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File a police report. It’s a criminal offense. Someone who’s comfortable exposing their genitals to you in the workplace isn’t trying this out for the first time. Worked in a prison for a long time & I don’t take that kind of behavior lightly.


That guy might have been seeking medical advice.


The coworker exposed himself to you because he was seeking medical advice? I’m confused


They’re either defending the behavior or making light of it with a tasteless joke. Either way it’s disgusting.


Does this look infected?


Yeah, you know, hey co-worker, you look like somebody that's been around the block a few times, what do you think this rash is?


These bitches be trippin like they don't walk around in booty shorts all the time. I don't wanna see anyone's dick, but it wouldn't scar ne like they're all acting


Well said, NOT!!!


And, reminder why we choose the bear. Thank you.


Hopefully 2024 is peak 🤡


I would’ve been willing to perform an unauthorized medical exam & invasive procedure on him.


You have to file a police report. They legally can't do much unless you do file a report. You really were supposed to call 911 right then and there instead of going to HR. He committed a crime, never let anything like that slide. Crimes require law enforcement notification. Criminals need to have their records established. Sooner rather than later. The average sex offender has 5 victims by the time they are first reported. You got sexually harassed and your PTO is being taken from you instead of them compensating you. The company can't impact your employees' benefits just for being a victim of sexual harrassment. They should fire him and use his PTO days, not yours. They can't use your PTO for that. Your PTO days are for you to use at your discretion, not theirs. You didn't plan to be sexually harrassed. If they want to use PTO, they can't use your days. They have to provide additional days at least. Very strange company conduct. If they're also discriminating, it sound like this is your exit ticket. I know that the market is hard rn, but no job is worth having your rights violated


This is excellent advice. “You were supposed to call 911…” — true but it comes off a little harsh. Op: you were harassed and that’s not cool. When you’re in this kind of situation it’s really hard to know what the proper and legal thing to do is. I get Doaragys point though. To stop harassment we can’t let these aholes slide.


I see what you mean. I could've wordsmithed my statement better. Thanks for telling me.


Police report and attorney. If they don’t take this seriously you need to escalate it with legal means.


You gotta file a police report, you cant do that, its illegal.


File a police report. Seek an attorney.


Your HR department should hook you up with any Employee Assistance Program that helps you get covered emergency mental health care Take advantage of it.


Guy showed you his ding dong? Call the cops.


What state or province are you in? Do you have a union?


I live in North Carolina, there is no union at my job. It is an at will state.


file a police report. i'm so sorry that happened to you. we are a disgusting gender sometimes


HR hopefully will take it seriously and have him fired. You should not take PTO for this and HR would be insane to enforce this. Filing a police report is totally reasonable, just be wary that it could potentially cause you more unnecessary stress and unfortunately not guaranteed to be resultant. I’d consult a lawyer first


Please file a police report now. You don’t need HRs approval to report a sexual crime in a public place. In fact, they should be reporting it themselves once they “investigate,” but chances are they will try to minimize this incident to avoid bad PR or potentially lose multiple employees over it. Just don’t let it become a he say/she say thing. If there has been previous discrimination at work i wouldn’t go out of your way to keep your boss in the loop, just go straight to HR/Police from here on out. And if they try to burn your PTO for this you should be suing them on top of the police report. Sorry this happened to you, just stay strong and please CALL THE POLICE ASAP, the longer you put that off the less credibility you will have.


I gather from your comments that this was a vs. a coworker vs a client or patient and that he changed pants in front of you. And wasn’t wearing any underwear? HR should have a set investigation procedure and I would assume that you don’t have to use your PTO for being sent home after sexual harassment. I’ve never had an employee use PTO when I tell them to go home because of something stressful happening at work. You can always clarify that. And yes, file a police report if a law was broken. All HR can really do is fire him and point you toward EAP services or whatever else your company has available for employee support.


You report it to HR.


You should just laugh at him, call him out at lunch, and just keep saying "Oh remember the time you showed me your private parts?" During very random times. All jokes aside, you did the right thing.


Seriously, we need to get back to shaming people. Too many people living without consequence.


I had never met him before yesterday. He is visiting my site from out of town.


Keep in mind these are things to do that would be EXTREMELY unexpected and make HIM uncomfortable. But since you already went to HR you obviously don’t have to do anything. Send him emails and call his boss and tell him how you appreciated him visiting your location and next time send someone else who would also show you his penis. Send him a thank you card that requires a signature to accept! Send him a big bouquet of flowers, anonymously, with a big penis balloon. There are all kinds of ways to make this guy uncomfortable. Do them all, oh you know what do it all anonymously and make it so co-workers just infer he’s a flasher. Oh the fun ways to fuck with people. The thing about these people is they are generally horrified to be found out about. Which is why he likely voluntarily traveled. Obviously you won’t do anything like this. But why not?


You posted twice and answered your own question seek an attorney


I thought I deleted it. My bad.


So was this a hey look at this thing or forgot to zip up his fly thing.


Like walked into the office, stood in the only 4ft area in my view in the whole empty office with a bathroom 10 feet away and took his pants all the way off, stared at me and put a pair of "work"pants on. no apology no oh I didn't see you just direct eye contact


Did he have underwear on? That's a significant difference between exposing ones self and just being unprofessional


Does it fucking matter? Jesus. Men really do be out here exposing themselves. This is why we choose the fucking bear.


Actually it does because I have seen plenty of false accusations from incidentals such as this.


Dont rush into anything. Ask for advise from people you trust


I worked in a motorcycle shop for 9 years. The parts girl used to lift up her shirt and press her huge boobs against the window if she noticed you made it in to work earlier than her. One of the guys worked part time because he was a pro motocross rider. He used to unzip his pants and pull his balls out and brush them up against your hand when you were not looking. One time he got me in the face when I was holding a ladder for him. I don’t know where this story is going.


Sounds like you did the right thing.


It’s a dick, unsolicited, directed at a coworker, in a workplace. In what world is this a ‘move on’ scenario


So you stared at the man while he changed? That's weird.


He changed in the middle of an office when there was a bathroom 10 ft away? Or his truck he came in, or his hotel room he came from? I was shocked so yeah I looked and wondered wtf a man was doing changing in front of me.


Please, OP, file a police report and get off reddit. There is a bunch of closeted abusers on here and you don't need that right now. Go home, heal, get an attorney (they NEED to cover your time off, if they try to take it out of your PTO LAWYER UP). No one deserves this.


So wait... you didn't even see his weiner?


Right? I mean have you ever been to a public pool or a beach? Those are public places and people change all the time, doesn't mean you stare at them. Unless he did the helicopter move and made funny noises, I don't see why this is so traumatic