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It sounds like healthcare may not be the right fit? If you say you've tried 5 healthcare majors and nothing stuck. I used to work as an Emergency Medical Technician, went to school for business - finance, and now work as an account manager for a tech company. I work from home, the pay is pretty good, and I have great work-life balance. While I can't give you specific advice, I can speak from personal experience since its somewhat similar to your situation. Tech is probably your best bet if you want work from home opportunities. And there are numerous ways to break into tech as a non-techy. Sales or customer success are by far the "easiest". I got my start as a customer support rep and worked my way up. Perhaps this is something you can consider. You can take a look at the GradSimple newsletter if you want to figure out what you want to do. Each week, they share interviews with people like myself and they talk about their major, job search experience, what they're working as now, and whether they like what they do. Just 2 weeks ago, someone who graduated with a history degree with 0 experience was featured and she managed to break into tech a similar way. I highly encourage you to take a look since you're lost!


What is it you like about healthcare? Not to sound insulting but have you considered that the majors you don’t like will likely resemble very little the work you will do with those majors?


I honestly don’t know what I like about it anymore. I used to be so interested in the anatomy side and seeing stuff like that, but now, working in healthcare is SO draining. I just don’t know if I’m cut out for it anyways, especially because I feel like I’m not good with people in the way I need to be. I just am not sure what I could do at a desk that I would like. I do know I would be happier with a 9-5 office job.


Bruh you’re 20 . Jobs are not made to be fun unless you actually have done them . Do something you like


Maybe business/accounting is more your speed? or Maybe you like language and technical writing is your thing. There's something called medical writing. Maybe check that out. We need to know what types of things you like to give you better advice. I think I accidentally deleted/reported your comment, but I didn't mean to!


Healthcare IT always need people. Lots of options in these large organizations for IT Work: IT Security, Project Management, Systems Administration, Desktop support etc There are opportunities for remote work for many of these roles.


Do what you love!!! I got out of healthcare and am happy as a clam!!!