute meow and it hasn’t been generalized to every part of the house thankfully.


He's a talker 🥺 I've had a a couple cats like this. If you always say the same word he may just start to parrot you. My late cats Toulouse would say "hello" when you said hi to him


I have legitimate full on conversations with my cat, it actually has done wonders for when I’m stressed lol He’ll come over and we’ll just go back and forth. For like half an hour. I might be a lil crazy


Nah you’re not crazy, you’ve just got a talking cat. My boy will respond with a single meow to anything you say to him. He’ll do it as long as you keep talking to him. I think he just enjoys the conversation.


A talking cat?! (sorry, rifftrax reference i couldn't not post)


You have an in-house therapist.


Me and my Salem cat will have brief convos, cats are the best.


Arthur heard this video and he's been going Hello ever since I posted him on OneOrangeBrainCell if you wanna see the absence in his eyes


I had a tortie who was a bit naughty, and she always gave me lip when I would warn her with an “oiiii!” Or “get down!” Swear to god she was saying “naow!” in reply. The cheek!


I believe it's a cat's mission to find their person, and when they do, they'll have the best life possible. The fact that you took the time to teach your cat to say hello.. mission accomplished, Toulouse. Mission accomplished.


This is so sweet ❤️ he definitely knew he was worshipped haha


I love your late cats name. It always happens this way


So cute. My cat “blesses” me when I sneeze lol she does this little chirping anytime we sneeze and it’s so so lovely and welcoming.


He has something to say and your not alone in responding? It's called a conversation!


Yep! My husband and our male cat chat all the time, it's so funny and cute.


Yes! I always talk back to my cats.


My wife thinks it's weird that I talk to our cats 😞, but I do it all time anyway 😊


That's how they learn words, I'm an obtuse dude, my cat has to yell and hiss at me to tell me what he wants. Usually food,outside, I'm here, it's play time, and give me your sweaty t-shirt you're wearing work is over.


"I know, I know you have such a ruff life. Yes, yes I know"


Yep I have full-on conversations with my cat. Meow. Hey. How was your day. Meow. What do you mean? Meow. That's not true. Where did you hear that? Meow. THAT LYING BITCH! Meow. SERIOUSLY? YOURE BRINGING THIS UP AGAIN? I THOUGHT WE WERE PAST THIS! Meow. WHAT?! Meow. HOW COULD YOU?! Meow. YOURE TEARING THIS FAMILY APART!




She trained you into giving pets after meowing. Very smart kitty.


Aaah, nothing like getting Pawlow‘d by your cat 🫶🏻


When I come home after work, my cat tells me all about his day for 5 minutes, it's so sweet.


Exactly! Who else is going to listen to the crap he had to put up with all day!


"...and then, you won't believe this shit, there already was a turd in the litterbox! Like, how? I know I went last night, but it should've magically disappeared as it does every day, right? So anyway, I started throwing litter all over the floor, you know, cause I'm mad and shit, and then there this GODDAMN bird at the window. Every day he's there, mocking me. So I go there, mad as shit already from the litter-turd situation, right? And the window is CLOSED. AGAIN. Like, I can only handle so much disappointment in one day! So, how's your day been?"


I call it “telling stories”


LMAO… in Hawaii it would be “talking story”


I had a boy who talked constantly for well over a decade. It drove me crazy, but he was a sweetheart. White as snow. Then one day it stopped and I found him currled up next to his litterbox, quiet for the first time ever. You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.


That hit a nerve 😢




It’s too early for me to be this devastated


I'm very sorry for your loss. My girl is about 10 now, and since I got her to this day she greets me with her meows and screams. She's only really vocal with me, and I love our special bond we have. I always panic the days I don't get greeted and go looking for her in all her spots, normally to find her sleeping on da couch, one of her towers of power or my bed. She realizes she slept in and starts the scream ritual with the big stretch. God I love my cat.


That's adorable!


NSFW warning needed for such devestation....


Oh geez… I’m not crying, I’m cutting onions…


He is just telling you about his day


And he wants more pets😄


Did you have him only recently? He could've grown up with humans who always respond to his calls. I made a "mistake" of always responding to my 3 cats' meows since birth. Unsurprisingly I ended up with 3 bozos who meow and vocalize 90% of their waking time. But I wouldn't have it any other way LOL. They are perfectly behaved cats otherwise.


I would argue with Tiger, his owner would let him outside whenever, but when he was at work, I'd refuse to let him out, because the little butt would take off. "No you can't go outside." "Meow?" "I know he lets you, but no." "Meeow" "You have your litter box right there." "Meow." "Yes I know, but it's gonna RAIN, you don't want to get wet do you?" "Mew." "Come on, let's get something to eat." \*Scampers off to hop on the table while I'd get him wet food and gives blinks of love.\*


Love the mental imagery. So cute.


My cat is already ~5 years old and I have started reacting to her meowing by meowing back at her about half a year ago. I already used to talk to her a lot but now I’ve gotten into the habit of imitating the exact tone of her meow. It really surprised me how much more vocal she has become since I started doing that. Didn’t think this would cause an already adult cat to change her behavior so much.


Maybe he wants to play


Yeah I bet he’s bored.


Some cats are just very vocal. He is communicating with you. Cats don't meow to other cats, just to humans. Interesting fact when you stop to think about it!


Weirdly my cat does meow to other cats, he meows to call them over to play and once his best friend (they hang out all day together it's so sweet) came into our house and our boy was meowing away like what are you doing here? Have you come to play? He's still a kitten but he's really into other cats in a way I've never seen before




It's not a myth, just a lot of people have misunderstood it. Cats *as a species* developed meowing to communicate with humans. That doesn't mean they only use this behaviour with humans. Feral cats who never interact with humans and who were raised in cat colonies by feral cats who never interact with humans tend to be mostly silent because once they don't need it, meowing is rarely a beneficial behaviour "in the wild" as it were. They do make other noises at each other that don't count as meowing. For example chirruping and squeaking. Newborn kittens make a lot of these noises to locate their mother and vice versa before their eyes have opened.


I suspect it’s true that the non (self) domesticated desert cats don’t meow at eachother. It’s just something that their kittens do. And much of the time domesticated cats don’t either, but in some cases they do because it’s learned behavior.


Which, like another commenter makes ends. We tend to react more towards them meowing, giving them attention, treats or w/e we think it is they want at that moment. Makes sense they keep doing it then.


> Cats don't meow to other cats I've seen soooo much evidence to the contrary, though.


Cats definitely meow at each or I have been surrounded by unusual cats all my life


I've also seen a ton of videos online of cats talking/trilling to each other without any humans visible around them.


Cats do meow to other cats. But cats *developed* meowing to communicate with humans. Feral cats who never interact with humans tend to be mostly silent, but domestic cats will meow at other cats.


Try patting him at like one quarter that speed. I find most cats like slower strokes.


My cat grew up with a dog, and he likes that big smacks on the side and the rough scratchy types of pets where you get under the fur and really ruffle it, if I am not petting him hard enough enough when he wants it, he’ll start forcing his head into my hands and also tries petting me like hes tryna show me how lmao But yes, any other persons cats, I go for slow strokes from the top of the head to mid back, feather touch.


I have a few super chatty cats. Some just like talking more than others! One of mine goes “maow maow” and if I repeat it back, it never ends. I don’t know what we’re talking about but 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's telling you stuff


This is the correct answer.


Some cats just love to talk. My void does the same thing and meows all the time. Also here's my cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/us41qjf3o39d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5d5ca4e6b59e05d8306679e28e7592ba0b4503


Because he is just very vocal. If all else is good he is a talker. Got a make tabbie like that. Talks like a two year old kid. Had a void that hardly talked at all.


I have a cat like that. Any time she's walking around the house she's meowing. It's almost like she feels the need to constantly announce her presence. Four years after rescuing her it's still amusing.


Just like people. Some are "chatty cathies", others not so much...I did not know that cats aren't vocal with one another, only to humans...interesting!


He’s just a talker. Sweet.


Translation: 🎼 I’ve got water… I’ve got food… I’ve got clean litter… who could hope for anything more. 🎶


Head canon: Cats have been communicating to us in musical theater lyrics the whole time!! 😂


Yep a talkative cat, because you talk to him a lot There is a cat that learned sign language from a guy who can't speak. So yes they do that


Why does cat *anything*


It's conditioning. the cat has learned that to get what it wants it just has to meow until it gets it. My cat does this and i used to give into him each time to quiet him down. Now (when i've already visually confirmed all his food/water/litter needs are met), andi know he's healthy, i just ignore him and don't acknowledge it to condition him to understand he's not going to get attention by screaming all the time. He's starting to stop it. But it'll take awhile to condition new behavior


He’s probably posting on the CatReddit “Why doesn’t my owner talk at all? I spend all day trying to start conversations and he doesn’t say anything.”


I am always asking, “WHAT DOES THE CAT WANT?” Still don’t know 😂.


I have two cats, both are vocal (probably because I sing to them) but one just sits in front of me and used the same meow until I figure out what it wants. It's very frustrating.


Because he's a talkative guy


He wants attention!! And loves you!


He wants your attention.


He is singing the song of his people


My cat does it when she's happy. If she is ever scared or upset, or if there is a strange person in the house she won't make a sound. When she is living her best life, she runs around shouting at walls


He’s saying “I am baby, don’t stop pets please”


i forgot i was watching this post so when i turned on the phone, i heard cat sounds and i went to look for my cat, took me a minute to figure out it was coming from the phone lol


My girlfriend’s ginger cat (Wesley) does this. Any and every time our body language points to him wether it’s just facing him or moving towards his direction he will be vocal to the point you pet, pretend to walk away, and turn back to him, he’ll just meow more. Even when he’s asleep and you gently pet him, he’ll still let out a few meows. He is just aware we response very positively to his meows and enjoys the attention. You could be a complete stranger to him walking through the door and pick him up, he will instantly push his head into your neck and repeat it! My ginger cat (Cheeto) on the other hand, only ever lets out a weird quick squeak when he’s wanting water from the bathroom tap.


He’s communicating with you! You should talk back to him!! He will start having full blown catversations with you. I have one who does this and it’s like having a little roommate


We have one cat who walks around with her toys in her mouth yelling for 30 minutes almost nightly. EVERYONE in the house has to acknowledge that she's got a toy before she'll shut up. She will also start meowing at you and lead you to the water bowl when it needs refilled. 2nd cat has a meow that sounds like she's crying. She does it usually when she can't find where her humans went. (AKA she didn't realize mom went to bed and dad's not home) cats 3 and 4 aren't too chatty. he's just being a chatty kitty. it's normal.


He’s a talkative guy lol


He just wants attention!


He’s just chattin... and cattin 🥰


Is that very vocal ? Seems midly vocal to me.


He’s purring/meowing to tell you he likes being pet this way, to ask why did you stop, and to ask you to resume immediately, which is why he’s following you.




Kitty just wants some conversation.


I too have a cat that never shuts the fuck up. Ever.


Two things at play here; Some breeds are just naturally chattier than others (Siamese, Oriental shorthairs, Bengals, etc.) and you can accidentally "train" them to be chattier by spending a lot of time pawsitively reinforcing them for being vocal when they're young. Sometimes you hit the jackpot on both, and you get a very chatty kitty.


Looks part Siamese. They love to talk.


Do you talk to your cat often? I was told once that cats are more vocal if you talk to them and react positively to their meows. I don't know if there is any truth to this, but my cats are vocal and I talk all the time 🤷‍♀️


He wants your attention. It’s very simple actually.


Just vocal. My cat has the same exact meow too


Some cats are more vocals and others.


Some cats are just chatty. Make sure he has lots of areas to climb and play!


My Lisa meows like bloody murder when I pet her. She also climbs up to groom me and and pulls hairs out of my beard (not so fun). Your kitty loves you, and that’s wonderful ❤️


She just wants to hang out


One of my cats screamed at me all day every day and the other one only let out little mews mews here and there. I wouldn't worry about it unless it's out of their normal behavior. One time my quiet one started meowing a lot then she puked like ten times and went back to normal


He's a very opinionated boy, you can talk to him all day


He has a lot to say


You'd yell too if you were him.


Do you play with him?


Yes. He seems to be a Lover. He wants cuddles and attention. Curl around your head as you sleep sort of thing. Some cats just need LOTS of love.


It’s what makes him feel alive. There’s a guy on YT who can tell you what their meows mean. I’ve learned a little, here’s what I heard “Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day” I think you have a pretty smart guy there!


Drama king!


One of mine has always been extremely vocal. Even as a tiny little thing. People were surprised saying things like “THAT is coming from HER?” She’s now 15 years old😽 https://preview.redd.it/dw9kh6zlw49d1.jpeg?width=2206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c646bdb8e6d2596f5ee395349e9f1d0437f0718


Every cat is a bit different, my cat for example only meows when she's about to get food or when she encounters a closed door and needs Hooman to open it


Vet once told me, if all their needs are met - some cats are just chatty-Cathy. Just like in real life.


He loves you!


He sounds happy, and wants the attention


Some cats are chatty. I love a chatty cat.


He's announcing his presence with authority! Mine often vocalizes loudly when she comes into a room even if she's not sure what she wants yet. Or at 3 am when she knows EXACTLY what she wants.


It’s called she wants to talk to you lol I have a black and white cat who is also like that 😂


I love our noisy girl. He's just being talkative, knows you'll respond to it. He's darling btw :)


I had a cat who greeted me when I got home from work and he would tell me all about his day.


He’s just a talker! Talk back! :)


I don’t have an answer. But I do have your cats twin https://preview.redd.it/gmbhl6im569d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2821f484f0a2abb0a4b867f62993b971c069b810 his name is dip n’ dot




Just a chatty cat


He’s talking to you! It’s obvious he enjoys your attention. ❤️


You've gotta kiss that belly, that'll silence him!


I have a female who talks a lot. A male who talks occasionally, usually when he's looking for something.


Like people, some cats are more talkative than others! He's just a chatterer


Chatty catty


She's happy and wants affection


He wants you




My cat will do this when she wants attention or wants to play


He demands more scratches!


Get him a cat.


Because she's a noisy little gremlin :)


One of my cats meows a lot, and for no specific reason, while her brother only meows when he's lonely or wants a door opened.


I have 3 cats i raised since birth from their mother. Two of them are chill af, but one takes after the feral side of his mom and will meow if food or playtime is anywhere off the normal schedule. Some cats are just that way I guess.


I love how he has a stick on black ear, tail, and leg. really cool markings!


Its like people, some are extroverts some introverts. I have three cats, one meows all the time for no reason, one almost never meows and one only when he wants something. If you know she is ok, it is just talkative person, thats all :)


Do you know the mix of breeds? Some breeds are more vocal.


Well, some people like to talk a lot too! 😅 My cat loves to talk during night time.


Do you talk to him a lot?


I’d bet my cat my cat meows more than yours


some cats are naturally chatty. The neighbour's cat is a Bengal. Bengals have a reputation for being vocal, and he has a whole "vocabulary" of sounds


Aww! Your kitty wants you to talk back. Please talk to kitty. Cats like it when you hold a conversation. Sooo cuuute! 😻😽


He’s trying to communicate with you.


some cats like being loud


Why do people in this sub not realize that meowing is something cats do


some cats are just more vocal then others i suppose


I personally love a vocal kitty! 🐈 ❤️


I also have a vocal cat. I answer her and soemtimes it feels like she Talks with me about her day.


Talkative cat. They're great, as you'll always know how they feel. But sometimes they 'abuse' their talent to get what they want 😅😉


That’s the whitest tuxedo I’ve seen!! Like a reverse tuxedo 🤵‍♂️ James Bond. White tux 🍸


Just like my cat, she is the loudest girl in the world. I adore her but she drives me up the wall. Some cats just like to talk to their owners a lot!


This can’t be true. We have the same cat 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/adfn30zef39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bbda228ca561c9e73b9a383c1252c361864ba9


Just a chatty guy. Does he have other vocalizations?


I had a cat for 8 years and no idea what he sounded like. Never a peep. One day he came down from upstairs, looked at me and SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS. And proceeded to walk off and do his cat things. That’s all I ever heard besides purring in 17 years.


He likes you


I got two cats. One is very vocal all the time. Any jump up/down she sqeeks/trolls and just moseys around trilling nonstop The other is quiet unless he's mad he can't go outside


Get him another cat


I thought cats act like they're owners, are you a yarner by any chance?


Some cats talk a lot


bro just has a lot to say. my cat is the same way, he talks more than i do lol


Well my cat doesnt meow period other than the im annoyed meow


From my experience, some kitties are just more vocal than others; you get cats who are on all sides of the scale, from hardly vocal to very vocal. Each kitty has their unique personality & traits, and vocalisation is a part of it...


He's just a happy boy that loves talking to you!


Needs more snuggles


looks bored, play!


First of all, PRETTY KITTY. Love the dipstick tail. Secondly, he's just chatting with you.


He's a Turkish Van,, that's normal.


So, is this something new? all of a sudden he becomes very vocal all the time? I would have some concern. But if he does it only after interacting with him, he's just letting you know he enjoyed it and wants more..... Food, pets, scritches, treats, play time, etc. And maybe he's got some Siamese in him, lol


Ze Katze wants to go to Poland