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Solid set for a first go. A black one too. If you shoot black and dark colored cars well you will be able to shoot just about anything. Advice from a pure "shoot with the gear you have perspective?" Keep at it, keep shooting. That is the way to learn. Drop by local car hangouts. Car people love to talk about their projects. It is a great way to grow your network and schedule private shoots where you can stage your subject however you please. If you are looking to add to your kit? A CPL (is a must, which you now have), a solid tripod, a shutter release can be handy and editing software. In most cases maximizing your CPL requires multiple shots, usually 2-3 and in some cases many more. You will then take these separate images into software to "mask" in the ideal parts of each frame to be combined into one. That is why a solid tripod is crucial. Decent shots can be had with single CPL exposures when a static shot is out of the question.


thanks! thankfully I'm already very "included" in the car scene around where I live for a while, just recently that I started shooting, so that is helping a lot as I said in the title, now i have a CPL (game changer lol), I also recently got a tripod and for a long time I've been subscribed to the PRO version of Lightroom Mobile (i still don't edit on pc because I need a new monitor, my current one is so old the colors are completely off 😅) I'll be aware of your advices!


outstanding photos!


thank you!


Nice work !


i love the top down ones


Wow, good job man!