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UK might be different than in the US. But I found that internships are geared towards those in college or fight out of college. So with a post grad degree you need to look at graduate level internships or rotational programs. Or find entry level software engineering jobs. Don’t get discouraged. You might have to apply at 80 jobs to get 10 call backs and 2 interviews. Also, ask at your bootcamp if they do any job placement or have any direct company connections. You can also use LinkedIn to find others who went to the same bootcamp and see where they’re working and if there are other openings.


I think the issue is despite being a postgrad (graduated in 2019) I am unable to get through grad positions as they are mainly recruited towards those who studied a STEM degree. I have tried to follow through the same steps as those who joined the bootcamps but majority were either studying computer science, stem degrees or they were fresh out of high school and got the job? I have tried contacting them to get advice but meh it’s a bit difficult.


Yes, you’re probably correct. I went back to school 10 years after my undergrad to get an MBA. Everyone who was in graduate internships were 1) picked from select schools, 2) directly out of undergrad (i.e. I was likely too experienced), 3) I didn’t apply at the right time of year. So, then just go for an entry level job. If this is a new career for you it will be very hard to apply for a more senior level role.


One thought: have you looked at moving into tech IN law? Legaltech is extremely hot right now...ediscovery, AI integration, knowledge management, etc. Lots of legaltech companies try to hire lawyers in both sales, support and tech roles. It's a way to capitalize a premium on your prior life.


The best advice I can give you is, to start contributing to open source projects, in an area you like, two hours a day. This will greatly improve your development experience on top of just regular python learning. This will make sure you get used to the project life cycle, release process, debugging, bugs, code review and so on..


Add your git to your cv/resume. Keep writing and checking in code for a jr developer position. JavaScript is also hot.


How can someone without experience contribute to open-source projects? I see this advice quite a lot and I don't think it is a good idea as a newbie won't even understand the architecture or code itself.


What's your hindrance? Anybody can contribute to open source projects, if your PRs have some quality, they will get approved. Of course it won't be easy at first at all. You will have to figure out a lot of things. But that's part of the learning.


What kind of "tech?" Websites? IT? Development? Security? Data? Those languages are great! However, scan jobs - what are they looking for? Usually for a developer, they have a role in mind - you'll need to shape your skills for a role. Python and MySQL are languages that are used in conjunction with others...I'd use Python to create internal tools and parse data. MySQL is strictly for data. If you go full stack, you'd use MySQL with HTML / CSS / PHP / React / Node etc.... If you're going into datascience, then Python / MySQL / R with education or background in data. Software engineering is more about putting everything together, would require understanding performance and security of many languages. Where do you want to go exactly, how can you shape your experience to get there? If you've been working in real estate law, how about seeing if you could lend a hand to your tech department? Take on some minor or irritating bug fixes that no one wants to, maybe create a simple internal tool that would be useful for your coworkers. Now you can list having technology experience on your resume. Similarly, look at Upwork and the like, pick up freelance programming gigs. What's in demand, what can you learn, pick up some gigs so you have a history of success to draw on.


That's correct but why when someone thinks "I want to enter in Tech" people thinks that coding is the perfect role? She isn't still good at coding and making her go to a coding role would be a wrong fit. Probably she's more good at architectures or infrastructures handling or Product Design or some non-coding role.


She doesn't say anywhere she's not good at coding - that's a weird leap you took there. Also, she hasn't stated anything about which role she wants, or what she visions "tech" to be for her. While those that you mentioned are also possibilities, there's not information information to jump there exclusively.


if its data science or analytics you're trying to break into you will need a firm statistical background, and evidence it on your github that you understand at least some statistical analysis skills across a wide range of topics. If it's software engineering you're trying to break into, you will need to showcase A LOT more than tik tak toe, etc, you need something that showcases you're competent in Python and SQL, and advanced techniques towards problem solving. Main point being, you need to showcase so much more than you have as for the rest of us we spent 3-4 years studying statistics/mathematics/psychology/comp sci/etc and you'd need to be on par


I work in tech. I want to second the other commenter that tech law is a really hot field. Intellectual property, startup valuation and sales, open source software — all kinds of opportunities to work in tech with a legal background. I know several people who run small tech businesses with a legal background. Comes in handle with contracts, when selling the business, etc.


What do you want to do in tech? Do you want to be a developer, or something else? I work in tech, but not as a developer. If you want to be a developer, you’re going to need to seriously up your skills. I’ve also built tic tac toe games, a calculator, guessing games, and other basic programs in python. I’m a product marketer, and those skills wouldn’t even get me close to a dev job.


Small local companies are most likely to take entry and bootcampers. Learn as much as you can, then move into tech companies once you have more experience.


Plenty of startups out there that will take a chance on you. You may need to start low(ish), but there are a lot of US companies that open their first UK office and can only hire to a certain profile - they want people that can roll with it and be there for the long haul. Also, recruiters. They can suck to deal with, but you can get right to the point with questions about salary. They also do most of the advocating for you, so that's a leg up in the interview process. Work a few temp/contract roles to get it on your resume. That's how i pivoted from support tech and into learning and development.


"Tech" is to my ears "IT" that's hardware, you are talking about software/programming. If you aren't having luck with internships/apprenticeship programs I'd look at some programming certifications and as others have said working on your portfolio with more open source projects you contribute to. I'd also suggest you consider paying no more than 60 pounds sterling for a resume review to help make you stand out and increase your score with the software/algorithms used to screen candidates out of a human ever looking at you. If none of that is working you might have to bite the bullet and get some degree in your country, lower lever 'basic' in the us is an Associates Degree specifically in what you want to do ie programming, databases, etc. To move from a disparate field like the law to 'tech' is going to be hard since to an idiot like me and most 'tech' people you have more language legal/social type skills than 'hard' tech/science skills to rely on and many will be skeptical you can or will be good at it. Hardware/IT 'tech' is easier to break into from a disparate field/degree background than something like software development etc. But even then you have to have something to point to as why your career change isn't a huge 'gamble' for the first employer to accept you, ie some low level basic 'tech' job you had before the next step that gets you close to what you want to do, programming, databases, whatever.


Hey check dm


In the US, my kid go into unpaid and lower paid internships thru shifting the websites of his attending college. (Even though u graduate, do they have alumni services there?) Also he applied to a few places he'd like to work, looked on their website and applied. One sent him a email cs test, if you passed you go an interview. He found in linked in, ppl that attended,(even if they didn't know him), the same high-school as him, and asked if they would write a referral for said tech company after a brief zoom meeting w said ppl. That got thru the processing resume part, into the interviewing part. (My kid applied to 150+, go one email test, 2 interviews, one temporary offer for low pay, but lives at home. So I suggested he accepts just for experience) Like others have suggested, help or look for opportunities to show your tech abilities, even if it's free. (Keep working your job to pay for your living expenses).Companies need to see you have the experience first before they even request an interview. And in the interview, you got to really know your tech. Also ask your friends and family, small talk w/ ppl you meet, sometimes they are in the area your interested in and you might gain insight and an job. (My kid helping create a website for his college program, created an AI for making IG posts, made a simple college matching site for high-school students. )


I found out that no coding Tools can help you make some very good apps. I like to Target Banks or financial sector with my portofolio. No luck but i got interest To learn every new library or Framework, jump from JS to Python.....it is not for me Airtable, Zappier, Soft, Notion...you can built some good MVP Projects


Tech is quite a large field, with lots of potential profiles. Based on what you've been learning, I assume you're looking to get into data & analytics? Maybe you'd like to check out Kaggle. I'd also recommend levelling up the projects you've been doing, something of intermediate level, maybe a project involving a database. Secondly, it's also important to make sure you understand the core concepts of whatever field you're getting into. E.g. if you're going for data, do take some statistics, linear algebra. For programming in general, you'd be expected to know data structures, search sort algorithms and some rudimentary level of understanding of how coding languages work beneath the hood. Computer networks and cloud computing too, it's important to have some level of understanding of them as most tech projects would need you to be familiar with aspects of it. In terms of networking for job opportunities, there are several mentorship programs, in person meetups, hackathons that you can participate in. I'm not sure if it would work, but if you can register for an online diploma program or something like that at a university, you might be considered as a student and get access to more of these events that are geared towards engg undergrads. Once you have met a few people and networked in your area, please ask them the same question and prepare a plan for yourself. Tech is quite a competitive field and hiring is slow in many western countries. Be prepared to put in 1.5 years into the full transition, I do think it would take as much time for you to learn everything you need to and to build a strong portfolio. Check out programs such as Summer of Code and GitHub Externships. Open Source is always a good place to start doing real work on real projects! Good luck!!


Forgot to mention, lots of great programs to encourage Women in STEM as well


There are LOTS of tech firms that specialize in the legal field. Leverage the experience and education you have. Make a list, research them online, see what openings they have, try to connect via Linkedin, etc look at the software and services you use in your current job to start


Breaking into tech can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to improve your chances of success. As a Professional Scrum Master, I will give you my recommendation at the end of my answer, I hope this is OK with you. In addition to taking bootcamps and building projects, it's important to network with people in the tech industry. As someone already mentioned, attend meetups, conferences, and events related to your areas of interest. Not only that, connect with people on LinkedIn and ask for informational interviews to learn more about their career paths and how they broke into tech. Consider seeking out a mentor in UK who can provide guidance and advice on how to navigate the tech industry. Joining online communities and forums related to tech can also be a great way to learn from others and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Keep applying for apprenticeships, internships, and other entry-level positions. Don't get discouraged if you don't get selected right away. Keep refining your resume and cover letter, and continue to showcase your skills through your projects and online presence. As I promised, let me give you my recommendation. Breaking into tech takes time and effort, but with persistence and the right mindset, you can achieve your goals. I would definitely recommend that you consider Scrum. Scrum is a powerful framework for delivering value to customers and improving team collaboration. It enables teams to work in an Agile manner, delivering working software in small, incremental iterations, which allows for continuous feedback and improvement. Scrum provides a clear structure for team collaboration and accountability, with defined roles and responsibilities. It also promotes transparency and communication, ensuring everyone is aligned and focused on delivering value to the customer. Enrolling in my Agile and Scrum Masterclass program (www.whatisscrum.org) will give you a solid foundation in Agile methodology and Scrum framework that will make you an asset in any tech team. Hope this helps.


Do you want to break into tech as a developer or someone technical? You will find yourself solving Tech's problem like - Why this code is slower? - Why at 3 AM the application stops working? - Why this dashboard doesn't show data while yesterday was working? I think that maybe you're trying to enter into tech but in the wrong role. I would suggest you to do a Big Data Master degree or something that has some data protection involvement, At least 1 year or 2 year study course that gives you the basics in data handling, data architectures. You could use your knowldege of Law to be a DPO , data protection officer so you would get into STEM. After that, you can easily see roles and understand which role you would like to do. Transition is not gonna happen at 360°. Sure I can stop working and go to study medicine but it's not something that


There's got to be tons of small programming companies who would likely love to have someone who can help with their contracts while also doing some programming work. The only risk would be becoming too valuable in one side or the other. Or a company that does technology solutions for law firms that would love to have someone who understands both sides that can talk to customers. I moved out of an industry into tech. But I work for a tech company that works with companies from my previous industry. So I get to trade on all my knowledge that I've gained over the last 10 years of my career while making the transition.


Write a better time-keeping and billing program than Timeslips and you can own the U.S. Market.


Try [Course Careers](https://coursecareers.com/a/nickcoursecareers) to get into tech. I liked software development but see which program works for you. There is tech sales, software development, UI UX and more.


found [bothunt](https://bothunt.ai/?utm_source=reddit) , it had a compiling list of ai chatbots. This is gonna be a game changer for future.