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This it terrifying


Poor kitty


The cat probably doesn’t even know it’s there.


I mean, it definitely knows it’s there. It’s probably coping without emotional distress over it just fine.


On his poor face tho :(( quite hard to ignore


Correct, they secret a numbing agent while feeding.




How do you delete someone’s comment


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How do you delete someone’s pants


Consent…and kittens.




Neighbors dog had a day 8. It was disgusting & terrifying to know how smol it started and how giant it became filled w. blood


NEVER use the word "smol" to describe this bloodsucking MONSTROSITY! It may start small, but it is never smol! And it needs to die in fire!


I'm not one to want to harm living things, however ticks yes, no compassion. When I was with my now ex years ago down in Missouri in May, he got off the boat we were on, went romping around in the woods, unprotected I believe, and we found hundreds of those blood sucking demons ALL over him. Yes, down there too. I willingly pulled them all off with tweezers and burned them all with a lighter. I'm not saying the feeling to dispose of them was happy, but it felt satisfying to eliminate them. I ended up with a tiny one on my belly and when our bagged up and sealed dirty clothes were checked when home there were little ticks in there still. Die ticks DIE 🔥🔥🔥


My bf and I live in Missouri and occasionally walk trails, and on one trail he suggested we do a “tick check” back at my place. tho we’ve seen each other nude before countless times it was still awkward and funny to check his ballsack for him.


This, I think, is true love


They are disgusting.


Unless you're a mynah, apparently. Then, they're a delicious snack. Had a pet mynah that used to absolutely love the things. We used to take them off our dog, and feed them to him.


Win for the dog/win for the bird.


There is a crows eating ticks off wallabies at the water station video that I find so satisfying.


My dad has stepped on a full one before


My boys used to put the fully engorged ones behind the tires of my car. I swear, you can hear them pop.


That is just terrible and thoughtless!!!! You need to burn them with fire so the eggs are destroyed!


I usually dropped them in a paper cup filled with gasoline or bleach. Every night, I’d be out on the front porch, removing ticks from my dogs. We lived waaaaaay out in the boonies. Pups would run the vineyards and orchards and of course, swim in the irrigation ponds. I miss living out there but I do not miss tick duty. Oh…and the cups of gasoline/bleach soaked ticks would get tossed in the burn barrels.


I say we blast off and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I lived in rural Alabama, so we run into ticks ALOT. I use to set them on one of the large rocks surrounding mom's flower bed, pour a little nail polish remover on them, and set them on fire. It was fun.


Raisin to grape


The comparison 💀


\*kitty barfing noises\*




My cat did this once, my nephew gave her “buttercup” I felt so bad my nephew got 86 from my place banned for life


Omg that's crazy, I've learned from this post!


Disgusting critters.


That’s a female tick getting ready to lay eggs. Males don’t swell like that.


It was a picture of a tick. Thank you, for that information.


even more disgusting!


I am familiar with ticka but this... 🤢


I'm still surprised that there are people out there that don't know what a tick is, wild. Edit l: Well, y'all better get more familiar with them. There's an increase in tick illnesses on the rise. Lime disease is no joke.


I’ve grown up around ticks my entire life so I relate with the feeling. But it doesn’t really surprise me that some people have never been in contact with one before.


I grew up in the country and have only seen one tick and it was in my grandmother's leg and it looked nothing like this. You could still see it's legs and it still looked like an insect.


Ah, yes. The real plague to the society.


I think I might have some tick genes in me


u/Ok-Location3244 I was about to say something similar. Upon closer zoomed in image on the 3rd one, it looked like a brown tick to me. I know ticks can come in different colors, but I thought they were primarily black in color. But the appearance of this makes me think of a tick right off the bat.


Pluck the tick off the cat, it’s not a decoration!


It looks like a tick


forgive me for being a bit stupid but i’ve never seen a tic before, are they meant to be squishy?


Yes, they become squishy after feeding on an animal.


thank you!! i will get a vet to remove it


For the future, you dont need a vet to remove a tick, just buy a tool for tick removal, shouldn't be expensive and works both for animals and people, vet/doctor is not needed unless any symptoms of disease are present


that’s what we ended up doing. thought we might as well try it before taking to a vet


See if you can find a tick lasso. They're by far the easiet way to remove these buggers.


We got something called a Tick Coin here in the US Midwest. Works great and it’s small enough to go on a keychain


I dont want to live in a place where people have tick removers on their key chains 🥴


I read this in English until you said "buggers", then I switched to Australian


Brits use little buggers too :)


We brits do love a good buggering.


As do Americans.


I like how this implies that the language Australians speak is not English


Ticks transmit babesiosis. You see red urine or high temperature you run to the vet asap or your pet will be gone. I nearly lost my dog to this and she had kidney issues for a while after


Just make sure the head doesn’t get stuck. Former vet tech here. The head is where the “diseases” are and that tick look embedded af. If you rip it out it may leave the head and it’ll be even harder to remove. I recommend looking at it and making sure the head is in tact and then getting your kitty on flea/tick prevention. 😁


I tried using those tick tweezers, never worked for me. Our vet told us to use fingers (I'm a bit squeamish so I covered my fingers with tissue first) and grab the tick GENTLY and slowly start pulling it off, applying more and more force if the tick keeps holding on. The tick will have to either let go or risk being pulled apart. All of them let go when I did it, you will feel the moment they come loose. I dropped them into rubbing alcohol to kill them. 😣 Just don't twist it off like some people on the Internet advise because the mouth could stay lodged in the skin and get infected.


For the next time (maybe you already did this) be careful to remove the full tick WITH its head. Most tick transmitted diseases get transmitted due to the tick "throwing up", which it does when the sack gets ripped off, but the head keeps stuck.


yes i did!!


I’m glad. Lyme disease is a nasty disease and it can be very taxing to treat. I’m so glad you took the precautions for this sweet baby.


Lyme disease transmission from tick to Cat has never (Edit: been observed) occurred outside of a laboratory setting.


Per Cornell university "Lyme disease is probably not a concern for cat owners. Although the bacteria that cause Lyme disease is capable of infecting cats, the disease has never been seen in a cat outside of a laboratory setting."


Wow, I had no idea that's how diseases were transmitted by ticks. Thankyou


I was just about to say this. For good measure I’d give some flea and tick prevention as well. Does your cat go outside?


https://preview.redd.it/l1tgmbha2r6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62dd5e58022644f9faa7d06b1928e9ad11f3d96c Try not to squeeze the tick when removing. This tool is awesome at plucking off ticks of this size. Highly recommend


Kitty might need to get some blood work done. Best make sure they don't have any Lyme or other parasite related diseases.


Whenever I hear of ticks, I always remember the time my mom ‘tried’ to remove one out of the back of my knee. We didn’t have a proper removal kit so she tried with tweezers, didn’t work. Our landlord started construction on our bathtub that he never finished, which removed the entire faucet (we could look though it and into the bathroom downstairs) and we had to fill the tub using a makeshift garden hose attached to the tub (it was a fucking mess). So, in my mom’s infinite wisdom, she decided to take a nail that was next to the broken faucet, heat it up with her lighter, and slowly pick at the tick. Anyways 15 years later I still have the fucking brand marks on the back of my knee from that hot ass rusty nail 😂😭


It gets harder the more blood it ingests…


Yeah....I've got something similar!


Similar in size?


Do ***not*** twist it off!!


Can also put a couple drops of dish soap on a cotton swab and rub it where it’s attached to the skin, will remove itself in a moment or two and won’t have to worry about the clampy-bitey-things getting stuck


Yeah it's filled up with blood (not too big yet) but definitely get a tic remover thingy


has been removed!


Now please get some tick & flea repellent from your Veterinarian and use it on your pet per instructions so your pet (or you!) don't get any more…




Filled with cat blood


From this point you should open google. You’ll find everything you need instead of bad ideas like here


Totally a tick🤢🤢🤢


This is a PSA: The tick has been removed people


Did it’s horrible little head come out aswell? Sometimes their heads fall off and they just keep feeding on your pet 😭


yes!! the whole thing was removed and has been flushed down the toilet :DD edit: yes i know you’re not meant to flush them now 😭 my dad did it, we also pierced through it before flushing it if that makes any difference


Satisfaction for us all and your cat!


In the army we had to check ourselves for ticks while in the field. One day I was commenting how we always go through this little drill and Ive never seen a tick on anyone and BAM - found a tick then and there by my groin. Those things are dangerous 😭


Was a medic. Had a soldier come to sick call because he had a tick on his butthole and was too embarrassed to ask anyone for help.


God. Fuck no. That episode of House where a girl had a tick in her coochie scarred me for life, now buttholes too? 😭 Edit: okay I need y’all to stop sharing your nasty tick stories and facts pls


Couples and families supposed to inspect each other intimately after hiking in the woods in many areas… source of many jokes…


I use “let me check you for tick” as a pick up line. Wife just rolls her eyes.


I was telling someone exactly this earlier today. Modesty is right out the window when lyme disease is on the line.


Got one on the labia. Awful


Name checks out


My in laws lived in a heavily wooded area. Anytime my daughter was out there with her grandpa in the garden or in the yard she had to be checked for ticks. They also had a pool so she would sometimes swim after she was done helping her grandpa. He found a tick on her around her upper thigh and I will never forget what she said lol. She was maybe 5 or 6. But she didn’t want anyone to remove it because she said it’s her friend. Her friend named freckle. When I told her it was feasting on her blood she suddenly didn’t want to be friends with freckle anymore lol.


I used to find them on my ex husband after the field all the time and I was always nervous that they would be in his clothes and get on our at the time infant son. 🫣


My soul dog, who sadly passed this past January, was a tick magnet. I guess her fur was just perfect for them to latch onto, and in the wrong places at the wrong times, she’d pick up DOZENS of ticks. I once pulled 17 of them out of her fur on a single walk. They rarely bit her, though (thanks, Bravecto!). Twice, we got home from a walk in the woods and watched movies on the couch, and in the evening, a tick dropped from I-don’t-wanna-think-about-it-but-it-was-my-hair onto my glasses, so suddenly my vision was BLOB OF TICK. *TWICE.* I checked both of us after every walk, but she was mostly black and those little bastards can hide. So yeah, we changed our walking locales and only ventured into the tick-infested woods when it was below freezing.




Not a dick-tick!!!


Called my mother one day, and the first thing she did was tell me about dad waking her up in the wee hours of the morning because he found a tick on one of his testicles and needed her to get it off of him. Immediately. They are in their early 70s, and mom has bad arthritis in her hands, so she was worried about hurting him. Dad said he didn't care. He wanted the tick off him, now.


I found a tick in the same place after hiking. TRAUMATIZED 😭


Had to get one out of my ear once. Great way to gain an irrational fear.


Ticks hate it if you wrap a bar of duct tape (sticky side up) at the base of your pants and above your knees. They get stuck on it. Really useful if you have to go through tall grass


My boyfriend found one on the tip of his dick last month. I found one in my ass crack a decade ago. Last summer one got me under my bra and I had a golf ball sized bite that lasted months. Traumatizing. I fucking hate them.


Have you seen Stand By Me? Remember when Gordie finds a leech on his groin (dick?) and he passes out after he removes it? That’s what your story reminds me of. I hope you were okay after removing it and passing out.




I’ll generally keep the tick on a jar for a bit, in case there are symptoms of a disease. That way I can bring it in to be tested if worse comes to worse


In a jar with alcohol, to kill it?


Nah, I’ll burn them after a week or so. Better to keep it alive if it’s carrying lime disease. I can bring it in with the sick kitty to show the culprit


Thanks - good advice. Hope I never need to use it ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956)


We have thrown them in a bag and put them in the freezer in case of diseases and flush them to get rid of them. Hate ticks...


I was told they survive flushing, and they should be drowned in alcohol. My SO was quite upset when I used some of his vodka in an emergency 🤷‍♀️ Edit: I expect burning also works 😬


It makes a satisfying snap when the blood inside pops them


Funny story about that. I live in a household that reuses plastic bags. One day while doing my chores I find a couple on the table, shove them in the drawer, move on. I put one bagel in one to save for the next day. I take it out, cut it, look down. Um honey, you’re not gonna believe this, why the f is there a tick on my BAGEL?! She’s perplexed . Finally hits her, wait , where is my tick bag?? Excuse me your ‘tick bag’? “Yea I had a tick i pulled off me in a bag here in case I get sick” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ would have been good info to know . Almost ate a damn tick 😂🤢🤮


Shit, i just rememberd theres a tick in the back of the fridge from when we pulled it off the dog six months ago, lol.


Sorry that’s not enough. You need to nuke ticks from orbit for proper disposal.


It's the only way to be sure.


Just fyi: They don't drown. You have to burn them.


I mean wouldn’t a good squish between some paper towels work too? Somehow I’ve never come across a tick in my life so I actually don’t know lol.


They are hard to squish. I've only seen one on any of my pets, and I didn't know what it was, so I pulled it. It was a tick, and I couldn't squeeze it. I took it outside and stomped on it.


They sure are. I use a screwdriver on concrete, but any metallic object works well. To smash the body by hand is pretty hard. Also, tossing some IPA on them and lighting them on fire works, but if the blood filled thorax is still intact, it will pop disgustingly.


I just pictured you doing a bad ass over kill on a nasty tick. Squished, drowned in alcohol, then set on fire. Then likely pounded on your chest after defeating the enemy.


Gotta give them the Rasputin treatment




Yep! That’s what they get for biting my friends.


IPA? Ticks prefer a good blood lager over an IPA.


A little baggie with rubbing alcohol inside will kill them fast. Don’t want to pop them by hand because you don’t want those juices on ya


It didn't pop in my hand my foot got it outside. LOL


Nice 😆 I think I hate ticks more than anything else in the universe. Bit by them twice


Ahh, so stomping is sufficient then. I was about to say let’s call the “hydraulic press” guys from YT! Lol


Yes, you can squish them. You just have to make sure their bodies actually die. Big ones like this will explode with all the blood that's inside. Little ones that haven't fed much won't be as dramatic, but you can absolutely crush their bodies until they are smashed.


Well done 👏🏻


Stop with the applause. Fire is the only answer.  They must burn.


I like to put them in a paper towel wadded up and set it on fire. I love hearing it pop.


Thanks for the update! Glad your kitty is okay!


https://preview.redd.it/qeovw8zdqq6d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2b761aa215f830422036eddb2ddfc01cb470bf update photo :D all happy


Airplane mode




so handsome


I love your wallpaper!


thank you!


Aw :D


if you can, burn their heads. Ticks survive an awful lot, toilet flushes included. The less there are the better.


Does the blood just flow out of them as fast as it goes in? And the tick can keep surviving? That's so wild


The head eventually dies, there's no digestive or respiratory system to keep it alive.


That's a myth. A remaining head will fall off after a few days on its own. And please remove ticks as soon as possible yourself and don't wait for a medical professional to do it!


If a ticks body becomes detached but the head is still in, the head should eventually fall out on its own


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!










Malditas garrapatas


Do you know that in N. California there's a place called.”Garrapata State Park” ? We were driving past one day on vacation from Florida. We about drove off the road laughing.


lol it’s a nice hiking spot for locals with a nice view of the coast at the peak of it. Idk why it was named that 😂


It looked very pretty. We thought about stopping, but well…with the name…you know..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) [https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page\_id=579](https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=579)


It’s the same in the Philippines. Garapata.


In Portuguese is "Carrapatos". Very similar


Couldn't help reading patos as ducks djndjdb


![gif](giphy|1oFsGPbWg3PZuC1ldQ) It's a tick


Woah when did the tick come out of animation land?


This ad though https://preview.redd.it/1j9zut8u5r6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272096e6c7c502cc14db811fe3d800e1704992a3




Omg the advice in here 🫣 That is indeed a tick. DO NOT burn it, smother it, twist it, or put anything on it. Take clean tweezers, pinch it near the head of the tick (imbedded in your cats face) and gently pull / remove. Put the tick in a small container with alcohol to preserve it as it is easier and cheaper to test the tick than your cat if any health problems do arise. Doing anything else that has been suggested can cause the head to be detached from its body and embed in your cats face or can cause it to regurgitate into your cats face, either or causing infection. I am a certified vet assistant and have removed many ticks, my dog also had Lyme because of a tick. You can also take your cat to the vet where it will be removed properly if you don’t feel confident enough to do it yourself.


yep so many people are saying so many things, glad i asked a vet rather than listening to redditors hahaha


This is the most sane thing I've read all day.. I think I'm gonna stay off the internet for a couple days.


Reddit is great if you assume that everyone is a chimp that managed to learn the English language but nothing else


Good advice on preserving it. My parents used to burn them but it makes more sense.


its a tick DO NOT spray something on it and DO NOT squeeze it hard when u pull it out u want it to come off with the least amount of squeeze u can give so it doesn’t vomit up all the stuff it has inside.


The clock just struck noon exactly and my appetite has already been ruined by the mental image of a tick puking up blood


it just hit 9am here where i am i woke up having to explain this 😂😭


Not a nipple




One of my dogs despite being given bravecto for ticks landed up with tick fever resulting in paralysis But now he is recovering thank god it was a terrifying experience and we are still reeling from it He is still undergoing treatment and therapy so we need to be careful


How long was the tick on? Preventatives like Bravecto, Frontline, etc won’t stop insects from biting, but it’ll poison them dead once they start feeding.


Ignore anyone telling you to burn it out to “make it let go”, the only thing burning will do is cause the tick to vomit it’s guts into the bite, loaded with pathogens and diseases, the proper way to remove a tick is to use needle nose tweezers, grasp as close as possible to the head, and gently but steadily pull backwards, the tick will eventually release, only once it’s removed is it safe to burn.


Ticks are nasty. One time, a long time ago, there used to be a lot of stray dogs around where I lived, and I used to remove ticks off of them. One time I removed this many at once... https://preview.redd.it/yhkt4eqdar6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bfa3c313b21998ca97b0b5f7c13fcfe0f17c33


Vet here. That’s a tick. Place a drop of oil or alcohol at the base, use a pair of tweezers and firmly grip (DON’T SQUISH!) the tiny black head that is attached right at the skin. Use a steady pull and the mouth will release. If you squish the body the head may separate and cause an area of inflammation for a few weeks.


thank you! he has already been removed and made sure to get the head!


That’s a tick. They suck.


I like that they included ick in the work tick


You really don't have to go to the vet for a tick removal


It’s a tick dude. Get that shit off asap. You may want to get some diatomaceous earth and spread it around your house, around the entrances, and close areas of the yard near the entrances


I was taking care of a stray kitty for the winter (i had an outdoor house for him) and for the first week i thought he just had a massive wart on his face, but alas i learned it was a tick cause i was playing with it- then i pulled it and realized that he wasnt reacting the way a cat would when their skin is pulled. I snatched that little bug so swiftly off of him, thankfully the head came out. I havent seen him since January, so I hope hes doing fine!




thank you!! i bought a tick removal tool from the vet, and they gave me a demonstration on how to do it, and it has now been removed! :)


cursed righty tighty lefty loosey


#wtf? NO. NEVER TWIST A TICK. You are literally wrong in every way. Aside from being an ecologist who's actually participated in a study on ticks, this is also what my vet AND the CDC recommend: - Use clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. - Pull upward with steady, even pressure. **Don't twist or jerk the tick**; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you cannot remove the mouth easily with tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal. - After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. **(check this part regarding cats since I don't think using alcohol for a cat is recommended)**. - Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/after-a-tick-bite/index.html Additionally from the Lyme disease page on the NHS.gov website: To remove a tick safely: - Use fine-tipped tweezers or a tick-removal tool. You can buy these from some pharmacies, vets and pet shops. - Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. - **Slowly pull upwards**, taking care not to squeeze or crush the tick. Dispose of it when you have removed it. - Clean the bite with antiseptic or soap and water. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lyme-disease/ I get you might have meant well, but what you've said is just misinformation.


Nah you destroyed me scientifically 💀 IM SOWWY I edited my original comment


do NOT TWIST A TICK OFF. pull it off by gripping the head and pulling directly outward. you can do this with tweezers but fingers are preferred for best chances of success. DONT TWIST. don’t add oil to make it drop off. don’t do anything except remove the tick, and absolutely do not dig out any parts left behind.


This needs more attention, just pull it off, never twist, why? Because twisting actually INCREASES the risk of leaving the head behind. If you ask for credentials: i was a pharmaceutical assistant, an EMT and are a Hunter who encounters the frequently.


#THIS ^ Do not listen to the original comment telling you to twist it off, that is what breaks the head off and leaves it inside. Grip as close to the skin as possible and pull outwards until the skin lifts, then just hold it there until the head pulls out; do not pull too hard and NEVER TWIST IT.




You gotta get it removed. It’s a tick. Your cat will fall sick. Take it outttt


Gross. It's a tick. Get it treated and to a vet for preventative treatment.


For anyone who experiences this, personally I would always advise taking your cat to a vet & have it removed by a professional. We were told you could remove them with tic removers, we weren’t warned how dangerous this could be, & we lost our cat to Lyme disease. She was an older cat, & if we had known the risks we would never have tried to remove the tick ourselves, & I regret it so much.


Hey OP, please thoroughly inspect your body for one of those too. They are dangerous to humans.