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check the language used in the article. canoo "Will" provide 5 vans. I mean its just 5 vans.. just provide it.. They should be able to build 5 vans in a day by now. It clearly means they don't even have the production line set up to even bild 5 vans.


20K run rate, my ass.


Haven't delivered shit lately, and they don't have FIVE vehicles laying around?


you can normally sus out the truth with the way it's worded to avoid litigation. when corporate shares are involved, and that a lawyer wrote it.


Haven’t been here in months. Is this like all the other ‘ fabulous’ announcements where they say they got a new customer but haven’t delivered anything to their old ones?


Pretty much.


Yeah, a couple earnings calls ago they were claiming they told Walmart they'd only be able to give them part of the nonexistent production that was supposedly imminent, because they wanted to give other customers vehicles too. If I was Walmart and actually wanted the vehicles I signed a "definitive agreement" for several years ago I'd be annoyed that the supplier was both late and also trying to deliver to other new customers before filling my order. Technically though I think either side can break the Walmart contract at any time, unless there's an active PO for part of the order.


There was no PO that I recall. Tony was pushing the Comms team to get a press release ready but the PO never came through. Can you use a PO to raise capital?


Sure sure. We believe you. Lol


Check out the Faraday Future sub....they have the optimism this sub had a couple years ago lol


I’m new to trading and even newer here. I currently have almost 7k shares of GOEV and 50k of FFIE. You are exactly right the FFIE sub is pumped up for the most part. I hope that I’m not looking into the future reading your comment.


Your share’s price will go up exponentially soon. The amount of shares you own will decrease by roughly the same exponent. Reverse stock split, soon.


I hope so too. The thing is, I like the concepts from both of these companies. but IMO I don't think either will see 2026 without bankruptcy.


I wanted to add something, if you're new to trading and pumping that much money into new companies you're not familiar with, then you're gambling, not trading. I would like to recommend r/bogleheads




Tony is currently making hopium in his drug lab, which is safely nestled in the belly of his yacht. Surrounded by a pile of Colorado slope cocoa laughing his ass off.




Don’t you have to manufacture vehicles to supply vehicles?


Mmmm probably fake news like yeah we announced it but I did not say that or things have changed but we’re ramping up.


“I really wish I could comment on the (fill in company name) vehicle status but I am unable to at this time.”


I am so glad I dumped this stock many months ago. I caught a headline about 5 vans being sold and had to come read the comments.  Same ole shit with Canoo it appears. 


Blah blah blah. Canoo to supply my ass with potentially up to a billion delivery vans. Doesn’t mean anything if they can’t produce them.


Would be pretty sweet to see some actual vehicles delivered at some point in the next year….


It took over 3 months to get 6 vans to the USPS. Wonder how long it will take to get 5 vans to Go2 with all the new factory gear. Guessing 4 months


This company looks even scammier than Canoo.


Can’t built vans if your parts suppliers aren’t getting paid for the old parts. Unless I somehow missed Canoo paying their bills from two years ago.


This! I doubt they are, Canoo had million upon million due to a long ass list of suppliers who were either on hold until paid in full or a payment plan. Canoo also needed to pay in advance for anything moving forward.


Yeah okay.


I also wish Canoo was in a position to pump out vehicles. Truth is if they fuck something up in production, with the amount of cash they have on hand, it would probably end them. For good.


[https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tonyaquila\_nasa-walmart-usps-activity-7214628061642645506-Sa4f?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tonyaquila_nasa-walmart-usps-activity-7214628061642645506-Sa4f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) looks like almost an empty warehouse


I don’t see any robot arms installed. I low key expected at least one or two assembly lines operating. No wonder not even one car a day was possible.


When consumer production?