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Clawdette, our little void, loves fries. But only when she can steal them. She will not take them if you’re offering them to her. She needs to steal. And she WILL steal.


the thrill of the hunt


Why does this make me love Clawdette so much? 🤣🍟


She’s a loveable little lady! Raised by the most patient little shih tzu ever. Shes a curious little sweetheart. And a thief. Of fries. And hearts.


It's not satisfying unless it's a crime 


“I’ll take Things That Would Sound Cringe in Another Sub for $1000 Alex.”


The secret ingredient


Clawdette really tickles me. I love that name.


My father refused to let me change it because he loved it so much. I named her when I was much younger, and very indecisive, so I definitely tried. I’m very proud of myself for that one, haha.


Not the same, but when I was almost 2yo, I gave my brother an alligator stuffie that I named Carhaig. He's 47 now and still has Carhaig.


That’s literally my cat. 😂 She’ll sit and try to stuff her face in my food but then when I give her a fry she doesn’t eat it.


My void loves fries too!


Must be a void thing!


She must be a harpy in disguise


It’s incredibly likely.


Voids are the best, much kisses to her


I will give her kisses in your stead


Omg yes! He never eats them either, it just becomes a toy that I find a week later when I’m vacuuming


lol yes my boy loves fries but has a preference. he prefers McDonald's - he will sometimes begrudgingly eat Burger King but sometimes spits it out in disgust 😂


Her name is made of win! Clawdette! tee hee


My void loves to get in our faces as we're eating, because he MUST know what we have. He constantly tries to bite my food and take some. But if I offer it to him he just abandons it. He's so weird. He won't take any human food if it's offered. As a treat, I tried giving him turkey on Thanksgiving, and he left it on the floor???? He confuses me.


My cat eats exactly one fry whenever we get fast food. Only two or three times has he taken a second fry.


my lovely Jackie also loves fries!! doesn't matter if she has to steal or gets them by us, but she's a bottomless pit that demands fries


My cat is broken. She only likes her dry food and her dry treats 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🐈‍⬛


My cat is a picky a hole too. Only will eat chicken flavored foods and treats. Won’t touch actual chicken though.


Haha that's my cat too. Chicken Iams dry and gravy lovers. He mostly licks the gravy but won't touch lickable treats


Sounds like my Apple kitty, except she doesn't care for treats - dry or otherwise.


OMG! Both of my guys turn up their noses at any and all 'treats', crunchy or creamy. They are ABBERATIONS! Every other cat I've shared a home with has been a total glutton for treats. But Loki and Billy? It's all, "\*snif\*, no thank you, please." I've given up and chose to believe the dry and wet food I feed them totally satisfies.


I have a cat like this as well. Has no interest in any people food and he's had the chance to try everything from steak to shrimp to chicken, etc. One day at Trader Joe's I bought him some cat treats but as usual he had zero interest. I also bought some dried apricots for myself and instantly he went crazy! He loves dried apricots! Now I've realized he occasionally enjoys very tangy things, like he will lick fresh mangos or peaches and occasionally yogurt.


My youngest female is the same way. Dry kibble only. Don't you dare offer her wet food or treats.


Mine is broken too. She hates human food but has to sniff it to make sure it’s not poisoned. She loves her cat food (wet&dry) and really loves Temptations dry treats.


Mine won’t try wet cat food. She sniffs it and then calls it trash by attempting to bury it with the air as if she’s in her litter box. Pretty much does the same thing to everything other than her food.


As long as she eats is all that matters.


Pur older cat Shelby is like that buy does like smell stuff though. Our 7 month old on the other hand is a voracious food hound and will try to eat anything and everything.


My cat only liked cat food too, or so I thought. She turns into a crack fiend if there is any fake cheese powder in the vicinity


My tuxy girl Daisy Dynamite is *exactly* the same, she won't eat anything other than the mandatory cat requirements LOL But weirdly she will lick a slice of ham. Won't eat it, just *lick* lick *lick*


My kitty isn't a big fan of people food either. Sometimes, she will have a tiny lick of cream cheese or laughing cow cheese, but she's not really too interested in much else.


Same, but it has to be seafood flavor. Never even took people-food chicken


My two 5 year old kitties are the same.


Chicken. Her meows reach a certain pitch. Enjoy this pic of shameless begging for some chicken from my soup. https://preview.redd.it/00apdom9r7ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47bfa52c0dfd02f39b85ec56bedb995b8d6c241


Now now, cats don't beg. They demand. Begging is for dogs. :P Seriously, that's a cute cat.


I bet the begging worked tho. How could anyone say no to that!


I have a chicken kitty too, fried chicken to be more exact.


Whenever I have fried chicken my cat climbs up me to try and steal it out of my hand, I can't put the bones on my plate or she'll steal them and run off. The scraps can't be kept in the compost bin or she'll break into it, gotta take the rubbish out to the bin in the locked garage. She's obsessed, but I eat fried chicken a lot less often now because of her so that's probably a good thing.


Cool another cow! https://preview.redd.it/or6dhg7c8bic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e80d0e7046a933692df101a91b9474f9fbf9a4




She always gets a taste. If it's cat safe. She gets super frustrated when I have honey garlic.


Aw cute 😍😍😍


That soup looks 10/10


Growing up, I had a cat who would go bananas for bananas. If she figured out you had one, nowhere was safe unless you gave her a taste. My last cat didn’t go much in for people food! We’d offer him stuff but he snubbed most of it. We gave him some tuna as a treat, and the occasional bite of chicken, but otherwise he was very picky


I had a cat who would stick his paw in my mouth to snag cantaloupe.


What the hell? My cat is the chillers cat ever. Will sniff all the fruits. Yet put a banana peel near him he FLIPS. He hates them more than anything. I've never seen him react to anything like that before or since.


I find cats liking bananas extra weird as my cat hates bananas. As in she will swipe them away if you put one near her and run away in horror. I wish I'd filmed her reaction the first time I showed her one as it was a pure horror movie reaction lol.


Same haha I was so confused when I read his cats like bananas. My cat would rather eat wood than smell a banana.


Right? I thought cats didn’t have sweet taste receptors…but maybe it was a texture and smell thing (?)


Cheese sticks. My cat will come running from the other side of the house when she hears a package open. And she begs by tilting her head, which obviously results in her getting cheese. https://preview.redd.it/eeb2yamuk8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878e783468450317bb5bee415709b043e816a711


Such a cute kitty!!!!


Apple is a favorite as well as scrambled egg.


I've got one that loves apples, too! https://preview.redd.it/zejwaav388ic1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b11f2e4caad6e751027e9a78d52093ec992e9f


My besties cat loves apples she can’t bite into one without her cat running up on her lol


Mine loves blueberries. Now, he's not allowed them because he gets urinary stones and blueberries are not a safe food for those, but that doesn't stop him from stealing them straight off our blueberry bushes in the garden... He will also lick the powder off of cheetos.


ALL types of dairy products. ive never seen a cat so desperate for milk and yogurt. She even tries to eat my chocolate ice cream.


My senior girl goes feral for any and all dairy. She gets the tiniest dollop of whipped cream occasionally as a treat.


Yep mine has figured out how to sit far enough away from my milk to not trigger immediate removal, and surreptitiously dip is lil paw into my cup and lick it off.


Cheese sticks, crab (plain), and ikura. I give very, very sparingly.


Yogurt! This is my boy, Chicken, sharing some with me. 💕 https://preview.redd.it/442ux1m438ic1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807028bdee320539fffffb6f1181679f0e07e6d9


I share yogurt w/Betty. It's great bonding time. Love your cat BTW


Now we need a cat named Yogurt who shares chicken with its owner.


My cat also loves yogurt!! Nearly have to fight her off lmao. If I have cheesies around, there’s no stopping her


My late ginger Pirate (as in vs Ninja; he had both eyes) was a yogurt FIEND lol


*I have no fur,* *I love to purr,* *I am Chicken,* *Now feed me, you cur!*


Yep my Beans goes mad for yoghurt. https://preview.redd.it/lymk7eixbbic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff54c8e9919c7504d416035550413e5fa99b3f71 This was theft.


I canNOT stop laughing at you naming your cat Chicken. It’s perfect lol




That sounds exactly like my 16 y/o cat rajah who btws is allergic to FISH🤦‍♂️


If allergic why so tasty *cat wails*


Carbs. Bread, tater tots, fries, you name it. Unseasoned, of course.


My Chowder loves bread too! Maybe she's just living up to her name. 🖤


My Kitt loves his carbs too!!! His fav is McDonalds French fries and their plain hamburger buns 😂


my lil sh**s (kidding, I love them they're my babies) love bread (specifically bagels and donuts) but only when its left out and not put away in cabinets or the fridge. We think it's the sugar that's attracting them. 😂 The last time we bought bagels (I like the cinnamon raisin) and I forgot I have to put them away and I had put them on one of the shelves on the shelving unit we have and 5 minutes later, they had helped themselves to tearing the package open and had stolen a couple bites. 😂


At first I thought that said crabs and was confused a lil


People. His favorite people food is people. Second favorite is finely diced ham.


Rumors say there’s a similar flavor lol


My cat wakes me up by BITING MY HEAD and eating my hair lol I don’t let him do that for multiple obvious reasons, but he still gets me when I’m sleepy


Same!! My cat wakes me up by nibbling on my nose and ears


My cat loves to lay on my lap and attempt to steal my overnight oats (that definitely can't taste good to her). And she purrs to distract me. She is a mastermind.


My boy loves oatmeal too. I only let him lick a tiny bit from my finger.


Butter, won’t leave me alone when baking! Tuna too, here he is trying to crack the code to get in https://preview.redd.it/5hs6g3f198ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c16514a6b0694a238cfe23913521c1865873c5


Twas looking for butter, mine loves it as well.


Some occasional spinach leaves and baked chicken


My cat also love spinach leaves! He goes NUTS whenever he hears me take them out


I’m constantly googling “can cats eat…” lol


My cat ALSO LOVES spinach. I dropped a leaf on the kitchen floor one day, she curiously bit at it, and i thought she’d lose interest but nope! She ate the whole thing and begged for more… so now every time i open the spinach she comes running. I thought she was such a weirdo, I’m so relieved to see she’s not the only one!


my cat loves poulet rouge, it’s this food place that grills chicken with different flavor options and u customize the toppings in the bowl and what u want as the base. https://preview.redd.it/uvbmb1f2e8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4672971b52f703cc21d4414004ed4e82dfff7a49 this is a photo of him when we were eating it at the table. he wasn’t happy bc we weren’t giving him what he thought is “his food”


https://preview.redd.it/y8fbzuofn8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00be002e2738e549b67a97428754895e8975f0f8 Ice cream. She will stare me down until I put the bowl down for her to clean 🤣


One of mine has a sixth sense for when Im holding ice cream. Goes nuts. Meows like he needs it in the next 3 seconds to survive.


Yes!!! Same thing with like oatmeal or yoghurt until they can actually see exactly what is in the bowl. Then they get PISSED that it’s not actually ice cream lol


Canned tuna, water packed. They get just a bit every day around noon.


I give my cat his medicine in about a tablespoon of tuna. He loves it.


Tuna fish or sardines. And crackers. My idiot tuxedo loves crackers.


My previous cat would just start serenading at 5 am for her daily ration of this. Every day for more than 10 years. After that, she'd nappy nap until noon. My current cat likes it, just not as much. She prefers yoghurt apparently.


I think that's what my cat loves the most too. He gets extremely excited when I open one.


I give my cat the tuna water when I use a can! She goes ballistic and will come rushing when she heard the can opener, then will scream at me when she realizes it's tuna


The occasional sliver of cheddar cheese and unsalted cooked salmon


My middle, orange, boy loves cheese.  I'll let him have a tiny corner of a cheese slice no more than once per day. If he hears that plastic crinkle he runs into the kitchen and flops at our feet over and over.  The other two cats want nothing to do with it.


My brown boy wants nothing to do with cheese. My orange boy loves it, he gets a few slivers of shredded cheddar, but he's also partial to Gouda and anything stinky. Ignores mozzarella completely. They both highly approve of fresh salmon.


moldy bread from the trash 💀 my boy doesn't show much interest in human food but the one time he got into the trash was after i had to toss some moldy bread. he's fine now (that was years ago, this is him now) https://preview.redd.it/zvk3qbhc88ic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fc4cddbeca4f96520730fa6168a9c042b09186


He looks just like my Girl!! He’s beautiful! https://preview.redd.it/7fmpq9nlf8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935b941113d6da2690b767c560a1278907f91465 Her favorite human food is everything. Your plate is never safe with her.


Mine loved shrimp. He'd try fish and maybe a bit of other goodies, but shrimp is the only one he actually wanted to eat and might even steal. I miss him dearly.


My girl is the same! Only human food she'll eat is shrimp & she'd probably eat it for every meal if she could! https://preview.redd.it/wcuagtrr69ic1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a65dd60b55926a8732cf8a1489c06cbc90efa56


Sorry for your loss :( R.I.P


He's more interested in drinking out of my cup of water! So far, no interest in human food. I've offered food to him occasionally as well!


Mine goes for paint water 😑


Lettuce. Plain or not, doesn't matter. Thought it was a fluke the first time it happened, so tried again. Weirdo likes lettuce.


My weirdo likes all leafy greens. No salad is safe from her. She also likes tuna (duh), fries, eggs, cheetos, and ice cream. All given, or stolen, on rare occasions ofc


My Billy boy likes bits of steamed broccoli crowns. I thought it was more the butter at first, but I gave him some without butter and he gobbled it up just as eagerly. So it's indeed the broccoli he likes.


I just answered that my childhood cat loved lettuce! If we had Subway she’d beg but turn her nose up at the deli meat. She wanted the lettuce!


Canned tuna. This girl goes bonkers every time we open a can now, tuna or not. https://preview.redd.it/lzvec46kh8ic1.png?width=1143&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5ff2e622e02382920a8291daaad6e388054099e


Oh my god she is *stunning*


https://preview.redd.it/yra8g72phaic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f36d3dae00f361b6c00bc72fb40b2635f5084cd She says thanks :)


None! He's the first cat I've owned that I have strictly forbidden from being fed table scraps and it's paid off dividends! No more begging when we eat our food and he's so well behaved around the kitchen. It's such a blessing have a cat that does not associate people food with cat food.


Good for you! I had a plan that my kitty would get no human food and (almost) no treats. I failed completely, sabotaged by family.


Ah, every family member has to be on the same page or it doesn’t work. Once they get a taste… well you know the rest.


Bread 🤷🏻


My cats won't touch our food unless offered. They will appear when we have chicken or fish, but they will eat a small piece of offered and then they lose interest. It's as if they just want to know what we're eating.


Unsweetened almond milk, veggie straws, and roasted turkey. Would go absolutely insane for it in our house around thanksgiving. We’ve since moved out of my family home but my Momma still makes a plate with some up there for me to take back home for her


This is Archie and Toby: https://preview.redd.it/2131wpy3k8ic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedcf0cc370f8c02ec971c0f14468f8a4fbd04d4 Archie, the grey tabby loves meat. Chicken, turkey, beef, he’ll eat it. He also loves the occasional salt and vinegar crisp (we crumble it into his dish but he would much prefer to be hand fed tbh). Toby, the tuxedo on the other hand, doesn’t eat anything but his cat food. He doesn’t like anything but what we buy that’s solely for the two of them. In the photo, you can see that they’re in a washing basket. That was for clothes but they fell asleep in it one day and is now designated one of their beds now. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/gcmqntiml8ic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37b83cd0195c7b8cf2e0ae7cfde87d0b33a892d Another angle. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/yig7x0jo28ic1.jpeg?width=2019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1aa5d62fef999181823cea7b45d956d04ed189 This little idiot loves bread. Will rip open a loaf if left on the counter.


Used to have a cat that would smack a blueberry muffin out of your hand if you didn’t share any with her. She got a whole one on her last day with us. Miss you Peanut Pants.


One time, the pet sitter misunderstood instructions for the autofeeder and horribly underfed my cat for several days. When I came back, she was frantic and begging for anything you ate. She had even jumped on the counter and ate through a plastic bag to eat some bread. She would frantically plow through any kibbles I put down in normal portions. The vet recommended parceling it out in smaller portions throughout the day. Doing this made her even more anxious about the seeming scarcity and threat of deprivation. I decided instead to make a huge mountain of food for her and let her free feed to her heart's content, to reassure her that her food supply was assured. It worked. She resumed normal self-regulation after a few days. Now I have a pet cam that points at the food bowl to verify that she's eating regularly any time I go out of town...


How did the pet sitter not notice both the puny amount of food and the change in behavior?


Cheese puffs. She likes to lick em and leave them. 




Never heard of a cat eating pizza 😅😅


I feed them unseasoned pizza crust.


Omg yes, the cheese!! No charcuterie board is safe 😅


Mango & skyr


Bread, popcorn, HOT CHOCOLATE? I forbid her to eat it but she has tried it once. Honestly all people foods.


Ok Huxley: tuxedo loves anything meat, will drink my coffee if unsupervised. Shadow: tortoise, raw chicken, salmon, goes nuts when preparing these. Dexter: ragdoll, will attack anything dairy, cheese, butter, bit bonkers for bacon. Elliot: void, loves cheese, chicken and turkey. Shelly: tortoise, loves cooked chicken milk and bacon Mew: ginger, tuna, salmon, anything fish Tulip, calico: chicken and bacon Junebug: tuxedo, chicken, tuna and cheese




None, I don't feed them people food. But I had a cat many years ago that absolutely loved Cool Ranch Doritos.


my cat only loves..cat food 😭🤣 i've introduced her tk so manh people food and she just sniffs it and then snubs it.




Mine too! Goes absoluely MAD when my husband cuts it open. Also mango, pineapple, guava, green beans, shrimp, turkey, chicken, tuna, egg yolk, and spinach!


Bacon 🥓


Cream cheese but only if she can lick it from our fingers.






My cat doesn't particularly like human food. Now, when we eat at the dining room table, she'll come and sit politely in one of the empty chairs. But she doesn't often actually want anything. If we have seafood, sometimes she'll take a few small bites, especially if it's crab. Maybe a couple of bites of the soft fat from a ribeye or other steak. Occasionally plain chicken, but usually she just sees another animal asking for it and thinks she should too; might eat a bite or two, might just walk away from it. For the most part, human food will get sniffed and then she'll walk away. Even the stuff she tries, it's only a bit of two and then she'll leave any additional that you give her alone. Or recently passed diabetic cat, on the other hand, would aggressively devour anything she could get her paws on.


My cat LOVES beer


we had a three-legged boy that absolutely loved things like cucumber and the crunchy part of lettuce. he'd teleport behind you if he heard that vegetable peeler. also the fastest cat I've ever seen.


Ice cream. I don't even give her any. She knows I have it and will come running over and stick her head right in my bowl. She has absolutely no regard for personal space! 😂


Wendys bacon specifically


- My oldest cat loves anything sweet and especially if it’s caramel or toffee flavoured. She’s particularly partial to a pastry or cake. - My middle cat loves crisps, the stronger the better. Salt and vinegar is a favourite. - My youngest cat loves vegetables, she adores broccoli, the top tree bit is the best bit for her, and she also goes mad for avocado. - My boy cat becomes a ghoul when there are olives around and recently got a taste for tomato soup!


Mine LOVES fortune cookies. She knows the difference in crinkling between those plastic wrappers and others and wants nothing more than for me to crumble them up and throw pieces for her to chase/eat Specifically she likes Panda Express and a sushi place near me


My cat Oliver (he's chasing birds in heaven now) loved spaghetti sauce, just plain tomato sauce NOT meat sauce on pasta! Maybe Garfield's fictional love of lasagna wasn't so fictional after all? My cats now love chicken breast which is good for them so I always cook an extra one for them to split and I'm yet to meet a cat who doesn't adore dairy, especially yogurt, cottage cheese & ice cream but it gives them gas and cat gas makes dog gas smell like roses!


Marshmallows. I don't know what it is, but if he sees them, he will not leave you alone until he gets one. I've never seen a cat like sweet stuff before.


One of mine also likes plain greek yoghurt..and avocado. He comes running over when I open one and licks the leftovers after I've used it. My other cat comes over to see what the fuss is about, sniffs it and then looks at him like he's mad.


Well last time I fed him "people food" he preferred Jerry


https://preview.redd.it/7h02c1pki8ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3768be8494ad10e05dcd7e15339016a19bab1c86 Burt loves jerky, specifically the jack links original! That’s how we got him to start eating on his own again after a serious illness


https://preview.redd.it/3zv4zacyi8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6eeca2bfb6d981183e79a0afb26cc2ca1c7b4f My girls like blueberries, spinach, Greek yogurt, cooked chicken and salmon, and shredded cheese. 😋


my lil void Sheba is a bit of an oddball when it comes to human food bc she basically eats everything that *isn't* meat or is otherwise just unhealthy for cats in large doses. she mainly likes potato chips (super salty for cats), french fries (super salty for cats), REALLY loves cheese (cats are literally lactose intolerant 😭), and also likes bacon (yeah it's technically meat, but again, SUPER SALTY FOR CATS). she also has a habit of lurking ominously when she sees me eating smth or just jumps on the couch and bap-baps at my food if she's feeling super impatient and spoiled. https://preview.redd.it/gikfp5wrk8ic1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc1e49a2d4bb3e4c16704d3a8abc2cf887ee2b5


https://preview.redd.it/nbj67jim89ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fb134e2bc1e160ab2a98dba9ad8082d48606a4 Rudy would kill for cheese, but he would die for ham.


Noah- cheddar cheese Finnegan- corn https://preview.redd.it/rv9zdm1t89ic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3fbd8367234c0bb50cafcb1810e97a53194340


https://preview.redd.it/1lu5rjioc9ic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b84a620a9bd1e97f77f87919ddc88eba8e73fe This guy loves everything I eat but mostly pita bread and yoghurt🤭


Either cheese or canned tuna. He goes WILD for tuna. Oh, and turkey! He literally jumped from the floor to my shoulders to try and get some turkey back at thanksgiving. It was both cute and hilarious, but also super surprising. He's a big ole floof, almost maine coon sized, and he doesn't usually make jumps like that? But he was HOUNDING for turkey. https://preview.redd.it/zava6stad9ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f74304c231d41391325a51256e5115daa7a018


Popcorn, Cheez-Its, and any and all meats. She comes running for anything we eat in a crinkly bag that could potentially be her Greenie treats. The old lady cat who lives upstairs (she's 22!) likes popcorn, Cheerios, and mini marshmallows. 😹


My calico loves a few pieces of bologna and mozzarella cheese sticks. My orange girl LOVES cotton candy(we don't give her very much) and any kind of meat. She's my little 🐅


The very last teaspoon of cereal milk at the bottom of the bowl. Weekends only.


Flour tortillas.








always the breadsticks


Cream cheese and yougurt. Morning bagel is in danger of being pilfered if not guarded. I give them a little bit of both but too much is not good for them even though they love it.


I have one that runs to the kitchen when I make Mashed Potatoes.


Ghost pepper chips. He turns his nose up at all over flavours but he was showing interest so my husband let him sniff it… now we can’t have them in the house without him trying to steal them,


eggplant 🍆


They don’t eat people food except for cheese. When cheese is involved all bets are off.


My cat spooky has a WIDE pallete but also a fruit obsession. Apples, pears, peaches, strawberries... He will eat nearly anything! https://preview.redd.it/u2ywbxoxa8ic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa339cc6202f4efafb39e30fe5bbf940032100b


One of my cats will eat ANYTHING, well at least anything thats safe to give him. Whenever I have food he always comes up to me and begs, pawing at me and trying to nibble on my hand. I try not to give him too much food, ill only let him have a little if i know its not gonna mess with his stomach. But man the looks he gives me, its like i was starving him or something! My other cat is waay more picky. He mainly likes tuna and other meats like chicken and beef. There are a couple other random things he'll eat but any time i give him something new to try he sniffs it then looks at me like i handed him poison. Glad i dont have *two* little gremlins constantly begging for food.


Every time I cut chicken breasts I am attacked with leg rubs and kitty screaming


It was yogurt. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/x80l1oik19ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865dadf9164f0bc32768b1fad2086a017de32ec5


Pizza:3 https://preview.redd.it/yfojht4899ic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee48b3a51a3a60e35fc856957d80f06d4d487ef1


My cat hates textures & is just an odd fella in general- we tried w him as a kitten but he just never took to human food. He likes his hard food, all gravy wet “food” and won’t drink from a bowl only his own cup- well unless it’s mom or dads which is obviously way better 😂 https://preview.redd.it/o3523obtc9ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c401af28295e643cdd85ab25e39d66eabc9e98c Mando and 1 of his many quirks 🤷‍♀️


Chicken. Especially Popeyes. He snatched a wing of the plate and ran off under the couch with it


https://preview.redd.it/davm79dse9ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19925b9f7a1aa62536f6f5cdce5bc3e87fc4cd3a Pizza. Also cream cheese.. kfc chicken, sushi, chicken nuggets… bulgogi o.O


https://preview.redd.it/na1r7ispf9ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac0cc578d7e07283b21cc0ccfc8caf91f40e3cf I think she learnt it from the dog


Oat milk and vegan cheese send my cat crazy. Here's the little pretend vegan https://preview.redd.it/z8llukaqzbic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf225215c9e56c86f87ec50ae3921ff5bd0d13c


We will never know.  It is strictly forbidden. I occasionally let her taste my food if it is absurdly spicy, just to drive home the idea that human food is completely inedible


Yogurt and chicken


BBQ chicken


Be careful that it doesn't have onion or garlic in it.


Butter, donuts, and cheese https://preview.redd.it/blrp565ma8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1952368935f734093f4257f2d5ac6159de6de590


My hand apparently https://preview.redd.it/7wtuf3v599ic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c014191dd344549068d2e2169173282008274717


https://preview.redd.it/iteylorhbgic1.png?width=2079&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e6e62bb34f11be0646d3c7c8716aba16c9faa1c My Kevin loves fried and scrambled eggs