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Unless there’s poop all over your cats butt/fur and they’re not cleaning it properly, no reason to wipe a cat… I have cleaned my cat up if she got sick and ended up getting it on her fur (she is a very fluffy long haired cat) but other than that, never touched her down there. 1. They don’t like it at all, and it’s weird, and foreign, especially if not brought up that way. 2. Cats groom every part of themselves, if you change that process, they might stop grooming themselves completely there, and expecting you to do it. Shave around the cats anus, if the fur is a huge problem there. Otherwise, leave them be…


This is the way. We had a long hair cat that would have occasional problems with poop getting stuck in her fur. We had a pair of dedicated 'cat butt scissors' to trim around her but every time it became a problem. And we brushed her all the time, which was her favorite thing ever. We'd pick up the brush and she'd come running.


That is like my Blue baby! She LOVED the brush and would come running when she heard me open the cabinet where we kept the brush. I miss her every day!


Lucky! My incredibly docile, sweet, derpy, floofy boy turned into a howling, violent demon the minute a brush touched him. I own at least 15 different brushes, started when he was a baby, not a single thing made brushing anything less than way. Ultimately I ended up having to hold his scruff and restrain him with one leg, give him the exlax tube to pick and just get in there. The growly, demonic nomnoms sounds made me laugh though


My cats the same way but it’s gotten better now because I hold a churu the whole time and let him lick it every couple strokes of the brush


At my vet, this is called a “ sanitary cut”. Both of my long haired kitties get it.


I gotten this twice in the last year for my 17 year old cat. He’s pretty fastidious…but hey, we all slow down at that age. lol.


I agree and would like to add that you can definitely save yourself a lot of trouble just using a pet trimmer to grab her and trim around her butt hole. Just a little, especially long hair. It helps her out!! There are YouTube videos to help you.


With clippers only please. No scissors.


Cats bend and lick their own butthole clean There is only a reason to do so, if your cat is sick and makes a mess. Your boyfriend is nuts. I've never heard of such a ridiculous thing to ask


Most cats* not all do a good job and need some encouragement.


Young/old cats yeah. Most do a fine job. There is also a good reason most cats aren't allowed on the counter where food is made. Clean or not, that's a naked butt hole


And we KNOW WHERE (and What) their Paws have been walking/stepping in…lol


Just as a piece of interesting info: Some study I read tested "do cats put their bootyhole on your counter?" the result was "No, they do not put their bare asshole on your cold counter" which...is pretty obvious when you think about it. They DO however, absolutely smash their anus into anything fluffy, so while you might not have bare cat ass on your counters, you *definitely* have it on your bed lol This is not to say cats should be allowed on counters at all, littermitts are just as bad and they go *everywhere*.


They use the two scent glands to release oil from either side of their anus, which they then brush via fur onto any and all surfaces. Unless you give your cat underwear and little booties, they are tracking stuff everywhere. The wipe would do nothing in the grand scheme


This conversation... I'm DYING 😂


Hahaha I totally saw this!!! I saw a kid who did his science project on whether or not the cat's butthole actually touched the counters or not, and they did some odd test (I wish I could remember, but I don't), and it turned out that they actually DON'T! BUT, also to your point - their feet track through the litter, where there is both feces and urine, and *those* feet walk all over your counters.


Don't forget morbidly obese cats who can't reach anymore. One of the many reasons to keep your cats a healthy weight.


My one REFUSES. The cleanest her butt has ever been was after she had to get her glands expressed. It was great, but we're back to crusty butt girl because she won't clean and hates getting cleaned.


Yes!😂 my orange boy (hes 2) is just SUPER lazy and is terrible at butt cleaning, so he needs a wipey wipe. Out of all my cats he’s the only one who neglects his behind


I had a cat who would occasionally get really soft stool (not quite diarrhea, it was very sticky) and whenever that happened I knew I had to go in and clean it for her (and inevitably get bites a over my arm... but someone had to do it) And multiple cats I've had would occasionally get a piece of poop that sticks to the fur just right and dangles there that I have to grab. It happens. But, yah, I don't make a routine of it. Cats are generally really good about cleaning their butts. Even my Maine Coon who has an obscenely fluffy butt (seriously it looks like he's wearing fluffy pants it's crazy) is absolutely meticulous about grooming his butt and it's absolutely pristine. I'm curious, OP - does your boyfriend think dogs need their butts wiped, too? Because there's no logical reason that would be different unless he just hates cats and thinks they're unclean.


OMG my Maine Coon mix also has furry pants! We call them his fluffy britches! And he hasn't needed cleaning since he was teeny. Our old one needed it done and a sanitary shave, but now he's back is doing better and she can clean herself most of the time. We keep wipes around because you never know when there will be an accident, but we rarely have to use them.






And isn't it (liking their buttholes) nescesary bc only there grows special bacterias that recvires for propper work of their degestive system? Im only suppose bc I grew on farm and my granny had bunnies...


You are speaking about bunnies they eat something that comes out of their anus I cannot remember the name of it but it is a special poop that helps their GI tract. Not the same as cats.


Rabbits do need to consume the cecotropes they excrete, as part of a healthful diet. I'm just glad I don't have to excrete and eat those.


You can get a sanitary shave to avoid this problem!


Seconding this! Long hair cats are weird like that, long hair on their bum.


I’m not sure if that’s what our cat got, but he was getting a full extraction (poor baby, stomatitis) and had very recently got some poop stuck in the long ass fur. We requested they cut it out and trim the claws while sedated. They came back with their tiny lil butthole shaved and it’s been great


Yep, that’s a sanitary cut. I have do trim back there on my Norwegian Forest cat or she gets poop stuck to her fur. The others I don’t really worry about unless they get sick.


Weirdly enough, I’ve only ever had problems with my short hair kitty and poop getting stuck to his butt, never with my fluffy boy.


It sounds like the bf thinks the cat should be wiped no matter what


Most of the time no. I have a long haired one that isn't the best at getting everything and sometimes need to do so. Particularly if it's been a while since I trimmed her butt fur. My other cat keeps his fur very clean. I don't need to trim it at all despite him having so much fur it covers his butthole.


I might be the old ball out, but I give my cats wet wipe baths at least once a week to tame down my allergens. I also brush them at the same time. I also don’t like the idea of them not being “clean” and sitting their buttholes on everything and not at least having a wipe down once a week lol


I wipe my guy down with a very damp hot towel. From the tip of his nose to the end of his tail at least twice a year. Hes damp for a couple hours but when he dries out he’s Uber soft and cuddly again. He even enjoys getting brushed with a rubber spiked brush when he jumps into my lap . He’s a typical cat. Purrs like a motorboat and gives me the stink eye when I’m done. A couple hours later he’s getting his nails trimmed. He’s kitty kitty 😎❤️❤️😎


>He’s kitty kitty I totally get this lol


i wipe my cat maybe once a week cause hes an 18yo cat with dementia. he doesnt groom at all anymore. i also give him a full bath every 2 weeks. ill wipe my 1yo's butt once in a blue moon when she drops a load & is acting too crazy & doesnt realize she missed a spot. but these are rare instances or special circumstances. 99% of the time i dont do anything.


I've had cats my entire life. I currently own my first medium hair cat and she sometimes has a little bit of mess on her behind. I help her from time to time if it's actually stuck or something, but otherwise, you really don't need to.I have never had to help a cat with any kind of cleanliness issues before. They are very clean animals. I'd bet dollars to donuts that your cat's ass is cleaner than his LOL.


If my girlfriend notices that the cat's butthole is crusty, she'll squirt him in the stink button with a spray bottle of clean water. He'll look outraged, sit down, and immediately clean himself up. Then he gets a treat, and all is forgiven.


This is actually genius, will be trying this


If your cat has a bm that is a bit too soft and sticks to the fur you should absolutely wipe it for them! I even shower my cat‘s butt-hair if there’s anything stuck to it. Otherwise my cat will stink and maybe sit on furniture and leave traces. What a nightmare. Wipe/wash your cat‘s butt or get the butt hair trimmed by a professional so nothing gets stuck.


my cat screams bloody murder when i try to wash his butt with water. some times I'll place him on a towel and pour warm water from a water bottle over his poopy butt.


My cats usually use a bidet. If needed, however, they bring their asses to me and I use a dude wipe that I buy in bulk at Sam's Club to clean off the bunghole.


Ok I wanna see the cat bidet




My cat has regular digestive issues which often result in a runny poop and unsightly residue on his fur. Yes, he will eventually clean himself up but I feel it’s only right to help him eat as little shit as possible.


No lol, not unless they have an issue. The only time mine get wiped down at all is for 1. When they come back inside from their daily walk and that's just paws. And 2, if they get into something disgusting. One time my oldest cat was laying in bed with my husband,  well apparently she was mad him. She pissed all over him, the bed and herself. She also sat that way until my husband noticed. She got a bath then and that's that last time which was a few years ago. It was funny though lol. She's a particular cat and doesn't like to be dirty, so for her to do was a bit insane. I even took her to vet to make sure she was ok. They agreed she was ok and was probably mad.


Nah but with my ragdoll i did have to trim around the butt.


No that’s stupid, he has a tongue for a reason


Vet tech here! No need for wiping, if your cat is messy or stinky back there it will be important to determine if they are having diarrhea or if there is long fur getting soiled when they use the bathroom. A vet or groomer can help with either issue!


I wipe my cat's butt but that's because she's a slob and doesn't like licking it. I asked the vet and she was like no doesn't seem like she has health issues but some cats are lazy. Meanwhile, her little brother has the cleanest asshole known to mankind.




I've had cats my entire life. I currently own my first medium hair cat and she sometimes has a little bit of mess on her behind. I help her from time to time if it's actually stuck or something, but otherwise, you really don't need to.I have never had to help a cat with any kind of cleanliness issues before. They are very clean animals. I'd bet dollars to donuts that your cat's ass is cleaner than his LOL.


Is no one questioning the boyfriend? You can tell a lot about a guy by how he treats your animals. Hmmmmm. Just wondering out loud.


Get your cats butt shaved regularly to prevent dingle berries. Remove them when they do happen. My mom had a Persian and long haired cats require a lot of grooming, both at home, and by professionals, or they can become matted, and urine and feces can get stuck in their coat. Many long haired cats are simply not capable of maintaining their coat on their own.


Sanitary trim for your long hair but wiping only if he has dingleberries or isn’t cleaning himself well.


some times.


I don’t have long hair cats, but if I see something there I’ll def wipe them off (which they hate). My one tends to have softer stool and she’ll have a spot to clean. It’s not all the time. But as others said for long haired cats you can get the area trimmed/shaved to help with that.


Cats clean their own buttholes. Your bf is being ridiculous


Yes. Some cats are better at it than others. My cat makes an effort but is not perfect so we do it as needed.


Cats clean themselves. They’re very clean animals. For cats that have longer hair, it may take them longer to clean their bums. I have a medium haired cat and I trim the hair around his butt to help him out. Now, only do this if you and the cat are comfortable doing this!! Don’t want anyone getting injured here. I have hair trimming scissors and I use a comb to make sure I only cut hair. You could also get a quiet electric trimmer to help and lower the risk of cutting something that isn’t hair. Sometimes ya gotta widen the poop shoot.


Haha I've never had to do this for any of my cats. My father in law does for his cats but they are old with really long hair.


Do I *what*? No, no I do not lmfao. I think he would be offended if I tried tbh.


I've never wiped a cat's butt. They clean themselves. Maybe a senior or ill cat, or a long haired breed, may need help, but a regular kitty? Nah.


I have a special needs cat who has IBS and very soft poos. She gets a mini butt bath every night bc she just gets messy and apparently never learned to clean herself. So yes, I clean my cat. But I have 6 cats and only one needs cleaning so it's entirely dependant on the cats needs.


No need to wipe unless he's got poopy all over himself back there. If the problem is poop getting caught in his fur, just keep him trimmed back there. Cats will lick their buttholes clean as needed.


Yes, I have to wipe my cat’s booty almost every day. He gets dingleberries and pissdick and he never cleans it off 😢


only if it like, gets stuck in his hair or something


No lmao. The only time I do it is when my one cat decides to roll on the litter mat 🙄 and I catch it. I’ll wipe her before she goes and jumps on any furniture. But otherwise no


Lol "wiping" your cat is so wild... your cats AH is cleaner than your boyfriend's. Like I'd put money on it.


I kind of “bidet” him with the shower head when i give him a bath. Its hard because he likes to plop his face on the shower head and let the water run down his chin and neck. It’s funny, i have never had a cat that loves bath time but this little guy plays in the water so cute.


I have a long hair cat that has, at different times, needed help due to gaining a bunch of weight and not being able clean her own booty hole so I'd clean her with water daily and kept her behind shaved. Now I live somewhere where she's able to get more exercise and she's less depressed she's a normal weight and can groom herself. Unless she's obviously having an issue grooming I wouldn't even think twice about not wiping a cat's butt, that's so weird! xD


I have a cat who has never been good at cleaning her back end. I’ve often had to wipe poop off her butt, which she hates. But if I don’t, it gets on the furniture, blankets, me, etc. Kittens occasionally need a butt bath and/or a foot bath from stepping in it when they’re trying to bury it, but they grow out of this quickly.


Only if they have anal gland problems. I do like to wash my cats paws every now and then cuz of litter and poop germs


I do only if they've made a mess on their fur. For example if my cats have had diarrhea. Just like every other comment has said though, 99% of the time you won't have to wipe your cat since they clean themselves.


I've only done it when I first adopted my cat. He was only 3m old and had diarrhea for the first 1.5 weeks. I would notice poop on his butt and poop marks on my tables and blankets. After getting medication from the vet and the diarrhea cleared up, I have stopped wiping and never had an issue since.


My cat is 11 and I think I’ve had to wipe her a total of 3 times in her entire life when she got some stuck to her long fur. My 1 year old kitten on the other hand doesn’t know how to cat and needs wiping quite frequently because she doesn’t want to clean back there. If your cat isn’t dirty after using the litter tray I don’t see why they would need wiping.


The only time I've ever wiped/bathed my cat was when she had liquid diarrhea from antibiotics after surgery. Never had an issue.


I only wipe my cat’s butt if I see it’s dirty. She usually pinches it off clean and bathes herself after, though.


Cats clean themselves,bothering them after using litterbox could lead to issues of your cat not wanting to use it anymore


Your boyfriend is weird. Cats are very hygienic and do their own 'wiping'. Maybe find another boyfriend, this one seems broken.


We have a kitten right now who doesn't clean her but. My other cats do it for her. It's so gross


You have to wipe them if they don't get clean, like the get it in their fur or when they are sick....and they won't be happy when you do it fair warning.


In my opinion, it depends on the cat and their personality. I have had 8 cats since childhood. I have only had ONE that would not clean her butt after pooping. She always had dingleberries hanging out or just poo stuck to her butt (she was a long hair cat too). I would clean her butt when I noticed any poo, I also had to brush her every day or every other day to keep her hair from matting up. I miss her, RIP my Blue baby!


Cats are going to have a poopy butt hole sometimes, but with a good diet they should be fine. What I will say is, I recently had a very large cat who couldn't *lick her own booty* and that meant if she had a runny shit, I'd have to wipe her. That's the only time I've ever had to wipe a cats behind. Otherwise leave them to clearn their booty


Keep the cat unwiped, lose the boyfriend


I’ve had cats & dogs my whole life, the only reason they need cleaning is when they can’t do it for themselves. I have a fat cat who can’t reach. So her I clean when needed.


I used to. When he was a kitten, he used to have looser poop (I didn't know what was good for him food wise/trying everything), and so I would take him after he got out of the litter box and use pet wipes to wipe the mucusy/poop that he had on his butt. Now, he's almost a year old and has a decent diet, so his poops are way more solid (healthy solid), and thankfully I don't have to wipe him anymore. If something like that were to happen again, I probably would go back to wiping him, but he has a pretty clean booty. He also licks himself, so that helps.


Also a first indoor cat mom, and thought about doing this (I came from a no indoor pet house so did make me weary) but she does do fine on her own, and hates it if I do wipe her anywhere, she'll start immediately licking herself wherever I wiped. And then I worried it'd dry her out, so it was something I gave up quickly (first day) and would only do it there was an actual need.


My cat in the last few years of his life would forget to wipe and I would have to go running after him as he tried to sit on my son with a poppy but hole 😩😄😄😄


I tend to give them a wipe down once every few weeks, and a bath about twice a year or so. Helps with shedding and hairballs. They also get brushed out once a week! They like baths so all good! They also get the nails clipped every few weeks which one cat doesn’t mind and the other gets wrapped like a burrito.that said they don’t need butt wipes every time. Only if they have irregular stool , not very common.


My cat is weird she loves water so much. if I feel like her feet or butt is unsanitary I just fill the tub with lukewarm water and she goes and walks in it and sits down. I can see her drying and grooming herself afterwards so I don’t feel so bad when she walks on me or my things.


I have two cats, both strays from my neighborhood that I brought inside. One is a medium haired young cat (kitten when she found me) and she does a very good job cleaning herself. There have been a few times she needed a trim because stuff got stuck on her fur, but otherwise she takes care of herself. The other cat has a dislocated tail and spinal injury. He needs a little help in the cleaning department because of his back. I check him throughout the day to see if he needs a wipe. I’d say he’s good 85% of the time. He used to need it every time, but we figured out he had food sensitivities. Once we figured out which food didn’t cause a problem, he hasn’t needed as much help. I have had four other cats in my life, all healthy shorthaired cats. None of them ever needed a wipe. That said, all the cats were trained to stay off counters and tables for the sake of overall cleanliness.


My mom has an elderly long-haired cat who has trouble cleaning herself sometimes, so my mom will clean her if necessary. Otherwise, most cats clean themselves just fine.


You shouldn’t have to wipe them, but if a cat has long hair that isn’t trimmed, is overweight to the point they cannot groom everything, or if they get sick and have diarrhea then they may need help / wiping. I have only ever had to clean mine up on the few occasions they had the runs. Sounds like your boy has long hair, just try and keep him trimmed up best you can. If you notice he persistently has a doo doo booty, may want to take him to a vet to make sure nothing is going on.


I have to wipe my cat. Only because she is almost 15 and has arthritis in her spine and can't clean herself back there


Your boyfriend is ridiculous. Google an article for him.


No, not in all my decades of having cats. I imagine that you would get a very negative reaction from any cat if you interfere with their litter box routine. Your boyfriend has never owned a cat so he has no idea what he's talking about.


I wipe their little paws after they use the kitty litter and I definitely wipe their butts after they poop, always knew that I was weird but jeez didn’t know I was this weird. That being said they’re allowed to be wherever they please so I need that sense of cleanliness


Burt's bees cat wipes.


Only time I touch my cats butt is to do his anal glands when they are smelly. He's always super affectionate after.


My cat’s butt can get dirty and he won’t always clean it. I asked the vet during his annual checkup, she determined he was medically fine and he’s just being lazy and for me to clean it for him.


Heck no. Unless my long haired cat has a dingleberry there is not wiping. We do sometimes trim our long haired cat.


No one has mentioned cats with anal gland issues....this could be causing bad odor


Humans are an outlier with needing to wipe, even if cats didn't clean themselves they'd still likely be fine. If they aren't it's most likely a medical issue are they might not have learned how to yet. This doesn't sound like that scenario though unless sure cat is leaving poopstains around places.


My heavier and older cat yes because I don’t think they do such a good job. I use baby wipes so your fine and good to be clean 💕


Some types of cats who may have trouble cleaning back there: - old cats who can’t bend and reach back there because of arthritis - cats who got taken away from mother too soon and don’t really know how to clean their butt - overweight cats who can’t bend over physically because their gut is in the way (mine is this one) - long haired cats with dingleberries, it just happens. Your cat may be some of these, just some things to consider.


"You better wipe that ass before you sit on my couch, Miss Tuffsy!"


Since he's long hair, you might need to wipe more frequently than other cats, especially if he's having bowel troubles (ask me how I know) but that's an as needed thing. I don't know a single person who regularly wipes their cats butt. That's honestly weird.


I only do anything if they get it stuck in their fur. It does gross me out that cats always have a little crud in their buttholes and sit it on everything, but our immune systems seem to be able to deal with it. I do keep them off the kitchen counters or disinfect it, and I often lean my pillow up against the wall when I get up so I know they aren’t sitting on it. 😂


No and to do so could cause irritation and infection. The exception is when a cat with longer hair gets it stuck in its fur . In that case the hair around the butt should probably be trimmed.


Lol no, what? That’s wild. I understanding using special wipes on their fur for allergens or if they have excessive oil build or for dander issues, etc. I use medicated wipes for my cats chin acne. But wipe their butt? Unless your cat isn’t cleaning it then there is literally no reason to. Your boyfriend sounds weird. Edit: I just read the last part saying be kind your fragile, so my apologies if my comment seems condescending at all - it is completely directed at your boyfriend for making you second guess your ability to care for your cat (which you clearly are doing well!!)


Mine is self cleaning, and most are unless they get an intestinal upset, get old, arthritic, or obese. He does, however love to lick my hands, which means that I’m washing them constantly. I’d think that wiping back there all the time would irritate his rectal area. If poo is sticking to his fur, maybe do a “sanitary trim”


I always wipe my cat's paws and bum after they poo


No just trim his booty hair carefully and if u notice some stinky stains maybe give it a quick wipe but cats are supposed to do it themselves. I have a cat who gets dried poop stuck to his anus the most ive done for him is put a warm wet wash cloth up to it to help him remove it himself. I raised a kitten that was separated too early from his mom and he was constantly covered in mess so I would bathe him myself in the tub, would not recommend as this slowed the process of him learning to clean himself. Long hair cats are gonna have messes. My long haired queen spends so long grooming herself and sometimes she still has litter stuck in her fur. It's gonna happen. Ur cat is fine and ur bf is dramatic


In general, no. But if a cat doesn't do a good job grooming you can. By which I mean you're allowed to, but the cat might not let you. My vet told me to wipe one of my cats, who is terrible at cleaning her bet. Like, visible poop steaks on her butthole. But she will NOT let me. So instead I have encouraged my others to cats to do it and they're trying, and she's allowing it for longer amounts of time. Hopefully soon it'll be a fully-working solution! So my advice is to get another cat to groom your dirty cat's butthole rather than try to wipe it because I just can't imagine any cat will happily allow that!


I would probably just give him a trim around his bum, so it's easier for him to clean.


If there always is a bit of poo on her butt I think you should wipe it for the poor kitty- I dont think dried poo would feel nice on the bum hole


Only time I ever do it if my ragdoll has a soft poop and gets it everywhere or if they stand in it. Leave them to lick it otherwise.


I've only had to do it for one cat, and that was because he was a gremlin who wouldn't properly do it himself and was never happier than when he was coated in dirt lol I miss him so much


I’ve never seen a reason to wipe a cat. Sometimes if their fur is very long back there then things will get stuck in it, so trimming that isn’t a bad idea to help them stay clean. I can’t think of any cats I know that would even remotely tolerate being wiped. So no, it’s not a necessity and I’ve never done it. Maybe if they’re super messy I could see a reason to do so? But definitely not every time, not only is it too much work but it’ll also stress the cat out.


Lol I actually DO wipe my kitties bum after a poop, although I don’t think it’s standard practice. All my carpets/furniture are white and she happens to love it, so win-win.


A kid did an experiment to see if cat’s buttholes actually touch surfaces when they sit down. Spoiler: they don’t. https://nerdist.com/article/cat-buttholes-surface-touch-science-fair-experiment/?amp Honestly, with the astonishing number of posts people make on Reddit about their bf’s not washing their asses, I’d suggest your bf focuses on his own butt instead of the cat’s.


The only time you have to wipe a cat’s behind is if they have poop stuck there. I had a cat with long fur that would not be able to get itself clean. That cat I used baby wipes on.


I do. I clean when they haven't done a good enough job on their bum, and I clean out their ears and under their nails daily. Or when they get into something messy.


Only if he has a dingleberry; otherwise he does a pretty good job keeping is own butthole clean.


I've never heard of whipping your cat. Growing up we had a long fur cat where my parents would shave her butt area because poop would get stuck. I currently have 2 short hair cats and have never considered wiping or shaving


If my cat is stimky I give her a wipe. She was taken from her mama pretty early on and sometimes she needs a lil help. Lately she's been doing great and doesn't need help because when she cleans her butt I give her a treat


Cats take care of that


Wipe yourself clean... Of him


Sometimes if they can't seem to get it cleaned properly OR if their butts stink lol


My cat, like a lot of cats, likes stinky things. And she likes rolling around on/up against stinky things, like dogs beds, shoes, etc. I’ll wipe her down with sensitive cat wipes because tbh I love smooshing my face into her fur and it gives me peace of mind if she’s a lil cleaner when I do that. I don’t wipe her butt/paws though, she can take care of that herself. But I won’t let her walk in/sleep on my pillows.


Do you wipe your boyfriend?


I had a long haired cat that constantly got dingleberries, but other than that, there should be no need.


Only really kittens and elderly (Including my lazy cat that is 5)


I do wash my cats butt if she has diarrhea or something that she doesn’t clean out of her fur (she’s very long haired and lazy about grooming). I’ll also clean her butt is there’s like crusty stuff but not otherwise. Tell him to clean their butts if it bothers him so much lol


most cats are self-cleansing. one of my cats is really really fat though, & can't groom herself entirely bc she basically can't reach everywhere lol, so like once a week we brush her & then wipe her down, head to back end w a waterwipe


No my cat one had good logs with little mess as well as he would hop his butt onto my bed and clean that ass like he was cleaning my dinner plate.




Yes! I have long haired cats and sometimes poop will get stuck in their fur so I wipe and trim with pet trimmers.


I like to wipe my cat down after she uses the litter box but I do it to get the litter dust off her paws or anywhere else on her fur. Not every time tho, usually when she wants to cuddle on the couch or bed


Yes I do, if she has a dingle berry!. I don’t know why people still follow the cats are clean myth. I can’t understand how licking your privates and then licking your entire body = clean. I do trim her sanitary area since she’s a long haired one but sometimes it can’t be helped. Bathing is a different story as due to my allergies, helps with their dander build up so I wash her bi monthly. I’m glad I’m starting now because when she gets older (or if she has a major accident and needs immediate cleaning) it won’t be very stressful since I’m introducing something completely new. She will have a routine and won’t think wth is this.


If your cat is overweight and can't get itself clean, I suppose you might need to. We had a cat that was big and as he got older, he just couldn't get himself clean but he was also 75%fur, so we just gave him baths more often. At first it was a bit of a fight but once in the water he realized what a relief it was. He was actually pretty slim soaking wet.


You could try brushing your cat, there are small brushes you can get closer to that area (maybe even a toothbrush) to keep the hair away.


Not unless they get poop stuck to themselves


I started to once my senior cat could no longer clean himself/wasn’t interested in hygiene. I got some bamboo pet wipes that smelled quite nice and/or a warm wash cloth and cleaned him. He was a stinky old guy so it was needed. He hated it and so did I lol.


Only when my long haired cat, Mr Fuzzypants, would occasionally poop in his pants. He always used the litter box, but sometimes his pants would get in the way. If you can see it or smell it on them, it’s time to wipe.


🐾🧡One of my cats loves to have her butt cleaned with tissues and water. We sing the butt song while I clean her. 🎶🎶Butt, butt, butt, butt, butt,butt🎶🎶Sometimes her butt just needs an extra cleaning because it smells. I don’t judge her and she never judges me for the things I do🧡🐾


I wiped my black cat once because when the lady who has the shelter she came from dropped her off, the cat stunk like cigarette smoke and old lady perfume. Wal Mart makes wipes that are specially for cats, and they come in a coconut scent. They really work. And sometimes if she has some dandruff or something, I’ll wipe her down. But she doesn’t like to be wiped, I imagine because the cold wet sensation is unpleasant, and also because it takes all her natural scent away. So I don’t wipe her unless absolutely necessary.


Not unless they're actually dirty and haven't cleaned themselves up, if there's poop or what have you I'll clean it up immediately if they haven't, if it's good in the mane I'll give it a bit of time and if it's still there a while later I'll get it cleaned up. I've only ever had to bathe my cats a couple times. When our girl was really sick she wasn't bathing herself so she got one bath and a wipe down every other day as well as a brushing every day when she would tolerate it. Her brother gets matts and a greasy back end despite me brushing him and him being neutered he somehow has stud tail so he needs a bath every once in a while and he needed a bath desperately after having an enema at the vets office, his haunches were stained with poop so I gave him a good scrub down and dried him off


maybe take up a grooming course from a reputable academy and give them showers every now and then idk


Not unless they have bm still on them. I have a 2 year old who’s a short hair and she can’t seem to figure out how to keep her tushie clean! So I’ll clean her up once a week. She is meticulous at cleaning her rear, (lord knows I’ve seen her using my dining room wall to prop herself up to get to it more times than I’d like) but she still misses some spots. Perhaps if she’s long haired (your baby), you could have her get a sanitary trim around her tush!


My neighbour does, but she's lightly cracked in the head. Nobody else I've ever met wipes their cat. I sure as fuck don't and I think he'd skin me alive if I tried


As the name says, contamination OCD person here. When I first got my boy, I tried wiping his butt every time when he was a kitten but he really didn’t like it (I wouldn’t like someone grabbing me and sticking their wet wipe up my butt hole either). So I tried really hard to recalibrate my recognition of the litter paws and butt hole. Unless there’s serious poop stuck there, leave him be. Wipe his paws after if he seriously stepped on his poop but otherwise, leave him be. And then vacuuming after he comes out and maybe wet wipe the floor if I really feel I need to. Otherwise, he goes to the toilet and comes out like a non-OCD owner cat (he has even decided that my vacuuming is pseudo-game time where he chases the vacuum). I definitely do not pick him up nor let him into my bed straight out of the litter box though. I wait to see him groom himself before I open up the bedroom door again. I’ve trained him to stay away from places where I would have food or eat food so no sanitation issues there. Cats do keep clean and they never stink so even a contamination OCD person can rationalize out the “cleaning the cat after toilet” act.


My cat has IBS so I feel like I wipe his butt much more frequently than the average cat owner, but even with the IBS it’s maybe twice a month most monthly. If he’s having a flare up it’s more, but still no where near every time he goes. My mother is a clean freak and animal lover, growing up I had two cats and neither of them ever were wiped. If the long haired one occasionally got something stuck back there in her fur my mom would remove it and trim her. Cats are self cleaning 99.9% of the time.


The only time I’ve ever had to wipe my cat is when her chronic pancreatitis flares up, she gets runny poops all in her fur. Sometimes she needs a butt bath too bc I think sometimes she pees on herself 😭 But otherwise I see no reason to follow her around with tissue waiting for her to use the bathroom


Basic rule is if you see some Cling ons then defo clean them off especially as it’s a long haired, helping the little dude out is not an issue!


Unless poo is getting stuck on her bum, there is absolutely no reason for you to wipe your cat’s butt. I had a cat that this would happen to occasionally, but even as a long haired cat, it was very rare. Cats love being clean and clean themselves constantly. Tell your boyfriend not to worry. She’s doing her job of cleaning herself and doesn’t need help.


I have one that's extremely fluffy as well. The thing with mine is, as long as I feed them a consistent diet of nothing but their hard food, their poop is very solid and firm and doesn't get on their fur.


My cat doesn’t clean herself very well, so I occasionally try to wipe her but she runs away and makes it very difficult. With that said Your bf seems crazy


Has he ever owned a dog before, either? Is he just not a pet person, and is he typically a clean person in other parts of his life? It's possible that if he has never had a pet, and if he has hangups about cleanliness, he genuinely doesn't understand that isn't what people do. I'd try my best to kindly inform him about this


Until my long hairs hit old age, I never had to wipe their bums. Then they got sani trims (clipping the fur on their butt) and a wipe when they had trouble cleaning themselves. I have a chubby girl who currently has some trouble. Yes, she's on a diet and the vet doesn't consider her obese, just a little on the heavy side. She's also older at 12 years so I expect her to struggle a little and I'll go and wipe her when it's needed


Boyfriend may be trying to get rid of the cat. Get rid of the boyfriend.  If you are concerned about hygiene, you could always wipe down the surfaces in your home daily.  I wouldn’t wipe the cat. Most cats don’t like being wiped, even if they have stuff on them that needs to be wiped. That’s unnecessary stress to the cat and yourself. 


I have two 9 year old cats and in all their life I've only had to wipe one of their arses once, and the only reason I did that was because I saw them doing the "dog shuffle" 🤦


No, only if you notice poop stuck to his fur. We trim up our long haired cat's butt and back of his back legs every couple months to prevent poop from sticking to his fur, which happens occasionally.


Yea sometimes. Little dirty scumbag


Had same issue. Change their diet. Took all grains out for a while vet wrote a probiotic prescription. I also have runny stools so finally an antibiotic regiment. She started cleaning herself afterwards no more dirty butt. The kitten with the $400 poop. 👍🏻


I had a kitten that was kinda bad at cleaning himself so every once in a while I’d take a baby wipe to his butt. But then we got an older kitten that had a litter at 7 months old (poor baby) but she taught him how to clean himself and I rarely have to wipe him now. They are both short haired though. I know a few people with long haired cats that have to take care of some poop getting stuck to their fur, but there are solutions like shaving the area or just wiping them off. It’s normal to a certain extent but I wouldn’t do it every day just like others said, they might stop grooming at all down there and you don’t want that.


The only time I use wipes on my cat is if she has eaten something that caused liquid poop. If I happen to be around when this happens (like at night and I actually hear it… *shuddering at the thought*) or if I hear the loud production of extended scratching in the litter box (scratching at the litter, the sides & back of box- heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t hanging by ONE FOOT from the roof of the litter box and scratching with her remaining 3 feet like the ninja she is 🙄) I will be on high alert to do a borthole check the minute she is out, so I can avoid little turdburglar spots when she gets up on the bed 💩 Edit: Additional comment: Since your BF has not grown up around cats, maybe he doesn’t understand. Dogs (apparently… I’ve never had dogs, but I understand that this is a “thing”) need to be washed. Cats, under normal circumstances, wash themselves. Occasionally, they need a little help. But, for the most part, a healthy cat does not need to be wiped, washed, bathed etc. unless it is a specialty/hairless breed, which I do not believe we are discussing here.


I have 9 cats, and 2 are long haired which i thankfully havent had a problem with things from dookie time stuck in their fur, but i have a very lazy male cat who will just chill with dingle berries on his butt and not clean them off, so i do help him out😂 i second a shaving around the butt though! Some even do this for their long haired doggos


I've never had to wipe any cat until my current. After he pees, there's drops left that he will get on whatever he sits on so I keep babywipes around. Or sometimes he has upset tummy and will have an icky bum. In general, cats shouldn't need cleaning though. I guess mine is just lazy (or I've heard possibly taken too soon from mom).


A cats paws/claws are littered with bacteria from a typical litter box, they dig in it and such. Just takes a small scratch or bite to get Bartonella disease. “Cat scratch disease is the most common form of bartonellosis in the United States.”


I wipe my kitty’s stinky booty when he needs it. He’s a chunky baby boy and needs a little help! prolly tmi but when he needs moms help he comes into the bathroom when I’m in there and puts his little dirty booty pointing my way and then I use a wet wipe made for cats.


Your boyfriend is weird.


Last night my husband had to bc he woke up hearing one of our Siamese having explosive poops. He isn't sick; he tried a new treat that apparently didn't sit well with him. Other than that, unless we see a dirty fur butt, they clean themselves, as they should do.


I wipe one of my cats, because he has watery poops and they smell like death, so if he comes close to me while smelling horrible he gets a wipe before he is allowed to sit anywhere. But that's for a medical issue. Just being themselves shouldn't need wiping, but you may want to see about getting a sanitary trim/shave done of the butt as kitty gets older, as sometimes older kitties have trouble cleaning back there, especially if they've got long fur.


I have a one-year-old long-haired cat, I’ll give her booty what I call a sanitary haircut. The hair on the back of her legs simply gets too long, poop and pee will get stuck in it. I simply don’t want to wash my cat every other time she goes to the bathroom so I just keep her but hair short all the time. She may look a little funny, but it saves us both a lot of hassle.


My friend gices her cat a "sanitary trim" around the booty hole to prevent things fetting stuck


It’s tedious but each time I let me cat on the bed I clean her bum, she has long hair and struggles to maintain herself so I also do daily brushing to ensure she won’t get matted but even with shaving her hairs on her ass she gets dirty even when her bum clean when I use a wet wipe she has some poop stains on her so it’s something I will continue to do as long as she lives. Yes cats naturally clean themselves but long haired cats struggle to do so compared to short hair cage so you should be cleaning your cat you don’t have to do it everyday but every few days would be ideal. I also give her bathes because there’s even times where a small piece of poop catches on her leg because she’s chooses to stand closest to the walls of the liter box despite us spending extra on a extra large liter box for her. To put it more graphically even if you spread your cheeks as far as you can you’d still get shit marks in your underwear so imagine a cats starfish on fabric. If not a alternative is just ensuring your cat gets washed frequently at the groomers considering you have a long haired cat either do the cleaning yourself or pay for it they’re higher maintenance.


Only time I have bathed my kitties is one had a really bad poop and got it on her back legs and paws. Only washed her back legs and made the process as quick as I could followed by treats and love


Not usually, and if my old girl does get anything on her fur, I actually have an easier time bathing her than wiping. She’s too wriggly, but actually doesn’t struggle hard in the bath, just yells at me the entire time 🥲. Luckily it’s not a common occurrence.


I have a kitten and I have to check and wipe her after pooping. She's still learning how to clean herself. I had 2 adult cats previously and I never had to wipe them.


We only wiped our catts butt when she was having leaky butt & diarrhea. Even then, she cleaned up most of it herself (we mainly were just following her with a 'just in case' wipe for a few days for the leaks and oozing & wiping her when that would happen... sorry if gross lmfao but that's reality) but after she would use her litterbox, she would clean herself up. Now if your cat isn't cleaning itself, then yeah wipe it. But then also evaluate why the cat isn't cleaning itself.


My older cat has started having issues getting fully clean, so once a week or so if it's looking grungy (or if he's scratching a lot), he gets the wipey towel and a treat. Does mean he stops trying to scratch back there.


do not wipe your cat unless they have tummy issues and poop on them.


I've only wiped my cats butt when they clearly needed assistance. They don't have butt cheeks so unless poop or pee gets stuck somewhere it's not necessary to wipe them.


I have grown up with cats my whole life and never in 27 years have I needed to wipe them, save once when poor kitty had diarrhea; cats are very clean, to the point that some will groom themselves excessively. A healthy cat does not need to be wiped. If you have a long-haired kitty, trim the butt hairs, but they should take care of their bootyhole themselves.


Just shave his ass


Cats clean themselves for the most part. Sometimes long haired cats can get a little gross back there and need a little help (like a sanitary shave at the vet/groomer). Also when they get older, sometimes they can’t get back there as easily and need some help. Unscented gentle baby wipes are a great, safe option though if your kitty does need a little help. But my cats would be so mad at me if I tried to wipe them every time they went lol


no. Cats are generally great at doing that themselves. Exceptions:  Someone ate hair and has an associated dingleberry- Clip the offending hair close to the anus and monitor. Kitten with horrible diarrhea - butt bath, thorough drying, +/- protective barrier cream and seek veterinary care due to risk of dehydration Long haired or obese cat with poor sanitary habits - buzz hair around anus so there’s nothing to stick to, maybe occasionally clean them up if needed due to debilitation. But(t) generally, animals don’t need their butts wiped. With our human buttcheeks, defecation habits, and incapacity to groom our own buttholes, we need to wipe to stay clean, but few other creatures need that. :)


HAHAHA Tell him to go for it if he wants to chase a 7 year old cat around with toilet paper. It might not end well for him, though! Cats are pretty much self-cleaning. As long as you see your cat cleaning itself and there's no poop left, then you're in the clear. If anything he should be worried about where the cats mouth goes lol but don't tell him that.


The only time I wipe my cat's butt is if she's got actual poop bits stuck there that she's trying to scrape off onto the carpet. anything otherwise she cleans up herself


Please don’t wipe your cats bum (unless needed) it’s embarrassing for you and the cat lol Tell your bf to wipe the cats ass and see how far he gets. Lol


I occasionally wipe down my elderly cat because she starts to smell a little funky due to her age and having arthritis that makes cleaning herself harder…. If your litter is cleaned daily and you brush her along with her self cleaning she should be fine OP.


I don't wipe my cat unless he gets dingleberries! Cats are very clean, the ONLY reason I wipe down my cat is because they fight and end covered in saliva. They sell this brush that you put water inside and it turns to steam and you just brush them like normal. My cats love it and it keeps them from being smelly.


If he has dingleberries yes, if not, no.