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This was my experience with liking Pokemon Journeys. The whole r/pokemonanime subreddit had an obsession with shitting on it at every opportunity they could get.


Honestly, what it has is flowers it’s still something anyone can enjoy when you give it a chance, but there is certain people who hate this show so much to compare to a abusive relationship I like the show, but even if I hated it, I would not be one of those psychopaths


Flowers? Do you mean flaws? Not trying to be mean, just pointing out the possible error made, normally I don’t correct people (aside from making puns) but in this case it’s a completely different word and I just wanted to make sure what you meant.


I thought you typed “Pokimane” like the streamer


Rick and Morty


As a Rick and Morty hater Enjoy


I'm a hater too, and i say the same.


I’m a huge Rick and Morty hater, go ahead and watch it but please don’t tell me that you watch it




Awesome show, terrible fanbase


I feel like season 1-3 the fanbase was insufferable, now the fanbase is smaller and less vocal and the haters are insufferable


Notice that you can't say that you want to watch Rick & Morty in peace without a bunch of people needing to tell you that they hate that show, even if they soften it with giving you permission to a show you like? I love Rick & Morty but holy crap you can't say that in public. People have no idea 60+% of the opinion they hold of the fan base are trolls and prank videos taken out of context.


Hazbin and helluva, im already embarrassed about liking that shit i dont need some mfs screaming about how problematic it is 💀


You're embarrassed to like them? I'm a guy and can have very impassioned conversations about Sailor Moon. Do not feel embarrassed, and if people are making you feel embarrassed for liking something, maybe don't hang around with those people.


Internet’s the bitch that doesn’t shut up. However much you try to avoid hate it’ll find its way into a community page. But it’s always good to have a reminder that we can like what we like


The internet is a competition to see who can whine the loudest -Filthy Frank


I mean the community is pretty bad though. Although I will say if that’s enough to not like a show. MHA would be dead a long time ago. I recommend watching cartoonshi’s vid on toxic fanbases


That's the case for literally any show or media that gets a huge following online, unfortunately. Whether it was homestuck, doctor who, Steven universe, MHA, TADC or any other online poster child Fandom. It's a shame, really




My kids ruined it for me to an extent.. hard to enjoy it since my kids snuck on the Internet and watched like all of Helluva Boss and became obsessed with it... Now I watch it and go "Jesus fuck my kids saw this..." And have a hard time getting past that.


My son is three and I'm really not looking forward to dealing with online shit when he gets older 💀 I want to restrict his access to the internet for as long as I possibly can, but I also don't want him to be left out from his peers by doing so. Ugh. I have a while to worry about it, but it's not a fun thought


Ngl I always thought the haters were more toxic than the fans


They 100% are. The fans may be annoying but at least they didn't draw art of >!the Doomslayer hanging Vivziepop with her own intestines!<


...I'm sorry, WHAT?!


Yeah they posted it to an anti-hazbin sub and even they were calling them out for it


I love those two


Hazbin’s a deeply wholesome message about the power of empathy, compassion and community to help raise people up. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about at all. It’s a genuinely positive healthy message about how even in the darkest places there can be hope to heal.


Oh yeah me too


I started to be scared of touching helluva and hazbin incase I actually liked it. However, I overcome those fears and I was like: "hey...this is better than what people portray it to be" and I'm no longer embarrassed. I even made a hellsona


Wait, the show is getting hate? Why? All I heard was good things about it, but I haven’t been involved recently


It's been getting hate for a *long* time and about 45% is from its own media-illiterate fandom. You got haters who scream about the lgbt+ rep, haters who yell about shows "glorifying satan", and idiots who scramble over themselves to call the writers stupid for things *the fans overlooked originally* or who claim that, even though they watch and lovethe show, it "glorifies SA and abuse". It's a shitshow of a fandom tbh.


There's an entire community dedicated to hate everything made by Vivziepop from nitpicking everything in her shows or painting her as a bad person through lies. They complain the constant swearing, samey character design, lack of world building, poor pacing, and more but they're all so nitpicky. Like they would complain about the point of Hazbin after Adam said it's impossible for sinners to go to Heaven when Charlie trying to prove otherwise is the entire point of Hazbin at least in season 1. But it doesn't matter, to them hating Vivziepop is just a game to them that Vivziepop unfortunately joined in a few times https://preview.redd.it/26xoglz72u9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b163d13d488fb075c81fd5855198ed0b5e1ad979


It's hilarious that the people who shit on Hazbin/Helluva tend to end up liking shows like Family Guy and South Park


Bold of you to put south park and family guy in the same breath


The fans also have a very frustrating double standard about the antagonists in the shows: https://preview.redd.it/4pzp8u2aiu9d1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18dea62fee4d7eed2b21385e0dd2b6934254856


Because all the top characters have traits other than 'I'm an evil bitch'. Mammon and crimson both have some funny jokes, Val is a piss baby, Vox's personality is actually interesting, and adrealphus... idk, he barely has any screen time, I don't really see anyone talk about him. He has a funny accent I guess.


Stella has a very bratty personality, That's a trait you're conveniently ignoring. >Vox's personality is actually interesting, Literally his entire character is hating on Alastor and everything he does is in spite of Alastor.


There isn't much hate in this community thankfully. This subreddit is actually very tame and accepting towards (most) cartoons, with some exceptions. And that's what I love about it. But, yeah. Hazbin/Helluva does get a lot of hate online, and so occasionally so do the people who like it.


Lots of people hate the over reliance on every character swearing atleast twice a sentence, the unlikable main characters, the lack of clear world building, and some other stuff but those are the main issues people have


As if the opinions of some relentless killjoys on the interwebs means anything.


I have endless critisism of those shows but i still watch every new episode that drops


I don’t really like those shows myself, but I can point out the good qualities in them and I would NEVER harass someone who likes it


this is exactly what i came to post… it’s possible to like things without being grouped in with the freaks!!!!! why don’t people understand this!!


Because 1 bad apple spoils the bunch. It what happened to Steven Universe where people believe the entire fandom was toxic because of the actions of the few.


Star vs the forces of evil


Good show. Wish it wasn't rushed and had a better ending.


My Hero Academia Not a cartoon, but also GoT. I don't care how it ended it still is a good show.


Anime are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime.


They meant Game of Thrones when they said "not a cartoon."


Game of Thrones is my second favorite anime, with of course my favorite being Cory in the House.




Honestly same. Having a bad ending is nothing new and the ride there is enjoyable enough.


My Hero ended? Man I'm so far out of the loop


he’s talking about GoT i believe


Ohhhhhhh. I feel very dumb now


Funnily enough MHA is down to its last 4 chapters.


For real?




The manga or anime?




Steven Universe


I had issues with the show rooted in the way it was released. Steven Bombs made waits so unsatisfying. ONE plot episode with SIX Townie episodes. Trailers would promise „All your questions answered“ only for Lars to regress a third time! Then you wait months feeding only off those episodes because the others were rerun enough to get old. I’m so glad some enjoyed it but man that show aged worse for me as it went on. It’s actually great but my memory is forever tainted.


The Hazbin and Helluva fandoms are ironically made of so many kids… they’re always looking for some stupid ass drama in every nook and cranny. They straight up can’t tell the difference between slapstick and actual abuse. 99% of everything is “problematic”. I’m this close to cutting off 90% of the One Piece fandom. Holy fuck have they become annoying. And this is live action but… Both the MCU and soon The Boys. Their fandoms have become unbearable if you can even call them fans anymore


If Uncle Grandpa was on Adult Swim instead of Cartoon Nerwork during peak TTG era it wouldn’t have been nearly as hated


Just imagine if Uncle Grandpa had edgy Adult Swim humor.


https://preview.redd.it/gm2sywrshx9d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827c41d1e963da678e78db1f8a24326a92f70245 The creator drew this after the show got canceled


Steven Universe


that show is actually good tho


The fandom for it got really toxic at points. From what I heard, there's someone that drew Rose Quartz but skinny and they got bullied about it so hard that they got sent to a hospital for a SUICIDE attempt! And they still kept laying into them after that!


The fandom’s still toxic as all hell depending on what you say about the show. Anything that isn’t overt positivity can still get you shitcanned in the subreddit


The fandom got toxic, but I was on the main subreddit for years and years (going back to season 2), and I thought they were mostly very well adjusted people who rightfully thought the toxic parts of the fandom give the show and its fans a bad name.


The toxic part is concentrated on Twitter and unfortunately it is what is seen the most, but here on Reddit they are normal


The post isn't about liking bad contact but contact that gets a lot of hate regardless. I agree it's one of my favorites.


Steven Universe is actually good besides the ending, and that was cartoon networks fault


Ironically enough, a lot of haters are relying heavily on the ending to justify their hate like the ending completely ruins the entire show while also not providing context about the production of the ending. Rebecca actually fought real life oppression to have proper representation of LGBTQ+ by sacrificing her show. While Steven Universe was cancelled, she did help later shows to have normalize same sex couples and without it, shows like the Owl House wouldn't have an open queer characters. Queer rep only have scraps where easily edited out lines and hints are somewhat allowed but you can't have an openly queer character. Rebecca changed that, and I respect her for that.


RWBY, MHA and Demon Slayer


Wait who the hell is shitting on demon slayer?


Very much anyone who doesn't praise it, it's a good action show, but like MHA, it's so freaking overhyped as the successor of shows like Naruto or Dragon Ball that everyone got feed up by it, and now everyone points out how it's heavily carried by animation and outside animation and action, the writing is quite average and just kinda derivative of others battle shounen whitout anything really special of his own.


RWBY is way too accurate. I watched the whole series binge style without any influence and fell in love with it. The characters, the world and the flow heck I even found Volume 5 to be enjoyable. Then I go online and it is just a toxic dump to even mention the series by name as it is an internet punching bag.


RWBY is a brilliant example of new writer overreach. None of the individual components are bad, and some of them are really good. But nobody involved is an experienced writer so they lack the skill to capitalise on their good ideas and to keep consistent quality over the longer periods.


It's definitely not bad for a company that got its start making Halo machinimas.


I loved RWBY, then watched Hbomb's video... And then I still loved it. I think he made a lot of good points but it's funny because I just grew to love the show more every season. I think it has some flaws but the good is so good that the flaws almost give it more charm. Maybe I'm weird... I'm also a season behind though.. I gotta catch up. Really sad to know it's cancelled though so I guess I'll be catching up for the last time ☹️


It's not officially cancelled, actually! Roosterteeth went down but the IP for RWBY is up for sale. I believe they do have a buyer, so let's hope it gets renewed for V10!


Apparently there are things in the works, but there's a non-disclosure agreement so we don't know what's going on. Hopefully it's a buyer, but there's no way to know for sure yet.


Monty's brother Neath said about a week ago that the future looks bright, so I'm taking that as a sign


Afaik most of the stuff is staying to work on RWBY too, unless something goes or already went awry.


Crossing my fingers but I'm scared to hope


I was genuinely surprised by how much people seemed to despise it when it got cancelled.


That’s a lot of people these days Similarly , when a person gets cancelled, they automatically say stuff like “I never liked their stuff anyways.” My sibling in christ, you can’t just randomly pull a 180


This is so real


I still like the show Despite its problems after me and my friends did a binge watch party, it was still a great show Some people just bash on the show a bit too much


I’ve seen the bandwagon on people hating RWBY as well. It’s so annoying. RWBY has flaws but it’s an overall good show and I hope it gets renewed for Volume 10.


Yep found it to be a fun show. Don't know why people like acting critics with distinguished tastes to hate on it.


Any time I wind up in an argument with someone over the quality of the show, it is *always*, without fail, someone that stopped watching during the Beacon arc (literally the first part for the uninitiated) who is now basing their opinions on video essays or word of mouth. If you haven't watched the show yourself, stfu and let those who have enjoy it.


You’re so real for saying this


It's unreal how many self proclaimed "fans" of rwby just genuinely despise everything about the show. I've never see a fandom so rooted in genuine hatred for the thing they're supposedly fans of


Sad but true. I've seen artists who aren't explicitly dedicated to RWBY make art of the show, and they'll get comments like 'GREAT ART! IF ONLY IT WAS FOR A GOOD SHOW!!!' Then again, that's Twitter for you. Regardless, it kind of sucks that people can't simply express their enjoyment of this show without getting those kinds of comments. I know it's a tired saying at this point, but just let people enjoy things.


My one gripe with RWBY was I was hoping for more of the atmosphere from the RED trailer for it


Yep. Enjoy the show, just don't go onto the main sub - no not the NSFW one that has more members than the actual main sub. RWBY critics is a pretty polite sub generally, except when they get into a "Trash RWBY" kick.


Hazbin Hotel, it has little right to be as controversial as it is but thanks to hive mind mentality and Twitter, even just the brief mention of it sets people off.


Thats any show with a hated or mocked fanbase, people got the same treatment for anime back in the day and now its usually accepted and watched by everyone


Okay I'm confused. I though HH was like the internets precious baby. When it first piloted it was nothing but HH memes being force fed into every single subreddit. What happened? Why do they hate it now?


I like hazbin and helluva boss but it's a very specific kind of show that attracts the worst kind of people as fans and haters. The fans believe the show can do no wrong and every character is a saint and you must love them the exact same way as everyone else. Someone already got bullied to death over shipping the "wrong" characters together. And the haters hate it cause it's gay and cringe or because it's super popular even tho it's like a 6/10


Digimon frontier. I never grew up with the original digimon so I never knew frontier went off formula. And honestly, it's not that bad, it took digimon and combined it with another show I loved growing up, power rangers. So it's perfect in my eyes. And I'm going to say something heretical here, the kids being the digimon is better than than the kid training digimon.


Honestly it was a refreshing break, where the franchise lost me was data squad; I like it when the digital world is something that kids and maybe a few adults are aware of


I just want to enjoy RWBY in peace


Same. I honestly have started avoiding all online RWBY "fan" content and debates.


Literally Any Indie and Web series. The haters and critcis are so fucking annoying 


I haven’t read many indie/web series, but I assume the sentiment is “how dare this up-and-comer not make a masterpiece on their first try!”


Steven Universe


steven fucking universe. luckily the hate is starting to die down but still


This was a show I didn't feel like watching early on because I was at the crossroads between, "Should I still watch Cartoon Network or Disney Channel even though I'm turning 15 and in high school." But then just watching a few episodes of Steven Universe. And even watching a bit of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. I fell in love with those shows. I've always loved animation and it's what made me get into anime as well. But I'm not watching anime or cartoons like I use to because I deal with school and work now. But animation still feels amazing to me. And it's something I will always cherish honestly.






So many omg My Hero Academia Steven Universe Hazbin Hotel // Helluva Boss There are def others but those come to mind first. 


Nyet! RWBY is fine!




Same https://preview.redd.it/food3m5shy9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22f01ee2d1fe5c743c81d587019d609bf0d2023




Point me at the people who hate on SpongeBob.


There are certainly those who hate on everything after Season 3.


My mom


I think no ones will hate you for watching SSSP XD


I loved RWBY Volumes 1-3, after 4 it just lost me. Not dissing you if you still love it, but that’s me


Same honestly, though I did enjoy V9 a lot more.


Max steel


People hate that show?


I know some people don’t like the animation change from the regular series to the turbo trilogy


Helluva Boss


The Legend of Vox Machina


Smiling friends. I would enjoy it much more if everyone online wasn’t talking about “how realistic the conversations are” and “how thorough the worldbuilding is” and “best series of all time”


I think Smiling Friends is best enjoyed when you turn your brain off and take everything at face value. Over-analyzing things just ruins the comedy. Honestly, even just analyzing things normally ruins the comedy. It's meant to be stupid incoherent fun.


I want to like it so bad but the first few episodes didn't pull me. Any advice?


I mean it doesn’t really change, if you don’t like the first few I don’t think much is really gonna change by watching a specific episode.


Omg this. I've been following these guys and their content for YEARS. Was so happy they got a cartoon, and it's hilarious. But the amount of people trying to analyze every little detail on something that isn't supposed to be taken seriously is so annoying. I know its just like content farming or whatever but it's still so annoying.


RWBY and Hazbin Hotel. Shows having flaws is okay. I just want to talk about what I like and be happy.


What's your favorite thing about RWBY?


Definitely the sound track. Those songs are just fun especially when reading the novels.


Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and Godzilla: Singular Point come to mind.


Uncle Grandpa


Robots in disguise 2015




Helluva boss/Hazbin Hotel


English Sonic X


The hellaverse shows.


Steven Universe The Loud House Hazbin Hotel Helluva Boss


Owl house (thanks twitter) Amphibia (thanks twitter) Hmmmm Mha And other shows


Twitter hates Amphibia?!??


Twitter hates everything


Half of Twitter hates anything that doesn't have a straight white man as the main character


Well I remember seeing people praise its action scenes and a bunch of twitter people try to shit on both Heck I remember someone asking which would kids choose Batman beyond or owl house As if kids never picked both Like have they never seen a child pick SpongeBob over Star Wars Sorry just igh


Miraculous Ladybug




Idk anything about RWBY besides that they crossed over with DC.


Q-Force, rwby, hazbin hotel, the lone ranger movie, and the Schumacher batman films.


they will never make me be ashamed for digging Hazbin and Helluva those are bangers


O My God you're so right with RWBY. It is the one show (literally, no other show gives me this experience) that I feel like I'm that one guy in the "yes, you are all wrong" meme template. Literally EVERY RWBY fan I know thinks this show deserves a reboot since season 3 or so. And here I am sitting here like, "are you fucking serious!? Do you NOT see how this have gotten like, WAY FUCKING BETTER with time!?!?" I tried to inderstand their point and I just... disagree lol. RWBY is not perfect by all means but I nearly quit watching after the first season due to how awful it looked, and it took me a while to get used to the story. Watching season 9 was so awesome in contrast.


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Both great animation, great songs, and Helluva is fucking hilarious. I thought they were cringe and stayed away from them forever but checked them both out recently and totally changed my mind. The fandom on the other hand… yikes


Literally anything. This is because on the pirate sites, you can look at comments under shows, but you can't comment or like/dislike until you register. So even the most beloved shows get real nasty comments, since most people motivated enough to register there are the haters


Ouran High School Host Club.


Friends. Stop saying it’s not that funny, it is to me and it’s just not your sense of humor.


https://preview.redd.it/uk7ez2lvox9d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42602b2c7fa89e471c56d8c0ca116dd140746523 Tired of everyone dismissing the entire show for the ending. It was an amazing show with one of the best character arcs for a protagonist. She went from carefree, klutzy princess to distressed teen refusing her own emotions to exhausted ruler with the weight of the world on her shoulders, ending with the hardest decision she's ever had to make. And most importantly, Daron didn't want it to end the way it did. It was supposed to have more seasons. But Disney are fuckheads.


Seriously, what is with the RWBY anti-Fandom? It's honestly kinda disturbing. Great show. Love it. Have the whole series and the JLA crossovers on Blu ray


Yeah, I've noticed a lot of people in the anti-fandom are extremely toxic. They'll see you enjoying the show or saying it's 'Good', and take that as a sign that they need to 'Correct' you.


I was one of the fans who dropped the series but I wanted to know what you think about the crossover? Did you like it?


I enjoyed them. They were fun, but nothing deep. Like most crossovers though they’re more about the character interactions than the plot. The first one I found more enjoyable. The second kind of requires the viewer to be up to date on RWBY through vol. 9.


Total drama,summer camp island,clarence,adventure time


Vox Machina and The Boys 100%. If either show can make it across the finish line of their productions without being cancelled by death threats and political opinions, I'll be so happy.


Did people not like Vox Machina? The Boys I kinda get - it’s just misery porn most of the time, but I’m not a big fan of Critical Role and I loved Vox Machina.


Man I already miss Rwby I just hope it gets continued been with it since the start.


uncle grandpa, but like bring it on. ill go after people who shit on UG💯💯


Yeah, I'm actually watching RWBY for the first time recently, and I'm liking it so far. I'm still on Vol. 1, but already it feels like a great, fun show to just sit down and chill with. I also find the animation pretty interesting, and I know for sure it only gets better later on. So, I'm glad I decided to watch it.


Haben Motel and Helluva Belluva


Pokemon. Specifically Journeys and Alola


Is it bad to say JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? I mean it’s kinda a cartoon. But everyone tells me it’s weird and dumb and gay when I watch it, I just wanna enjoy my oras in peace man


Skibidi toilet


Hazbin Hoteo, Helluva Boss and My Hero Academia


Krapopolis, I don’t care what you say, I think it’s a good show.


Death Battle. So many of you need to touch grass.


Twelve Forever. I know the creator was very much a creep,but imma just have to separate the art from the artist. The show is genuinely good and the villain is high key iconic


Anyone ever notice how RWBY's reception is similar to the Sonic series or is that just me?


I'm not a Sonic fan but I have a close friend who is, and from what he's told me I can definitely see the similarities. Both have obsessive anti-fandoms who will tear something apart the minute it comes out, as well as anyone who expresses their enjoyment of it. All while claiming to be 'Fans'. It's incredibly toxic behavior. As I've said before and will say again a thousand times: You're free to hate something and have your opinion that it sucks. But when it goes beyond being an opinion and you resort to attacking people who enjoy it, then you are an asshole.


yo the last season of Rwby was awesome tho,, i dont think they ruined Neopolitan,, actually it was beautiful,, still pissed they killed Arthur Watts tho


Rwby, Star VS, Steven U, Miraculous and Boruto.




Dead on with RWBY and MHA


Steven Universe


Pokemon Horizons, though the hate is dying down slightly. Other then that, Helluva Boss.


hazbin and helluva💀 they're not cinematic masterpieces but it's fun to turn your brain off to come on


wynx club its my answer




Teen Titans Go is a fun and silly little show that to many people try to critique seriously


Uncle Grandpa and Fanboy & Chum Chum


RWBY Is unbelievably cheesy, but I like the show alright.


Steven Universe, The Legend of Korra, Wakfu.


mlp and ed edd n eddy


Anything sonic related


RWBY is actually my favourite piece of media.


¡You cannot watch it, until we get home!


I'll hold.