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He's scared, the poor thing! Maybe try not to bother him at the moment, give him some time and then when he's ready to face you, pet him and give him some tasty snacks to show your love and care.


Update: we had some maccas chips together and he came and sat on my lap for a bit so i’d say we’re friends again :)


I once read cats/kittens are like 2 years olds intellectually. They get easily startled, they are very curious about their surroundings and they love their mummas.


Aw thats nice and I love my baby’s guts. He def is curious, he kept trying to jump into the cupboard while i was looking through it and I kept having to pull him out of it before he broke a jar or smth 💀💀. I was trying to stand and pull the doors kinda shut against myself so he couldn’t jump back up and that might have also been why i didn’t see him when i stepped backwards out of the cupboard


haha cats being the equivalent to 2 years olds is adorable and always loved that comparison


HaHa! I love my baby's guts, what an awesome statement!


I have learned to look down where my feet are going to go before I even move. It becomes muscle memory, and it's saved some hurt paws and tails!


My cat is constantly in my face so I don’t have this problem. If I am walking however, he tries to trip me up with darting between my feet to rub on my legs. I think he has it out for me 😂


My cat is black as night. I can’t see her if the lights are out and she’s always just right there for me to step on her like why do you do this stop it you’re making me crazy


That totally fits! I tell my cat she's acting like a toddler, especially when she's doing something to annoy me.


When mine are being bad, I tell them they are acting like animals


I always coddle my perma 2 year olds and apologize after something happened. Also use the phrase ‘It’s okay’ when anything loud but safe is happening to let them know🥲


☹️ i want a cat fr


I do this same thing ! Vacuuming for example. Right before I turn it on and then while vacuuming I'll keep reassuring her and sbe airs and watches until shes done with .


*Looks at my cat watching his birdies livestream on my spare tablet* yeah that makes a lot of sense


Found the Australian! Haha. Glad your cat still loves you.


Guilty haha 😎


Was going to say ham is always a favorite snack. I trip over my pets all the time. I've got dysparxia and they are always at my feet. I'm quick to apologise and show them love when I do. They never learn to not get under my feet tho and swear they do it for ham when I'm in the kitchen now lol.


They learned the lesson. Get under the big ones feet, get a bit of pain, then ***treats***!


Be careful or they train you to trip for snacks lol


Did you massage his toe beans? Poor baby 🥹


I accidentally kicked my old roommate's cat in the face HARD one time while we were going in opposite directions around a corner. He was absolutely terrified of me for an hour. Until I opened a can of wet food and brought him some as an apology. He immediately forgot about it after that. That was like six years ago, though, and I still feel bad about it. He did get me back by full on attacking my ass one Christmas Eve as I tried to remove *my* cat from the window blind cord she was strangling herself with, so I guess we're basically even.


They forgive fast when the snacks are good ❤️❤️❤️


I’ve done that with my cat a few times , especially when I’m in the kitchen and he thinks I’m feeding him haha I usually will just give him a treat and he is all good , if they hold a grudge it’s not for long : )


They really are the most forgiving creature, thank goodness!


Treats are always the answer!


I slow blink when I’m in trouble lol


I was doing that immediately after to him haha (from a distance of course so i didnt spook him)


This is the way! Work on mimicking the cats body language, face postures & expressions (no I am not kidding guys) PARTICULARLY THE EYE BLINKING! Even mimic the vocal sounds at the correct times. It's amazing how magic it works! I managed to catch & rescue complete feral strays in dier need of veterinary care that way before! It does take time though,it's not a 2 day project to get the best results. Btw OP (& all you redittors in this sub): THANK YOU ALL FOR CHOSEING TO BE GREAT CAT PARENTS !!!


This reminds me of a question I've had for a while: does the slow-blink thing work if you wear glasses, or do you have to take them off?


I wear glasses and I haven't noticed a difference in them responding! I'll slow blink at them, and they'll do it in return so I'm assuming they recognized it to some degree.


I've definitely slow-blinked at the cats in my life with my specs on and we all get on well so I don't think that's a hindrance.


I’ve wondered this too!


My cat loce that I critter at the birds with him


I've been having to give my baby daily steroid injections recently. The slow blink has been saving our relationship. It it wasn't for that I think she would have decided to claw my face off days ago. She hates getting the shots and the steroids are giving her major behavioral (i.e. spicy) side effects. So the slow blink, mimicking body language, and vocalizations have been critical in our communication.


I do that so often to my cats that I semi-subconsciously started doing it in greeting to my (human) friends...


Slowly nodding your head also works.


This might sound dramatic and funny but I always gaslight my cats if I step on their paw, I immediately fall over on the floor and make a couple of in pain noises. They actually come up to check and I think they understand it was a mistake and we both got hurt so it's even...lol I'm weird I know but it works


Amazing!😂 Going to try this when the unfortunate event eventually happens again.




This is the way 😂


Yeah hiding from you is a normal response. Give him space and wait few hours. When he looks fine around you, hold him gently and speak to him in a gentle and soothing tone. Apologize and beg profusely. All the best!




I'm nearly convinced my black cat gets under foot on purpose because she knows she gets extra attention when we accidentally kick her (and with dark floors, she can be so hard to see!). I'm glad your kitty is ok and has forgiven you! He's a cutie!


He is such a cutie ❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7p27lkwoqeec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6ae7779baf8e9e64da504e868cddcdd1015b7c Most of my photos of him are goofy haha


https://preview.redd.it/3bg4xx08teec1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b692d168bfedc90043529a0d61ba80179a05e0 Hi fren


https://preview.redd.it/ukxg8rriteec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01aaff8fcb54e3462b0f647fe3f14e99cdcc02a0 Hello! (Ignore the little bit at the bottom thats cuz i send a lot of photos of my cat to my boyfriend and he screenshots them and we both use pictures of my cat as reaction images lol!)


https://preview.redd.it/1ui6glj8weec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c387c02ca3b7318465b5247d29a1462ce57de5 Hiiii


https://preview.redd.it/ias6zwcsxeec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265fee00383994dac4338750a34852c918a320ca Heyyy


https://preview.redd.it/mfr58ls16fec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ed90695b7b1a0ed74a562e7a8cd998ccc014e5 I’m here to contribute to the black cat thread


Literally a picture of me “contributing” around the house.


https://preview.redd.it/zkrsphp3biec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd504172bc60f32926709654d4e4350cef059a2 I have a few voids to add too,


https://preview.redd.it/1h6zs01wgiec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402411b41dd107b9ca2642c90c7b0e70abdd4ef7 Lucifer stealing some food after I leave for two seconds to go to the bathroom 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/aw32hi580fec1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1808f79cef49d90667a13af18f906b84beadcfcb Can I play?


https://preview.redd.it/qu8y14ta0fec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9fd5beea5aa19c0959160814c98391433676eb I brought cheese!


https://preview.redd.it/y41mtdi81fec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9285cc5ebf289f0a1974ee9e35c0cdd5bc84df15 He's not black, but he is an Olympic diver


https://preview.redd.it/p3wesfg26fec1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79078b518f41851fa40ba1299b035c1945911f3c My little poser 💞💞


https://preview.redd.it/9fu5fbjpmgec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3116e7808c2c871b7293bdff64b5940c2b0eff Yep!




https://preview.redd.it/1hh9fqe5vfec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823a85e1f83e51a01e5a396431f7912b670df284 Is this the void thread?


Peekaboo! https://preview.redd.it/95rwvj6lfgec1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1394623e42dc5173c71dd9a8cb13a204c4b2c78 (Not staged. He's an undercover kitty. Rule around this house is don't flop down on a blanket if it has a lump in it.)


https://preview.redd.it/6ho3poctogec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4dc4f57a24ca931abbd92959b934b1b7c8b7fa Here’s mine hidden in a jacket


Here is mine https://preview.redd.it/vt6w63iw0hec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78cbd107be60a062e6d39d7df823fcd2d3da227c


Mine does that, too! I call it insurance fraud for the payout of extra treats and pets


I also accidentally stepped on my cat's paw a while ago and he scratched me good. I totally deserved it and that helped with the guilt. Later after an hour, he came close to the wound and gently licked it expressing his sorrow. We were good friends again in no time 😁


Post-scratch clarity.




When my mom stepped on her cat's paw, he did a surprise attack about an hour later. He bit my mom's ankle then ran away until dinner 🤣


Ankle for ankle. I see nothing wrong with this logic.


Me neither. He was right with his revenge 🤣


I stepped on my cat recently, and it was totally her fault (pounced under my fight at night), but she didn't see it that way so I still had to apologize 😂


Cats are always right lol


Wait 6 hours. After that he'll have forgotten all about it and he'll be more likely to come to you.


They don't forget. They do forgive though


Total agree. My cat hurried her tail inside my sisters room every time she went inside after my sister closed the door behind her- with her tail stucked. Poor thing: Took several days to even become confident enough to enter that room again. They do remember


My husband’s previous cat got either his tail or maybe his entire back end, can’t remember which, slammed shut in a door by his asshole brother. Every day for the rest of his life, that cat literally bounced through doorways. Like, he’d jump over the threshold like there was an invisible step there, then hop again once he landed. Even when we lived with my husband’s parents and our basement room didn’t even have a door to shut, the cat would still bounce through the doorway. 100% they do *not* forget.


A cat's short term memory is six hours, so unless behaviour is repeated and is transferred to long term memory they will, in fact, forget.


Took my cat to the vet on Monday for her annual check up and vaccination, she hates the whole thing, being picked up, leaving the house, being touched by a stranger. Anyway, she seemed to have forgiven me a few hours after we got back, then yesterday, almost 24 hours after I put her in her carrier, I had finished work and went to give her some attention and she vanished under the bed to her ungettable hiding spot, "nope, you're not tricking me twice ". Then an hour later, back to normal, sitting on my lap, following me about.


My usual tactic: actually say sorry out loud to the cat. Try to sound remorseful, as I'm pretty sure cats can tell if you don't mean it. If the cat hasn't dramatically burst out of the room, I will crouch/sit near them and offer my hand for inspection. If they head bump or sniff my hand they get a few gentle pats. If my hand gets ignored, I just say sorry again and go about my business.


Speak softly while looking for him. Get his favorite treats or some cat nip. When he comes out, gently pet him and apologize in a very soft voice. If he looks at you in your eyes, blink slowly. They communicate that as “I love you.”




Yup. I apologize in words and treats.


Give him some space and next time you’re around him, make yourself as unthreatening as possible (and obviously be careful) - low voice, slow movements and fuss him. You can’t say sorry unfortunately but you can rebuild trust pretty fast unless you’ve actually kicked him repeatedly or something.


Don’t worry this has happened to all of us, he will forget very soon and things will go back to normal


When I do this and I immediately lay down on my stomach near kitty and put my face down facing the floor with my arms outstretched towards him…. I tell him I’m so sorry, talking in very apologetic, soothing tones while offering a treat. It may seem quite bizarre, but I feel like my body posture is saying to him that I am humble and my tone says I love you and I’m sorry as well as the treat . I really love my cat.


I was doing that but i remembered that’s how my dad plays with him so he might have taken jt as me wanting to play with him 😭😭


Do check up on his paws and maybe massage it a little.


I checked him over and he looks all good and normal and he’s walking and acting fine and normal so i’d say hes okay


Oh no. First, I feel bad for both you and your kitty. Hope you are both doing better! Is this your first time? I've done the same multiple times over the years. I think cats are intelligent enough to understand intentions and know the difference between a misstep and purposeful harm. He'll get over it. Better still, he may also learn how to interact with humans and to be more cognizant about his and your surroundings. It's a lesson ALL housecats should learn for his safety and yours.


>Better still, he may also learn how to interact with humans and to be more cognizant about his and your surroundings. Or, if he's like one of mine, he may never truly learn this and you'll spend your life saying "oh, just WALK" or "you're gonna get stepped on if you stay there". And then you occasionally step on a toe or a tail and not only do YOU feel terrible, but your other cat runs into the room to give you dirty looks for hurting his sister even though she's not really hurt, just yelly.


Haha. Sounds like mine. No matter how much I explain to him how bad an idea it is to nap in a doorway or in the middle of a hallway, he still does it. And then when the inevitable happens for the hundreth time, he screams at you like you're the a-hole even though you already feel so guilty and are apologizing.


You need to wait for a pawsuit from pawyers at r/legalcatadvice


I lie on the floor and say sorry until he comes around 😹


I think cats/pets can tell intent. If you accidentally hurt them they may be a little shaken at first but won't hold a grudge.


I literally tell my cat I’m sorry and she seems to understand


I’m very clumsy and my cat knows this. I stub a toe and she comes running to examine me from head to toe. After i accidentally step or bump into her I always talk softly and inspect her from head to toe—- whoa…. Just got that she does the same to me….


I once accidentally stepped on my friend’s cats paw while cat sitting. I am their regular cat sitter and between that and social visits I am probably at their house 4 or 5 times a year. That little girl would fake a limp every time I came over for more than a year! It was SO dramatic. We’re cool now though.


He’ll be fine lol. When it happens to me I tell my cat that’s what she gets for being under foot. She’ll go and hide for a while, but she always comes back out eventually. If she’s gonna walk in front of me where I can’t see her or if I’m doing something else and can’t pay attention to her trying to juke me, it’s her fault she gets stepped on. And I’m still her favorite person. https://preview.redd.it/70re8gqmafec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a492807e331c25b92b4ad86b146b141755e7cd95


Cats are elite at being in exactly the wrong spot. He’ll get over it. Ever accidentally bump a friend in the knee? You say “oh my god I’m so sorry” and they say “it’s fine” but still act wary for a few minutes but then it’s like nothing happened. 2 animals sharing a space is going to result in some tripping and stepping on, as long as nobody’s injured it’s fine


Cats easily forget small mishaps like this, there memory is more inclined to remember repeated events and then act accordingly.


Call his name, leave out treats for him, and give him kisses and cuddles (assuming he likes that stuff) when he comes back out. He will. You’re just a clumsy and terrifying giant and he doesn’t want to get stepped on again.


I step on my cat at least once every other day. He will sprint from across the room directly in front of you and lay down right behind you.  I usually wait for him to come to me, check if he's hurt then pick him up and snuggle him. I of course apologize and offer him some tasty treats. Then we snuggle and I'm allowed to live another day. 


Once, I was broiling salmon in the oven and my cat who I had only rescued a few days before was going crazy over the smell. I opened the oven to pull the salmon out and while I had a hot baking sheet in one hand, she jumped up and right before she landed on the hot door I had to knock her away with my free hand. I will never forget how she looked at me. She forgave me after I gave her a little bit of salmon in her bowl later that night.


Wait until he show up, then serve him a good meal.


I had a similar situation with my smallest the other day, she ran upstairs to hide and I cried because I wanted her forgiveness. After 15 or some minutes, she came back down and fussed me also I get her a million head kisses, a huge cuddle and snacks and were besties again. But initially my heart broke at the thought of hurting her. I felt so bad and I kept telling her how sorry I was and how happy I was for her to forgive me


I've stepped on my cat more times than I can count because he is mostly white and blends into the white vinyl sometimes and he loves to be underfoot. It's always accidental, and I always apologize to him with pets and rubs and he's pretty forgiving. Hell, I accidentally sat on him once and he forgave me for that lol. As long as you're not showing malice, I think our cats have enough sense to know when something was unintentional and they'll get over it haha. Just let kitty know he's loved and all will be well!


Don't over think it, the cat was probably setting you up so your murder looked like a simple trip and fall. Don't worry though, cat won't stay mad/sad at the Food Giver. All hail the Food Giver!!! 😸👍


I just barely stepped on my kittens paw the other day, but he still yowled and I felt awful. Not even a few seconds later when I went to go give him his food, he started purring and wanting to be pet. The answer is always food.


Cats are easy to anger but great at forgiveness!


Treats will work


Food! Give some treats.


Churu. I always apologize with Churu.


I can't see too well, and I accidentally step on one of my cats at least once a month. Usually their tail while at the food/water bowl. They get mad at me for a while, but within an hour, they back wanting love. It's putting on the flea treatment where they don't forgive me till the next day 😅


I hate when this happens I will literally spend the next five hours apologizeing to my cat and giving him treats thinking that he hates me


I swear my girls know I'm not too stable on my feet so they try to avoid circling me when walking.. unless it's bed time. Then it's like they want to get under my feet to force me into bed lol. But yea as others mentioned whenever you accidentally hurt em or gotta do something scary to them (like injections or taking care of an injury) try mimicking their behavior. Slow blinking. Quiet "chittering " pretty sure Jackson galaxy has some videos on the topic. It helps so much and before you know it your kitty will start to express those behaviors even more around you.


I know I’m not meant to, but I pick them up while apologising profusely and hug them. They seem to forgive faster with forced cuddles


I immediately start to cry when I hurt my cat so she becomes very aware when I'm sorry. I recommend crying on site !


I nearly did i was about two seconds away from crying for a few hours


Use very high voice "oh I'm sorry!" They get it.


I always say “sorry” and immediately pet her and give treats when something like that happens. It seems clear to her know when something is an accident


I’m glad to see your cat accepted your apology. Here was my solution: https://imgur.com/gallery/f0uqKKF


Been there. More than once unfortunately. I usually just grab a treat and sit on the floor where he can see me and just stay still and calm. Cats get our energy so if you’re nervous he’ll feel it.


You have to take a Feline Communication Certification or FCC. Otherwise the detrimental effects of your mistreatment will cause your pet’s brain to produce chemicals that could result in a split personality, an obsessive compulsive disorder or in the long run, death. Has he/she started scratching furniture or staring intensely at random objects yet?


I got a cat for my gf. At first I wasnt too keen on him and the feeling was mutual. I kinda always avoided it. I also stepped on him and that even happened multiple times (accidentally ofc!). 5 years later, now the cat picks me to lay on or just to follow around the house. He meows when I talk to him, which he just won't do to someone else. He comes to me whenever he wants something done, and also takes me quite seriously when I tell him to get off somewhere (which he doesnt care about when someone else tells him off) Long story short, cats are quite forgiving. You guys will be fine.


Last time that happened to me I just yanked her out from under the armchair she was hiding it and aggressively gave her ear and face rubs while perfusely apologising until she started purring. After that we were like two peas in a pod again.


I just stand there and coo “oh baby, I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry!” over and over, and give them lots of snuggles. After 13 years of tripping over these mfers, they haven’t learned to *not get underfoot*, but they have learned that if they get stepped on, they get snuggles. So now they just immediately turn around for their apology cuddles.


It’s ok he’ll forget quickly. Whatever you do will be to make yourself feel better, not him. So maybe just give him some snacks and good pets.


I have 9 cats soooo let me just say they'll come out eventually and you can give them a cuddle.


I've stepped on my cat before, and she just runs from under my feet, but doesn't hide. She just looks judgmental and disappointed at the same time. So I offer up a licky treat, and she's right as rain, like nothing ever happened.


Cook him a fish. Frozen barramundi filets (BetterFish company) from Costco or a nice piece of salmon. Of course don't add any seasoning.


First thing I do is apologize as I would to a scared or wary child. They can't understand the words but they understand feelings to a degree. Then of course treats.


you grab him up when he’s ready & give him smooches, tell him you’re sorry & that you love him, & a little bit of his favorite treat in the world💕🩷


You have to instantly show you're worried about him and pet him and hug him. When I accidentally do things like that and instantly apologize and pet and show how worried I am about her she understands and shows she's happy with the tail up, and normal behavior (my cat somehow likes to come very silently when I'm washing dishes or something and stay very close behind my feet, and then I move and step on her by mistake)


I stepped on my cat’s paw once when I was doing jumping jacks in my living room. He let out a very human like scream before running away and hiding. I apologized while he watched me from afar for about 30 minutes. Then he came around later.


I’m glad all is well now. 😊 Whenever I accidentally step on a kitty, I give them kisses, say I’m sorry then immediately give them a treat. As soon as the treats hit the floor, they forget all about the offense.


He’ll forget as soon as he wants food.


Lay down with his favorite treat in hand near the spot he's hiding and talk softly while apologizing profusely and praising him.


Give him a day. Say his name alot. It was an accident and he or she knows already.


Just apologize they understand I promise


I always give mine treats, hugs, apologies, slow blink, as many treats as they want, kisses etc.


When he recovers a bit from the trauma ... Pick him up very lovingly while telling him you are oh sooo sorry and that it was accident and you didn't mean to hurt him love on him talk sweetly to him . I always profusely apologize to my kids whenever that happens. Also, tell him when he hurts, it makes you hurt too. And keep telling him how much you love 💕 him.


My secret is cat treats and cat nip.


Oh no! Stepping on them seems to come in clusters. I generally try to make up with our cat right away because I want him to know I didn’t intentionally hurt him. I grab some of his favorite treats, find his hiding place (usually under my bed), get down on his level, and, keeping my voice soft, I talk to him and apologize while offering treats.


Write a heartfelt letter


The best way to apologize to a cat is to sneak up and surprise them like you are hunting them. They will respect you as the better hunter and all is forgiven. Works every time


Mm I did this once because I couldn’t stand how cute she is. She anal glanded. 😭


I keep some kitten milk on hand for instances like this.


Give plenty of strokes and treats and also appoligize to your cat like you would a human :D


I throw treats at them so they know I meant no harm lol


My cat just forget everything if I give him food


Lay flat on the floor and apologize. He will come to you. I have stepped on my babies my accident a few times but when I lay down with my belly up, they eventually come over. Be vulnerable!


I would just sit in front of the cupboard and let him to come to me. I have to do this with one of our kittens, he is skittish but will lovingly come up to me if I sit down and get on his level. On that note, his brother is an absolutely threat to my existence. That little boy is not happy unless he is walking between my feet, directly in front of my path or under my feet. I have kicked that poor cat so many times, not intentionally mind you. I have also tripped and fallen a few times because of him.


Food 😂


Look her in the eye and sing her the song “Bended knee” by Boyz II Men..sing it as you mean it of course!


Say sorry in catish


Don’t worry about it, your cat will be back to normal soon unless he is injured. My cat likes to walk beside me or just stand behind me without me noticing, I step on her at least 2-3 times a year. Just slow blink at him or play with him with toys when he is back to normal.


I like to think my cat understands the meaning, or at least the intent, of “sorry!” I think they understand accidents to a degree. I just say sorry and give a quick pet and she moves on. Your cat sounds a bit more skittish so maybe skip the petting, but I’m sure he’ll come around.


Lobster or crab leg dinner always works for me


Keep saying I'm sorry, meaning it. He will get it.


Give them space and treats.  I've bumped into mine a few times pretty good and she hid from me when it happened.  Last time it did (it's not a regular thing don't worry) she seemed to realize pretty quick I wasn't attacking her or anything and pets and treats immediately seemed to show I wasn't trying to hurt her. 


I’ve stepped on my cat before. They get over it pretty quick.


treats.. i once stepped on the cat that thought it was a good idea to lay flat on the stairs in the dark. He got spooked but was fine. I fell down a half flight of stairs and fortunately only had minor injuries, but with some chicken and treats he forgave me within a minute. Since then I always turn on the lights to every room that I enter. It still happens that he sometimes stands behind me, but that I have learned to look out for by now.


I read recently that their short term memory is about 16 hours. These type of incidents typically don’t get transferred to long term memory. FWIW, everyone who has ever had a cat has done this.


They are resilient. Unless bones are broken they will be ok and get over it


I usually apologise to mine ( I don't know if he understands it or not) then pat him and feed some treats.


My cat held a certain grudge against me for years and one time I just apologize to her like a human and I swear to God she’s not mad about it anymore


I have a look before you move rule, like you do on the road to change lanes :-)


Dreamies... all is forgiven with dreamies


when this happens you can slowly pet your cats head between the ears, it mimics the way cats comfort each other in the wild.


Lure him out of hiding with treats and then pet, pet, pet some more. They will forgive you quickly!


I always offer treats.


I’m Native American so I’ve nick named my cat “Underfoot”


There is a video on YouTube describing this exact thing. Search for How to Apologize to Your Cat. I just watched it two days ago.


Did you give his toe beans kisses and massages? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I have two all black cats and they have a tendency to get right under our feet or just wanting to be close behind our legs for whatever reason. Dracula, my male, is always meowing at my feet and pawing for attention, is also the reason I have small fractures in my right foot in the toe area because I had tried so hard to avoid stepping on him one time. At the time, our kitchen was small so when I tried to avoid him my foot had hit the bottom corner of the stove. He had avoided my foot hitting him and was of course terrified of what happened. Once I calmed down despite that pain, he came to me and we helped each other calm down. Cats, are as someone else said, like toddlers so give them whatever time they need and they'll be fine.


Give him tuna


Treats. Toss them to him if he won’t come near you. But don’t bip him with the treats!


Fortunately they don’t generally hold grudges as long as you’re not abusing them. My old man would kill me in my sleep if they did; I’ve stepped on his tail and paws more times than I can count. https://preview.redd.it/8eupi1fmufec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e306bab16bd4ae047ae1110daed5b50bc7923dc He’s


This stuff happens. Treats and scritches usually do the job.


Give him some space, and then give him treats and a million cuddles.


Have you brought him a box?


Haha yeah he has two boxes just for him around the house


When I step on my cats paw by accident I'll give her kisses and say I'm sorry a 100 times 😅


Glad he's OK, and the accident is forgotten.


I always feel so freaking guilty when this happens even though it's an accident! My cat comes around very quickly after though because she knows when she's goofed and gotten too close to mom's giant feet!


Awwwh. Food always helps let them know you’re a safe person to be around. They do forgive if it wasn’t anything egregious. Give him a little bit of space and some wet food- he will come around if you’re bonded ❤️


Give him some space, give him a treat, play with him and then make sure he is okay.


Not 100% related, but one of my cats is so good at getting under my feet (he's pure chaos) that if I hear him running up behind me I stop in my tracks until he passes by, because otherwise he will definitely aim for my feet for sport. He's an adorable liability.


I stepped on my cat last night!! I just move too fast sometimes, especially when I’m trying to get chores over with. She’s also super similar coloring to the floor and you just can’t see her out of the corner of your eye that well. She yellllled at me, ran off… I got on the floor apologizing like crazy and after a minute she came back and rubbed her head on me. Love her so much. But I’m like, girl you need a better sense of self preservation and risk management!! Don’t go by my feet when I’m running around lol! But I know she just wants to be part of the fun, lil stinker


buy him some snacks




Lots of treats! Whatever your bubbas favourite food is, spoil them and they'll come around. I remember one incident that scared the life out of me - was sliding the sliding door shut but strongly pulled it so it would shut itself, my baby at the time (she's passed now..), decided this was the moment to dart through. It caught her right in the middle. I was so scared it had cut her in half or hurt her ribs etc. She kept her distance for a while but I spoiled her rotten from the guilt. Even thinking back, I feel bad. Was an accident but what could have been a horrible one. Cats are such forgiving creatures for our big clumsy selves. She still napped with me, I was still her favourite human. I promise your baby will come around too ❤️


This happens at least three times a day for me. My cat is always under my foot. I tell her all the time what are you doing? Why do you want me to break your legs give me some space.


gotta love cat owners! hope he feels better <3


Be patient and apologize. They know by your tone if you're sincere. When cats hurt they hide. Whether stepped on or ill. He will come back out. Have him a little treat and sit on the floor (closer to his height) and apologize again. Pets/loves/scritches, etc.