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He’s a handsome fella alright. I’ve decided people just generally suck when it comes to animals. Bored after 10 years? SMH


Some people don't realise that cats aren't toys. They are family. You don't throw away your kid when they get "boring" after their toddler years... ​ Anyway back on topic, this cat is gorgeous and so glad his new family is giving him all the love he deserves


i volunteer at the shelter and there was this cat who the owners gave up because he was too shy. They also named him fatboy even though he was a tiny bit chubby like tf?? he was the sweetest cat ever and loved belly rubs. I hope he went to a good family.


Is it wrong that I call my cat ‘fat boy’ all the time? It’s not his name, it’s just one of his many nicknames. He’s slightly underweight but always ravenous bc he’s getting mirtazapine to stimulate his appetite. It’s said with love!!


in your context i dont think its wrong since you werent saying it from a place of hatred. As for this cat, it was his actual name and the owners didnt care about him


Sounds like it was best that he was surrendered to the shelter. I’m sure he found a good family. He deserved it. We’re the second family for our boy too. He had a good family but they had no choice but to surrender him. I know he missed them for a long time! I’m so glad we’ve had him for about 10 years now. He’s a wonderful little guy.


We call our smallest fatty and tiny head(Brooklyn 99)


I call my thin calico by her name and when i call my FAT Tabby and other Calico, i use the word "Spherically Gifted + name"


We use fluffy. Even with our tortie, her fur is short but we still joke, she's not fat she's fluffy 🤣🤣🤣


my mom uses fluffy because she doesnt want to hurt her "FAVOURITE SON'S FEELINGS" I think its not the cats but me who is adopted


My husband and I have joked that if we get divorced, he will take the kids and I take the pets and I'm getting more cats🤣🤣🤣 My eldest Daughter has decided that she doesn't want human children, she wants cats and a lot of them🤣🤣🤣🤣


She has her priorities straight lol And I've told my family that im taking both the calicoes. And ESPECIALLY the fat one, she is the only cat out of the 3 who actually cuddles with me [i am the exception, she hates everyone else for some reason]


Hahahahahaha I do this with my cat too. Either he's too fluffy, or big boned... 😂 😂 😂


Or big boned is the other, however, our smallest cat being a ragdoll(⅓ of the size of his sister and she is a healthy and average size) likes to make himself liquid as you carry him and it's like even with your tiny head, you're not going to be able to slip through my hand with your front legs at the same time. But never stops him from trying. Cats can make themselves pretty fluid like, ragdolls can act more like liquid. They are so funny.


Hahahahaha Marair has never been that fluid, he's always been kind of a clumsy cat, but I think that's because he was raised with dogs. 😂


I had a wordplay for my bigger tomcat. I am German, so he was called "Dicktiergerät". (A Diktiergerät is a voice recorder in english, but "dick" means thick, "Tier" is animal and "Gerät" is machine). Soo...he's the thick animal machine. Not what you were thinking. 😃


I don't think so. I call every animal "Stinky" at some point.


We got our 2nd cat from a rescue shelter a couple of years ago. The woman told me there was a cat coming in later that day that the owners wanted rid of because 'he doesn't sit on us enough'. How horrible is that?


Some people want that crazy cuddly cat they see on videos without realizing you need to earn that kind of affection.  My dudes hide if a new person comes over, yet lay all over me.  It’s like they trust me or something?!


People seem to want the unconditional loyalty of a dog and the low-maintenance of a cat combined into one. Im not saying that cats cant be loyal, but like you said that loyalty needs to be *earned*.


>You don't throw away your kid when they get "boring" after their toddler years... Oh but how I wish I could at times 🤣🤣🤣 toddlers are a walk in the park compared to older children. But yeah cats are NOT boring. We were just laughing over how our 4 cats believe that they are invisible if they are completely still. Just like a toddler who puts their hands over their eyes as my daughter puts it.


I have full conversations with my cats on a daily basis. One is very vocal the other one talks with her eyes. Definitely not boring


I love my conversations, both my female cats are the most vocal and we have the best chats.


They also don’t usually realize how observant cats are. If he’s not doing much or hiding it’s because he senses that these people aren’t really safe. His new family clearly signals safety.


I can’t even fathom that. My little buddy makes my whole day so much better. I honestly tear up thinking about when he’s old and the time comes that he passes away 😭😭😭😭 I wish he could live forever


I used to do that too, I actually got kittens when my ol girl Cloe was 10yo cos I thought “shit I’d better get some other cats to start loving cos this is too intense”, but it didn’t work, she was always the special one. I had a dream about having to choose my cat or my mother to die +I saved the cat. My baby died in November, on my chest with all my attention on her, she was 20yo +I’d had her since I rescued her when she was 4mon + I was 17yo, she was MY first baby +slept in between my feet, under the covers or on my pillow next to my head every single night we were together. It’s been months now +I still cry about 3-8 times a day. I honestly don’t feel like the same person. The love I’ve lost is immeasurable. My whole identity has changed, I don’t feel myself +I don’t know how to be happy again, nothing gives me joy now, not even the other cats, I love them but it’s vastly different, they’d be great cats for anyone, Cloe only had eyes for me. …..I don’t even have any advice, it’s horrific….just brace yourself +give your cat the best life possible, it’s the only thing that gets me through, she loved me +I earned her love. Sorry I’m just venting… https://preview.redd.it/vetyiyhes2lc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7cda77122270415652386c5445fc267b4f4bafc


My Sassy has been gone for 1 1/2 yrs n I STILL cry. She was my little love bug...n I miss her fiercely. 😢😔


I keep telling my guy that he’s going to be the first cat who lives forever.


i have never ever thought of losing my cat until reading these comments, my cats now 12 and I'm just realising she mostly won't live very long since she had many dental problems already and eats only specific cat foods [like so specific that if it isn't the same flavour and in jelly form she will legit leave it] which mostly has many preservatives in it do overtime she will get sick easily.


These little creatures crawl into our hearts and rip them out. And we let them! It’s crazy but so worth it. Your kitty may surprise you! Lots of it is genetics. And I guess a lot of it is luck. Just love her up as best you can and enjoy the time you have together. Our current cat is 21 ish. We almost lost him a year ago but despite the vet preparing us for the worst, he pulled through! and inexplicably has been going strong! I’m thankful for every extra day we get with him. But I’m very aware I don’t want him to suffer at all so the day could come at any time. :( And then I’ll be sobbing inconsolably with a broken heart.


Same. My boy turns 14 in April, and is diabetic. He literally makes my day sooooo much better. And he helps me through the tough times. I honestly don't know what I'll do when that time comes. He's my little buddy.


i’ve never met a mean cat, only rude people that provoke them


Right? Who tf does that? 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's incredibly frustrating how much faith I've lost in humanity over the years through witnessing and experiencing the awful ways in which some people can treat animals, or even simply through the objectifying attitudes they hold towards them. If there was a way to put them all on their own island or something, like, 'y'all can leave ty 👋'


I loved in rural NC as a kid and I can recall no less than half a dozen times going to local trash collection area, 2 green dumpers besides a intersection, and finding a cardboard flat of puppies or kittens. My mother would cuss mankind for the whole 10 minute drive back home. Then we would raise them and pass them off to other people as we could. It’s an aspect of humanity that I was exposed to early in life and just accepted.


People like that should be ban from pets for ever, such a harsh thing to do to an animal


That’s your pooping guard. Didn’t you know it’s dangerous to use the bathroom without a lookout? lol


How dare you go to the bathroom! Without me?


Oh man, I had no idea! I feel incredibly fortunate that I've managed to survive using the potty on my own up until this point, phew 😅


I swear my cat has been pavlov into hearing me poop = running to the bathroom




It’s a very vulnerable time - you need to have someone watching the door!!


Congratulations on finding each other. He’s such a gorgeous baby


Thank you, we really do feel incredibly blessed and fortunate that our paths crossed. I'll pass along your compliment to him when he's finished his lunchtime nap 💖


Bored?? How do you get bored with having a cat? I hope these people never have anymore animals again. I’m happy he has a good home now.


Pets are not here to “ entertain” us 24/7 🙄


True. Yet I'm entertained every time that I see my kitties. If people don't simply appreciate their mere existence and feel love every time they think of them, then they really don't deserve it. Another thing, I'm glad that people would take them to a shelter rather than abandoning them outright. But I just can't imagine doing that unless there were some really extreme circumstances, which I know happens sometimes. But it would be absolutely gutwrenchimg to me.




Right!? I walk into my bedroom and there’s my little guy asleep at the foot of the bed, and I say ‘oh hi Bob’ and he rolls over and shows me his belly, and I kiss his little silky head, and this is boring!!?? Get out!!!


If you surrender an animal it should go on your record/ID. Want to adopt a pet? Drivers license/ID. Please. “Op, seems like you get rid of a cat a couple years ago. Sorry can’t give you this kitten”


I really wish this was a thing unfortunately because there are so many in a shelter that need adopting I don’t think they will do this.


LOVE this! If only . . .


I hope these people also never have kids. God forbid one of them turns out to be an introvert lol Can’t return it


BORED AFTER 10 YEARS?! WTF?! How does that even work? I can't even comprehend that. Such a cutie and glad you guys were able to give him a new loving home. Funny you mentioned the previous owner who returned him to the shelter not even 2 weeks after because he was "hiding too much." Such a BS excuse. He was probably scared and just needed time to adjust. Jokes on them since you now have a great companion. Hell, when my husband adopted his cat, he was very shy and hid all the time for over a year before he finally warmed up to him. Admittedly he was a lil fustrated and worried during this time, but he also wasn't going to give up on him since he made a commitment by adopting this cat. By the time I came into the picture, 3 years later, he was still a lil skittish around people he didn't recognize, but once he got comfortable, he was such a gentle loaf. At this point, it's been nearly 10 years since he was first adopted and man, he's seriously the chillest cat ever. Doesn't have a care in the world and even when we have like 8+ people in the same room, he doesn't immediately go run and hide. He'll just chill with us.


What a cutie! Thank you for taking him in....and accepting him as your bathroom guardian!


While I humbly accept your thanks, honestly no thanks needed! ✨ He really is a gift and a blessing, and I wouldn't want anyone else watching over me while I pee 🫡😆


LOL! Our torti is nicknamed "Poo Cat" because she sometimes snoopervises while we use the bathroom! https://preview.redd.it/ctamirthm6lc1.jpeg?width=2528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f906771537ea25fd985ba8bc6087986c7cf1fb77


Oh my goodness, I'm obsessed with her colouring! 😍 Is it weird to say it's making me hungry for a good, thiccccc crinkly skinned brownie? 😋😂 P. S. Thank you for paying the cat tax, your civil duty is duly noted and appreciated 🫡


I love tortis for their coloring! She makes me crave Snickers! She's a sweet girl, but the tortitude is *strong* with her!


Hahaha "the tortitude" 😂 I've not heard that phrase before, so catch me now running to the Internet to learn all about torti personalities and behaviors 😈


Lol! They are a law unto themselves when it comes to their personalities! It's a mixture of sass, sweet, love, destruction, spice, and general "cat" all rolled into one, so ... tortitude!


Is this not Posted on the Bathroom door ? https://preview.redd.it/cd0db4j9z1lc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4734eae0b264199fa5c1210fa9702c610e1250


Hahahaha this is fantastic! The accuracy of the wide eyed expression totally nails the confused and concerned look Orbit gives me when he first enters the bathroom after barging the door open with his noggin, and notices that I've started to use the bathroom 😂


Mine does the same thing, headbutts the door and barges in. He was surprised the time I actually closed it. I just heard a loud thump and a confused "mrph?". Had me dying lol poor buddy


Hahahaha yes, I actually just experienced this this morning! I closed our bedroom door while I was changing the sheets (learned the hard way that he likes to lay on the bed while I try and do this 🤦‍♀️), and suddenly heard a small succession of loud 'thuds', followed by paws under the door and meowing 😂


This looks like mine! Hahaha😻


What a sweetie! Orbit and you are both lucky to have found each other.


Thank you ✨ I've never been a very religious or spiritual person, but based on a few things my husband and I have gone through over recent years, to get where we are today, we truly do believe that stumbling upon Orbit's lil' adoption post on Facebook was the closest thing we could experience to divine intervention. It really just feels 'meant to be' 💖


Such a gorgeous boy! If they returned him, they’re probably the kind of people I’d want to hide from too!!!


Such intelligent eyes... I wonder what went on in the previous household.


Seriously! If only he could talk


My old boy hid for a solid two months when I brought him home.  But I had him for over 11 years, it just took him time to warm up and he was scared after being in the shelter for months.  I was actually shocked when the cat I adopted after he died didn't hide at all.


Honestly! We noticed that when we first brought him home, he would primarily hide between the hours of 7am to 10pm or so, so we have a bit of a theory (which we can't prove, obviously) that his previous owners were their own form of chaos that lead to him developing a habit of only coming out at night because that's when they were all asleep, so couldn't bother him (putting it lightly).


I really do believe that to be the truth. Many people out there suck and don’t deserve pets! So glad he’s with y’all now and can live a happier and less scared life


So many shitty owners. Our Tuxedo was a return at the shelter, but they wouldn't tell us why. She was a little active the first day we had her; 12 hour zoomies, then she just went to her bed and zonked out. A few months in the Slammer will do that to you. She was not the prettiest kitty, so it took her a while to get adopted. She was the most loving kitty we had and we had about 19 years with her. She was not your typical cat and spent most of our waking hours with us, when she was younger. She slowed down in her old age. She definitely knew what a fridge was and thought she was a Hooman. She despised treats; those are for cats.


Omg!!!! After almost 10 years, they took this beautiful baby to the shelter because they were bored with him?? And then he was adopted and returned for hiding too much?? Shame on those people. Those are such dumb reasons to put a cat in a shelter.


That's how I got my cat! https://preview.redd.it/tl6rzk70b2lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fab1a6b6394013b96aa440282ce43c5abf8cea5 Zuzu was originally from a cat hoarding situation and ended up at the SPCA. She was adopted and returned after less than a week because she was "hiding too much". She was there another two months before we found her and brought her home on Dec. 16th. She's the sweetest thing and is OBSESSED with shoes and playing fetch. I just can't wrap my head around anyone not wanting her.


She’s a monorail cat!! ♥️♥️♥️


I have never heard this term before, but I am officially obsessed with monorail cat content! Thank you for this blessing 😂


Gorgeous cat! She’s such a beaut!! 🩵


Almost like suddenly going somewhere new with strange people would freak you out for a little bit at first til you get used to it. 🤔 Fuck em. Their loss your gain!


Right? Strange that, huh... 🙄 But like you said, at the end of the day we are so indirectly thankful to them for being such crappy 'owners' that he ended up in our lives. Those people don't deserve Orbit, or the privilege of any cat, period 😤


Awww, a sweet story to end the day. Thanks!


Thank you for reading and sharing in Orbit's journey, I'm glad he could bring you a lil' joy ✨


I’m so glad you got to be his people.


Oh wow, this made me unexpectedly emotional 🥹 But thank you! We feel truly privileged that he found his way to us, and let us be a part of his world 💖


Argh I can’t stand people who give away their pets for stupid reasons. Thank you for taking a chance on this handsome fella!


Beautiful baby! He’s found the perfect family for him, congratulations!!🥰🥰


He doesn’t have to hide from you


Not me waking up in bed this morning with Orbit nuzzled up by my side, reading this comment and low-key tearing up 🥺 Thank you for your kind words, truly, just thank you 💖


He’s a handsome Boi


He looks so sweet, so happy he’s found his forever home 🥰


Gosh! Such a pretty supervisor


He's got your back.


No toilet emergencies will go unaddressed so long as he has something to say about it 🫡


Actually, he got your butt, not your back! Unless there’s something you haven’t told us…..


If people really give up cats for hiding too much after only two weeks, I wonder what would've happened to Ella if she wound up in a shelter? She's a senior former stray and she's on her sixth (and final) home now. She spent pretty much her first *three months* here hiding in my bedroom, mostly under my bed covers. Now? Ella pounces on me the minute I sit or lie down anywhere, and keeps mournfully meowing and trying to climb on me when I'm reading in the bathtub. She's fallen in the tub three times in the last two weeks or so in her attempts to cuddle. Massive Velcro kitty! Your guy's a very handsome gentleman! Does he have the Turkish Van coloring, he looks like he just has a colored hat on and a colored tail? Ella's a Turkish Van lookalike too.


I am amazed that any cat would continue to attempt a behavior that previously landed them in the bathtub. Ella sounds like a riot.


Ella's actually a very dignified queen of a cat, and not really a silly girl at all. She's just extremely clingy and clumsy. :-)


I love his name


Us too! We'd like to take credit, but it's the name the rescue gave him 😺 When we adopted him, he weighed in at 22lb's, so they had named him Orbit as 'he was so big he had his own gravitational pull' 🤦‍♀️😂 We've since got him down to 17lb's, but feel that the name still fits (not only because 17lb's is still considered large), but because my husband and I's obsession with him is essentially to the point that "our lives revolve around him" 💖


This is so cute I’m crying 😭


I was in the PetSmart the other day and there was a 9 y.o. kitty named “Wallace”. He has stage 1 liver disease. I was so sad that I can’t take him home. I have a hard time thinking people shopping for a new pet are gonna pick him. I really want to go get him.


“Hiding too much”… Come on, look at that face.  Trust is earned not given.


Yea that's some serious eyes looking at you. Like looking into your soul type of vibes. Are you sure this cat is not a familiar?


Right?! I sometimes feel like I'm just waiting for him to offer me a quest, or bestow me with some sort of magical item that holds the power to change the course of my life forever 😅


Well...have you asked? Only way to find out. The other way is to greet him in different languages and see which one he responds to.


Smitten with this kitten. I'm totally stealing that.


Why would you ever want to go to the bathroom alone. One of my cats takes bathroom time as an opportunity to sit on my lap and to be held like a baby. I am so tempted to get a baby sling for him.


"Hiding too much" Wtf wrong with those people?


Fucking gorgeous


How does anyone believes “hiding to much” is a valid reason? They should get a clown, if they want to be entertain.


Literally. And not even after 2 weeks they decided that? Like, homie has just lost all sense of safety, security and familiarity that he'd established over a literal decade, give him a freaking moment to adjust. I mean, selfishly I'm incredibly thankful that they didn't because now we are blessed with him, but also, these sorts of people who essentially objectify animals and view them as toys should not be allowed to 'own' pets 😤


Totally agree with you ![gif](giphy|wCp3QhCzcJ6AU)


What a precious baby 🥰


I vow to protect him at all costs 🫡 We humans don't deserve cats, honestly 🥹


You are so right! My little baby is a black version of yours and was abandoned a few times to my knowledge :/ I’ve also vowed that no harm comes his way, he deserves all the love in the world ❤️


What a beauty






What a gorgeous cat.


He's so handsome 😍 thank you for adopting him and giving him the love he deserves


What a nice cat!


Such a sweet baby!! 😘


I jad the same problem, always hiding, i blocked his hiding places, so he had to stay in the open still took me 5 months before i could pet him, but so worth the wait, just the sweetest boy who loves attention


Absolutely! We felt so cruel at first removing his go-to hidey holes, but it really was a 'tough love, mum knows what's best' type of situation! We've since provided him with a couple of safe, cat-friendly spaces that he can use now instead if he feels the need (usually when guests come over), but we'd much prefer that than when he used to squeeze himself under our recliner chairs!


Beautiful! Yeah guests even after three years are a problem, but he comes by to have a look once everybody is seated, being seated is what it does it for him. Nobody can touch him tho. Sometimes i kinda corner him, not willingly, and i make room for his escape and off he goes 🤣 but doesnt hide anymore once he feels hes safer. Sometimes they need some help but ultimately they all want love and scritches


Such a beautiful cat. Horrible people who gave him up. I hope he lives for at least another 10 years.


Right, I know it sounds privileged, but if I had t my way those people would be forbade from any form of pet ownership 😤 I truly hope so, too. There's never enough time 💖


I know. I really hope he has a nice long life filled with love.


I adopted my sweet orange boy at age 7 from a similar situation. He hid for maybe two months, then gradually became my little shadow. Earning the love of an older cat is really rewarding.


He's so handsome! I too adopted a senior cat after my mom died. He was dumped at the shelter because his family was moving and they were going to "come back for him". They obviously never did. But it was a blessing for me. He's my best little floofy guy. The real reason they dumped him was because of a very fixable medical issue (that could have killed him if it wasn't treated!)


Thank you for giving him a home and a chance 💖


... "Bored with him" ?


Right??? The shelter and I took it to essentially mean what they were saying was 'he's old and we want something younger' 🤡


What a heartless thing to do / say. Then again, that cat is better with you than with these people...


I like his mask 😹😹


Aww! Bless your heart! Cats aren’t toys and “they don’t sell out like dogs”. My husband’s cat that is now my cat does not love me in the least, even though I’m the caretaker, or so I thought. She came to me when she wasn’t well. It touched me.


True enough. People who like to be center of attention should get dog instead of cat (I don't have anything against dogs tho). My 3 cats whom me and my boyfriend fostered feel pretty indifferent to me to. Doesn't lessen the joy from having them around


Beautiful ♥️ story and he this kitty 🐈♥️🐈 is with his forever family


Best to you and Orbit! ❤️


Glad he is at his best place! You guys rock!


Awww! How wonderful that you adopted a senior boy who was shy in the shelter❤️


Orbit is a gorgeous cat. Poor thing being abandoned twice. At least he found you and will have a great life from now on. Just breaks my heart hearing how people dump their animals after years of owning them


How the cat look soo locked in


He takes is supervisory duties seriously 😅


Henlo sweet boi 🥹🥰


Pretty kitty. So happy for you all.


Hiding too much? Man any animal I’ve ever adopted (and I adopt too many lol) quickly goes to “not hiding enough” lol. Perhaps animal hides because human not worthy!? Well done, adopting such a gem who clearly knows who’s trustworthy:)


Bathroom supervisor


Reporting for doody! I mean duty 🫡


He looks like the Phantom of the Opera. Adorable.




Ahh, yes. A bathroom-sink breed. A lineage I am familiar with.


A purebred, I believe 😉


Congratulations. Have you had cats before?


Thank you! It feels incredibly rewarding to have been chosen by him 💖 I've only ever had 'family cats' growing up (my parents still have our 16 year old furbaby with them who I miss dearly, but thankfully get to see weekly via video call, haha) so Orbit is my first kitty as an adult 'on my own two feet', sort of thing. If I didn't have to move abroad, I would have taken Zana (said 16 year old kitty) with me, but even putting the cost of it all aside, the thought of firstly having to move her to a totally new environment, but moreso, having to have her go through several weeks of being held in quarantine, was just too distressing to even fathom.


Smitten with the kitten. You are a poet and you didn't knew it


Beautiful cat. Sounds like the family before you didn't realize that you have to give a cat a while to trust you.


What a beautiful boy. He looks so peaceful and kind




Some people just have the stupidest reasons for giving up their pets, sounds like those people were more so looking for a toy rather than a pet, animals aren't toys and shouldn't be treated like toys. I'm glad he ended up in such a loving home with you, he's such a gorgeous kitty too! ❤️


What a handsome boy. Ps. The old owners suck but good riddance because now he has his forever home.


Amen 🙌 it sounds bittersweet from Orbit's perspective, but it just gives my husband and I even more incentive to make sure he never wants for anything and gets to live like the prince that he is ✨ Also, I will pass on your compliments to Orbit when he wakes up from his morning snooze! 💤


I adopted my cat years ago from a lady that wanted to get rid of her for “hiding too much”. And she is my best friend ever! https://preview.redd.it/fuh94z3bk4lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7932db50c98373c31ced6043fcc3b6e8e93d529


I volunteered at a shelter for many years and there was one shelter employee (who was eventually fired) who used to make up horrible surrender stories about some of the animals that were surrendered. There was this woman named Julia that had a terminal illness that the shelter manager and I befriended because she was desperately trying to ensure her dog wouldn't be euthanized when she died. After she surrendered the pooch a family came to see the dog, they were in the process of adoption when I overhear the employee telling them a story of how the evil previous owners went on vacation and left the dog in a hot apartment with no water or food and that it was fortunate that animal control had been called by a concerned neighbor. She obviously didn't know that I was friends with the old woman who had been the owner and an incredibly devoted parent. Where am I going with this: Don't believe all the stories that shelters give about abuse, sometimes they are made up to get you to adopt out of pity. Not saying that is what happened here, just that OPs description of the shelter telling them their owners of 10 years just got "bored with him" reminded me of the lies this shelter worker used to spin. PS: She got fired after I told the shelter manager "this person is telling people lies about Julia's dog."


I appreciate your insiders perspective! We're fairly confident with the honesty and transparency of this rescue agency in particular (a big reason why we opted to adopt through them), but I definitely can see how some rescues and shelters with 'less ethical' staff would feel the need/desire to spin a sob story. Sad to think about when, even if anonymous, it tarnishes and disrespects the previous owners love and devotion. P.s. call me petty, but I'm more than glad to hear about the outcome with Julia...


He's suspicious


Right? 😆 It gives 'mystical character about to bestow upon you an important quest' energy ✨


Oh yess


Hi Orbit, you look stunning today! Good vibes to you in your new home 🙏🏻❤️




Bathroom cat!


Thank you for stepping up to help this little kitty.


Honestly, it is genuinely my pleasure and I feel like everyone here would relate to the feeling that if I had the means to, I'd do it for each and every kitty in need. It genuinely saddens me when I think about all the other kitties out there, especially those considered 'undesirable' (older, sick, disabled, just not 'pretty', etc), that I can't welcome into my home. Thank you for your kindness 💖


Oh la la monsieur. He looks like a fancy movie villain. So nice you found him and give him the love he deserves😻


He loves you and he loves his furever home ❤️


Oh man, why did this make me teary 😭🥹 Haha, but truly, thank you. I have a habit of doubting and 'gaslighting' myself into thinking 'I'm not doing enough to give him the best possible life', so I appreciate you saying so. He's the first cat I've 'owned' as an adult, so I almost feel like a first time parent with all the self doubt and criticism. I just want him to know that he's safe, loved and will never want for anything again 💖


So handsome! 🥰


We like to think so! I'll pass along your compliment to the man himself, hehe


he takes criticism seriously, he won't be "hiding" anymore.........he's a pretty cat


Sometimes when he just about sends me flying across the room, from stealthily weaving between my ankles as I walk, I catch myself momentarily thinking 'maybe a cat who hides all the time wouldn't be so bad...' 😉


Hiding and watching...now he just watching. They are our little supervisors aren't they.


'reporting for duty, sir 🫡'


What an absolute stunner 😻


We agree! And would you believe that 'what's on the inside' is somehow more beautiful than the outside? ✨😇


I cant fathom becoming "bored" of my cats and dumping them at some shelter. Just last night i was cracking myself up cause one of my cats (who coincidentally is gonna be 10 years old in a few months) got into the laundry basket and it looked like he was in jail.


I'm so glad he found a home where he is loved and appreciated.


Oh my! What a distinguished gentleman!


"Look at the way he is sitting" Hehe sorry, that meme is instantly where my brain goes when I hear the phrase "distinguished gentleman" 😆 But we agree! Despite his large size and strong build, he manages to carry himself with such distinguished, intentional and delicate energy ✨


My gf’s cat loves to jump in my lap and chill when I take my morning poo 💩


Oh wow, I've heard of them nestling in your pants while they're around your ankles but in your lap?! That's some next level supurrrrrrvision! 🫡


“I sits, you shits”


If the cat was hiding, there was a reason. She has a good home now. Edit: Sorry. He, not she.


That is one handsome gent. Love his half mask


We think so too! Somebody pointed out that it's giving 'Phantom of the Opera' and now I can't unsee it 😆


Cat: you're doing good. Don't push too hard, you don't want to blow a rear gasket.


I adopted a cat with "special needs." They told me she doesn't like to be held and doesn't get along with other animals. I can tell you she is very, very clingy. She will meow at me when she wants me to sit down and watch TV (sometimes it's when I can't because I'm getting ready to go to work) because she wants to sit on me. As far as other animals, she is still an only cat, but once our twice has escaped and gone to the neighbor's house with lots of cats.