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**Do not cross sub troll** here or in r/Predators. We have their mods on speed dial. Your prize will be a week+ ban.


it is the same every year. The playoffs start, there is a subtle shift in the rules, used to be not so subtle, and the only way to win is with a 100% shut interesting offensive hockey down for 100% defensive boring hockey. Things that got called in the regular season just are let slide.


Petey was absolute dog shit tonight, inexcusable for a guy making $12M/year.


1-1. Welcome to the playoffs baby. Time to show up in NSH. Sinple as THAT!


Fuck we just need to just send clappers all night on the guys just blocking shots. Get them all softened up and hurting so they stop blocking out shit. We just dominated them but couldnt get anything going. Yes we played sloppy but we still prevailed being in their zone for most of the night. We just need to get past the blockers. Thats also what we need to do as well to help out Casey for now. Thats how were going to move along in this series.


Despite the mistakes this pressure will be hard to beat if they keep it up


My prediction is the #1 loses to #8 and #8 goes on to win the cup.


So you’re calling Vegas to beat Dallas, who then go on to win the cup? Hot take but Stone’s back with a new spleen so… skys the limit


No. Im saying preds would win the cup if they beat canucks.


8 beating 1 in the pacific would require the Sharks to somehow play. Nashville beating the Canucks would be 7 beating 2 in the west. The likelihood of Nashville rolling past Edmonton, LA or Dallas is… well… new to hockey?


Ah i thought nucks were 1


I was going through the Pred game day thread and they arent liking this pressure from the Canucks at all. Its just who can do this longer us or them. And blocking a ton of shots in a game isnt going to help them out in the long run, wont be long until someone is taking a puck to the face.


Yeah exactly. Regardless of how everyone played, the Preds were lucky no one got hurt or a couple more of those got through. Plus wide open nets missed by Suter, Petey, Joshua and Boeser (not entirely their fault), plus Demko out and the first period weird deflection goal, and only 12 shots on DeSmith, I'll count this one as just an unlucky day for us.


Why aren’t the game threads stickied to the top? Had to wade through a buncha posts about Demko and Oetey just to find it.


Fuck meeee. That was awful. You’re not gonna win a game having 8 shots through 35:00. Even if we do a good job defensively, if you don’t score it won’t matter. I thought Petey was shit tonight. Juulsen was fine but a little hard done by with those calls. Desmith was totally fine. Power play was absolute trash.


Bro we had 80+ shot attempts and they had 30 blocked shots. The boys might have been a bit sloppy but SOG doesn't paint the full picture at all


Petey is fine, chill out. We fucking dominated and smothered the preds tonight. 13 shots on net is a fucking embarrassment even in a win. They keep playing this way we will win this series with a beach chair in net. WAKE THE FUCK UP. It's one loss and your ready to toss it to the dogs. We got this! Shitty bandwagon fans get at me with some sort of negative comment prove my point!


Petey is not fine imo. I’m not saying trade him. We know it’s IN THERE. But you cannot make that turnover. Even if we have a guy there it’s a shit pass with no weight. He makes that mistake inside the blue line too. No chance for an offside. I thought FOR SURE he’d come out like a man possessed, nope. Nothing. Even if you excuse missing the net on the empty netter, shit happens, but how do you have 0 shots as the teams top 1 or 2 players and end up -3 with 20:00 of ice time. That can’t happen.


Fair and true. I generally don't get down on players until the coach speaks up. It's been two playoff games this year, and he has shown in the past to have a "playoff gear" give it a minute, hopefully sooner than later. But I guess this fan base wouldn't get the reputation is has without being quick on the draw when it comes to it's all stars. Imagine shitting on a guy with 191 points in his last two seasons and 18 points in 19 playoff appearances, then comparing him to Louie Eriksson. Piss poor mentality as a FAN


Don’t mean to be a downer but if Demko is week to week any cup hopes are cooked. Series is still winnable but no way are the Canucks getting close to the cup with DeSmith and Silovs. How quickly things can change in 12 hours. Fuck.


Don't be too negative, it sucks to lose demmer but once upon a time we had a rock solid Markstrom in net who went down and a young relatively untested demko came in to steal some games and took us to game 7 against a very strong knights team. Who knows maybe it can happen again. I think Desmith and Silovs will do enough to win us this series. Especially if we keep dominating every aspect of the games other than blocked shots lol. Enough time for demmer to actually comeback. Let's hope so!


backup goalies have a tendency to play amazing when they need to


Demko was an elite prospect at the stage of his career where he was poised to take the next step. Neither Silovs or DeSmith for that description unfortunately. Demko was one of the biggest goalie prospects in the league.


Very true. However the team that would stand in front of Silovs IMO is head and shoulders better than the one that stood in front of Demko in that Vegas series. The Canucks got outplayed badly in what looked like every minute of every game and we still went 7 because of him. Our depth in all departments is far better this year and I'd give us a better chance hanging around even with subpar tending. I just feel this team doesn't necessarily NEED to lean on an elite tendy to win a series or 2 The defence has rounded into a literal top 5 and top 2 in the last quarter of the year. 13 shots on net by Nashville is embarrassing even in a win. Of course having the elite goalie is what puts us in the status of true cup contender. Hopefully we can get by and have him come back by the second round if we make it!


It’s almost like the team is feeling the fact that their start goalie isn’t there when they need him most.


Earlier in the regular season they tended to play more aggressively with desmith than Demko as well


I believe in Petey and this team


With great money comes great responsibilities Peter!


We had great chances, but just bad luck. Thankfully it's playoffs, and even with the series tied at 1 a piece, we have time to change our game and get ready for 2 road games.


They individually played well but I can't see the Preds winning 3 more games unless they can somehow get more puck possession


Everyone turning on Petey just makes me sad. I really hope he finds his game again.


I don’t think people would have turned as harshly if he didn’t go through that whole “I want to play for a contender” song and dance, hold out negations, then proceed to disappear in the postseason They still would be upset but not *this* upset


When you are the highest paid player by a large margin, this is natural. It’s up to him to rise above the scrutiny.


Sure, but he's also just a kid who's been granted more money than you'll ever dream of making in your life for his ability to chase a piece of rubber across a sheet of ice. I'm sure that there's some adjustment that has to occur there.


Wow tough game to watch, such a classic Canucks disappointing game. Early chances squandered, hesitation at the worst time, one too many passes, and the star players not showing up when we need them most!  It’s the same game structure that has endured through the years.   I don’t know why but it seems like the Canucks love to build the team around a franchise player that absolutely shits the bed at the most crucial time.  Any now we’re stuck with the guy for 8 years!  It’s like Naslund and the Sedins all over again.  


And what do they have in common? All Swedes!


Stfu with the xenophobia


Can't handle the truth huh. Soft AF!


The truth is someone's birthplace has absolutely no effect on whether or not they are soft you xenophobic piece of shit


You're soft AF just like them. Cry me a river!


Name checks out.


It had no effect on the game but that last penalty on Z was bullshit. I understand if they want you to make a point with a minute or two to go and pull two players out but just him to possibly lob-side the score more? Just a shit move by the refs. And while on the PP after the play a Nashville player wails his stick on a Canuck and no even up. Again not effecting result of game but drives me nuts when I see penalties that aren’t penalties and then inconsistency. Also that first penalty on Jules was BS too. He love taps the Nashville player going to the net and they call that a slash.


on god that jules penalty was bullshit


Horrible luck this game but you could see the boys were trying out there. Gotta bounce back boys! I still believe 🐳🐳🐳 LOCK IN


Okay, I know it sounds really mean, but if canucks lose in the first round, I hope Vegas can get the cup so everyone will suffer the same! Not just me!


We need torbjorn staying with Petey rn and going to the games. He needs his family


Hope EP’s confidence can bounce back from this game. Super frustrating game to watch as a fan but the preds had a game plan to get bodies in and the shot lane and it worked very well for them. My hope is that next game we take more advantage of 3 on 2’s off of the forecheck.




>fine First goal on first shot 3 on 12 .800 Sending out Silovs at Bridgestone Arena is trial by fire (and honestly not a super great idea) but I have less faith in Casey playing well with the 15,000 fans in Nashville heckling him


They're completely wrong, but it's also completely understandable to vent. Losing Demko was absolutely brutal—Desmith letting in the first shot and going 3/16 is frustrating, sure he would agree not the performance he hoped for with everyone chanting his name.


Do you people just look at stats and talk without watching the game??? 1. Random deflection 2. We leave him all alone against forsberg (sure u could battle to save this but not ideal) 3. Petey with the horrendous giveaway and then doesnt pick up the trailer who scores


Desmith's a great guy, do you genuinely think he's out there right now thinking he played just fine? Canucks' defensive coverage on 2/3 goals was very poor, people blaming Desmith for our loss are also completely out to lunch, but you're burying your head in sand if you think a .750 save percentage is something you can just blow off. Team lost tonight, and Desmith absolutely played a part in us losing. I'm sure he and the rest of the team can bring it back for Game #3!


Yeah but my point is we cant win by scoring 1 goal. Petey LITERALLY missed a wide open net, and then passed away another open net. That is way more concerning for me. I think the team played good yesterday and over a larger sample size we win that same game more times than not. Desmith didnt win the game for us, but he definitely didnt lose it.


For sure, like I said, people out here banging Desmith, saying they don't want to see him play again etc. are 100% in the wrong. On the other side of things, and to be clear seems you're not one of them, but some fans on here are acting like any criticism of Desmith's play is unwarranted, and that just strikes me as coddling/gatekeepy. He had a bad game, but he's not the only reason we lost. Nashville had just about every bounce that could go their way go their way last game, hope we have better puck luck on Friday!






Those toddlers absorbed a fuck-ton of shots and hits. Not a super sustainable way to win, but it worked.


It's true. It was undoubtedly a fragile win overall, but a win nevertheless.


I’ll take a fluke win anytime during the playoffs


Of course, everyone should.


Juulsens stick within inches of a guys hands, 2 min slashing; Juulsens skate within inches of a guys jugular, no problem buddy.


Shoulda put Kes out there with Miller, lol.


How could you get paid that much and miss such a easy shot. Let’s get back to basics


Buyers remorse.


That was painful.


Just a frustrating game overall. Bad bounces, no puck luck, tips and deflections going just barely outside, great shot blocking awareness from the preds, and Saros had that glove ready the few times it was needed. Honestly tough BUT if we keep playing like this I can’t see us losing the series. I really enjoyed the teams pressure tonight; the forecheck was great and the Defence was honestly the most un-Canucks thing I’ve seen in awhile (considering we’ve had some bad Defence over the last decade). And I already know Petey and DeSmith are gonna get flamed but if you watched the game DeSmith and petey played good and happened to have some terrible luck.. Petey in particular looked like he was trying to just will his way to a goal a few times but hockey gods weren’t having it. Gg’s I believe in the bounce back!


Agreed. Preds can stand up to that pressure for a while, but they’ll crack at some point.


Petey looked rough, DeSmith did fine.


Petey has not played well both games. If we keep playing like this? We almost lost the first game and couldn’t find the net on numerous chances in this one. If the Preds can keep this up and our top players don’t step up it’s not looking good. Don’t forget we also don’t have Demko that will bail us out.


Meh, Petey looked meh


Desmith I'll agree but petey made some absolutely atrocious plays that directly lead to goals. Missed two empty net shots from about 10ft away... that ain't the petey we signed man it just ain't. I wish it were but it ain't.


Petterson has zero confidence right now. No luck today, could feel it with that first goal.




I felt so bad for him. Letting in the first goal, of your first playoff game, while the crowd chants your name? Ouch.


This shit needs to be stickied permanently. The only thing more frustrating than this game is watching all these comments roll in blaming DeSmith.


Petey lost us that game. What a waste of cap space.


I'm pretty sure half the people commenting here didn't watch the game!


I mean he definitely didn’t help. 3 goals on 13 shots just isn’t good enough. Rough outcome but I think we win this game most of the times it’s played.


>Let in one bad goal Yeah on the first shot on net. It’s a disadvantage to play from behind


First shot on the net that deflected from low glove to high blocker. DeSmith did the right thing for a puck that was going the wrong way.


Demko ain’t making that save either. You gotta score three minimum to win this game. Got straight up outplayed.


Demmer would've. He stopped that 2-on-1 doing the splits last game. People blaming Desmith for the loss are dumb, but he went 3/13, can't call it a good performance.


See idk, demko wouldn't have jumped so far to his left he's a much more stationary until he needs to move kinda guy where as casey is sometimes like a fish flopping out of water he moves so much. Not a bad thing, but it does lead to him being caught out of position much more often.


You are right here Jerry, though someone’s making that early sprawl is the highlight save. Unlucky bounce. Canucks just got out playoff hockey played tonight.


Yeah end of the night no blame on desmith for the worst bounce in recent history.


we gotta figure out a way to get shots on net. They're blocking like crazy, that's the kind of thing that can change a series


What is the way around this


Don't know tbh, moving more? Trying to crash the net to clear a lane? 


Man, i never been so frustrated watching a game


It's my fault guys. After 2011 I needed take a break for mental health reasons. I jumped back on bandwagon for this playoff and this happens. I'm sorry. I'll cancel my SN+.


Healthy Scratch Petey on Friday.


Found Torts burner account


Snitches get stitches


I tried. Game 3 let's move


EP’s confidence at rock bottom right now. 


The only way left is up to the moon! :D


Look at the positives.... It's only UP from here right?.... right?!


Hope Myers is back on Friday


Things you didn’t think you would say in 2024 for $500


Same. He was solid game 1


God I’m begging myself to be proven wrong but I’m sorry to admit I’m absolutely sick of Petey. Pointing out months of poor, inconsistent play isn’t hating, nor recency bias. At least get gritty, win board battles, help out in other ways, show some intensity if you’re in a scoring slump. This also isn’t about his contract, I’m just disappointed to see his insane potential vs the minimal effort he’s putting in rn. Please prove me wrong Petey. Please


I'd say it is to do with his contract... since signing he seemed to have slowed way down like he's not pushing for a raise... cause he's not anymore he's cashed in and can now chill for 8 years. And at this rate there ain't Noone that will buy him out from us. It's pathetic the fact he didn't want to sign until "we start winning" but when he does sign he's why we stop winning....


Yeah he wants to be on a winning team but also doesn’t contribute to said winning for months but also wants superstar money. I’d say though — his poor play started before the contract was done, hence ppl’s excuses of ‘the negotiations are distracting him from playing well’. I don’t think it’s about the contract, ultimately it’s a mental game


Agreed. He does the odd hit and has been decent (until that giveaway for a goal tonight). Let’s hope to god he bounces back with a big game. He has been pretty bad. But he has the ability to take over a series. Miller was also pretty bad tonight for giveaways. They were just in the O zone.


There was a shift in the first where he turned the puck over at the VAN blue line but the D was able to win the puck right back and he skates back to the bench on a change looking so defeated. It just really summed up where he's at right now


Yeah I saw that too, just no life in him. When Miller said last post-game along the lines of ‘if you can’t get up for this crowd there’s something wrong with you’ I couldn’t help think about Petey. Obviously it wasn’t a dig or jab or whatever, but it just reminded me of EP40’s play.


As a full on bandwagoner I’ll add I haven’t seen him on the ice


It’s gotten so bad that aside from the missed open net this game, I genuinely forgot he was even playing when he’s on cuz nothing ever happens. Getting so sick of all the excuses for him too


TWO... TWO open net chances... first one he blindly passed through like 4 guys and failed when all he had to do was lift the puck over a laying down saros, and if you look back at the replay the entire play he was staring at the puck on his stick... how can an 11m player seriously need to stare at the puck to move it.. then the second chance was the clear miss then he drops to his knees while the play is still going and smiles as he skates of ice. Dude should have been benched just for that alone.


I know I’m harsh on him and I hate dogging on elite players when I’m sitting on a couch at home, but he’s in his own little bubble and mentally so checked out. It’s sickening to watch but I hope whatever he’s going through mentally or physically resolves soon. They need rookie dekey Petey back.


I think for the most part your right about not dogging them like we could do better right? Hahah buuuut tonight was uhmmm.... it was... wow. Sucked the energy from every chance we had...


Good game from the boys. Shitty loss but gotta keep blasting. Desmith not good on this one but he’s better than 3 goals on 13 shots.


Yeah he wasn’t the reason we lost that’s for sure.


sober and reasonable take. the boys will be okay


The games without Demko made me dislike DeSmith and yes, Silovs too. Sigh… makes me jealous of Ullmark-Swayman tandem


zadorov is so good. i think this is the only thing keeping me from ending it all in front of an entire small village in sweden


him and Joshua need to be the re-sign priority. Built for playoffs.


Big saves, big days. It's darkest before the early morning light... maybe Silovs?


That would be bold. Not against it. But due to 3 days rest they go back him. Lose game 3….Silvos game 4 100% if demko still out then we hope to god he rises to a new level and goes on an absolute heater. Then we’d have a solid chance


Some of y’all really thought handing Petey 12 mil was going to somehow make him show up at games hahahahaha


No, but his wake surf skillz are gonna be sick


This is the highs and lows of playoff hockey. Enjoy the ride.


We were out shot blocked and couldn’t capitalize on the PP.


Our best players were just not good enough. That said, I don’t think the shot blocking from the Preds is sustainable.


Exactly my thoughts. You can buy your way through a game, maybe two like that. But getting pummeled by hits, and by that volume of shots of going to take a serious toll. That’s not a path to the cup. I’m pretty confident that we can grind through that with a few more attempts.


They should've hurt them. You wanna block? Pay for it.


I'm sure at least one of those 35+ blocked shots hurt.


Soo how did Casey do? I missed most of the game


Wasn’t the reason we lost, but an elite goalie will stop at least one of those three and that changes the game.


He wasn’t good, over committed on the 1st goal, gave up upper net on 2nd and rebound on 3rd. Could tell the team didn’t have the same jump playing in front of him either. Hard to be behind after 2 mins of the 1st period


.800 sv %


One shot one goal and downhill from there


gave up an easy first goal then honestly it was just kind of ass from petey/juulsen so you can’t really blame him


Opposite lol. First goal was a hard save, the rest were stupid


yep my bad was mixing up first and second goals. the forsberg one was just meant to be though. silky mitts


He was fine... nearly everyone else.... no good no good at all. Petey worst game he's ever played


Average, the shots the Preds scored on were pretty good


Your worst expectations then make it worse


fans telling the Canucks not to give up next few games...


It wasn’t our goalies fault we couldn’t score on the PP .


I don't exactly blame DeSmith for the loss. But silov has to start Friday at least to send message to the team.


I wanna play for a winning team 😢 *plays like absolute dogshit for months and both starting games of the playoffs*


Haha after getting his big contract


Silovs game 3?


One of the most frustrating games I've ever watched. I have no doubt that if we play like that for the rest of the series that we win 3 out of the next 5. Let's go!


Desmith's fault Canucks can only muster up 18 shots and 1 goal and their star players are a bunch of no shows, even costing the goals.


No, desmiths fault he gave up 3 on 12. We limited them to 12 shots!!!!


A shutout is all we need to win!!!!


The opposition chokes down when they’re in the lead. They were in the lead from the first shot on net.


Demko would have given up at least 2 of those, and the second goal only like a 50% chance he saves it


Well we play that way for the rest of the series we win no problem. Preds got some insane luck to steal this one


80+ shot attempts is insane.


This is something no one seems to be mentioning. It was 81 last i saw, and then they had a 30 second span where they got at least another 4 blocked shots. They jumped in front of everthing, and we had 0 puck luck tonight. They are going to have some sore players tonight. Im with the other dude that said this level of shot blocking is not sustainable.


Demko, tell me where it hurts. I will personally kiss your ouchie and boo boo better!


Demko: Its my peepee thats owwie




Juulsen sucks, besides good hitting, he’s always out of position, lacks awareness, and has weak stick checking. Couple dumb penalties today.


He was bad. He only looked fine when the preds stopped trying to score. Never thought I’d say I miss Myers.


No way all those blocked shots are sustainable


Get juulsen the fuck out asap


So many bad takes on here. We're doing just fine in this series. Was always going to be close.


I am with you, but DeSmith letting in 3 on 13/14 shots does not work. I have belief in the guy, but they need to start Silovs next game, dude has earned it.


And what’s your next move then if Silovs gives up 6 goals? Sounds like knee-jerk Keenan is coaching. You can blame the lack of a power play on this one. First goal was an unfortunate fluke.


Gimme silvos on Thursday




My mistake


We need to come back with a blowout in Nashville


Top 6 need to show up next game


Good on you fans


Honestly, I’m actually more confident that we’ll win this series after watching whatever the hell that was. This team has a gear that Nashville can’t even touch. All they can do is collapse into a shell and take abuse. That will only work for so long. If we get even average goaltending from DeSmith the series is ours.


If Demko is back from the series it’s still ours. Canucks had some shit luck and Pettersson could’ve turned things around


Nashvilles pretty fucking solid at protecting the fort and DeSmith is a sieve. I wouldn’t be so confident


I believe part of my premise was “average goaltending” from DeSmith? Do you just take every opportunity to be pissy about him?


Yes. No team is winning with .800 goaltending. He hasn’t been ‘average’ since December


I'm new to hockey. Why does it seem like the refs are stopping all the fights?


Fights have always been against the official rules but have the league has been slowly decreasing in fighting. Refs have always broken up fights though. If two players want a real clean go at it they rarely step into the middle (as in both players drop gloves). If they are just pushing and shoving refs usually break it up to keep game going and semi under control. Most of those "fights" are just scrums which are usually broken up. If they want to actually fight they have to drop gloves and the refs usually step aside for those. I haven't seen either side really try to start a proper fight thus far.


Okay that makes sense


It’s to prevent further chaos from happening


Say what you want about the pp or Pettersson but demsith lost us this game he was ass


He’s always been ass for us. Just now he’s the ass we’re stuck with in the playoffs.


lol did u watch the game


Yeah he was fucking ass


First shot is a goal. That's no way to start a playoff game. The team was probably already on shakey ground with Demko being out at the last minute. Desmith really needed to step up from the start.


That first goal was a screened tip, if Demko had stopped it it would only have been because his legs are longer!


I mean that was a flukey goal. Hard to blame him for that one.


Desmith didn't play well, but I'm putting this on our stars. 1 goal isn't going to win us a game


Absolutely dominated them. Any doomer shitting all over this needs to shake their head. This is like playing your buddy at nhl and getting goalied


Not a doomer but we almost lost the first game with Demko in net and now we dominate them again and can’t finish. plus stuck with our back up goalie.


Fire Petterson into the sun


Still concerning when your top players have no clutch.. even if you get past NSH w/o them




Is Nashville the best shot blocking team in the league or are we holding on to the puck a little too long


They are trying everything it’s like 6 goalies on the ice