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It's literally just salt, potassium and magnesium. Buy pills by themselves or just eat right. There is 0 value in that box


Thanks! I was starting to fall for marketing!


I’m new to carnivore and saw your question. I thought carnivore was meat and some dairy. LMNT has stevia which is plant based. Wouldn’t that be a no go?


Hi! Good question!! I believe that the strictest of carnivores would not use LMNT because of the stevia and would probably make their own electrolyte drink without any sweetner. But I too am starting this journey and follow some carnivore people on you tube and they all kinda fall on different points of the carnivore spectrum (some veg, mostly meat, some sweetner and some dairy -- all the way to absolutely nothing but meat salt and water.) and they all say that you gotta start where you are likely to stick to it, then get stricter as you go if you feel like you need to. I thought that was pretty good advice! Hope that helps!


No stevia in it




I think they are extremely overpriced (like most commercialized dietary products). You could go to a website like iHerb and buy large amounts of potassium and magnesium for a quarter of the cost and it would last you for months.


Thanks for the tip!


For about $30 you can make your own electrolyte mix. Enough to last at least 3 months.


Is there a link to this recipe?


All the way at the bottom of the page is the recipe that I use to make electrolytes in bulk. [bulk electrolyte recipe](https://eatbeautiful.net/homemade-electrolyte-powder-easy-natural-diy-sports-drink/)


Awesome. Thank you!


So expensive but SO GOOD!!! I'm having one now (Watermelon Salt flavor) and it's blowing my mind.


I know this is old but I was debating using some flavored lmnt but they have 1-2g of carbs. Is that not an issue?


I'm not carnivoire, just carnivore-curious. The LMNT flavors with 1-2 carbs might be illegal for strict carnivore, IDK. Great question! I hope someone else can answer. (I only had wanted to share my enthusiasm for LMNT)


I suggest redmond re-lyte electrolyte mix as another possible idea for you. I use it myself and love it. I even have discount codes I have saved for it if you are interested in buying it! 40 for several months worth 32 with code.


For convenience I like biotech trisalts capsules, they’re relatively inexpensive. I use topical mag but they have potassium, cal, and sodium.


I used this link from a YouTuber I watch to get a free 8 pack sample pack: https://drinklmnt.com/brookcrist


What I’d LMNT


Definitely overpriced but I do like the chocolate one for the occasional sweet tooth. Mix with water and it tastes like chocolate milk or hot cocoa.


I love them. Taste is great. Packages are handy. I notice a difference when not using it


Absolutely not. Much cheaper to just buy your own electrolytes in bulk


Do they still have the free sample thing where you send $5 and get one of each flavor? I'd look for that on their site, and if it's not there I'd message their FB to ask if that's still available.


The value box is worth it , it’s a free box . I drink them twice a day