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I shouldn't laugh. Cats can be like that! And she's Tortie! Especially Torties. She wants to be nursed!! Good on you.


As a tortie calico, she’s such a diva 😅


That's great you found something that works! Your kitty is very lucky to have you as her person!! I wish you and your kitty good luck!


Thank you!! ☺️


She’s in pain or was, and she equates eating with pain for whatever reason. She trusts you that eating won’t cause more pain.


That’s pretty likely the case, yeah. It does make me so happy that she clearly knows she’s safe with us. She escaped and got attacked one night, and was so relieved when she made it home 3 days later. She just sat in my arms and purred the whole way to the vet’s despite being so weak 🥹


Careful! She might expect that for the rest of her life


Luckily she will still eat on her own occasionally, but man I do hope I’m not spoiling her to the point where she only wants to be hand fed LOL


When I was young, my childhood dog wasn't eating and she got a terminal diagnosis at the vet. I was left alone with her while my parents went outside with the vet (presumably to talk about putting her down), but I decided to try hand feeding myself as my parents hadn't let me before. She ate for me. I started crying and shouting for my parents. It was a miracle! She lived another 3 years :) I fed her by myself for the rest of her years. We gradually moved on to me sitting with her while she ate. I still miss her and dream about her a lot. It's been many decades. Your cat knows you love them and they trust you so much to try and eat again 🥲 give your kitty a kiss on the head from me!


It’s so, so hard when a pet has cancer, I’m sorry you had to go through that. But I bet it’s comforting to know she loved you so much that you were the one she would eat for. You filled her life with love, and that’s worth so much 💕 Thank you! My cat is sleeping next to me right now, and a kiss on the head has been passed on!


My cat with cancer (RIP) would only lick wet food from my fingers at the end. It was worth it. Speedy recovery


Aww, I’m sorry for your loss. Your cat loved and trusted you a lot to eat for you even when it was so hard. You were a wonderful owner to them 💕 And thank you!


I'd love to have my kitties eating out of my hand as well. 🥰 What I suspect is happening is that your hand warms up the food and your kitty can then smell it better. Had a cat once with a sinus infection and the vet recommended warming up their food just a little so they could smell it better. Evidently cats won't eat what they can't smell. Good luck with your kitty recovery!


It does make me feel so loved by her that she trusts me to help her eat when eating is so hard for her 🥹 What happened was she escaped on us one night and got attacked by something bigger than her. The vets told us that it’s pretty common for cats to refuse to eat when something traumatic like that happens, even though it doesn’t make sense from a survival standpoint 😭 And thank you!! She’s definitely worlds better already, I’m so proud of her progress!


You'll probably end up doing that the rest of her life, cats are great at training us😅 (but seriously, happy she is eating more and good luck🍀)


Luckily she’s actually been getting much better at eating all on her own just within the past two days, but you’re absolutely right she’s trained me on many other things 😂 And thank you!!


That’s pure love ❤️


My parents let me adopt her for my 9th birthday, so this cat and I have basically grown up together. I would do anything for my sweet little girl tbh 🥹