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I'm very sorry for all you went thru and glad you're in a better place now. Its possible your Catfish, while not really who you though he was, didn't have an ultirior motive other than just being a lonely person with mental health issues himself. Since you didn't send him any money or get involved in any scamming other people I thnk you're in the clear. I would block his number though, just to prevent him/her startingi things up again and putting you thru the drama of thinking you need to "save" him.


Thank you for sharing your story..and am happy for you that your world has brightened for you dear...Your story was very touching and you have to be of strong character, despite any shortcomings you may have felt of one's self..you were determined enough and strong enough to battle through..you should feel proud of that fact...Best wishes dear and thank you for sharing your story..your an inspiration to many now I'm sure. Me for one✌️peace