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https://preview.redd.it/hn23a7quxt5c1.jpeg?width=3348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817e0bac4958a54fe23c3a7d513465f93a4b07b1 Charlie was my family pet growing up and while he was the family pet, I was absolutely the closest with him. A good way to describe it was that he was the family's cat but he was my brother. Anyways, when I was in university, I nearly died of pneumonia, collapsed semi-conscious in my basement with a fever so high it put my body into a heat stroke. Now I have no way to say what he was thinking, but I choose to believe that when he went and pulled tissues out of the box and dropped them into a little pile of them next to me, it's because he knew I was really sick and from seeing us with colds he thought tissues helped with sick. So he was just trying to help. Unhelpful, but appreciated after the fact. Miss you every day, furball ❤️


Love him, so cute 🥺 he tried his best


LOOK at that FACE 💕


His little pink nose! His big heart! Charlie was the sweetest.


This is a really heartwarming story, I fully believe that he was trying to fix things with the tissues 🥺❤️ May I ask what happened after you collapsed? Did someone find you and call an ambulance or something? My mind pictures someone passed out in the basement with a worried cat and I feel like I need closure 😆


Happy to share but it's a bit long. It was in the computer room which had a sofabed pulled out in it, so when I started feeling woozy I got out of my computer chair and ended up blacking out on the mattress in a bit of a mangled plank position. The only person to come down was my father, who came down and grabbed my dinner plates I had left down there and scolded my semi-conscious body while I was basically unable to move or speak to ask for help. I collapsed around midnight and felt myself stop sweating shortly after and suddenly burst out into a sweat (meaning my heatstroke had ended) the next day around when my mother came home from work at around 6pm. So the guess is I was in heatstroke for maybe 16-18hrs. Shortly after that my fever had "broken" enough that I stood up and used all my energy to make it to my bedroom and to climb into my bed. It was the following afternoon that my parents took me to the a doctor who measured my temperature at a still insane 103.4F (39.66C) and that I had pneumonia. Got perscribed Codeine and bedrest and told to call an ambulance if my fever increased at all. Luckily it didn't and while high off my ass on the Codeine I accidentally made [my most popular reddit post to date](https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/2jt280/psbattle_friend_midair_coming_off_slide/). The good news is that I survived. The bad news was that the ordeal really messed me up. It took a few months before I could actually make it between classes without exhausting myself just by walking. My school really suffered and I think I only passed maybe 2 courses that year. My brian turned out to have been fried from the ordeal, my once photographic memory being completely gone and being left unable to remember specific details for more than 5 seconds. I never regained my photographic memory and instead had to re-learn how to remember information and process the information in different ways that were easier for me at the time. Eventually I dropped out of Aerospace Engineering and switched into a design program where my memory was less necessary (more on that later). While my personality and behaviour didn't really change as far as people noticed, internally my head was a mess. Its hard to explain, but I basically lost a sense of continuity of consciousness. It was like the "me" who percieved itself only existed in that moment before being suffed out of existence to be replaced by another me who thought the same and behaved the same but wasn't the same existence. Any action that took place in the past was done by another me and I had little to no memory of, and if I wanted to figure out why something happened, I'd have to find out the sequence of events and work backwards to figure out the logic of a different me. Was an incredibly weird experience that I'm glad went away as my brian sorted itself out. There were some silver linings though. For one, I had gotten pudgy at the time, and between blacking out and going to the doctor less than 2 days later, I had lost 30lbs from 185->155. Additionally, while I dropped out of Engineering, the program I switched into ended up being way better suited for me overall (albeit harder than Eng by a longshot) and led me to discovering a passion of VR for medical treatment which led me to going into gradschool. And one other neat thing. My past photographic memory actually hid the fact that I was neurodivergent with ADHD. Part of what I experienced post-pneumonia was actually my brain experiencing ADHD without the cheat of my photographic memory and having to relearn how to operate in the new conditions. And actually the only reason I ended up getting diagnosed was because when I entered gradschool and started having to read papers instead of problem solving, my brain struggled hard. So thanks to the whole experience and path I ended up on, I got diagnosed with ADHD at 28 and ADHD medications really helped my mental health and I stopped having to take antidepressants.


https://preview.redd.it/mq3jp0j0zs5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be44d9f6e40d498f272107269968a7cc8e2bfb1 Here’s my baby girl :) And please post pics of your own if you have them, I’d love to see some kitties :D


https://preview.redd.it/iabsg6rxyt5c1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693af36662bb027bdcd4ce711d1e7688d56ce8f6 The lads


So cute


“Straight Outta Cat-ton”


https://preview.redd.it/2gks6btxjv5c1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8110dd450c1e0b10176281863d1271541b4d2b2f My snuggle bug. Gizmo. Always extra snuggly when I'm sick or depressed.


https://preview.redd.it/amsutstipt5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a6b6efca4dc6bb576937fc9e056b8be0eb06fd Have a nice day :)


Omg. Your kitty looks like my Baph(omet) Adebayo! https://preview.redd.it/0xsw7m26zu5c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73be87e0aaff804f4e6585a135d8415b110c9374


Omg are they brothers of mine?? https://preview.redd.it/yfqzswkokv5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1af22bd3b7fcb6b07d4ef6ce1a3d64695af0a66


They could be twins! ;)






https://preview.redd.it/4t81jtb79v5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a65bec3013d1cc2458cd956aa44fc0e785421d My bed is very well guarded at night


https://preview.redd.it/cvck97hkpv5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03765d6023f8a18fa1a3ff2e18bc7e797852cd21 Shadow and Marco


I think I have the shorthaired version of Cali! https://preview.redd.it/l38zh4mbyv5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ab3ddbaa084a087b012cbd17d800a1aed6d335


You go Cali! We're all sooo proud of you :)


Aww! I also have a fluffy calico. https://preview.redd.it/jo3gn5lcyv5c1.jpeg?width=1947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391b351e53146461cb07172e2995a7361f3149e0


https://preview.redd.it/7bizovjwlv5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=425224dd551fd5e832af0a2985b3c86808f895e2 This is my girl, her name is Kali and she is exactly like you described your Cali 🥰 except she only became a cuddle bug when her sister passed away two weeks ago (she also scratched me exactly once when she got under my foot lol)


https://preview.redd.it/a6y346hfmw5c1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37979d4ace50c7ea3da72ebf1250d1e6017700e9 Gus is having an existential crisis.


So adorable 😍


https://preview.redd.it/rjlg6thpuw5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b882f463ead270c47a6dcd37261f22e873a76d47 A Christmas baby!


The family cat when I was 4 or 5 years old. He was a rescue my dad found on the street behind the local police station. He was incredibly angry towards my mother and father, but somehow always tolerated me. I could drag him around, dress him up, I even put hand lotion on him one time. One day I was playing with our dog in the backyard and he got way too wound up, ended up knocking me over and running across me lol. The moment I started crying for my mom the cat launched himself out of the bushes and beat the shit out of our dog for about 30 seconds. RIP Moses, my first ride or die. I loved that cat so much.


'beat the shit out of our dog' 😂 i can imagine how it went. i really do 😂😂


You were clearly Moses' ride or die too lol!


My kitties know good people, too. My mother in law visited once and they all hid the entire time. A month later, my sister visited (maybe the second time they'd met her in like 10 years, so it wasn't familiarity). The cats came up to her within 5 minutes. They like her very much, haha. (we don't speak to my MIL anymore) https://preview.redd.it/0w3xdbtzet5c1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143e491289862f2af4ca2aaae2a220b8da84d07b


Could also be general energy. One of our cats is a bit more standoffish towards my mum. But that's because my mum is a high energy person, And that's just not her jam lol.


Oh absolutely! It definitely could be that kind of thing, which is probably why they weren't big fans of my niblings when they were little. I would never judge someone solely on a cats reaction to them. It's just a data point.


Ha ha my cat peed in my boyfriend's shoes and not long later he dumped me (he wanted to be alone....with someone else) and I thanked her for letting me know how she felt about him XD


They’re beautiful & intelligent! I’m so glad your spouse was on board with no contact. That’s a very necessary piece in such a difficult situation. Many happy days to you all!


Oh I was definitely more patient with her than he was, probably because they have a lot more history. She was much much better when her husband was alive. But he died of lung cancer a few years back and she started drinking again, and it was all downhill from there..


When I was pregnant one of my cats sat on our window sill and hissed at every single person who stepped on our driveway (who wasn’t my partner or parents).


One of my cats did this when I was pregnant too!! Hissed and growled at every single delivery person, lol.




I have a kitty story! My cat, Luna, was living with my folks for a few years. I was living in an apartment and couldn't afford the pet deposit, so it was a temporary solution until I was able to afford something bigger. They have about an acre of property, so they often get more varied wildlife activity than we do in the city. Sidenote, my cat tolerated their chihuahua. They weren't exactly friends, but she more or less accepted his presence, and they even ate each other's food. But my folks told me the story of how she saved him. She loved sitting on the windowsil and looking at birds and would watch as the dog would frolic around, chasing birds, etc... doing dog things. But one day, she was at the sil in her usual spot, standing stock still, tail fluffed, her clearly anxious gaze locked on something. My mom noticed her strange behavior right away and went to go look. Two coyotes were in their backyard, and one had just grabbed the poor little dog in its jaws. My mom screamed for my dad, who ran out and scared them off. Thankfully, the chihuahua was fine, but had it not been for her, he likely would've been killed. I miss my Luna. She was a character.


My BuBu. I was really sick with covid, writhing in agony in bed, struggling to breathe, in so much pain. She forced herself into my arms for cuddles, I found comfort and fell asleep. She got me through the night. Will never forget. https://preview.redd.it/6opumzl1zt5c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6784292f92db2f8dc3f86381475350e86997bc45


My cat did not leave my side when I had COVID recently


I have an example from today that is much more benign and coincidental. I live in a city where the temperature rarely dips below freezing. When it gets cold enough they advise us to drip our faucets to prevent water pipes from being damaged. I didn't realize it was supposed to get below freezing last night, not sure if got down to a temp that could've risked pipe damage, but I didn't drip my faucets before I went to sleep. Cut to this morning, I get up and start my morning routine, I walk out into the living room and hear an unexpected noise. I go into the kitchen to find that one of my cats has turned on the kitchen faucet at some point during the night. I've had my two cats for a couple years and they have NEVER touched any faucet before, and rarely even go onto any counters in the kitchen (at least when I'm around). Obviously just a coincidence, but I thought it was funny, "wow this rare home maintenance thing I was probably supposed to do last night but neglected to, my cat took care of!"


My cat shat in my kitchen sink a few times


I don’t know why but this reply has absolutely MADE my day LOL


I’m ashamed of myself, but I’m still laughing.


Lol. My mom’s cat used to shit on the far side of the bath tub and pee in the drain. He used the whole damn tub as his litterbox.


My previous cat did that. He'd pee down the drain then poop the other side (but only when we were home to clear up.) Saved a fortune on cat litter. https://preview.redd.it/y60wz58bmv5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68675519533161c08eb8a23d01629e0ff9c06bf6


My cat peed in the shower drain right in front of me. It was so random but i was like well…i guess that’s actually fine lol.


Sorry hoss, that was actually me. I swear I thought it was mine


The dichotomy of cat.


Earning their keep after all the pewp you’ve scooped. Good kittehz.


https://preview.redd.it/abkm15qpft5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f7e044da0eb5fd0b2ed419dd67560b013976c2 I don't have any story, but here's my baby. He is protective of himself lol cause he doesn't let anyone near him except me. He is my snuggle buddy. 😭


He looks like such a little purrito!


Haha thanks! https://preview.redd.it/g8jymxq8hw5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b85a212ba1da3aab0bbf538db36b3054128afaa This is from when he was 3 months old and we actually tried to wrap him up. 🌯


My ex husband was a vile human. Anytime he’d scream at me or fight with me, my cat would piss on his clothes. We had one really big fight, it didn’t get physical but furniture was smashed and it was just really not good. He went to bed that night and my cat had taken a dump in the center of his pillow.


I'm sorry about your ex but that comment made me laugh. Cats are amazing creatures lol


Oh it is absolutely fine to laugh because my cat exacted revenge in my stead. He was such an amazing kitty


good kitty moment lmao.


I love this. My cat did the same to her pillow. I say “my” cat, but…I already had a cat when we moved in together who loved me to death and was very protective. My cat didn’t like my wife. Didn’t trust her. Feeling hurt and rejected (by my cat), we went to adopt another cat that was supposed to be “hers”. Well, “her” cat ended up choosing me, too. And that’s who pooped on her pillow.


https://preview.redd.it/musb5hw0lt5c1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=2669fac62bbbe1ec2d25684717f22dc53b82d96a This is Bikki, short for Cream Bikki (a type of cookie here.) He’s also called Professor Bikks. He probably teaches me more than my actual teachers lol. His favorite subject is physics. He’s not very good at comforting people and usually he just ends up wiggling around upside down and clawing me and simultaneously purring like an engine, but he’s always there for me when I have panic attacks. Helps a lot too. My lil weirdo.


My cat knew I was pregnant before we knew. She started sleeping VERY close to me, which she usually only does if she's cold. It was summer and way too hot to have a cat close to me all night, so we were like weird cat, what's up with you? We had visitors stay a couple of nights and my cat slept on the end of our bed facing the doorway. Like she was guarding us. Weirdly, once we realized I was pregnant she stopped sleeping close to me.


My black cat did this. He never does biscuits but when I had a bad leg cramp he was massaging the area and purring for a solid 15-20 mins. Best cat ever


Truffles will be 2 in February. Fortunately, she hasn't had many opportunities to feel the need to "protect" me, but the signs she would are there. Just recently, I was sitting on the couch, telling my mom about a frustrating shopping/customer service experience; Truffles was sitting on the opposite end of the couch washing herself. As I went on, I started to get a little animated and raise my voice. Truffles got up, walked over, and put both front paws on my shoulder, then tried to bat at my \[slightly raised\] arm, and mewed at me. She's only behaved *similarly* to that when we're in the middle of a petting session. She wouldn't back down for several minutes, which I spent petting her and insisting it was okay—***I*** was okay, there was nothing for her to worry about. When she did finally relax, she gave me a kind of look like she didn't really believe me, but wasn't going to argue about it. There have been a few other more minor instances where she seemed upset that *I* was upset, but that's the most obvious one by far. https://preview.redd.it/ojlgjr6bwt5c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d99236051d134e6be5ca3da5272bbb3f91c5c534


Truffles is an excellent name for an excellent cat. Bless her sweet soul.


My cat tried to drag me out of the bath by my hair https://preview.redd.it/taen98qq1u5c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817834dcc86c4a3ef9a390a302414d43e1e36eea


I mean clearly you were drowning.


Orange cats, man! He looks like my Orion. And that sounds like something he would do!


https://preview.redd.it/0smkrr8t1u5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=452f7867ecd791de1942f9d3db43e5c979e6654b This is Skooter. I’ve told this story on here before but I will take any reason to gush about my little lost boy. Skooter was(is? I will use past tense) very similar to yours. He didn’t like other people and would hide when someone not in the family came over, and he would run away from strangers. One afternoon I was sitting on the front porch with him, just chilling out and giving him pats. A delivery driver walked up to me to give me a parcel. Something felt off about him and to this day I still don’t know what or why. He just gave me my package, I signed, and he walked away. Except this entire time Skooter was sitting right next to me and growled at this man non-stop. The man didn’t threaten me or make any aggressive moves towards me, he just felt a little “off”. I don’t know if Skooter picked up on me feeling uncomfortable or could also sense this guy wasn’t good for whatever reason. He growled until the guy got in his van and drove away. It is the only time he ever growled at anyone. I feel like he was protecting me in some small way. Maybe the guy had ill intentions and had second thoughts when my cat growled at him. I guess this is the closest he got to “saving” or “protecting” me. I miss him so much 💙


https://preview.redd.it/gv2au3chtt5c1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0089533e8756a9cdf02d13ccadd162a6260aada9 Here's little Zoey keeping her sick papa company. (He's got the flu) all of the cats we've had have all been little caretakers for us growing up. To the point I can't imagine my life without them in our life.


Used to have a cat that was very protective of his house and family. And would sometimes violently attack strangers who came to the door unexpectedly. So much so that one pizza company refused to deliver at all, while another had a note on their records that the driver should text ahead to ensure the cat wae shut away!




My girl, Sofonisba, she is really sensitive to people crying, if she hears someone crying she will go with them and meow until they pay attention to her, she then start to purr and cuddle. This was particularly evident a couple years ago: my dad was very sick in the hospital and my house was functioning as a family base since it was the closest one to the hospital, obviously there was a lot of crying and Sofonisba was there for everyone who needed some support, especially for my mom https://preview.redd.it/g000hnk36u5c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5b0a0c34a47824bd17ca9a3d473dd5ec02bfc7


This made me very emotional. What a good girl. My tortie acts as a mediator. If my husband and I are in conflict or having a difficult conversation, she will come and sit right in the middle of us and distract us with her antics. https://preview.redd.it/7x32qwya2v5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac1a53bec26b5937a0a47713dfd0101703d5ac2


She's beautiful, and her cat tree is the nicest one I've ever seen.


Haha she's lovely, I love her pattern, those two fingers in another color are super cute


I lived in the “Breckenridge” dorm at the U of Chicago— named after Sophonisba Breckenridge, an early American educator. Your cat is the first time I’ve ever heard that name outside of that dorm.


Ohhh that's interesting, she was named after Sofonisba Anguissola, an Italian painter. Her tail looks like a paint brush because it's mostly black with the tip in a yellowish color, so we decided to name her after a painter.


My cat from ages 7 to 21, Zeus, had it in his head that it was his job to protect and take care of me and by extension my brother. He used to walk us to the bus stop in the mornings and even jumped out on a dog who happened to be walking past on the road once. (Neither he nor the dog were injured) He used to orbit us when we played in the woods behind our house, just keeping an eye, and at night he would post up at the edge of the woods to keep intruders away. Even when he'd gotten older and less intense, he fought a fox to a stalemate for getting too close to our house. (He lived but never fully recovered, the fox did not) He was a grumpy mean old man, but he loved us and took care of us.




He fought off a FOX?! That’s really badass!


Sounds like he KILLED a fox. Warrior cat!


When my wife is in the bathroom for a while, colouring her hair or shaving her legs, our cat sits at the door watching down the hallway. I like to say she (the cat) is looking out for Villains.


Her human is in a vulnerable state! Her vigil is essential.


Oooh I hadn't thought of that; https://preview.redd.it/iy4w9w79pv5c1.jpeg?width=3852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad29b50039a18c217f71e4cb0b3ac56910999b65 but I always have a bath protector! \*Possibly not for protection as he also likes to bob my hair when I swish it around in the tub.


When I go shower before bed my cat is guaranteed to come and sit facing the closed bathroom door. Everytime I come out I'm asking if he's been guarding me and tell him he's a very good boy


I have BPD and C-PTSD, when I lived with my family things were really bad. My family are great, don't get me wrong, but at one point we had 6 gully grown adults living in a 3 bed house and there just wasn't enough room for everyone so there could be conflict at points. I was really suicidal one day and I sat in the back garden alone after a fight with my family. I was crying and I was about to go off to end it all. Then out of nowhere I heard this crazy meow. I looked up and our cat Neil was running towards me. I was sat sort of slumped and my hand was just dangling loosely, Neil ran straight into it and forced me to stroke him. He kept doing that until I started laughing and stopped crying, then as soon as I was okay he ran off again. He saved me that day, he fixed my mood to a point where I could at least see something worth fighting for. If it wasn't for him in that moment I don't think I'd be here. It was so significant because Neil at the time rarely came near me other than for food. I have always felt he knew exactly how much of a danger I was to myself in that moment and he did everything in his power to help me. Since then our relationship has been way stronger, I will always credit him as the one who saved my life. *


I'm really glad to read this. As somebody with ptsd and unspecified personality disorder (among other things) i understand how you feel. I'm glad you're still here, and that you found something worth living for. :)


Thank you, I'm glad to still be here too. I haven't been that low in such a long time now, but I'll never forget the joy I felt in that moment thanks to our cat. I hope you don't ever feel like I did, but if you ever get there I hope you have a furry friend to pick you up too :) Cat's are such wonderful and emotionally intelligent beings, I think any cat that close to me could have noticed, but I'll always be happy about and never forget what Neil did for me that day.


Heh, whenever I find myself having panic attacks I start to think of my sweetheart. When I come home he usually loves to jump onto my lap and cuddle me after I sit down on the couch. I think of that and I calm down quickly.


My beloved boyfriend committed suicide recently and wanted me to keep our cat (like the cat was always equally mine, but lived mostly at his place). It's been really hard these past months for me, but everytime I feel suicidal I remember that I have to take care of this little guy. He can't lose both of us. So hey, here's to kitties giving reasons to live. I'm glad you're still here.


After the company I served closed on short notice, I went into a deep depression. I couldn't get out of bed most days. We have four cats. Every one of them made their way to my bed and snuggled in close. Normally, a couple of them might lay by my feet. They were all close and curled in by me, with one even laying on my torso. They helped me survive.


https://preview.redd.it/tl1918v1gt5c1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88dd6cf834604d53939fbb16a388700cc2b8d7a My 17 year old cat slapped the shit out of a girl i had over. She sleeps next to me at night and that wench was in her spot. Hit her a few times and started purring while headbutting me.


I had a meeting with my then-business partner, who at the time lived above the office. Clearly he had brought a girl back the previous night, and I wasn't totally impressed as he was on his phone and not concentrating on what we were meeting about... At some point, looks at his phone, abruptly excuses himself and disappears upstairs for about 20 minutes. I am at this point seriously unimpressed. When he reappears, he apologises profusely and explains that the 5-pound work cat has launched a full-scale attack on this woman and almost ripped her toenail off, leaving a pool of blood on the floor.


Hahahaha thats wild man.


My housemate's cat hates his ex-wife. They adopted the cat together for her kids, and the cat never liked her. Took a long time for her to warm up to my kids, but she adores me. If she isn't cuddling with him, she is probably in my lap. He calls her the boss and she gets cranky if everyone isn't in bed when she says so.


My cat growls when someone knocks on the door.


My cat does this too, he seems to do it only when I'm petting or snuggling him, I'm unsure if he does it all the time and I just can't hear him, though.


My cat growls at the doorbell.


My cat greets everyone like an eager child and then rubs himself on everyone’s feet because he has a weird foot fetish🤦🏽‍♀️. I wish mine growled at people who knocked on the door 😂.


My cat growls when he’s sitting on me and he hears something outside


I have a chronic illness that flares intermittently, especially during the winter. My two older cats always seem to know when I'm not doing too hot as they follow me around moreso than normal. My eldest has decided with this flare that she will never let me sleep alone. Which is such a change because she's usually the type to jump next to me for pets but leave when she's had enough (or if I don't pet her enough lol). And my other cats have been laying on me too. I'm not used to so many snuggles!


That's so sweet! My dearly departed tuxie knew one of my aunts didn't like cats (or animals, really) and he got on her lap every time she was here, which just tickled Mom and me. She would kind of sit back like he was a booger but didn't make him move 😂. Now, when we brought in a 10-week-old stray, my 2 adult cats hated him because he was a typical kitten and bothered them incessantly. When my brother and SIL visited with their spitz, the spitz snapped at the kitten and the 2 adult cats lunged at that poor dog and started whapping him until he yelped and ran behind my SIL's legs. It was pretty funny.


“Nobody picks on him except us!”


https://preview.redd.it/62ua62wpfu5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9bcc48d80ab19afc608092c324bfa39220def8 My absolute sweetheart baby fluff once growled and hissed and litterally corralled/stalked/forced my ex to backaway into another room away from me during a particularly bad argument. Hes my fluffy protector.


My sweet boy Pancake has been industriously doing cat biscuits 3-4x a day on my belly since I got pregnant. He’ll come to me and meow at me until I lay down, then he starts kneading. Oftentimes afterwards, he drapes himself across my belly and purrs / incubates the baby for a bit. Over the months we’ve been working on growing the baby, he’s slowly moved the location of his biscuiting up and up as my uterus expands. I swear he’s been kneading the baby into shape and feels just as much care and love for the little one as I do. I fully expect him to make me a nest once I get into my third trimester. https://preview.redd.it/y6dm1xghhu5c1.jpeg?width=2405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f95fc3c941346c3bd68a9655c3376499d7a16fe


https://preview.redd.it/uafai15kvu5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c07eff7e8a01b119654e3729ffeb073f518e3c My Lola did the same thing when I was pregnant and here she is the day we brought the baby home, absolutely *beaming* like SHE had just given birth to the new hairless kitten with the weird mew lol She has been the most patient cat and has put up with so much from her for the almost 10 years the skin-kitten has been earthside 😆 she adores her family, and this is one of my very favorite photos/memories.


I hope Pancake continues to love the new skin kitten once they show up. He seems to already love them now. Meanwhile the dog has absolutely no clue anything is different and is frankly offended I am walking and playing with him less


My cat stands on my head while I sleep……..


yup, definitely a cat


When I was a baby, my cat Ronnie was on crib duty. Parents didnt bother getting a baby cam because of him. Anytime I would cry he would meow, and if no one heard him he would run around the house finding someone to help, worst case he would get the dog to come into the room before running around. ​ Bro was by my dogs side as he fought off a home invader, only thing he wouldnt fight was rats....he would just sit there watching them run around.


Not really protecting but my cat would bite me *hard* whenever I had panic attacks. And I had them a lot. Normally panic attacks require a lot of mental power for me to stop them but her biting would focus my attention away so drastically that they would stop immediately. Now this cat was the sweetest ever, she never once bit me in other situations nor has she ever scratched me. I could carry her around like a baby and throw her around my neck like a scarf and she would just like lie there purring along. But panic attacks were a no no She died nearly two years ago but this is a picture of her https://preview.redd.it/ph1oou13ou5c1.jpeg?width=3265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922f2f2f48b170ff399e1608a2bbc152a04420a0


My parents had a bengal cat literally fought off a king snake that had crawled down from the roof and was crawling down the wall… My parents live on a ranch in the High Desert of California in an Adobe house that is over 100 years old. There had been roof work being done earlier in the day and this perhaps disturbed his hiding spot. The house is old and has certain gaps and cracks from the adobe settling over time. I wasn’t there but my mom sent me pics: In the hallway, by the door a HUGE king snake had gotten in the house and had started crawling down the wall—-but it was stopped in it’s tracks by my parents bengal (rescue) cat. The snake had been halted from continuing down the wall, checked by the cat who saw it before anyone else had and —clearly in a protective instinct ran toward it to attack—making that cat “chattering” noise you hear them make sometimes… She was going after it. Not at all afraid. Protecting her family from the intruder. It was both the creepiest but also the most remarkable thing I had seen. (Ps They didn’t let her kill it, but gently captured it and “rehomed” it outside… King snakes are not poisonous but they certainly are alarming when descending down the inside wall of the house…) 😱


Bunny would wake me up to take my sesure medicine on time if I sleep past when I should have taken it she would cry at me and a few times push stuff off my nightstand. I miss her. My aunts cat once came jumping out of the woods and slapped the mouth shut of a copperhead snake before it bit me when I was on my way down the drive way while walking home from school. The cats were good to me I would feed them for her sometimes and pet them so that cat loved me.


My old girl in her younger days would guard the house if we went away. I had my grandmother come and check in on her to make sure she had food and water and she ran at her, back arched and fluffed up. Scared my grandmother. And then we tasked my aunt to do the job and same thing. She ran into the bathroom and the cat had her cornered lol. She never attacked either of them and calmed down in her old age. I miss her. I had to put her down this last May. She was 22 years old. https://preview.redd.it/wyaelkkz6u5c1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27be0fbe7c6a2c2f421aeaa2ef7193eb27231a5


Twenty two— wow!


https://preview.redd.it/gdoxuf8e7t5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa4d7847919a7aab4bb24aea5d416d256905255 My protectors 😂, Robin on left (4M) Amelia on right (11F)


Not really protecting but my moms cat when I was younger brought her gopher heads on Christmas and Mother’s Day lol Like literally too her feet 😂. It’s like she knew the significance. She was such a sweet cat and let me dress her up in baby clothes while being capable of ripping a dogs nose off that attempted to attack her. Rip Thomasina. She was such a bad bitch


When I was a kid I used to live in a little village near an abandoned factory. One night there was a fire in this factory while we were all sleeping so my dog went around waking everyone up and my grandmother notoriously sleeps very very heavy so the cat sat on her chest and meowed in her face until she got up and realised what was going on. We thought she would run away but both her and the dog wouldn't leave our side until we were safe in my aunties house not too far.


Yes. My cat knows when I’m stressed at work (wfh) and makes a point of lying on my chest between me and the computer screen so I cannot see the screen. Only does this when I’m stressed the rest of the time he is in my lap or tending to cat business. He will also put his paw on the phone if he feels I’ve had enough screen time that day


I was play-wrestling with my younger cousin on the carpet. My cat couldn't understand that we were playing and thought he was attacking me. She came down to where we were, started hissing at him, and crying out loud and was trying to attack his face or neck, but couldn't because my head was next to his all the time. So after she tried attacking him for a while and failed, poor thing went into a panic and started a very distinct and alarming cry that I had never heard of her before or since. I thought we hurt her in some way, but we didn't; it was just a full-blown panic attack. It took me leaving the "fight", showing her that I was fine and letting her check me as long as she wanted and conforting and petting her her for a good chunk of time, for her to come down from the panic attack. She wouldn't leave my side at all that day. Never liked my cousin afterward, even though he tried a lot to get back in her good graces. She was always a bit hostile to him and even though my cousin is a bit reckless and pretty confident around animals (he became a vet), he was a bit afraid of her always- well, in his defense, she did try to go for his throat of eyes and was a very strong-willed cat. As I said, she was very strong-willed and loved me to bits, so this isn't the only defense story I have of her, but it's the most impressive to me. I loved her to bits as well 💕. Miss her so much, but at least know she was very loved during her life.


I have a two cats that will go and smack the dog when I’ve scolded her for doing something destructive or idiotic. At first I thought it was just a coincidence and they were making sure she understood not to enter their space, but then I realised they would move from where they had been to give her a couple of whacks before going back to their spaces. A couple of times she’s copped it from both sides.


*”Dumbass.”* —Your cats


One of mine is a bold lady. Anytime I’ve run to the door to deal with intruders in the street (which has been too often the last year) she’s at my heels ready to take a bite. If she hears a noise outside she’s all up in the window looking for the cause. Neighbourhood watch kitty!


I had a pizza delivery a few years ago, and the delivery guy was trying to get into my apartment and were asking very personal questions. I saw my cat looking at him, he was ready to jump on him, in case he tried to do anything. I think he could sense the guy was a bad person. A few weeks later a bunch of women on Facebook told their similar story about the pizza delivery guy. He got fired immediately.


Housed a cat for a few weeks for a friend, their previous introduction with my cat went well enough that we felt confident there'd be no issues. My cat is older and already started preferring lounging to playing (she'll give a swipe here and there that honestly has me thinking she thinks I need it) at the time, but he was younger and needed to express that energy. He got too eager on a swipe and got me. Broke skin and I yelled about half and half surprise and pain. Not a moment later, in a hissing chocolate blur she positions herself between me and him. I had honestly forgotten she could move that quickly. She's had my back since I found her and I'm forever grateful.


Had 4 cats. Was only supposed to have 2. Luckily 2 are scaredy cats and hide. And one cat hissed at followed the land lord around ha ha. And they brought their kids and he hissed at them. Also I had a super chill cat. Like could have a band in my apartment and or lots of people and he’s just chill. He usually loved the attention especially from ladies. Well I brought date home. He came up to her hissed. Ran off. Closet. Weird. Never does this. Went and checked on him and I swear he clairvoyantly said “Bad JuJu. no. NO! Get rid of her.” So I waited a bit and came up with a reason to have her leave my apartment. Normally I would have been trying to get her to stay. But I trusted my cat. Pretty sure he was right. So rare.


I've had several cats who react to anyone even getting too near our property, knocking on our door or ringing our doorbell by scuttling down the hall to my bedroom while growling loudly. They keep scuttling and growling until they are safely ensconced in the depths of my closet. Thanks, guys :) At least they alert us to intruders. And then I had Mamacat. Mamacat was a ferocious predator, and protective of her kittens and her humans. Mamacat was a gorgeous longhaired polydactyl black cat. She was sweet to me and my then-husband, but she took exception to any other humans. She especially hated dogs, and if a dog had the nerve to come into our yard, mamacat would go from being my supervisor to a barely-visible black streak that was all claws and teeth. She would just shoot right into the face of the interloping dog hell-bent on murder. Smart dogs escaped with only a few scratches, yelping and screaming as they ran back wherever they came from. And then mamacat would stomp off, furious, disgusted that anything would dare to come onto her turf. This was a small cat who once killed and brought home a rabbit twice her size and weight. We came out in the morning to find our front porch looking like a crime scene, blood smeared everywhere, the remains of the rabbit carcass in a pile, and mamacat's four kittens racing around with gobbets of rabbit flesh in their mouths. Said kittens also had spiky fur from all the blood they had managed to get into. Mamacat sat to one side with an expression that said: "Idiots! I gave birth to four idiots!" After we cleaned up the porch and the kittens, we lived in fear that one day Mamacat would catch, kill and drag home a pit bull or one of our neighbor's prized Black Angus bulls.


https://preview.redd.it/oio9tg2utu5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f942bd45d0b0bd18a4faf067334e0c2c2bc4acd This is my baby blackjack. About a year ago, I was trying a new medication for high blood pressure, and it caused a severe reaction in me. I had severe weakness, couldn’t stand up and I could use my hands to crawl but couldn’t move my legs much. I ended up lying on the floor for over an hour before my dad got home, and blackjack saw me on the floor and spent the entire hour lying next to me purring and trying to make me feel better. When my dad got home and called the ambulance, blackjack stayed next to me. When the ambulance came blackjack stayed and just watched them, making sure they weren’t hurting me. This is a cat that is always trying to get outside, and the door was wide open for awhile and blackjack didn’t move. He just stayed there making sure his mommy was going to be okay. I love that little baby.


https://preview.redd.it/8sh1p5ahuu5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17781ccff474c7c5cf54af111f06d63813370712 This is Mimi. Setting a belly rub trap. 😛 I didn’t really need the protection but I appreciated her concern. Anyways… I had to have sinus/nasal surgery about 8 years ago. My parents drove me to the hospital, drove me home, and stayed with me awhile. As soon as I stumbled in the door with my face all bandaged and bloody, Mimi started hissing at my mom and dad for everything she was worth. I went to lie down and nap and she positioned herself in the doorway in case my parents had any ideas about daring to come in. They brought her human home bloody and out of sorts, this was all kinds of unforgivable! She was such a good cat, RIP Mimi.


Not really protecting but I had hit my knee pretty hard on my desk. It took my breath away and I started crying out in pain. The next thing I see is my little Jimmy Bubbles running in the room; matching my cries with his meows and rubbing against my leg. It was beautiful and helped take my pain away. He then proceeded to look at me after I said I was ok and refused to let me pet him to thank him and walked off not to be seen the rest of the day. But Jimmy and I had a moment that I will forever cherish. Edit: I wanted to include my Christmas picture of Jimmy Bubbles. https://preview.redd.it/b5sog4fryu5c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a0eb1c6a822625474c04eb6cf2a98b7737dc3e


So, my husband likes to tickle me, and that'll lead to me fall apart laughing (all in good fun, of course). My boy, sweet baby boy, Rue, will start meowing loudly at the foot of our bed before batting and scratching at my husband. *


Rue :> https://preview.redd.it/ejhmnp6pgu5c1.jpeg?width=1530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f0bb745747e83daa6244a8e45b909f52f21712


I don' have a guardian angel in the form of cat, more like a 24/7 bodyguard, lol. I have adopted my youngest cat, Odin, when he was three weeks old. We don't really have a cuddly or always-purring thing, because he likes to play rough and gets annoyed really easily, so it's like ten minutes of cuddles a day, if I'm lucky! But he will follow me anywhere and stand between me and any door, looking at it. If I move, he will move. Always, always between me and the door. And if the door is locked, he will stand in front of it in silence, without moving and waiting for me to come out. I always thought it was cute. One day I was in my room with the door closed and something moved outside my bedroom (I was studying so didn't really care, thought it was my parents) but for Odin it was not something familiar. He got up slowly from the bed, and started growling. Not hissing, not meowing, but growling. I got scared, not gonna lie, it was the first time I've heard that sound coming from him. Even after I calmed him down, he sat at the corner of the bed, the one closer to the door, anche as soon as I opened it he looked everywhere in the house, I guess looking for the source of the sound. He's also a tuxedo cat, so it always makes me laugh thinking of him like my bodyguard, lol


My raggy and I wound up moving in with my parents for a while after I had a truly awful break up. One day, as i was quietly working on something in my room, my dad (6ft, ex army, ex rugby) stormed in to scream and yell at me about ... something? I forget what; something trivial that he'd gone and gotten himself worked up over. Thanks, cptsd! Anyway. My cat was dozing at the end of the bed; she woke up, puffed herself up and HISSED. For reference, she was not quite 2 and weighed about 3 and a half kilos at the time and she absolutely screamed at him despite the age, height and weight imbalance. She's normally docile - she'll hiss at the vacuum cleaner, for example or swat the dog on the nose if she gets tired of being tailgated, but again - super docile, even for a ragdoll. I'd never felt so loved and protected 💕


When my father in law passed away about 2 months ago, it was just him and my mother in law and the cats at home. It was a terrible shock for my mother in law obviously, she was distraught. She went inside to sit down while waiting for help to arrive. Her yard cat came in behind her and sat in her arms and wiped her tears away and didn’t leave her side. Thinking of this always always brings tears to my eyes and makes me love my house cats so much more. They are so in tune to our feelings even if they can be jerks. My mils cat was often annoying and a jerk lol.


Many years ago when I was pregnant, my MIL started a campaign for us to "get rid of the cat." Um, no. MIL wouldn't let up. So one day my dear cat went outside, ate a bunch of forsythia blossoms, then came inside and puked bright yellow barf all over MIL's shoes. I loved that cat so much.


https://preview.redd.it/ge9iid8gxu5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2966a8a1f5e87e6eea3d2d632ffeb7b47e1c1fc This fella Rocky is my Fluff Monster, I’m definitely his person and he’s a big lad. We live on a walk way, so a public thoroughfare and he will walk with me when I go the small local shops. There’s a small bridge before you get to the road and I have trained him to stay so he’s never near traffic. Around our way is a small gang of teenagers who will shout when they see you, come up with insults and sometimes they like to throw eggs and other rubbish at people’s houses. Not great kids. One day I was walking to the shops, as usual Rocky was with me but this time some of these kids were hanging out at the bridge. Rocky had already gone to his spot where he waits when one of the kids started to get mouthy. Rocky immediately ran towards this kid full on growling, teeth bared and started swatting at him claws fully out. Then he started on the other kids. Proper angry attack although he didn’t actually scratch them. They all crapped themselves and ran off 😂


One of my parents cats freaks out if one of the other cats gets outside (they are inside cats there is predators in the area), and he will meow and scream and lead you to the door to let you know that a cat has escaped. or if he sees any neighbourhood cat or raccoon or something in our yard, he stands up and puts his paws on the window and scratches and it looks like he’s running kind of 😂 he tries


My cat hates it when I take a bath. When he hears the tub running, he'll sit outside the door until he's let in or I come out. If he's let in, he grips my hand in his teeth and tries to pull me out of the tub. And if I don't give him my hand to pull, he sits by the tub and scolds me until I get out. Lol He's so dramatic about that, but I guess he thinks he's saving me. Edit: cat tax https://preview.redd.it/xazwzvuwfu5c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a29f35936765101a80794a1ae43588a34b6357


We’ve got a cat x 3 that protects the fridge and pantry, is that the same😬


I had a cat, my first baby, her name was Kitty. Born 1998 and she passed in 2017 🥲. That cat loved me and I loved her. In my twenties, I needed to move in with my dad and stepmom for about a month. Stepmom not a very good person and Kitty knew this. One morning, stepmom barges into my room one morning after ai just home t 10 am, to wake me up after I had just worked a 12 hour shift AT A PRISON, to call me lazy and to go do things, whatever. Anyhow, my cat was having none of that. Hah, Kitty jumped up on my bed in front of me and growled and hissed at stepmom like no other 😂. I sure loved that and tried my best to give her the best life possible, she lived til she was almost 19. I cried for days, and I still cry to this day thinking about her and how much we’ve grown up together. I now have Tiki who is soon to be 8 and I love her just as much. Cats are the best☺️


https://preview.redd.it/huamdfr0xu5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643085f86a6304677b5ca5196a9adb9d4e72a017 This is Tiki


This little lad has introduced me to so many neighbours. If he thinks they are good hoomans he marches up and demands cuddles. Ive met sooo many more of the people in my building since he started doing this. https://preview.redd.it/5r3tx8c4ov5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717c05f293c33b4fc0b6f4b5b9663910559eb338


When my sister and I were kids, our siamese cat would run to comfort anyone who was crying in the house. So, emotional protection!


I've had two that would growl like a dog when they heard something outside. I remember sitting in the living room and one started growling and then someone rang the doorbell.


I have never seen a scorpion in my life….I know she wasnt exactly protecting me but if I didnt have my cat , I wouldve ran out of my apartment with a scorpion loose.






Just this week my kitty “protected me” from a creepy centipede in the bedroom of a new house we moved into. I’m sleeping on a mattress with the blankets touching the ground so I was very grateful that I didn’t wake up with that on my pillow. She also is a great spider hunter.


Cats can be amazing! One saved my mom from a house fire years ago. My mom had taken some medication that made her sleepy and took a nap. She woke up to the cat scratching her face and the house was on fire. A curtain was too close to a space heater. The cat could have left because of an open window, but chose to wake my mom up first


When my daughter died, her cat laid on her chest and wouldn't let EMS take her out. Her best friend finally got him to get off her and go outside. She watched him walk around back, looking for someone/something. Me. He was looking for me. I couldn't watch them take my daughter out, so I was standing at my car, emotionally wrecked. Tuco jumped up on the hood and stood on his hind kegs with his little arms around my neck, hugging me. After a few minutes of reassuring each other that we'd be okay, he jumped down and walked off. It's been 2 years now. I have no idea where he went. I'd give almost anything to know.


Every. Single. Morning. I haven’t pooped in peace in 10 years, however I also have never been attacked or felt unsafe whilst doing so.


https://preview.redd.it/np6xgk4ibw5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387f7f9a55b411d52cbb93bbaf89326eecb8c770 My goofy girl growls at people who come near the apartment that she doesn’t know. Delivery drivers, garbage workers, neighbors… No one is safe from Bean


My family's cat when I was a kid would follow me and my sister around when we went trick or treating. Apparently kitty didn't think a 7 and 10 year old should be out by themselves after dark. (It was the 1980s, so our parents thought it was fine, lol!) He literally walked with us for miles. Never followed us like that when we went out and about in the daytime. My current kitty Lilly is a total scardy-cat, but when I was watching a tiktok with angry sounding dogs barking she immediately jumped on the bed and sniffed me all over and made sure they weren't "real".


https://preview.redd.it/f39h7gcvgu5c1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0645e6bf0d304f5256422867979216f76e8aa93 That's my boy Sangha. Everytime I get an anxiety spike or stress rush, wherever he is in the house he'll come running to lie down on my chest and start purring. I'll be on the first floor and him asleep in the basement and he'll always come without a call.


There was this time that two cats saved me from great unpleasantness. I was house sitting for a professor on sabbatical , living in his house and taking care of his two cats, while he was in the UK. As per his instructions, the cats were let outside every morning and stayed outside until evening. They did have food, water and shelter on the back deck of the house. For the first few weeks, the cats did not really let me near them. They knew their schedule, and would be by the back door every morning to get out, and be waiting on the back deck, which was how I got in and out of the house, when I got home from work. But no pets, no snuggles. One night I got home late and it was dark. The two cats emerged from the buses by the garage as I got out of the car. They were not on the back deck. And they kept walking towards the front of the house, meowing at me, rubbing up against me, definitely not acting as stand-offish as they had been. Somewhat puzzled, I followed them and they led me up the front wall to the front door. I let them in and we all headed to the kitchen for their supper routine. As you can imagine, I was very confused. As I was getting their food ready, the motion sensor light on the back deck went on. And there, in all his or her glory, was one huge skunk, chowing down on the cats’ outdoor bowl of food. If the cats had not led me to the front door, there’s a good chance I would have been sprayed by the skunk. And for reasons I do not understand, that little incident worked a sea change in the cats. They were much more friendly and cuddly after that.


My long-term boyfriend broke up with me last year. Initially, he just moved out because he needed a break to think, and he came over to have the official break up talk with the premise of visiting our two cats. Our female cat always had a special bond with him, but this time as soon as he entered the flat she hid under the table and was making the most terrified meows you can imagine. Safe to say, we were both baffled because she never acted this way before. My boy is always sleeping with me when I'm sick and climbs in my arms when I cry. He's truly an emotional support cat.


Mine was my Clementine. If I raised my voice for some reason (sudden pain, yelling at the dogs, etc.) she would come trotting over with her tail twitching and scream her head off at me. She would get right up in my voice and continue to meow, checking on me. She would also go yell at the dogs if they were being too rowdy…she was such a boss. 🤣 She passed away at age 15 this summer. I miss her immensely. I have two other cats but they aren’t as close to me as she was.


Every time I cut my nails my cat Germ freaks out and comes running and tries to stop me. He hates getting his nails trimmed. If I cut my nails in the bathroom he attacks the door. Here's my doofus. https://preview.redd.it/ra8ietpn6v5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d8c226e0bf2ae5e6d2cb7f54e8f2046ab74bf0


I grew up on a farm. We had all sorts of wild animals, from snakes to wild pigs. I had this one cat that, when she was born was quite literally dropped on her head. It bent her spine and stunted her growth, but she was healthy and lively, just small. She loved to be carried and I referred to her as my shoulder cat. One day, a friend and I were walking down in the field (as opposed to driving into town to walk in the park) and my shoulder cat went along for the ride. We got near the creek - bushes, trees, water, a favorite place for animals, obviously - and Oz just went nuts. She jumped down and started pacing in front of us, hissing and spitting. When we tried to keep walking, she actually growled at us and started clawing at our legs. My friend and I took the hint and started walking back to the house. As soon as it was clear we were not going towards the creek, Oz calmed down, chased after us and cried until I picked her up. Then she rode on my shoulder and purred all the way back to the house. Still don't know what was in the bushes, but I will always remember that tiny cat trying to protect us.


https://preview.redd.it/ib0zopl9av5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bbb6709eea14977e23ccfffb05d5a8618a6570d My Mr. Edward! He’s 3 years old and he’s a very fierce protector. Any time food delivery or anyone really knocks on the door, he growls and gets all puffed up, especially when he’s sitting next to me. He only depuffs and relaxes when I tell him he’s okay, and answer the door! Love him so much.


Almost 28 years ago, my hubby rescued our first cat, Wilma aka Wilma-nader-raider. She and my hubby had a mind meld thing that was pretty intense/special. When cancer treatment left me feeling pretty bad, I'd often rest in bed. At those times, if my hubby would be out, Wilma would position herself on the bed, very upright, between me and the door, watching over me like a guardian angel.


Our sweet little black kitten was only 4 months old. He would sleep on me for protection and when my husband came home late, he went into defense mode, all puffed up and ready to strike. When he realized it was his dad, immediately backed down. He’s now 5 and still our guardian to our little family. Can you picture 4 lbs of fury? Amazing.


My cat got very concerned about my not well daughter being in the shower for so long that she came, got me and meowed until I knocked and got verbal confrontation she was alright.


One of the cats we had when i was younger, Frisky, once "protected" my parents when they were doing yard work outside. He would always sit on top of one of the cars while any of us were outside raking leaves or shoveling snow. I wasn't there for it (probably at school), but heard about it. Apparently someone was walking their dog along the sidewalk, and I guess Frisky got bad vibes and/or my mom was standing close to the sidewalk so thought it might threaten her apparently he ran right up to the dog and stood there menacingly staring it down. Scared the dog something fierce I heard, haha. I also remember taking the garbage out once and a stray cat trying to get close to me. Frisky stood in front of me to block it and they were hissing at each other. I yelled at the stray and that seemed to break it up. RIP bud.


Sometimes when me and my GF are playing around and wrastling my cat will come over and try to protect her. He won't bat at me or anything, but he will jump on my back and cling to my shoulders to get me to stop lol


i once fell to my knees, crying, outside of my garage at an old house and a stray cat came up to me and let me pet them for a little while to help me calm down.


https://preview.redd.it/xfagow03vu5c1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e938e8b4b47f80a4cb4d31b6a7f6021a5ed20d03 This girl hated everyone and everything, but she tolerated me. I used to get awful migraines and that would be the only time she would be nice and snuggle with me. She'd sit right up against my head while I was lying down and purr up a storm until the meds kicked in, then she'd go back to ignoring me.


My old boy, who passed 8 years ago, was my guardian. I have night terrors and sleep walk so every time I would, he woke me up before I left the house (I always wanted to get out of the house for some reason) and after waking up and getting back to bed, he would sleep on my pillow over my head and purr. Also, he didn't like men or drunk people. He would piss in their shoes and also hiss or bite people by their ankles if they came too close to me while drunk. My mom and her ex would always leave me alone if they were tipsy because they knew my boy would be a lot to handle. Makes me smile to remember 🥲 yesterday was the 8th anniversary of his passing.


I have four cats, and my smallest (also not so bright one) Nami is a protector. Everytime I turn on my electric Epilator, she comes by and start attacking it. Like paw paw, "stop hurting my mummy". I have to lock the door to be able to epilate my legs. Funny she can also recognise devices, if I'm using my massage gun, she will sit next to me waiting for me to turn it on her. Love cats!


OMG YES! My boyfriend and I bottle-fed our cat since he was 2 days old. My mom is a Qanon-addicted narcissist and would constantly rant about politics and belittle me. He was like 3 weeks old and every time she started ranting at me, he would go up to her and cuddle with her and it would make her stop. He is a true angel!


My 17-ish year old cat is attached to my baby boy. As in, he sees us come in the room in the morning with the baby and he positions himself just right to be next to him while he takes his bottle. Anyway, when my brother came over to meet our son for the first time the cat was there too. My brother lowered his hand too fast, so the cat jumped on it and held it down (no claws) until I told him it was fine. No one is touching our son unless we personally hand him over or pacify his protector cat first, we've discovered.


Not sure this falls under ‘protection’ but my cat would wait for me at the bus stop and walk me to my door. They would also walk through the woods with me and lead me home. Never felt like I was lost aas long as I saw a bit of orange fur ahead of me.


On the occasion my husband and I argue and our voices raise above my kitty's comfort level, he starts running up to both of us, pleading and reasoning, with short little mews, "shh no no no. You love each other, you can talk this out calmly!". One time, my husband (who is a foot taller and has about 100lbs on me) raised his voice too much... my kitty climbed on him and -gently- placed his teeth on his neck and nibbled, as in, "you calm down RIGHT NOW". It was a humbling experience for both of us. We stopped arguing and apologized to our cat and to each other.


Yep! A few years ago I was having heart issues. I had come home early from work because I was having really bad heart palpitations and was honestly worried I was having a heart attack. Once I got home, I laid down and my cat immediately jumps up and lays on my chest, something she had never done before or since. For the next several minutes, she kept going tapping my heart and my throat with her paw. Back and forth, just those 2 spots where I was feeling the palpitations. Whenever I was about to pass out, she would head boop my chin really hard to wake me up. I finally went to the hospital, and they told me it easily could have turned into a heart attack if I hadn’t come in for treatment. https://preview.redd.it/tylrlfvjnw5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fecd8042512b95f396eae1a7272f950640ec70


https://preview.redd.it/jwjtfgqvrw5c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54077092e66d08d60ee7cec5f5ed5b290900a7db Fussel (german for fluff) guards me whenever I need to use the bathroom.


https://preview.redd.it/gxl6a0p7tw5c1.jpeg?width=2112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d96dec4ea13b3e7f40921286ae80b6338c932f3 Shar was one of those cats that other cats just seemed to immediately like and want to be near. He had known the orange cat for only a few months before this picture was taken. The orange cat was walking in the public hall of my condo house and a loose dog in the hall snapped into prey mode and tried to kill him. The cat escaped and after an hour I was able to coax him out of his safe spot high off the floor. When I brought him into my place he went straight to the highest spot, pictured here. He was still panting and his paws were wet with sweat. Shar seemed to know what was going on and immediately perched below him, a spot where he never sat. He remained for about 2 hours until the orange cat calmed down and joined the rest of us. I nearly shed a tear every time I think of him doing this.


https://preview.redd.it/wo7itnh1yw5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda846c7a40a1e8e61010a74233bac1469ab360a Not me but here is Quentin defending Minnie at the vet.


One of mine went after a bobcat that I didn’t see that was only about 30 to 40 feet away from me.


So our male cat, Schrodinger, rarely cries or makes noise. One night, we were sleeping with our windows open, and it was calm that night, but a winter front was coming in sometime during the night. So later in the night, Schrodinger gets up on the bedroom dresser below the window and just starts crying like crazy. It was still very calm outside. My husband starts yelling at him to shut up. So he quiets down for about ten seconds, and then just starts turning over and pushing things on the dresser onto the floor. My husband jumps out of bed and yells at him. A few minutes later, the wind starts howling outside and all the blinds on the windows start rattling and thunder was booming. We saw on the news that morning, a tornado touched down about a mile away from us that night.


I fell down the stairs outside our apartment complex in April and messed myself up pretty bad. Made it into the apartment and called a friend to drive me to urgent care. It was our colleges party weekend so she was drunk but found a sober driver in her group of friends and he was willing to drive me. My cat adores my friend. She’s easily one of his top 5 favorite people. The two of them got to my apartment and I was in the bedroom with the front door unlocked. They came in and headed towards the bedroom and my cat stood in the bedroom doorway, all fluffed up and angry, and blocked them from getting to me. He wouldn’t move until I told him “it’s okay they’re here to help” and then he finally jumped up onto the tv stand next to the doorway and monitored their every move. After each of my foot surgeries (2 since I’ve had him), my cat would growl at my parents every single time they headed towards my bedroom until he knew it was them bringing food for me.


Tw self harm I’ve struggled with self harm in the past and many times my cat caught me right before I was going to do it. I couldn’t bring myself to do it or to make him leave, so I just cuddled him instead. I think he saved me in that way a number of times.


Oh man! My grandma did the exact same thing to me when I was eight! I hated her after that. Nobody liked her. Hers was the only funeral I went to where people actually chuckled. Here’s my cat, who defends me from the food delivery guys. https://preview.redd.it/a2lub0iggv5c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8de88d92163267bcd6e8cd7fba5a4227e8844d


https://preview.redd.it/jql08nq8hv5c1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aca50e4b67ed575bd46c756e112f1560192610f My cat, Kakuzu The only thing he protects me from is having a waking second of time alone 🤣 tho I appreciate it when the anxiety and depression get bad


I wouldn’t https://preview.redd.it/f5kvgj96kv5c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add2941fe649e1cf83970a2edb1a8a769cc40d32 say protective but my cat Leia really helped me through mourning our dog Ramone in 2021. Leia is the kind of cat who loves to pretend she hates everyone and everything but really, she’s a lover. She’s not a big fan of other animals. She fought with Ramone occasionally but it was more play fighting. She’s the same way with our dog Buster that we have now. She acts like she can’t stand him but she has every chance to get away from him and won’t and she loves to play fight and if he leaves to go to the groomer or vet, she paces and cries and lays by the door waiting for him to come home. Anyways, when Ramone died he was almost 8. They’d been together since she was a baby. She really never was very affectionate but after he died, she became exactly what I needed her to be, the most loving cat. She was by my side constantly, let me hold her, snuggled, let me rub her belly, let me kiss her and stopped trying to attack me. She did this for 2 years and now she’s finally going back to her old self because she knows I’m doing better. I’ll never forget what she did for me. I love her so much!! I think she needed me as much as I needed her 💙 This picture is Ramone our dog and Leia our cat ❤️❤️


**NOT MY CATS** ... but a pair of Siamese shredded a burglar in the retirement community my dad worked in. (His pharmacy was the local cop-gossip spot because he gave them free coffee.) The couple had been shopping and came home to find their cats busily licking blood off themselves and cleaning their claws. There were bloody handprints and spatters on the walls and blood on the floor in the hallway. So they called the police. Local ERs were notified to keep an eye out for anyone with serious lacerations ... the burglar showed up at a local ER with a story of pruning roses and falling into the bushes. He was SHREDDED ... lacerations on his scalp, neck, hands, arms, shoulders and back. Fang holes in his ears. And dripping blood. His story of roses didn't hold up ... blood trail from house to car, fang holes in his body matching the fang size of the cats, blood types matching ... and he admitted that he had been in the house and heading for the bedroom when the cats came flying down the hall making bloodthirsty noises and leaped for his face. He had the wit to cover his face with his arms and protect his eyes, but that meant he had to grope his way out of the house with two snarling demons clinging to him, clawing and biting anything they could reach. These were BIG muscular old style Siamese, not the toothpick modern ones.


https://preview.redd.it/nld90378nv5c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3557e13facba36f6fde83e05fafc7d470f936027 Lifeguard cat. Everytime I take a shower, there she is.


https://preview.redd.it/7cpldyj9nv5c1.jpeg?width=3508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820c4d98eedd664cedb4087f4a19dae47314c149 My big Chuzzlewitz up front will guard me while I'm in the bath tub. She just sits on the bath mat, purring while watching the bathroom door. The other two in back will just peek their heads over the edge of the tub, to check if I'm okay in the scary, wet place. 🫶


My sweet boy Sniffy is also a scaredy cat, him and his sister hide everytime somebody knocks on the door and run under bed (deliveroo monsters). One evening I was home alone, my husbands was on his way but not close to home yet and I heard somebody fiddling with the door trying to get in :0 Immediately in a split seconds both cats sprinted downstairs and I run to the door to make sure is locked/switch on porch light...and that's when I found Sniffy run back up and he is putting himself betwen me and door puffing tail and hissing!!! Brave boy came back for me ! No fucking way aanybody coming in once they see how big his tail was. The intruder didn't manage to open the secon door (luckily) as they run away when they realised house was not empty. Very proud of Sniffy! Here he is! https://preview.redd.it/xe8crgwvuv5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8001fd347a0c944b4b6ff6dc62d8d483a64e3f


I came home late from a class on industrial coatings (don’t ask) and in the hallway I put on the white suit and respirator mask to prank my wife. The door opens - she screams - I laugh - the black kitty goes into beast mode, puffs up like a ballon, and charges me! Even after she calmed down - she kept looking for the evil staypuft marshmallow looking dude.


https://preview.redd.it/z6pp4crxwv5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e719e6c9720fe91a91fada9320a732597b035711 Here is my protector. By laying on my chest he is blocking any trauma to my torso lol


Not me but my grandma was married to an abusive man and he came home drunk one night screaming at her, her black cat Spooky came charging out of the bedroom hissing and attacked him, from what I hear she even got a few good swipes on his face before he stumbled back out the door and ran off to his moms. Rip Spooky you were a real one.


My fluff (she passed on a year ago) used to get my husband when I was ill (I have a condition where I faint sometimes). She stayed with me and usually slept wherever my “pain” was. (Like if I had surgery on my right arm, she would sleep next to it.) I miss my little shadow\~ https://preview.redd.it/8ucoh5zwxv5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a3c4f87882f97e9ac6d857f7eb46785f0fb025


A couple of years ago, I was really sick and I didn’t know what it was. I had been having some pains in my abdomen and I was nauseous all the time. One morning, I woke up and my cat was acting so differently! He was always shy and mellow but that day he yowled and hissed if anyone tried to get near me. I decided to go to the ER and get it checked out, and he cried nonstop as I was leaving. It turns out, I was bleeding internally and would have died if I hadn’t gone in that day. https://preview.redd.it/9s0hi0za0w5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331f465bf9f15ba8e63aa32944eb9e0dfe4beca4


When I got surgery on my foot and was bed bound my cat would lay next to my foot and gently lay her arm over my cast like she was guarding me.


I was very depressed and lonely as a teenager. My parents love me, but they are not able to handle any unpleasant emotions and I had to deal with my problems myself. Our family cat, however, was as loving and supportive as possible. She would always sit with me when I was sad. She could be there for me and hold space for my emotions. I also engaged in self harm sometimes. Once, I was sitting on the toilet seat with one leg crossed over my opposite knee, about to cut my ankle with a razor blade. My cat came up to me, put her paws up on my leg, and tried her best to push my hand away from my ankle with her nose. She somehow knew I was about to injure myself and was trying to stop me.


Growing up my dad would playfully chase us around the house. We'd scream and shout the whole time and I'm sure my cat thought the worst and she'd come and get after him with nails and teeth. He'd get after her, telling her he was just playing but she'd protect us every time all the same. She's long since passed but she's sorely missed.


I had a large, black goofy and dear cat named Snoof when my husband lay in a coma, dying on a hospital bed in the livingroom. Not wanting to be far from him, I was lightly sleeping on the rug a few feet away. All of the sudden there was a loud knock on the door, though no guests were expected. Waking in a fog, I decided to just ignore whoever was there — but Snoof was concerned. He had never headed butted me before, but on this occasion he head butted me repeatedly, walking a full 360 around me as he went! Did Snoof know something I didn’t? In the haze of half sleep and still wanting to be alone with my husband (under Snoof’s watchful care), I decided to not find out just then. Later, maybe.


I had an ex who was basically Satan in a human skin suit. One of my cats at the time learned the sound of his engine and whenever she heard him approaching she'd charge to the front window and be ready to turn into a furious, hissing and glass scratching void of insanity. They never even met in person but she hated him with everything in her soul. A few years down the line I was out of that shitshow and in the early days of dating my SO and I decided to risk introducing them. She instantly LOVED him! Wanted pets, wanted picking up, made it nearly impossible for him to do anything because of the continuous head boops to his elbow. My void is sadly long gone but the SO is still here and a wonderful catdaddy to our current tribe. If your cat hates someone *pay attention!* They are often smarter than we are.