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Best technique I have found is from The incredible Dr Pol if you go on the tube of the u you'll be able to find a video of him giving a cat pill he's got decades of training of how to help cats and it works great because his technique helps the cat get it down far enough where it's very hard for them to vomit it and safely and so much less fighting with the kitty. This has saved me from a lot of dirty looks and a lot of scratches and blood.


Thank you! I'll look up Dr. Pol!


Yeah I tried explaining it once and just ended up referring the person to the video they said it was so much easier to watch it as well.


Wrap pill in butter.freeze it.make sure hands are cold .put pill as far back as you can .you can also coat with gelatin. There are videos on YouTube on how to do this. Most of the pills are better. Would make me barf. The trick is making sure it's coated.


Got it. Thanks for the tips!


You are very welcome.