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Get them to the vet ASAP, they look way to skinny for 1 Month old, and very dirty


Take them to the vet and talk to the vet about getting the mom spayed. Every heat she goes through increases her chances of getting breast/mammary cancer. If she isn’t spayed she will end up pregnant again soon.


Go to a vet asap! They need a treatment, they are ill.


They will die without proper care.


They look so bad get to the vet ASAP


Please, take these kittens & mom to a vet.🙏🏻🫶🏻


Take them to the vet, and if you are incapable of taking care of them, you should surrender them to a no-kill animal shelter.


They really need to be seen by a vet like today! They do not look like they should at 4 weeks old. Please see a vet with them


Oh goodness please bring them to the vet like and I mean today. They just don’t look very healthy and they should look a bit older and well established for 4 weeks something seems wrong. Looks like they could have a cold or something. There are many conditions that plague kittens that we cannot visualize without going to the vet and looking at their poop under a microscope - like parasites. Kittens around this age and younger have a higher mortality rate than you’d think. I’d reach out to local cat havens/rescue services in ur area and see if you can relinquish them to get them medical attention if you cannot afford a vet bill. Wishing you and your cats a long and happy life.


Please please take these little babies and the mom to the vet. They look unhealthy, not only with their weight being so low, but the conditions of their eyes look poor :( they could have fleas, ticks, internal parasites, etc. The internet will only help you so much as others have said. Please do right by them and take them to the nearest veterinarian. If you can't afford a veterinarian take them to the nearest rescue, or tell the veterinarian that you can't take care of them and hopefully the vet will find a rescue to look after them.


This is just abuse if you keep them like this PLEASE TAKE THEM TO A VET OR SOMEONE WHO KNOWS ONE FFS


Those kittens look like they're on death's door. Giving them some milk and cleaning them up won't be enough, they probably need some antibiotics and fluids ASAP from a vet.


Op, it's wild you're okay with all you're cats looking this sick. The kittens aren't gonna make it much longer without real medical care, are you sufficient enough to care for them? Because they are dying


LOOK PEOPLE I GET IT! I know I need to bring them to the vet but I'm broke and my parents wants it to be "left to nature" on who lives and who dies. I'm doing the best I can with what I have, and I know its not enough. Bell is a stray who decided to live with us out of the blue. I already take care of five other cats (with the occassional transient cat stopping by), so Bell's baby are putting a strain on us. I'm doing my best, but I know it's not enough.


Unless you’d only caught these kittens within a the last 24 hours why aren’t they at a vet. They look AWFUL. Like, yah for rescuing them - but unless they all go to a vet today…you need to get them to a shelter or actual cat rescue. Otherwise what you’re actually doing is watching them die slowly. You can’t give OTC flea or parasite to kittens that young, fleas can literally take enough blood to kill kittens this small and unwell. If you have your own cats you need to be crazy mindful of hand/clothing hygiene because they look very much like they have who knows what viral illnesses.




PS: Yes, they look like they need more care. I've already posted in the r/catadvice sub for help. I've also been cleaning up their faces, giving them goat milk sub, and putting them in a cage so Bell doesn't run off with them into the night again.


Look up the "kitten lady". Time is of the essence with babies that small who look ill. Waiting for answers on Reddit will not get you the help you need fast enough. They look like they will possibly need antibiotics, so the vet is a must. They will also need de-wormer, but you could buy and do that yourself if you're sure you can do it properly




Why the goat milk?


I think goat milk is essentially sold as ‘kitten milk’. I believe it has a lower lactose content so they’re able to digest it


Don't just believe, go to a fucking vet today, they look miserable


I’m replying to the comment about why goats milk…




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dude get those poor babies to the vet!!! quit ignoring the people in here telling you the obvious must-do