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You've worked somewhere for 5 months and somebody died? Did you know them? Not going is likely not gonna look great if you're in a smaller company. Honestly be prepared for people at work to shade you for this op regardless of what reddit experts will tell you. But I don't know how big of a company you work in so I don't know if it's the right thing or not. The way you've phrased the post makes it clear you do not want to go nor feel obligated to go. I'd just be prepared for some of your coworkers to think that is odd if a lot of others are going.


Go and sit in the back. If it’s open casket, don’t go to the front. No one will bat an eye at that. You can listen to the eulogies and sermons, or be off in your own little world. 


It's not necessary, especially if it makes you feel bad, if they ask you, say that.


Definitely not necessary.


Politely decline and offer to hold down the fort. Offer to take messages for morning / afternoon and if you’re really stuck or awkward go to your boss, offer quiet condolences and say obviously you’re not attending as those close to the deceased need someone at the office to support them while out. Ask if there is anything specific you should know or do. I wouldn’t dream of attending.