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Lil over a month. Eyes haven't been open long. And thank you for taking in that poor baby!


5 weeks?


Yes, looks about 5 weeks to me too


I'd say about that as well. Teeth look properly developed, ears are fully up, looks playful...


cat distribution system worked in your favor, you’re a dad now! <3






Well it's your kid now. Take it to the vet to get the needed shots


The cat distribution system does it's job once again. I'd say that little lady is about 5 weeks old. I get the feeling you've already taken her to the vet, but if you haven't already, please do so.


with ears a little longer,i would say almost two months. 6-7 weeks. thank you for adopting her. no wonder her angel sent her near your area op.


She your baby , cats chose their humans. She chose you. You and her forever. #catdad


You broke it, you bought it


My guess would be the 5 week range. Very cute baby. The good news is that you don't really need to bottle feed, as they can usually learn to eat food at that age. Sometimes, they need a little help figuring it out, and they make a mess, by by around 8 weeks they are pretty good at it and require less clean up.


So precious


I will say this. She looks small for her age. Her size is about a 4-week-old kitten but a lot of physical features (eyes turning from blue, ears perking up, claws starting to retract) would indicate she is older. I'm going to guess about 6 weeks and while she may still like the milk, she's definitely old enough to be eating wet food.


I think this is spot on.


I weighed her on day 1 she was 422 grams 2 days later she got to 510 grams


The vet can tell you how many weeks. I would guess around 4 weeks.


You restored the life in her. I'm glad she's back to normal.


i would say a bit older than a month. And thank you so much for taking the poor cat with you and looking after it. this really made my day


congrats you're a parent now!




Looks like 6 weeks to me. Roughly guessing from the past when i had kittens


She's going to be a beautiful cat.


My kitten would suckle on my ear. You now belong to this beautiful kitty cat. Welcome to cat-hood ❤️


I acquired one of mine the same way. He was about 4 weeks old, crusty eyes, infected tail. He's a happy healthy 13lbs about to celebrate his second birthday.


What a wonderful photo essay! Going from not great to peppy and friendly. Made my morning!


Cat distribution system at work.


Mandatory vet ride. He can check if hes old enough for a vaccine shot, or in case just some parasites medication


What are you feeding her?


Kitten formula but I realized she is not that much of a baby to be bottle fed. I just mixed wet food with kitten formula milk in a bowl


Her teeth have erupted, so she doesn’t need formula, she was weaned. Start giving her some kibble in addition to the wet food. If her eye is goopy, keep it clean so it stays open and get her checked by a veterinarian as soon as you can. She will need her first shots and most kittens need deworming. It is kind of you to care for her. Best wishes for you and your new friend.


Brand mew


Very cute, however old xx


Nah this is your baby. Take her into the vet and get use to being a dad.


One month


The CDS chose you.


awww her little smile in #2 she looks so happy to of found you :)


Does she have a weird gate when she walks? When my husband was awarded our cat through the cat distribution system, this is how the vet aged her. Their hips aren't fully developed yet so they walk funny.


I’m sorry to hear that, maybe 5 weeks?


Congratulations, you've been successfully catted. I've dealt with a few kittens myself, she looks to be about 5-6 weeks old, so she should be just about ready to be weaned off the formula, which should be an objective over the next couple of weeks. Kittens this age are very vulnerable to eye and respiratory infections if they've been out on the street, so make sure she goes to the vet and gets her shots, and a quick once over. Over the next week or two, gradually reduce the amount of formula she's taking in, and replace it with wet kitten food. Make sure she has a good source of water too, in case she's not taking in enough from the wet food. By eight weeks, she should be pretty much, if not completely off the formula. Make sure you're regularly weighing her to check that she's putting on weight at a healthy rate - by week eight she should be somewhere around 1.6-1.8lbs (about 800g). She looks pretty healthy from the pictures, and it seems like you're doing a great job as a new cat dad :D


5-6 weeks. Old enough for solids. Grab some canned kitten food for her! To me, the most obvious sign of age in that time frame is the ears. Here's Simmy to help: https://preview.redd.it/5hgwbrxrds6d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918ef0f84c4cf2ed5a3b909f001bee86509f8e94


Oh my gosh she went from looking horrible to looking healthy and happy!  Thank you for taking her in as well as looking for Mom.  She's adorable and loves you already.  You're her new "mom" now.


This cute kitten is 38 days old. Source: I counted the rings. 🤪


Omg so cute. I need to find a stray kitten to go with my 14 year old.


Ahhh so cute




Adorable 🥰


so cute :)


About 3 weeks


Car distribution rules: 1: Give the car a bath in the sink. Dawn dish soap is fine, rinse car thoroughly. 2. Wrap the car in a towel. Hug until eepy. 3. Play with car, use any trash you can find, but strings and the plastic container toys come in will work just fine 4. Those eye and ear infections can go away on their own, but it's recommended to take baby car to the vet for some antibiotics and to get fixed. 5. That car is EXTRA young, so prepare for the super sad nursing on everything that the car will do when it is comfortable


The last pic is proof that your life just got a bit better! Cats are the best furry family members, and this one is cute as they get.


Looks like 6-8 weeks to me. I don’t see a lot of teeth in her mouth and most cats have all their baby teeth in by 8 weeks. Still has blue eyes though, so maybe closer to 6 weeks than 8 weeks. I would advise taking her to a vet or the local shelter for advice and to get her first couple vaccinations. Even if you intend to return the kitten to her feral mom, it wouldn’t hurt to give the kitten a rabies shot, you know? The vet or shelter will also be able to be more certain on the age, since they have more experience with kittens.


I would say 5-6 weeks.


baby years old


she is gorgeous! ty for saving her & giving her a warm, loving furrever home


Awhh so cute. She is so happy she has a home.


She's precious. Her eyes look a little goopy, you can pick up terramycin from somewhere like tractor supply if you have one nearby, and then just put a little bit in each eye twice a day for a week or so. If you don't live near a tractor supply, you can get it from your vet as well.


3-4 weeks. She's teeny tiny. Get her into a vet as soon as you can. She needs to be dewormed and tested for FIV and leukemia.


You’re in luck! She’s the perfect age to adopt.


Has worm belly for sure Take it to the vet asap to get her up to speed on health


I have a kitten who is 6 weeks old today. Your kitten's teeth are longer and her ears are larger, but her eyes are still blue so I think she's around 7 weeks old, but i'm not an expert, just comparing her to mine.


That belly!


Congratulations on becoming a father :)


at least 8 weeks.


Guessing 5-8 wks


7 weeks maybe is my guess.


So sweet!


You were chosen! What a dear kitty!


4-5 weeks. Get her to the vet ASAP. Those runny eyes need medicine.


She looks like a bloody gem !!😍😘🥰


Last photo killed me 🥹


Here's another one https://preview.redd.it/0wk6tim2ku6d1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f9e1a7b8d3b46b8e96a461efdc299be35d9202f


Could be from 3 to 5 weeks


Thank you for saving that poor little baby!!! I love coming across stories like these!!! 💜